Notes in cytology

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Published 12/13/2024 Respiratory cytology specimen shows?{{c1::Alveolar macrophages}}.
Published 12/13/2024 Respiratory cytology specimen shows?{{c1::Benign squamous cells (aerodigestive tract)}}.
Published 12/13/2024 Respiratory cytology specimen shows?{{c1::Adenocarcinoma}}.
Published 12/13/2024 A morphologically undiffentiated non-small cell carcinoma with the following immunohistochemistry pattern on biopsy should be diagnosed as?{{c1::NSCC,…
Published 12/13/2024 A morphologically undiffentiated non-small cell carcinoma with the following immunohistochemistry pattern on biopsy should be diag…
Published 12/13/2024 A morphologically undiffentiated non-small cell carcinoma with the following immunohistochemistry pattern on biopsy should be diag…
Published 12/13/2024 A morphologically undiffentiated non-small cell carcinoma with the following immunohistochemistry pattern on biopsy should be diag…
Published 12/13/2024 The {{c1::Bethesda}} System for thyroid cytology is categorized as diagnostic category --> risk of malignancy --> corresponding m…
Published 12/13/2024 Adequacy for thyroid cytology requires at least {{c1::6}} groups of well-visualized {{c2::follicular epithelial cells}}, each consistin…
Published 12/13/2024 Major cytologic featutes of papillary thyroid carcinoma include:1. Architecture -> {{c1::papillary structures}} +/- {{c1::fibrovascular cores}}.2. …
Published 12/13/2024 Thyroid FNA.Most likely diagnosis?{{c1::Papillary thyroid carcinoma}}.
Published 12/13/2024 Thyroid FNA.Most likely diagnosis?{{c1::Papillary thyroid carcinoma}}.
Published 12/13/2024 Thyroid FNA.Most likely diagnosis?{{c1::Papillary thyroid carcinoma}}.
Published 12/13/2024 Diff-quick prep of a thyroid FNA.Most likely diagnosis?{{c1::Non-diagnostic (obscuring ultrasound gel = purple globules)}}.
Published 12/13/2024 The {{c1::Milan}} System for salivary gland cytology is categorized as diagnostic category --> risk of malignancy --> c…
Published 12/13/2024 Cervical cytology specimen.Most likely diagnosis?{{c1::Low-grade squamous intra-epithelia neoplasia}}.
Published 12/13/2024 Cervical cytology specimen.Most likely diagnosis?{{c1::High-grade squamous intra-epithelial neoplasia}}.
Published 12/13/2024 Key cervical cytology microscopic features of low-grade squamous intraepithelial neoplasia include:1. Mature keratinocytes with {{c5::plentiful}} cyto…
Published 12/13/2024 Key cervical cytology microscopic features of {{c6::high-grade squamous intraepithelial neoplasia}} include:1. Immature keratinocy…
Published 12/13/2024 Cervical cytology specimen.Most likely diagnosis?{{c1::Candida}}.
Published 12/13/2024 Cervical cytology specimen.Most likely diagnosis?{{c1::Actinomyces}}.
Published 12/13/2024 {{c1::Actinomyces}} is a Gram {{c2::positive}} {{c3::anaerobic}} bacteria that can colonize the lower female genital tract and is …
Published 12/13/2024 Cervical cytology specimen.Most likley diagnosis (be specific)?{{c1::Benign superficial squamous cells}}.
Published 12/13/2024 Urine cytology.Most likely diagnosis?{{c1::Positive for high-grade urothelial carcinoma}}.
Published 12/13/2024 Key microscopic features of {{c2::high-grade urothelial carcinoma}} on urine cytology include:1. {{c3::Single cell}} architecture.2. Nuclear…
Published 12/13/2024 Peritoneal fluid cytology from 78-year-old female.Most likely diagnosis?{{c1::Adenocarcinoma, consistent with serous carcinoma}}.
Published 12/13/2024 Microscopic feature of serous carcinoma on cytology include:1. {{c1::Dense spherical groups}} (architecture).2. May contain cytoplasmic {{c2::vacuoles…
Published 12/13/2024 Bronchial fine-needle aspiration cytology.Most likely diagnosis?{{c1::Non-small cell carcinoma, favor adenocarcinoma}}.
Published 12/13/2024 Microscopic features of pulmonary adenocarcinoma on cytology include:1. Intracytoplasmic {{c3::mucin}}.2. {{c2::Abundanty foamy}} cytoplasm.3. {{c1::P…
Published 12/13/2024 Pleural fluid cytology from a 60-year-old male with unilateral pleural effusion.Most likely diagnosis?{{c1::Non-Hodgkin large cell lymphoma}}.
Published 12/13/2024 Thyroid fine-needle aspiration cytology.Most likely diagnosis?{{c1::Papillary thyroid carcinoma}}.
Published 12/13/2024 Thyroid fine-needle aspiration cytology.Most likely diagnosis?{{c1::Bethesda category IV -> Suspect follicular neoplasm}}.
Published 12/13/2024 Key microscopic features of a follilcular neoplasm (Bethesda 4) on thyroid fine-needle aspiration cytology include:1. {{c2::Well}}-circumscribed nodul…
Published 12/13/2024 Pancreatic head mass fine-needle aspiration cytology.Most likely diagnosis?{{c1::Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma}}.
Published 12/13/2024 Key microscopic features of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma on cytology include:1. "{{c1::Dunken honeycomb}}" to isolated single cell architecture.2.…
Published 12/13/2024 The {{c1::Paris}} System is commonly used to report urinary cytology and has the following categories and risk of malignancy:1. {{c2::Unsati…
Published 12/13/2024 Gastric mass fine-needle aspiration cytology.Most likely diagnosis?{{c1::Gastrointestinal stromal tumor}}.
Published 12/13/2024 Pleural fluid cytology.Most likely diagnosis?{{c1::Chylous effusion (leackage from thoracic duct -> large cells are lipophages)}}.
Published 12/13/2024 Pleural cytology fluid for a {{c2::chylous effusion}} will typically have a gross finding of {{c1::milky white}} fluid.
Published 12/13/2024 {{c1::Lymphoma}} is a common malignant cause of chylous effusions.
Published 12/13/2024 Effusion cytology for {{c1::endometriosis}} typically has a triad of:1. {{c2::Hemosiderin-laden macrophages}}.2. {{c3::Endometrial glands (s…
Published 12/13/2024 Pleural effusion cytology.What is shown (specific)?{{c1::Hemosiderin-laden macrophages}}.
Published 12/13/2024 Pleural effusion cytology.What cells are shown?{{c1::Mesothelial cells}}.
Published 12/13/2024 Effusion cytology specimens with NUMEROUS lymphocytes should raise the differential of:1. {{c1::Chylous effusion}}.2. {{c2::Tuberculous effusion}}.3. …
Published 12/13/2024 Immunohistochemistry markers that favor metastatic adenocarcinoma over mesothelioma/mesothelial cells include:1. {{c1::BerEP4}}.2. {{c2::Claudin-4}}.3…
Published 12/13/2024 Immunohistochemistry markers that favor mesothelioma/mesothelial cells over metastatic adenocarcinoma include:1. {{c1::D2-40}…
Published 12/13/2024 Primary effusion lymphoma is an {{c3::aggressive}} lymphoma that generally occurs in {{c1::immunocompromised}} patients and i…
Published 12/13/2024 Primary effusion lymphoma will typically show immunohistochemistry positivity for:1. {{c1::HHV8}}, {{c4::EBV}}.2. {{c2::CD30}}.3. {{c3::MYC over-…
Published 12/13/2024 Cervical cytology specimen.Most likely diagnosis?{{c1::Squamous cell carcinoma ("tadpole cell")}}.
Published 12/13/2024 Non-keratinizing SCC can appear similar to HSIL on cervical cytology.Microscopic features favoring SCC include:1. {{c2::Necrosis}}.2. {…
Published 12/13/2024 Renal mass fine-needle aspiration with Diff-Quik stain cytology.Most likely diagnosis?{{c1::Renal oncocytoma}}.
Published 12/13/2024 Renal mass fine-needle aspiration with Diff-Quik stain cytology.Most likely diagnosis?{{c1::Clear cell renal cell carcinoma}}.
Published 12/13/2024 Common primary sites of malignancy that metastasize to the lung:1. {{c1::Melanoma}}.2. {{c4::Breast}}.3. {{c2::Kidney}}.4. {{c3::GI tract}}.
Published 12/13/2024 Biopsy or cytology specimens of pulmonary carcinoid tumors should typically signed out as "{{c1::carcinoid/well-differentiated neuroendocrin…
Published 12/13/2024 Respirology cytology specimen.What is shown?{{c1::Normal ciliated respiratory epithelium}}.
Published 12/13/2024 Pleural effusion cytology.Most likely diagnosis?{{c1::Malignant epitheloid mesothelioma}}.
Published 12/13/2024 Cytological features of malignant epitheloid mesothelioma include:1. ***{{c2::Large cluster of cells}} (architecture).2. {{c1::Large ma…
Published 12/13/2024 Lung fine-needle aspiration cytology.Most likely diagnosis?{{c1::Adenocarcinoma}}.
Published 12/13/2024 Lung fine-needle aspiration cytology with Diff Quick.Most likely diangosis?{{c1::Squamous cell carcinoma ("tadpole"/orangeophilic cells)}}.
Published 12/13/2024 How many well-visualized squamous cells must be present on a liquid-based cervical/vaginal Pap slide from a healthy woman to be considered adequate?&g…
Published 12/13/2024 Cervical cytology specimen.What finding is depicted by the black arrow?{{c1::Parakeratosis}}.
Published 12/13/2024 What are these cells in a cervical Pap smear obtained from a 47-year-old woman? {{c1::High-grade squamous intra-epithelial lesion (HSIL)}}.
Published 12/13/2024 Cervical Pap smear obtained from a 54-year-old woman.Most likely diagnosis?{{c1::Squamous cell carcinoma (keratinizing)}}.
Published 12/13/2024 Cervical cytology specimen.What is the best designation for cells indicated by the arrow?{{c1::Atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (A…
Published 12/13/2024 Cervical Pap smear from a 36-year-old woman.Most likely diagnosis?{{c1::Benign endometrial cells}}.
Published 12/13/2024 The most common indication for urine cytology is {{c1::hematuria}}.
Published 12/13/2024 Urine cytology specimens with a large number of degenerated intestinal epithelial cells suggest the specimen is collected from {{c1::an illeal co…
Published 12/13/2024 Typical urothelial carcinoma will stain by immunohistochemistry as CK7{{c1::+}} and CK20{{c1::+}}.
Published 12/13/2024 A key cytologic feature that favors high-grade urothelial carcinoma over reactive urothelial cells is {{c1::hyperchromasia}}.
Published 12/13/2024 Catheterized urine cytology specimen.Most likely diagnosis?{{c1::Reactive urothelial cells}}.
Published 12/13/2024 Urinary bladder washing cytology specimen from a 45-year-old male.Most likely diagnosis using Paris System?{{c1::Low grade urothelial neoplasm (true p…
Published 12/13/2024 Urinary bladder washing cytology specimen.Alteration of which of the following genes is strongly associated with pathogenisis of this lesion?{{c1::TP5…
Published 12/13/2024 Bladder washing specimen from a 47-year-old male.What is the correct interpretation using the Paris System?{{c1::Atypical urothelial cells (NO true fi…
Published 12/13/2024 Bladder washing cytology from a 67-year-old male with a history of lung cancer.Most likely diagnosis?{{c1::Metastatic small cell carcinoma}}.
Published 12/13/2024 What structures are demarcated by the black arrows in the urine cytology specimen.Most likely diagnosis?{{c1::Uric acid crystals}}.
Published 12/13/2024 Bladder washing cytology specimen from a 56-year-old male with hematuria.Most likely diagnosis?{{c1::Benign/reactive urothelial cells (abundant superf…
Published 12/13/2024 Pleural effusion cytology specimen from a 43-year-old male with pneumonia.What cells are depicted by the black arrow?{{c1::Mesothelial cells}}.
Published 12/13/2024 Esophageal brushing cytology specimen from a 45-year-old male.Most likely diagnosis?{{c1::Herpes simplex infection (multinucleation, nuclear moulding,…
Published 12/13/2024 Endoscopic U/S-guided fine-needle aspiration of a gastric mass.Most likely diagnosis?{{c1::Diffuse large B cell lymphoma (scant cytoplasm, large nucle…
Published 12/13/2024 {{c1::KRAS}} is the most frequently activated cancer-related gene in pancreatic cancer.
Published 12/13/2024 The majority of gastrointestinal stromal tumors have gain-of-function mutations involving {{c1::C-KIT}}.
Published 12/13/2024 Positive immunohistochemistry for {{c1::beta-catenin}} suggests a pancreatic solid pseudopapillary neoplasm over a pancreatic endcrine neopl…
Published 12/13/2024 Pancreatic fine-needle aspiration cytology.What cells are shown?{{c1::Normal pancreatic acinar cells (indistinct cell borders, abundant pyramid-shaped…
Published 12/13/2024 Biliary brushing cytology from a patient with a history of primary sclerosing cholangitis.What cells are shown?{{c1::Adenocarcinoma (pleomorphic …
Published 12/13/2024 EUS-FNA of a duodenal wall mass that is positive for DOG-1 and negative for CD1117 and SMA by immunohistochemistry.Most likely diagnosis?{{c1::Gastroi…
Published 12/13/2024 EUS-FNA of a pancreatic head mass from a 42-year-old female with a history of von Hippel-Lindau syndrome.Most likely diagnosis?{{c1::Pancreatic endocr…
Published 12/13/2024 FNA of a pancreatic head cyst with a high amylase level from a 42-year-old male.Most likely diagnosis?{{c1::Pseudocyst}}.
Published 12/13/2024 FNA of a pancreatic body lesion from a 56-year-old male with a history of a right nephrectomy.Most likely diagnosis?{{c1::Metastatic renal cell carcin…
Published 12/13/2024 Pancreatic EUS-FNA.What is depicted?{{c1::Benign ductal epithelial group (small uniform cells in honey-comb architecture)}}.
Published 12/13/2024 Left thyroid nodule FNA from a 54-year-old female.What is the most appropriate Bethesda classification?{{c1::Benign}}, consistent with {{c1::colloid n…
Published 12/13/2024 HPV infection is established in the {{c1::basal}} layer of the squamous epithelium.
Published 12/13/2024 The most important cytomorphologic feature of cervical high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions is {{c1::high N:C ratio}}.
Published 12/13/2024 Cervical Pap smear with squamous metaplasia and some nuclear atypia, but not definitive for high-grade dysplasia.How should this result be classified?…
Published 12/13/2024 "{{c1::Feathering}}" is a term used to describe cervical Pap smear findings of {{c2::endocervical adenocarcinoma in situ}}.
Published 12/13/2024 The most common metastatic tumor to the cervix is {{c1::metastatic ovarin carcinoma}}.
Published 12/13/2024 The epithelial cells from a cervical Pap smear show:{{c1::Atrophic parabasal squamous cells}}.
Published 12/13/2024 The group of cells from this cervical Pap smear represents?{{c1::Benign endocervical cells with tubal metaplasia}}.
Published 12/13/2024 Cervical Pap smear obtained from a 32-year-old female on day 6 of menstrual cycle.What cells are indicated by the arrow?{{c1::Benign endometrial cells…
Published 12/13/2024 The cells are covered by coccobacilli due to a shift in vaginal flora.Which term is best used to denote these cells?{{c1::Clue cells}}.
Published 12/13/2024 What is the correct interpretation of this cervical Pap smear from a 40-year-old female?{{c1::High-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion HSIL}}.
Published 12/13/2024 The adequacy of a sputum cytology sample is determined by {{c1::pulmonary macrophages}} in the specimen (cell type).
Published 12/13/2024 Bronchoalveolar lavage cytology is most often used for the diagnosis of {{c1::opportunistic infections}}.
Published 12/13/2024 {{c1::KRAS}} gene mutations in lung cancers are a predictor of failure to EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy.
Published 12/13/2024 Bronchial wash cytology specimen.What is the best interpretation?{{c1::Reserve cell hyperplasia}}.
Published 12/13/2024 Respirology cytology specimen.What is the structure depicted by the arrow?{{c1::Inspissated mucus / "Curschmann spiral"}}.
Published 12/13/2024 Bronchial washing cytology specimen.What are the structures depicted by the black arrows?{{c1::Charcot-Leyden crystals}}.
Published 12/13/2024 Bronchial washing Diff-Quick-stained specimen from a 39-year-old male with HIV.What are the structures depicted by the black arrows?{{c1::Pneumocystis…
Published 12/13/2024 Bronchial lavage cytology specimen from a 45-year-old male with fever, dyspnea, and cough.What is the most likely diagnosis?{{c1::Cytomegalovirus pneu…
Published 12/13/2024 Bronchioalveolar lavage cytology specimen stained with Grocott methenamine silver.What is the most likely diagnosis?{{c1::Cryptococcus neoformans pneu…
Published 12/13/2024 Lung fine-needle aspiration specimen from a patient with a history of a salivary gland tumor.Most likely diagnosis?{{c1::Metastatic adenoid cytstic ca…
Published 12/13/2024 Bronchoalveolar lavage cytology specimen.What structures are depicted by the black arrows?{{c1::Ferruginous bodies (asbestoso fibers with golden-yello…
Published 12/13/2024 Bronchial brushing cytology specimen.What is the correct interpretation?{{c1::Benign/normal bronchial epithelial cells}}.
Published 12/13/2024 Mediastinal mass FNA cytology specimen from a 58 year-old male with immunostains showing tumor cells positive for CD63, PAX8, and CD117.Most likely di…
Published 12/13/2024 Discrete, peripheral lung nodule FNA from a 32-year-old male with spindle cell immunohistochemical positivity for ALK.Most likely diagnosis?{{c1::Infl…
Published 12/13/2024 Key cervical cytology features of endocervical adenocarcinoma in situ (AIS), include:1. Cellular {{c1::crowding}} with {{c2::rossttes}} and "{{c2::fea…
Published 12/13/2024 Endocervical adenocarcinoma in situ (AIS) is most strongly associated with HPV{{c1::18}} subtype.
Published 12/13/2024 Cervical cytology specimen.Most likely diagnosis?{{c1::Endocervical adenocarcinoma in situ}}.
Published 12/13/2024 The minimum amount of CSF that may be examined by cytology is {{c1::1.0}} mL, while the preferred amount is {{c1::3.0}} mL.
Published 12/13/2024 In a patient with aquired immune deficiency syndrome, numerous neutrophils in the CSF is highly suggestive of a {{c1::Cytomegalovirus (CMV)}}&nbs…
Published 12/13/2024 Eosinophils in the CSF is {{c1::abnormal}} and can occur due to:1. {{c2::Ventriculoperitoneal shunts}}.2. {{c3::Parasitic infections}}.3. {{…
Published 12/13/2024 {{c1::Diffuse large B cell lymphoma}} is the most common primary central nervous system lymphoma.
Published 12/13/2024 Epithelial malignancies from the {{c1::lung}} (organ) are the most common to metastasize to the brain.
Published 12/13/2024 CSF cytology specimen.What is the most likely cell shown?{{c1::Chondrocyte}}.
Published 12/13/2024 CSF cytology specimen showing a positive mucin stain.Most likely diagnosis?{{c1::Cryptococcal meningitis (C. neoformans mucopolysaccharide capsule)}}.
Published 12/13/2024 CSF cytology specimen.What does this structure represent?{{c1::Brain tissue (fibrilliary texture)}}.
Published 12/13/2024 CSF cytology specimen from a patient with a history of acute lymphoblastic leukemia.Most likely diagnosis?{{c1::Leukemia (irregular nuclei, fine chrom…
Published 12/13/2024 CSF cell block cytology specimen.Most likely diagnosis?{{c1::Glioblastoma multiforme}}.
Published 12/13/2024 CSF cytology specimen from a 46 year-old woman with a history of breast cancer. Most likely diagnosis?{{c1::Metastatic breast carcinoma}}.
Published 12/13/2024 CSF cytology specimen. Most likely diagnosis?{{c1::Melanoma (abundant cytoplasm +/- melanin pigment, cherry red nucleoli)}}.
Published 12/13/2024 CSF cytology specimen.Most likely diagnosis?{{c1::Metastatic adenocarcinoma (gland-like organization, abundant cytoplasm, prominetn nucleoli)}}.
Published 12/13/2024 CSF cytology specimen.Most likely diagnosis?{{c1::Metastatic small cell carcinoma (crowded, molding)}}.
Published 12/13/2024 CSF cytology specimen from an 8-year-old male with a large cerebellar mass.Most likely diagnosis?{{c1::Medulloblastoma (crowded, small blue cells)}}.
Published 12/13/2024 CSF cytology specimen from an 16-year-old male with a third ventricle mass that shows SALL4 positivity by immunohistochemistry.Most likely diagnosis?{…
Published 12/13/2024 CSF cytology specimen from an 72-year-old male.Most likely diagnosis?{{c1::Carcinoma (cohseive large cells, irregular nucleus, prominent nucleolus)}}.
Published 12/13/2024 CSF cytology specimen from a 56 year-old male.Most likely diagnosis?{{c1::Metastatic small cell carcinoma (clusters, molding)}}.
Published 12/13/2024 In CSF cytology, "Mollaret cells" occurs in what cell type?{{c1::Macrophages (occur with idopathic recurrent/aseptic meningitis -> deep nuclear cle…
Published 12/13/2024 CSF cytology specimen from an immunocompromised patient with meningoencephalitis.Most likely diagnosis?{{c1::Toxoplasma gondii}}.
Published 12/13/2024 Peritoneal washing cytology.Most likely diagnosis?{{c1::Benign mesothelial cells (flat sheet, uniform cells)}}.
Published 12/13/2024 Pleural effusion cytology from a 23-year-old male with multiple metastatic liver lesions and a CDKN2A mutation.Most likely diagnosis?{{c1::Metastatic …
Published 12/13/2024 The critical microscopic feature for diagnosising {{c1::low-grade urothelial neoplasia}} on a urine cytology specimen is {{c2::3D cell …
Published 12/13/2024 Urine cytology specimen.What cell type is depicted by the arrow (NOT arrowhead)?{{c1::Intermediate urothelial cells (majority of urothelial cells…
Published 12/13/2024 Urine cytology specimen.What cell type is depicted by the arrowhead (NOT arrow)?{{c1::Superficial urothelial cells/umbrella cells (round ova…
Published 12/13/2024 Urine cytology specimen from a patient with a history of renal transplant.What does the cell indicated by the arrow most likely represent?{{c1::Polyom…
Published 12/13/2024 Urine cytology specimen from a 48-year-old male with a history of urothelial carcinoma.What do the cells indicated by arrows most likely represent?{{c…
Published 12/13/2024 Urine cytology specimen.What morpholigical feature is displayed by the degenerated urothelial cell?{{c1::Melamed-Wolinska bodies (round eosinophi…
Published 12/13/2024 Urine cytology specimen from a urinary bladder washing.What is the most likely finding?{{c1::Benign urothelial cells}}.
Published 12/13/2024 Urine cytology specimen from a catheterized urine specimen from an 82-year old male.What is the most likely finding?{{c1::High-grade urothelial carcin…
Published 12/13/2024 Urine cytology specimen from a young man with a recent travel history to Africa.What is the most likely finding?{{c1::Shistosoma hematobium infection}…
Published 12/13/2024 Voided urine cytology.What is the most likely represeted by the arrow?{{c1::Polyoma virus inclusion}}.
Published 12/13/2024 Catheterized urine cytology.What is the most likely diagnosis?{{c1::High-grade urothelial carcinoma (necrosis, hyperchromatic nuclei, irregular contou…
Published 12/13/2024 Urinary bladder washing cytology.What is the most likely diagnosis? What is this entity strongly associated with?{{c1::Squamous cell carcinoma (strong…
Published 12/13/2024 Voided urine cytology from a 78-year-old female presenting for repair of her urethral diverticulum.Most likely diagnosis?{{c1::Adenocarcinoma (most co…
Published 12/13/2024 Urinary bladder washing cytology from a 69-year-old female.Most likely diagnosis?{{c1::Herpes virus infection (mulitnucleated, moulding, margination, …
Published 12/13/2024 This bladder washing cytology specimen is suggestive of a history of {{c1::radiation treatment}} ({{c1::cytomegaly but normal N:C, cytplasmi…
Published 12/13/2024 Voided urine cytology specimen from a 42-year-old patient with a history of renal transplant.Most likley diagnosis?Next best step in management?{{c1::…
Published 12/13/2024 Voided urine cytology specimen.Most likley diagnosis?{{c1::Herpes virus infection}}.
Published 12/13/2024 Voided urine cytology specimen from a renal transplant patient.Most likley diagnosis?{{c1::CMV viral inclusions (eosinophilic intranuclear inclusions)…
Published 12/13/2024 Urine cytology specimen from an ileal conduit.The cells in the image are most likely representative of?{{c1::Enteric glandular cells}}.
Published 12/13/2024 Ureteral washing cytology specimen.Most appropriate interpretation?{{c1::Benign urothelial cells (atypia and increased N:C more common proximally)}}.
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