Notes in Roman_History

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Published 01/20/2025 Who established the Praetorian Guard?
Published 01/20/2025 From what tribe was Arminius?
Published 01/20/2025 Augustus' daughter with {{c3::Scribonia}}, {{c2::Julia}}, was exiled to {{c1::Pandateria}}
Published 01/20/2025 Tiberius was jealous of {{c1::Germanicus}}, who was allegedly poisoned by {{c2::Calpurnius Piso}}
Published 01/20/2025 When Sejanus tried to marry {{c1::Livilla}}, and then afterward tried to kill or exile the family of {{c2::Agrippina the Elder}} (the mother of {{c3::…
Published 01/20/2025 During the reign of Tiberius, the Numidian chieftain {{c1::Tacfarinas}} revolted and was defeated by {{c2::Cornelius Dolabella}}.
Published 01/20/2025 What two Gallic noblemen revolted during the reign of Tiberius?
Published 01/20/2025 Who was the father of Caligula?
Published 01/20/2025 Which emperor became a meglomaniac after a serious illness?
Published 01/20/2025 Caligula forced {{c1::Macro and Tiberius Gemellus}}, the other likely heir to the throne, to commit suicide.
Published 01/20/2025 Caligula insulted {{c1::Calpurnius Piso}} by openly sleeping with his wife
Published 01/20/2025 Caligula was killed by {{c1::Cassius Chaerea}}
Published 01/20/2025 Born at {{c1::Lugdunum}}, Cladius was the brother of Germanicus and had a {{c2::limp and a tic}} and {{c2::pretended to be stupid}}
Published 01/20/2025 Claudius wrote histories of the {{c1::Carthaginians and Etruscans}} and revived Augustus' policy of creating colonies in the provinces
Published 01/20/2025 Claudius relied on his three freedmen: {{c1::Narcissus}} the {{c2::Secretary}}, {{c1::Callistus}} the {{c2::guy in charge of trials}}, and {{c1::Palla…
Published 01/20/2025 The emperor {{c1::Claudius}} completed a new harbor near Ostia which included a lighthouse
Published 01/20/2025 During Claudius' reign, the Dalmatian governor {{c1::Furius Camillus Scribonianus}}, aided by Annius Vinicianus, rebelled.
Published 01/20/2025 During Claudius' reign, the general {{c2::Suetonius Paulinus}} put down the rebellion of the {{c1::Mauretanians}}.
Published 01/20/2025 Under Claudius, the general {{c1::Aulus Plautius}} led the Roman forces into Britain.
Published 01/20/2025 {{c1::Claudius}} celebrated Rome's 800th birthday in 47 A.D., {{c2::Antoninus Pius}} celebrated Rome's 900th birthday, and {{c3::Philip the Arab}} cel…
Published 01/20/2025 Claudius married {{c1::Messalina}} who bore him {{c2::Britannicus}}, and he later married Agrippina the Younger.
Published 01/20/2025 Nero's real name is {{c1::Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus}}
Published 01/20/2025 During the quinquennium Neronis, Nero was guided by the Stoic {{c2::Seneca the Younger}} and the Praetorian Prefect {{c1::Afranius Burrus}}
Published 01/20/2025 Nero killed Claudius' freedmen {{c1::Pallas}} (his mother's biggest ally) and {{c1::Callistus}}. {{c1::Narcissus}} was the only one he didn't kill.
Published 01/20/2025 Suetonius Paulinus, sent by Nero, successfully conquered {{c1::Mona}} (the center of Druidism) and was then recalled by Nero to put down the revolt of…
Published 01/20/2025 Nero murdered his first wife {{c1::Octavia}} to marry {{c2::Poppaea Sabina}} and forced her husband {{c3::Otho}} to {{c3::become governor of Lusitania…
Published 01/20/2025 Nero's praetorian prefect Afranius Burrus was replaced by the "darker-minded" {{c1::Tigellinus}} and eventually {{c2::Nymphidius Sabinus.}}
Published 01/20/2025 Even after Jerusalem was taken, Masada fought on until {{c1::Flavius Silva}} took it in 73 A.D.
Published 01/20/2025 During Nero's reign, {{c1::Tigranes V}} of Armenia attacked Media. {{c3::Corbulo}}, the Roman governor of Syria, stopped {{c1::Tigranes V}} and replac…
Published 01/20/2025 {{c1::Julius Vindex}}, governor of Gaul, rebelled against Nero in 68 A.D. and was defeated by {{c2::Verginius Rufus}} at {{c2::Vesontio}}.
Published 01/20/2025 Galba was the governor of {{c1::Hispania Tarraconensis}} and was told that he had been proclaimed emperor by his freedman {{c2::Icelus}}.
Published 01/20/2025 {{c1::Otho}}, who called himself Nero, was defeated at the {{c2::First Battle of Cremona}} by Vitellius' forces, which were commanded by Valens and Ca…
Published 01/20/2025 {{c1::Lausus}} was the brother of Rhea Silvia
Published 01/20/2025 The Palatine Hill was the site of the Forum {{c1::Boarium}}
Published 01/20/2025 The shepherd {{c1::Faustulus}} and his wife {{c1::Acca Laurentia}} raised Romulus and Remus.
Published 01/20/2025 Romulus' wife was named {{c1::Hersilia}}
Published 01/20/2025 Romulus created three centuries of knights, the {{c1::Ramnes, Tities, and Luceres.}}
Published 01/20/2025 Romulus' 300-cavarly bodyguard was called the {{c1::Celeres}}
Published 01/20/2025 The Rape of the Sabines took place during the {{c1::Consualia}}, a festival to honor {{c1::Consus/Neptune}}.
Published 01/20/2025 During the Rape of the Sabines, a man named {{c1::Thalasius}} seized the most beautiful girl
Published 01/20/2025 {{c1::Romulus}} earned the first spolia opima by defeating {{c1::King Acron of Caenina}} in single combat
Published 01/20/2025 What treacherous Roman maiden betrayed the Capitoline Hill for "the things that the Sabines wore on their left arms?"
Published 01/20/2025 Romulus was allegedly taken up to heaven in a storm, after which he was deified as the god {{c1::Quirinus}}.
Published 01/20/2025 Originally hailing from Cures...
Published 01/20/2025 Numa Pompilius imported the {{c1::Vestal Virgins}} from Alba Longa, introduced the {{c1::Salii}}, and instituted the office of {{c1::Pontifex Maximus}…
Published 01/20/2025 Numa Pompilius consorted with a nymph named {{c1::Egeria}}
Published 01/20/2025 The only Roman king to die of old age was {{c1::Numa Pompilius}}
Published 01/20/2025 {{c1::Numa Pompilius}} fixed the Roman calendar by dividing it into 12 lunar months
Published 01/20/2025 The war with Alba Longa took place during the reign of {{c1::Tullus Hostilius}}
Published 01/20/2025 {{c1::Publius Horatius}} killed his sister Horatia who was engaged to marry one of the Curiatii
Published 01/20/2025 What treacherous king of Alba Longa reneged on his word to help the Romans fight Fidenae and Veii?
Published 01/20/2025 How did Metius Fufetius die?
Published 01/20/2025 How did Tullus Hostilius die?
Published 01/20/2025 {{c2::Ancus Marcius}} established the {{c1::Fetiales}}, who were the priests responsible for declaring war.
Published 01/20/2025 Numa's building projects included: settling the {{c1::Aventine}} and {{c1::Janiculum}} hills, building a saltwater port at {{c1::Ostia}}, constructing…
Published 01/20/2025 Originally named Lucumo...
Published 01/20/2025 Who was the father of Tarquinius Priscus?
Published 01/20/2025 What prophetess wife of Tarquinius Priscus interpreted the omen that he would become king?
Published 01/20/2025 The augur {{c1::Attius Navius}} dissuaded Tarquinius Priscus from adding mounted troops to the army
Published 01/20/2025 Attius Navius proved the power of the augurs by {{c1::cutting a whetstone (a huge stone) in half with a razor}}
Published 01/20/2025 Servius Tullius is often associated with the Etruscan hero {{c1::Mastarna}}, although he is more likely the son of a slave woman named {{c1::Ocrisia}}…
Published 01/20/2025 What was the sign that Servius Tullius would become king?
Published 01/20/2025 {{c1::Servius Tullius}} was murdered by his daughter Tullia, who threw his body out of the Curia (Senate House) and ran it over with a chariot on the …
Published 01/20/2025 The Sibylline Books were brought to Rome during the reign of {{c1::Tarquinius Superbus}}
Published 01/20/2025 Tarquinius Superbus' building projects included the Temple of {{c1::Jupiter Capitolinius}}, the {{c1::Cloaca Maxima}} {{c1::Rome's sewer::hint}}, and …
Published 01/20/2025 Tarquinuius Superbus executed {{c1::Turnus Herodinus of Aricia}} at a meeting at the {{c1::Grove of Ferentia}} after he warned the Latins against trus…
Published 01/20/2025 Tarquinius Superbus sent his son Sextus to the city of {{c1::Gabii}} to befriend and then betray it.
Published 01/20/2025 What event caused Rome to overthrow the monarchy?
Published 01/20/2025 Who correctly interpreted the oracle about being the first to "kiss his mother?"
Published 01/20/2025 {{c2::Vitellius}} was defeated by Vespasian's Danubian forces led by {{c1::Antonius Primus}} at the 2nd Battle of Cremona
Published 01/20/2025 {{c1::Lucius Junius Brutus}} and {{c1::Tarquinius Collatinus}} were the first two consuls of the Republic
Published 01/20/2025 Collatinus stepped down as a consul and was replaced by {{c1::Poplicola}}
Published 01/20/2025 {{c1::Lars Porsenna}}, king of {{c2::Clusium}}, tried to help Tarquinius Superbus regain his throne.
Published 01/20/2025 {{c1::Horatius Cocles}} single-handedly held back the Etruscans at the Pons Sublicius
Published 01/20/2025 {{c1::Cloelia}} was the brave Roman maiden who escaped from Lars Porsenna's camp and swam across the Tiber
Published 01/20/2025 {{c1::Coriolanus}} defeated the Volscians but changed sides when he was exiled from Rome.
Published 01/20/2025 Coriolanus was dissuaded from capturing Rome by his mother {{c1::Veturia}} and his wife {{c1::Volumnia}}
Published 01/20/2025 {{c1::Cincinnatus}} famously put down his plow to rescue a Roman and relinquished the dictatorship after 16 days
Published 01/20/2025 {{c1::Lucius Minucius}} was trapped by the {{c1::Aequi}} tribe at Mt. {{c1::Algidus}}, causing Rome to make Cincinnatus dictator.
Published 01/20/2025 The {{c1::Twelve Tables}} were a codification of Roman law made by 2 panels of ten men in 449 B.C.
Published 01/20/2025 {{c1::Brennus}}, the Senonian chieftain, defeated the Romans at {{c1::Allia River}} in 390 B.C.
Published 01/20/2025 Brennus famously said "{{c1::Vae victis}}," meaning {{c1::woe to the conquered}}, when the Romans complained of the unfair scales he used.
Published 01/20/2025 {{c1::Marcus Manlius Capitolinus}} defended the Capitoline hill from the Gauls after being awoken by the {{c2::honking of the sacred geese of Juno}}
Published 01/20/2025 Who captured Veii after a ten-year siege and also rid Rome of Brennus and his Gauls?
Published 01/20/2025 At the {{c1::Battle of Caudine Forks}} in 321 B.C., the Samnites trapped the Romans under a low mountain pass and forced them to "pass under the yoke.…
Published 01/20/2025 The censor {{c1::Appius Claudius Caecus}} built the Via Appia and the Aqua Appia
Published 01/20/2025 {{c1::Decius Mus}} committed "devotio" at the battle of {{c1::Sentinum}} in 295 B.C., inspiring his troops to beat the Samnites.
Published 01/20/2025 {{c1::Pyrrhus}}, the king of Epirus, was the first to use war elephants against the Romans.
Published 01/20/2025 What city in Magna Graecia hired Pyrrhus to help them fight the Romans?
Published 01/20/2025 {{c1::Heraclea}} was NOT a Pyrrhic victory, {{c1::Asculum}} WAS a Pyrrhic victory, and the Roman commander Curius Dentatus finally defeated Pyrrhus at…
Published 01/20/2025 Pyrrhus' ambassador {{c1::Cineas}} tried to persaude the Senate to ratify bad terms of peace during the Pyrrhic wars, but the old and blind {{c2::Appi…
Published 01/20/2025 {{c1::Paullus}} (who was killed in the battle) and {{c1::Varro}} were the Roman consuls at Cannae
Published 01/20/2025 Hasdrubal was defeated at the {{c1::Battle of Metaurus River (207 B.C.),}} after which his head was thrown into the Carthaginian camp
Published 01/20/2025 The {{c1::Lex Licinia Sextia}} of 367 B.C. allowed one of two consuls to be plebian (and prohibited citizens from owning >500 iugera of l…
Published 01/20/2025 Corvus defeated a giant Gaul at the {{c1::Battle of Mount Garus}}
Published 01/20/2025 The {{c1::Lex Genucia}}, prohibiting loans and interest, ended the Fourth Plebeian Secession.
Published 01/20/2025 Vesuvius and Antium both took place during the {{c1::Great Latin War}}
Published 01/20/2025 {{c1::Publius Decius Mus}} and {{c1::Manlius Torquatus}} were the Roman commanders at Vesuvius
Published 01/20/2025 {{c1::Gavius Pontius}} was the Samnite commander at the Battle of Caudine Forks
Published 01/20/2025 {{c1::Veturius Calvinus}} and {{c1::Postumius Albinus}} were the Roman commanders at the Caudine Forks.
Published 01/20/2025 The Appian Way was built during the {{c1::Second Samnite}} War
Published 01/20/2025 The Second Samnite War was ended with the Battle of {{c1::Bovianum}} of 305 B.C.
Published 01/20/2025 {{c1::Q. Fabius Maximus Rullianus}} was defeated by the Samnites at the Battle of {{c2::Lautulae}}
Published 01/20/2025 {{c1::Papirius Cursor}} and {{c2::Fabius Rulianus}} defeated the Etruscan league at the First Battle of {{c3::Lake Vadimo}} in 310 B.C. during the Sec…
Published 01/20/2025 The Second Samnite War started because the Samnites seized {{c1::Neapolis}}
Published 01/20/2025 The First Samnite War started because the Samnites attacked the {{c1::Sidicines}} who lived near Capua
Published 01/20/2025 The Third Samnite War started because the Samnites attacked the {{c1::Lucanians}}
Published 01/20/2025 During the Third Samnite War, {{c1::Scipio Barbatus}} had initial success against the Samnites, driving them out of Lucania
Published 01/20/2025 During the 3rd Samnite War, Decius Mus and {{c1::Fabius Rullianus}} defeated Samnites led by {{c2::Gellius Egnatius}} at the Battle of {{c3::Sentinum}…
Published 01/20/2025 During the 3rd Samnite War, {{c1::Papirius Cursor}} defeated the Linen Legion at the Battle of {{c2::Aquilonia}}
Published 01/20/2025 The {{c1::Lex Hortensia}}, which made resolutions passed by plebs binding on all citizens, ended the Fifth Plebeian Secession
Published 01/20/2025 Tarentum killed the Roman commander {{c1::Dollabella}}, who had previously fought at the Second Battle of Lake Vadimo
Published 01/20/2025 The Roman commander at Asculum was {{c1::Publius Decius Mus}}
Published 01/20/2025 The Carthaginian {{c1::Hanno the Great}} opposed sending reinforcements to Hannibal
Published 01/20/2025 What general of Hannibal told him that he knew how to win but didn't know how to use a victory?
Published 01/20/2025 Whom did Scipio defeat at the battle of Utica?
Published 01/20/2025 The 2nd Secession of the Plebs was ended by the {{c1::Valerio-Horatian}} Laws of 449 B.C.
Published 01/20/2025 The Lex {{c1::Canuleia}} of 445 B.C. allowed the intermarriage of plebs and patricians, ending the 3rd secession of the plebs
Published 01/20/2025 Aulus Cornelius Cossus conquered {{c1::Fidenae}} in 426 B.C., slaying {{c2::Tolumnius of the Veii}} and thus earning the second spolia opima.
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