Notes in cellular_respiration

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Published 11/05/2024 cellular respiration uses over {{c1::90}}% of O2 inhaled
Published 11/05/2024 phases of cellular respiration
Published 11/05/2024 uses of ATP in phase 3 of cellular respiration
Published 11/05/2024 how can cystolic NADH enter the mitochondria
Published 11/05/2024 function of cytosolic malate dehydrogenase enzyme (MDH)
Published 11/05/2024 Malate is transported across the inner mitochondrial membrane by a {{c1::specific translocase}}
Published 11/05/2024 malate is oxidized in the mitochondria by {{c1::oxaloaxetate}} by {{c2::mitochondrial MDH}}
Published 11/05/2024 {{c1::oxidation}} of malate in mitochondria generates NADH
Published 11/05/2024 in the mitochondrial, oxaloacetate is converted by {{c1::asparate aminotransferase enzyme (AST)}} into {{c2::aspartate}}
Published 11/05/2024 how asparate move out of the mitochondria
Published 11/05/2024 {{c1::glycerolphosphate}} shuttle is major shuttle (for NADH) in most tissues
Published 11/05/2024 function of cytoplasmic glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase enzyme
Published 11/05/2024 how does glycerol 3-phospahte enter the mitocondria
Published 11/05/2024 glycerol 3-phosphate donates electrons to {{c1::FAD}} in mitochondria
Published 11/05/2024 which shuttle (for NADH/FADH2) is more efficient 
Published 11/05/2024 pyruvate undergoes {{c1::oxidative decarboxylation}} in the mitochondria
Published 11/05/2024 pyruvate is oxidized by {{c1::pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDH)}}
Published 11/05/2024 enzymes of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDH)
Published 11/05/2024 coenzymes of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDH)
Published 11/05/2024 pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDH) forms {{c1::acetyl CoA}} from pyruvate
Published 11/05/2024 methods of regulation of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDH)
Published 11/05/2024 {{c1::acetyl CoA}} and {{c1::NADH}} allosterically inhibits pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDH)
Published 11/05/2024 pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDH) is active when {{c1::dephosphyrylated}} (phosphorylated/dephosphorylated)
Published 11/05/2024 pyruvate dehyrogenase kinase is inhibited allosterically by {{c1::ADP}} and {{c1::pyruvate}}
Published 11/05/2024 pyruvate dehyrogenase kinase is activated allosterically by {{c1::acetyl CoA}} and {{c1::NADH}}
Published 11/05/2024 pyruvate dehyrogenase phosphatase requires {{c1::calcium}} for it's full activity
Published 11/05/2024 hear contraction causes increased activity of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDH)
Published 11/05/2024 metabolic fates of pyruvate (and there enzymes)
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