Notes in objective U3

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Published 09/07/2024 List the two basic subdivisions of the skull.
Published 09/07/2024 List the cavities of the skull (4)
Published 09/07/2024 List the air sinuses of the skull (4)
Published 09/07/2024 Describe the types of articulations found in the skull(2)
Published 09/07/2024 Name the three prominent sutures of the cranium
Published 09/07/2024 Describe the temporomandibular joint
Published 09/07/2024 Describe the three cranial fossae and a prominent bony landmark of each.
Published 09/07/2024 Define the pterion, bregma and lambda.
Published 09/07/2024 Describe the four major subdivisions of the brain.
Published 09/07/2024 Describe the primary functions of each of the subdivisions of the brainstem.(3)
Published 09/07/2024 Describe a primary function of the cerebellum
Published 09/07/2024 List four characteristics of the cerebrum-Consider functional and anatomic properties
Published 09/07/2024 Describe the four lobes of the cerebrum, their position to each other and their function
Published 09/07/2024 Describe the gray matter of the cerebrum, its location/function
Published 09/07/2024 Describe the white matter of the cerebrum, its different fiber tracts and their destinations
Published 09/07/2024 Define "functional localization"
Published 09/07/2024 Be able to name and draw the branches off the aortic arch that give rise to the head's blood supply
Published 09/07/2024 Be able to name and identify the primary branches of the external carotid artery  -Understand the distribution of blood supply by the arterial br…
Published 09/07/2024 Be able to draw and label the cerebral arterial circle (circle of willis) -Understand areas of the brain supplied by arterial branches
Published 09/07/2024 Describe the functions of the cranial meninges
Published 09/07/2024 Name and describe the individual layers of the meninges surrounding the brain -Know how they differ from those of the spinal cord
Published 09/07/2024 Name the different dural infoldings and their associated venous sinuses.
Published 09/07/2024 Describe the flow of venous blood from the brain  -Include descriptions of the major dural sinuses
Published 09/07/2024 What is unusual about the veins of the face and dural sinuses - are there any connections between the two?
Published 09/07/2024 Describe the two possible routes of arterial blood in the brain.
Published 09/07/2024 Describe the production of CSF, include a description of the choroid plexus
Published 09/07/2024 Describe the circulation of CSF
Published 09/07/2024 Describe the ventricular system of the brain
Published 09/07/2024 Name the 12 pairs (and branches) of cranial nerves (function)(SMB)(foramen)
Published 09/07/2024 Be able to identify the muscles of facial expression and describe their action
Published 09/07/2024 Be able to name and describe the layers of the scalp.(5)
Published 09/07/2024  describe how facial nerve "palsy" would present clinically.
Published 09/07/2024 Describe the special sense function of the facial nerve.
Published 09/07/2024 Describe the temporal mandibular joint in terms of the bones involved and the action of the joint.
Published 09/07/2024 Be able to identify the muscles of mastication and describe their action
Published 09/07/2024 Describe the branches of the trigeminal nerve (fxn) (SMB)(foramen)
Published 09/07/2024 Understand the relationship between CNVII with CNV.
Published 09/07/2024 Define the  Anterior triangle of the neck; include the important boundaries and contents 
Published 09/07/2024 Define the Posterior triangle of the neck; include the important boundaries and contents
Published 09/07/2024 What structures are involved in "thoracic outlet syndrome”?
Published 09/07/2024 What is a "neurovascular bundle" and what are the contents of this "bundle" in the neck?
Published 09/07/2024 What daily activities are effected by the hyoid muscles? (3)
Published 09/07/2024 List the attachments, actions, and nerve supply of the infrahyoid muscle
Published 09/07/2024 Define the "pharynx”
Published 09/07/2024 Define the boundaries and contents of the three subdivisions of the pharynx.
Published 09/07/2024 What muscles form the pharynx? What is their action, attachments and nerve supply
Published 09/07/2024 What is the general motor and sensory supply to the pharynx?
Published 09/07/2024 What are the "tonsils" and where are they located?
Published 09/07/2024 What are the "arches" of the oropharynx and what actually forms them?
Published 09/07/2024 What is a pattern generator?
Published 09/07/2024 What are the general "problems" associated with swallowing and how are they solved?
Published 09/07/2024 Muscles Involved in Swallowing Problems
Published 09/07/2024 Functions of the Larynx
Published 09/07/2024 Cartilages of the Larynx
Published 09/07/2024 Articulations of the Larynx:
Published 09/07/2024 Muscles Working on Laryngeal Articulations:
Published 09/07/2024 Rima Glottidis?
Published 09/07/2024 Abduction and Adduction of Vocal Folds:
Published 09/07/2024 Nerve Supply to the Larynx:
Published 09/07/2024 Folds of the Larynx:
Published 09/07/2024 Processes Involved in Speech:
Published 09/07/2024 Layers of the Eye:
Published 09/07/2024 Components of Each Layer and Functions of the eye
Published 09/07/2024 Optic Axis vs Orbital Axis
Published 09/07/2024 List the different refractive media of the eye.
Published 09/07/2024 Describe "accommodation". in connection to the eye
Published 09/07/2024 Describe the iris, pupillary diameter changes and the muscles involved.
Published 09/07/2024 What is the "conjunctiva"?
Published 09/07/2024 List the nerve supply to the extraocular muscles.
Published 09/07/2024 List the attachments, actions, and nerve supply of the  suprahyoid muscles
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