Notes in Nabil Assad

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Published 09/07/2024 Does the following description fit a virus or a bacteria? Can’t replicate without a host, and contains a genome, a capsid, and an envelope.
Published 09/07/2024 Does the following description fit a virus or a bacteria? Unicellular prokaryotes without a nucleus. Can grow, reproduce and live on its own, but will…
Published 09/07/2024 How does an infection lead to fever? What is its purpose? 
Published 09/07/2024 Which barriers prevent organisms from invading/injuring the upper respiratory mucosa? Name at least 3
Published 09/07/2024 What 2 components make up the barrier defenses of the upper respiratory tract?
Published 09/07/2024 What is the difference between the innate and adaptive immune response? (think of speed, specificity, type of cells)
Published 09/07/2024 What are the 2 main structures in the upper respiratory tract where an immune response might be launched from? (think mouth and neck)
Published 09/07/2024 As a part of the inflammatory response, ( ) is one of the cytokines released by immune cells which increase blood vessel diameter, causing vasodilatio…
Published 09/07/2024 What is the function of antibodies in the mucosal immune response?
Published 09/07/2024 Which virus most commonly causes URTI?
Published 09/07/2024 What tool can you use to tell whether a sore throat is caused by a viral or bacterial infection?
Published 09/07/2024 What are differences in management between viral and bacterial sore throats?
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