Notes in Consolidatie van renale fysiologie

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Published 01/04/2025 Welk van de volgende oplossingen zal , wanneer toegediend via IV infuus, resulteren in ⬆ extracellulair vloeistof volume, ⬇️ intracellulair vloeistof v…
Published 01/04/2025  Partial obstruction of a major vein draining a tissue would tend to __________ lymph flow rate, __________ interstitial fluid hydrostatic press…
Published 01/04/2025 A 36-year-old woman reports headaches and frequent urination. Laboratory values reveal the following in formation.  Urine specific gravity = 1.0…
Published 01/04/2025 After receiving a kidney transplant, a patient has severe hypertension (170/110 mm Hg). A renal arteriogram indicates severe renal artery stenosis …
Published 01/04/2025
Published 01/04/2025
Published 01/04/2025
Published 01/04/2025 Which of the following tends to decrease potassium secretion by the cortical collecting tubule?
Published 01/04/2025 Because the usual rate of phosphate filtration exceeds the transport maximum for phosphate reabsorption, which statement is true?
Published 01/04/2025
Published 01/04/2025 What is the net urea reabsorption rate?
Published 01/04/2025 If a patient has a creatinine clearance of 90 ml/min, a urine flow rate of 1 ml/min, a plasma K+ concen tration of 4 mEq/L, and a urine K+ concentrat…
Published 01/04/2025 Given the following measurements, calculate the fil tration fraction: Glomerular capillary hydrostatic pressure (PG) = 70 mm Hg Bowman’s space hyd…
Published 01/04/2025 . In normal kidneys, which of the following is true of the osmolarity of renal tubular fluid that flows through the early distal tubule in the regi…
Published 01/04/2025 Which of the following changes would be expected in a patient with diabetes insipidus due to a lack of ADH secretion
Published 01/04/2025 A 26-year-old woman recently decided to adopt a healthier diet and eat more fruits and vegetables. As a result, her potassium intake increased from …
Published 01/04/2025 When the dietary intake of K+ increases, body K+ balance is maintained by an increase in K+ excretion primarily by which of the following?
Published 01/04/2025 Which of the following would cause the greatest decrease in GFR in a person with otherwise normal kidneys?
Published 01/04/2025 An 8-year-old boy is brought to your o ce with extreme swelling of the abdomen. His parents indicate that he had a very sore throat a “month or so” …
Published 01/04/2025 . A patient with severe hypertension (blood pressure 185/110 mm Hg) is referred to you. A renal magnetic resonance imaging scan shows a tumor in th…
Published 01/04/2025 . The clinical laboratory returned the following values for arterial blood taken from a patient: plasma pH = 7.28, plasma HCO3 = 32 mEq/L, and plasm…
Published 01/04/2025 What is his approximate GFR, assuming that he collected all of his urine in the 24-hour period?
Published 01/04/2025 Which of the following options best describes his acid-base disorder?
Published 01/04/2025 In this patient, which of the following laboratory results would be expected, compared with normal?
Published 01/04/2025 What would cause the greatest degree of hyperkalemia?
Published 01/04/2025 . Which of the following changes would be expected in a patient with Liddle’s syndrome (i.e., excessive activity of amiloride-sensitive sodium chan…
Published 01/04/2025 A patient is referred for treatment of hypertension. After testing, you discover that he has a very high level of plasma aldosterone, and your diagn…
Published 01/04/2025 A patient with renal disease had a plasma creatinine of 2 mg/dl during an examination 6 months ago. You note that his blood pressure has increased a…
Published 01/04/2025 Which change tends to increase GFR?
Published 01/04/2025 . Which of the following changes, compared with nor mal, would you expect to find 3 weeks after a patient ingested a toxin that caused sustained imp…
Published 01/04/2025 e maximum clearance rate possible for a substance that is totally cleared from the plasma is equal to which of the following?
Published 01/04/2025 A patient has the following laboratory values: arterial pH = 7.13, plasma HCO3 = 15 mEq/L, plasma chloride concentration = 118 mEq/L, arterial P CO2 …
Published 01/04/2025 e GFR of a 26-year-old man with glomerulonephri tis decreases by 50% and remains at that level. For which substance would you expect to find the grea…
Published 01/04/2025 Which changes would you expect to find after admin istering a vasodilator drug that caused a 50% decrease in afferent arteriolar resistance and no ch…
Published 01/04/2025 If the average hydrostatic pressure in the glomerular cap illaries is 50 mm Hg, the hydrostatic pressure in the Bow man’s space is 12 mm Hg, the avera…
Published 01/04/2025
Published 01/04/2025
Published 01/04/2025
Published 01/04/2025 If distal tubule fluid creatinine concentration is 5 mg/100 ml and plasma creatinine concentration is 1.0 mg/100 ml, what is the approximate percen…
Published 01/04/2025 . Which change tends to increase peritubular capillary fluid reabsorption
Published 01/04/2025
Published 01/04/2025 An adrenal tumor that causes excess aldosterone secre tion would tend to __________ plasma K+ concentration, __________ plasma pH, __________ renin s…
Published 01/04/2025 Which of the following tends to increase potassium secretion by the cortical collecting tubule?
Published 01/04/2025
Published 01/04/2025 A 62-year-old woman has previously had a unila teral nephrectomy after diagnosis of renal carcinoma. Her GFR (estimated from creatinine clearance) i…
Published 01/04/2025
Published 01/04/2025 A 48-year-old woman reports severe polyuria (produc ing about 0.5 liter of urine each hour) and polydipsia (drinking two to three glasses of water ev…
Published 01/04/2025 . Which substance is filtered most readily by the glomerular capillaries?
Published 01/04/2025 A 22-year-old woman runs a 10-kilometer race on a hot day and becomes dehydrated. Assuming that her ADH levels are very high and that her kidneys ar…
Published 01/04/2025 Furosemide (Lasix) is a diuretic that also produces natriuresis. Which of the following is an undesirable side e ect of furosemide due to its site o…
Published 01/04/2025 A female patient has unexplained severe hypernatre mia (plasma Na+ = 167 mmol/L) and reports frequent urination and large urine volumes. A urine spec…
Published 01/04/2025 Which change would you expect to find in a dehydrat ed person deprived of water for 24 hours?
Published 01/04/2025 Juvenile (type 1) diabetes mellitus is often diagnosed because of polyuria (high urine flow) and polydipsia (frequent drinking) that occur because o…
Published 01/04/2025 Which of the following would cause the most serious hypokalemia?
Published 01/04/2025 A 26-year-old woman reports that she has had a se vere migraine and has taken six times more than the recommended dose of aspirin for the past 3 days…
Published 01/04/2025 Under conditions of normal renal function, what is true of the concentration of urea in tubular fluid at the end of the proximal tubule?
Published 01/04/2025
Published 01/04/2025 Which change, compared with normal, would be expected to occur, under steady-state conditions, in a patient whose severe renal disease has re duced …
Published 01/04/2025 Which of the following would likely lead to hypona tremia?
Published 01/04/2025 Assuming steady-state conditions and that water and electrolyte intake remained constant, a 75% loss of nephrons and a 75% decrease in GFR due to ch…
Published 01/04/2025 Which statement is correct?
Published 01/04/2025
Published 01/04/2025
Published 01/04/2025
Published 01/04/2025 Which substances are best suited to measure intersti tial fluid volume?
Published 01/04/2025 Long-term administration of furosemide (Lasix) would do what?
Published 01/04/2025 A patient with normal lungs who has uncontrolled type 1 diabetes and a plasma glucose concentration of 400 mg/100 ml (normal 100 mg/100 ml) would be…
Published 01/04/2025 Which of the following would be expected to cause a decrease in extracellular fluid potassium concentra tion (hypokalemia) at least in part by stimul…
Published 01/04/2025 If a person has a kidney transport maximum for glu cose of 350 mg/min, a GFR of 100 ml/min, a plasma glucose level of 150 mg/dl, a urine flow rate of…
Published 01/04/2025 Which diuretic inhibits Na+-2Cl-K+ co-transport in the loop of Henle as its primary action?
Published 01/04/2025 A selective decrease in efferent arteriolar resistance would __________ glomerular hydrostatic pressure, __________ GFR, and __________ renal blood …
Published 01/04/2025  The above figure shows the concentration of inulin at different points along the renal tubule, expressed as the tubular fluid/plasma ratio of …
Published 01/04/2025 . A patient with renal tubular acidosis would be expect ed to have which set of blood values
Published 01/04/2025 A patient reports that he is always thirsty, and his breath has an acetone smell. You suspect that he has diabetes mellitus, and that diagnosis is c…
Published 01/04/2025 e principal cells in the cortical collecting tubules
Published 01/04/2025 A patient has a GFR of 100 ml/min, her urine flow rate is 2.0 ml/min, and her plasma glucose concentration is 200 mg/100 ml. If the kidney transport…
Published 01/04/2025 Which changes would you expect to find in a newly diagnosed 10-year-old patient with type 1 diabetes and uncontrolled hyperglycemia (plasma glucose …
Published 01/04/2025 What is this patient’s approximate GFR, assum ing that she collected all her urine in the 24-hour period?
Published 01/04/2025 What is the net renal tubular reabsorption rate of potassium in this patient?
Published 01/04/2025
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