Notes in Blood Pressure

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Published 11/01/2023 What does blood pressure measure?
Published 11/01/2023 The numerator in BP represents {{c1::systolic}} and the denominator represents {{c1::diastolic}}
Published 11/01/2023 The generally accepted range for BP is {{c1::110/60 to 140/90}}
Published 11/01/2023 Blood pressure readings should be interpreted using a patients {{c1::baseline blood pressure}}
Published 11/01/2023 Rises in BP between {{c1::20-30mmHg}} above or below baseline is considered significant 
Published 11/01/2023 Hypertension refers to a reading of {{c1::140/90}} or higher 
Published 11/01/2023 Hypotension refers to a reading of {{c1::95/60}} or lower
Published 11/01/2023 Pulse pressure?
Published 11/01/2023 A normal pulse pressure is between {{c1::30-50mmHg}}
Published 11/01/2023 What are 7 factors affecting blood pressure?
Published 11/01/2023 The instrument used for measuring blood pressure is a {{c1::sphygmomanometer}}
Published 11/01/2023 The two types of sphygmomanometers are 
Published 11/01/2023 The {{c1::diameter of the limb}} determines cuff size. 
Published 11/01/2023 The width of the cuff should be {{c1::20% larger}} than the diameter of the limb
Published 11/01/2023 If the cuff is too small the reading may be falsely {{c1::high}} and if the cuff is too large it may be falsely {{c1::low}}
Published 11/01/2023 The {{c1::Korotkoff}} sounds are used to determine systolic and diastolic pressure
Published 11/01/2023 There are {{c1::5}} phases of sounds heard when measuring a BP
Published 11/01/2023 Phase I
Published 11/01/2023 Phase II
Published 11/01/2023 Phase 3
Published 11/01/2023 Phase IV
Published 11/01/2023 Phase V
Published 11/01/2023 What are the 8 risk factos for hypertension?
Published 11/01/2023 What can occur if hypertension is not controlled?
Published 11/01/2023 How is hypertension managed?
Published 11/01/2023 Why is diastolic pressure lower than systolic pressure?
Published 11/01/2023 How does age affect blood pressure?
Published 11/01/2023 How does time of day affect blood pressure?
Published 11/01/2023 To ensure an accurate BP dreading the needle on the aneroid sphygmomanometer must be at {{c1::0}} when fully deflated
Published 11/01/2023 To ensure proper calibration aneroid sphymomanometers must be recalibrated how often?
Published 11/01/2023 58b1560be610409cb6a32b3c9fd6ecbd-ao-1
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Published 11/01/2023 58b1560be610409cb6a32b3c9fd6ecbd-ao-5
Published 11/01/2023 58b1560be610409cb6a32b3c9fd6ecbd-ao-6
Published 11/01/2023 When you pump up the cuff you pump it {{c1::20-30mmHG above}} the {{c2::palpated systolic pressure}}
Published 11/01/2023 Pressure is released at {{c1::2-3mmHg per second}} when measuring BP
Published 11/01/2023 When measuring BP arm must be {{c1::bare}} and positioned {{c1::below the heart level}}
Published 11/01/2023 Why must the arm be positioned below the heart?
Published 11/01/2023 When taking BP always document (4)
Published 11/01/2023 Position the sphygmomanometer for direct viewing at {{c1::eye}} level - at adistance of no longer than {{c1::3 feet.}}
Published 11/01/2023 Blood Pressure is  Generated by {{c1::Ventricular Contraction}}
Published 11/01/2023 Place cuff on the arm so that the lower edge of the cuff is {{c1::1 – 2 inches above}} the bend in the elbow
Published 11/01/2023 The rubber bladder should be placed over the {{c1::brachial artery}}.
Published 11/01/2023 The sphygmomanometer dial increases in increments of {{c1::“2”}}
Published 11/01/2023 Blood vessels are made up of: (4)
Published 11/01/2023 Control of blood pressure is called the {{c1::baroreceptor reflex}}
Published 11/01/2023 Optimal BP is {{c1::<120}} systolic and {{c1::<80}} diastolic
Published 11/01/2023 Prehypertension is {{c1::120-139}} systolic or {{c1::80-89}} diastolic 
Published 11/01/2023 Stage 1 hypertension {{c1::140-159}} systolic or {{c1::90-99}} diastolic
Published 11/01/2023 Stage 2 Hypertension is {{c1::>160}} systolic or {{c1:: >100}} diastolic 
Published 11/01/2023 The cause of high blood pressure is usually {{c1::unknown}}
Published 11/01/2023 Causes of High Blood Pressure CAN include (5)
Published 11/01/2023 Why is HBP called the silent killer?
Published 11/01/2023 Weight loss decreases SBP {{c1::1.6 mmHg}} for each kg lost
Published 11/01/2023 Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension: DASH diet: (decreases systolic BP {{c1::8-14 mmHg}})
Published 11/01/2023 Reducing salt in the diet decreases Systolic BP {{c1::2-8 mmHg}}
Published 11/01/2023 Reducing BP Reduces the chance of:Stroke: {{c1::35-40}} %Heart Attack: {{c1::20-25}} %Heart Failure: {{c1::50}} %
Published 11/01/2023 Korotkoff sounds are created by:
Published 11/01/2023 Blood flow is silent when the artery is:
Published 11/01/2023 SYSTOLIC PRESSURE
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