Notes in Bacterial Genetics

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Published 08/28/2024 How can bacteria change their genetic profile?Acquire new {{c1::plasmids}}, or change in chromosomes via {{c1::horizonatal gene transfer}}
Published 08/28/2024 What must happen for a bacteria to do transformation (horizontal gene transfer)?Recipient must be "{{c1::competent}}"
Published 08/28/2024 What are bacteriophages?{{c1::Viruses that infect bacteria}}.Basically a shell around a single strand of {{c1::DNA or RNA}}
Published 08/28/2024 What is the difference between Lytic ((virulent) and Lysogenic (temperate) Bacteriophages?Lytic: {{c1::Lyses the cell and the repl…
Published 08/28/2024 Why are F Factors considered self-transmissible?The plasmid has genes for the {{c1::F-pilus}}, and thus {{c1::drives its own transmission to…
Published 08/28/2024 How do Gram (+) do conjugation (horizontal gene transfer)?Attract each other with {{c1::pheromones::not F-pilus}}, stick together and {{c1::…
Published 08/28/2024 Each plasmid a bacteria acquires gives it unique abilities. One ability = resistance to drugs.Cross resistance = resistant to a {{c1::family}}&nb…
Published 08/28/2024 What are plasmids that can transfer drug resistance called?{{c1::R factors}}
Published 08/28/2024 What are transposons?They can "jump around" either {{c1::within chromosome}} or {{c1::between chromosomes}}.Do they have to be hom…
Published 08/28/2024 What is prophage?{{c1::Viral DNA}} that's been incoperated into {{c1::it's host's chromosome}}
Published 08/28/2024 By what bacterial genetic transfer do bacteria MOST OFTEN get antibiotic resistant genes?{{c1::conjugation}}
Published 08/28/2024 What mediates conjugation between bacteria horizontal gene transfer?{{c1::f-pilus}}
Published 08/28/2024 How do transposons help identify virulent genes?They incorparte {{c1::randomly::specifically or randomly}} into a bacterias genome. When they incorpor…
Published 08/28/2024 Data like this is generated from {{c1::whole genome sequencing}} which is (thankfully) VERY fast now
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