Notes in Hemostasis

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Published 09/29/2023 Primary hemostasis is mediated by interactions between {{c1::platelets}} and the {{c2::vessel wall}}
Published 09/29/2023 Secondary hemostasis is mediated by the {{c1::coagulation cascade}}
Published 09/29/2023 The first step of primary hemostasis is {{c1::transient vasoconstriction}} of the damaged vessel; which is mediated by {{c2::reflex neural}} stimulati…
Published 09/29/2023 Aggregation is a balance between pro and anti-aggregation factors:Pro-aggregation - {{c2::TXA2}} - released by plateletsAnti-aggregation - {{c1::PGI2}…
Published 09/29/2023 Following transient vasoconstriction (primary hemostasis), there is platelet {{c1::adhesion}} to the surface of the disrupted vessel
Published 09/29/2023 When a blood vessel is injured, {{c1::von Willebrand factor (vWF)}} binds exposed {{c2::subendothelial collagen}}
Published 09/29/2023 In order to adhere to the damaged endothelium, platelets bind {{c1::vWF}} using the {{c2::GPIb}} receptor
Published 09/29/2023 One source of von Willebrand factor (vWF) is from the {{c1::Weibel-Palade bodies}} of {{c2::endothelial cells}}
Published 09/29/2023 One source of von Willebrand factor (vWF) is from the {{c1::α}} granules of {{c2::platelets}}
Published 09/29/2023 Following platelet adhesion (primary hemostasis), there is platelet {{c1::degranulation::not aggregation}}
Published 09/29/2023 Binding of ADP to the P2Y12 receptor in primary hemostasis causes {{c1::shape}} change by upregulating intracellular {{c2::Ca2+}}, promoting effective…
Published 09/29/2023 Binding of ADP to the P2Y12 receptor promotes optimal exposure of the {{c1::GPIIb/IIIa}} receptor on platelets
Published 09/29/2023 Binding of ADP to the P2Y12 receptor leads to {{c2::decreased}} {{c1::cAMP}} formation which favors platelet activation
Published 09/29/2023 What ion is released from dense granules of platelets during degranulation? {{c1::Ca2+}}
Published 09/29/2023 Thromboxane A2 (TXA2) is synthesized by the platelet enzyme {{c1::cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1)::specific}}
Published 09/29/2023 Thromboxane A2 promotes platelet {{c1::aggregation}}
Published 09/29/2023 Following upregulation of GpIIb/IIIa, platelets aggregate at the site of injury via crosslinking of GpIIb/IIIa receptors with {{c1::fibrinogen}} to ma…
Published 09/29/2023 The coagulation cascade generates {{c1::thrombin (factor IIa)}}, which converts fibrinogen in the platelet plug to {{c2::fibrin (factor Ia)}} *BnB exp…
Published 09/29/2023 After fibrin is formed from fibrinogen, it is {{c1::cross-linked}} by factor {{c2::XIII}} yielding a stable platelet-fibrin thrombus
Published 09/29/2023 Factors of the coagulation cascade are produced by the {{c1::liver}} in an inactive state
Published 09/29/2023 Activation of the coagulation cascade requires {{c1::Ca2+}} ions derived from platelet {{c2::dense}} granules
Published 09/29/2023 Which coagulation factor(s) are part of the extrinsic coagulation cascade? {{c1::Factor VII and III}}
Published 09/29/2023 Which coagulation factor(s) are part of the intrinsic coagulation cascade? {{c1::Factor 8, 9, 11, 12}}
Published 09/29/2023 Which coagulation factor(s) are part of the common coagulation cascade? {{c1::Factor 10, 5, 2 (thrombin), 1 (fibrinogen)}}
Published 09/29/2023 Factor XI of the coagulation cascade is activated by factor {{c1::XIIa}}
Published 09/29/2023 Factor IX of the coagulation cascade is activated by factor {{c1::XIa}}
Published 09/29/2023 Factor X of the coagulation cascade may be activated by factor {{c1::VIIa}} (extrinsic pathway)
Published 09/29/2023 Factor V of the coagulation cascade is activated by factor {{c1::IIa}}
Published 09/29/2023 Factor II (prothrombin) is activated to thrombin by factor {{c1::Xa}}
Published 09/29/2023 {{c1::Tissue thromboplastin}} activates factor {{c2::VII}}, which initiates the extrinsic pathway of the coagulation cascade
Published 09/29/2023 {{c1::Subendothelial collagen}} activates factor {{c2::XII}}, which initiates the intrinsic pathway of the coagulation cascade
Published 09/29/2023 Vitamin K is necessary for {{c1::gamma carboxylation}} of factors II, VII, IX, X, and proteins C and S
Published 09/29/2023 Which coagulation factors have decreased activity due to vitamin K deficiency? {{c1::2, 7, 9, 10::4}}
Published 09/29/2023 What proteins have decreased activity due to vitamin K deficiency? {{c1::Protein C and protein S::2}}
Published 09/29/2023 Alpha granules of platelets contain {{c1::vWF}} and {{c1::fibrinogen}}
Published 09/29/2023 Dense granules of platelets contain {{c1::Ca2+}} and {{c1::ADP}}
Published 09/29/2023 In the first step of fibrinolysis, {{c1::plasminogen}} is converted to {{c2::plasmin}} via {{c3::tissue plasminogen activator (tPA)}}
Published 09/29/2023 One role of plasmin is {{c1::cleavage}} of {{c2::fibrin}} and {{c2::serum fibrinogen}}
Published 09/29/2023 One role of plasmin is {{c1::destruction}} of {{c2::coagulation factors}}
Published 09/29/2023 One role of plasmin is inhibition of {{c1:: platelet aggregation}}
Published 09/29/2023 Plasmin is inactivated by {{c1::α2-antiplasmin}} and {{c1::α2-macroglobulin}}, which is produced in the liver
Published 09/29/2023 Factor X of the coagulation cascade may be activated by factor {{c1::IX}} with factor {{c1::VIII}} as a cofactor (intrinsic pathway)
Published 09/29/2023 Endothelial cells prevent thrombosis by producing {{c3::thrombomodulin}}, which redirects {{c1::thrombin}} to activate {{c2::protein C}}
Published 09/29/2023 Protein C and S normally {{c2::inactivate}} factors {{c1::Va}} and {{c1::VIIIa}}
Published 09/29/2023 {{c2::Warfarin (coumadin)}} is a drug that inhibits the enzyme {{c1::vitamin K epoxide reductase}}
Published 09/29/2023 What drug enhances activity of antithrombin? {{c1::Heparin}}
Published 09/29/2023 What coagulation factors are inhibited by antithrombin III? {{c1::2, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12::6}}
Published 09/29/2023 What enzyme activates vitamin K? {{c1::Epoxide reductase}}
Published 09/29/2023 What is the mechanism of action of warfarin?{{c1::Epoxide reductase inhibitor}}
Published 09/29/2023 {{c2::Warfarin}} is an anti-coagulant that interferes with {{c1::the activation of vitamin K-dependent clotting factors}} ({{c3::II, VII, IX…
Published 09/29/2023 Warfarin is administered {{c1::orally}} and has a {{c1::slow::slow/fast}} onset of action
Published 09/29/2023 What is the site of action of warfarin?{{c1::Liver::organ}}
Published 09/29/2023 {{c1::Heparin}} exerts its effects by {{c1::activating antithrombin III}}
Published 09/29/2023 What are the routes of administration of heparin? {{c1::IV::acute}} or {{c1::subcutaneous::prophylaxis}}
Published 09/29/2023 What is the site of action of heparin?{{c1::Blood}}
Published 09/29/2023 {{c2::Bivalirudin}} and {{c2::dabigatran}} are anti-coagulant drugs that are {{c1::direct thrombin (IIa) inhibitors}}.
Published 09/29/2023 {{c2::Rivaroxaban}}, {{c2::apixaban}}, and {{c2::edoxaban}} are anti-coagulant drugs that are {{c1::direct Xa inhibitors}}.
Published 09/29/2023 Binding between vWF and platelets occurs via the {{c1::GPIb}} receptor
Published 09/29/2023 ADP is released upon {{c2::platelet degranulation}} and binds to {{c1::P2Y12}} receptors on platelets, resulting in platelet {{c2::aggregati…
Published 09/29/2023 Platelet aggregation occurs via binding between the {{c1::GPIIb/IIIa}} receptor and fibrinogen
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