Notes in 05a Sexually Transmitted Diseases

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Published 03/16/2024 What is the most common cause of Condyloma acuminata?{{c1::HPV6; HPV11}}
Published 03/16/2024 {{c1::Neisseria gonorrhoeae::Which species of Neisseria}} is often found intracellularly in {{c2::neutrophils (PMNs)}}
Published 03/16/2024 {{c1::Neisseria gonorrhoeae}} STI that presents with urethritis, cervicitis, prostatitis and a white, creamy purulent discharge
Published 03/16/2024 What is the etiology of Syphilis?{{c1::Treponema pallidum}}
Published 03/16/2024 {{c1::Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)}} is a genitourinary disorder caused by Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae that present…
Published 03/16/2024 The treatment for Neisseria gonorrhoeae is {{c1::Ceftriaxone}} + {{c2::azithromycin}} or {{c3::doxycycline}} for possible chlamydia infectio…
Published 03/16/2024 In addition to Ceftriaxone for Gonorrhea, what other possible co-infection should you treat?{{c1::Chlamydia}}
Published 03/16/2024 What is the drug of choice (DOC) for gonorrhea?{{c1::Ceftriaxone}}
Published 03/16/2024 Antibiotics kill vaginal microflora, allowing microbes such as {{c1::Candida albicans::which fungus}} to flourish
Published 03/16/2024 Vaginitis that presents with itching, copious secretion, and “cottage cheese” appearing clumps are signs of {{c1::vaginal candidiasis}}
Published 03/16/2024 Fitz-Hugh-Curtis Syndrome results from the spread of PID (pelvic inflammatory disease) into the {{c1::peritoneum}}
Published 03/16/2024 {{c3::Chlamydia::which STI}} spp. are {{c1::obligate::facultative or obligate}} {{c2::intracellular}} bacteria
Published 03/16/2024 {{c2::Chlamydia::which STI}} spp. is commonly diagnosed via {{c1::NAAT nucleic-acid amplification}} test
Published 03/16/2024 Treponema pallidum is a(n) {{c1::spirochete}} and may be described as "{{c1::spiral-shaped}}"
Published 03/16/2024 {{c1::Darkfield}} microscopy is needed for direct visualization of Treponema pallidum
Published 03/16/2024 {{c1::VDRL}} is the typical screening test used for diagnosing {{c2::Primary}} Treponema pallidum
Published 03/16/2024 {{c1::VDRL}} and {{c3::RPR}} are the typical screening tests used for diagnosing {{c2::Secondary}} Treponema pallidum
Published 03/16/2024 {{c4::Primary syphilis}} is characterized by a(n) {{c1::painless::painless/painful}} {{c2::genital::location}} {{c3::chancre}}
Published 03/16/2024 Secondary syphilis is a(n) {{c1::systemic}} disease, no longer localized to the genital region
Published 03/16/2024 {{c2::Secondary}} syphilis is characterized by a(n) {{c1::maculopapular copper/red rash}} on the palms and soles weeks to months after infection
Published 03/16/2024 {{c2::Secondary}} syphilis presents with {{c1::condyloma lata}}, which are raised, infectious gray-white wart-like lesions on {{c1::mucous}} membranes…
Published 03/16/2024 {{c1::Gummas}} of {{c2::tertiary}} syphilis are characterized as soft growths with firm {{c3::necrotic}} centers
Published 03/16/2024 {{c1::Gummas}} of tertiary syphilis can occur on the skin, bones or internal organs
Published 03/16/2024 {{c2::Tertiary}} syphilis can present with aortitis, with a characteristic "{{c3::tree-barking}}" appearance
Published 03/16/2024 Tertiary syphilis can present with aortitis, complete with {{c1::aneurysm}} of the ascending aorta due to endarteritis and resultant aortic valve {{c2…
Published 03/16/2024 {{c2::Tertiary}} syphilis destroys the {{c1::vasa vasorum}}, or blood vessels that supply the vessel wall of the aorta
Published 03/16/2024 {{c3::Tertiary}} syphilis can result in {{c1::Tabes Dorsalis}}, or demyelination of the {{c2::dorsal column}} and {{c2::roots}}
Published 03/16/2024 What is the treatment for all stages of Syphilis?{{c1::Benzathine Penicillin G (intramuscular)}}
Published 03/16/2024 HSV-{{c1::2}} can cause aseptic {{c2::meningitis}} in {{c3::adolescents and adults::what two demographics}}
Published 03/16/2024 A(n) {{c2::Tzanck}} smear showing {{c3::multinucleated giant}} cells is characteristic of Herpes Simplex Virus infections
Published 03/16/2024 {{c1::Pelvic inflammatory}} disease can result in fallopian tubal scarring, which is a major risk factor for {{c2::ectopic}} pregnancies and infertili…
Published 03/16/2024 {{c1::Doxycycline}} is a protein synthesis inhibitor that binds to the 30s subunit and can be used in the treatment of chlamydia
Published 03/16/2024 {{c1::Azithromycin}} is a protein synthesis inhibitor that binds to the 50s subunit and can be used in the treatment of chlamydia
Published 03/16/2024 Pelvic inflammatory disease caused by Chlamydia can be treated with either azithromycin or {{c1::doxycycline}}
Published 03/16/2024 Acyclovir, famciclovir and valacyclovir are all {{c1::guanosine}} analogs
Published 03/16/2024 What is the treatment of vaginal candidiasis in pregnancy?{{c1::Clotrimazole, Miconazole::2}}
Published 03/16/2024 Which group of -cyclovir's is bioactivated by HSV/VZV thymidine kinase and indicated for treatment of them?{{c1::Acyclovir, Famciclovir, Valacyclovir}…
Published 03/16/2024 Are Acyclovir, Famciclovir, Valacyclovir used to treat both HSV-induced mucocutaneous and genital lesions as well as for encephalitis?{{c1::Yes}}
Published 03/16/2024 What is the cause of bacterial vaginosis?{{c1::Gardnerella vaginalis}}
Published 03/16/2024 All sexually active women age < {{c1::24}} should be screened for Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae with {{c2::NAAT::method}}
Published 03/16/2024 What cause of vaginitis is characterized by a thin, white discharge with a fishy odor and no vaginal inflammation?{{c1::Bacterial vaginosis (Gardnerel…
Published 03/16/2024 Which cause(s) of vaginitis are associated with an elevated pH (> 4.5)?{{c1::Bacterial vaginosis and trichomoniasis}}
Published 03/16/2024 What is the recommended treatment for trichomoniasis (Trichomonas infection)?{{c1::metronidazole for both the patient and the sexual partner}}
Published 03/16/2024 What microscopy finding is characteristic of trichomoniasis (Trichomonas infection)?{{c1::Motile protozoa}}
Published 03/16/2024 What is the most common cause of tubal-factor infertility?{{c1::Pelvic inflammatory disease}}
Published 03/16/2024 Antibiotic therapy for hospitalized patients with pelvic inflammatory disease includes IV {{c1::cefoxitin}} or {{c1::cefotetan}} plus oral {{c2::doxyc…
Published 03/16/2024 What is the likely diagnosis in a young sexually active woman that presents with multiple papular lesions around the vagina? Some lesions bleed with m…
Published 03/16/2024 Primary genital herpes is associated with high risk for recurrence, with {{c1::less}} frequent recurrences over time in immunocompetent individuals
Published 03/16/2024 Which cutaneous manifestation is seen in secondary syphilis?{{c1::Condyloma lata & Diffuse maculopapular rash::2}}
Published 03/16/2024 Which stage of syphilis does cardiovascular involvement occur?{{c1::Tertiary stage}}
Published 03/16/2024 What is the diagnostic test of choice for Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia trachomatis?{{c1::Nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT)}}
Published 03/16/2024 Which cause of genital ulceration presents with painful vesicles on an erythematous base?{{c1::HSV}}
Published 03/16/2024 Recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis in a patient warrants evaluation for underlying {{c1::diabetes mellitus}}
Published 03/16/2024 Which congenital infection is associated with seizure and temporal lobe hemorrhage without evidence of intracranial calcifications?{{c1::Herpes simple…
Published 03/16/2024 {{c1::Gonococcal}} conjunctivitis = days 2-5 and purulent exudate{{c1::Chlamydia}} conjunctivitis = days 5-14 and mucoid/watery discharge
Published 03/16/2024 What is the recommended treatment for confirmed gonorrhea infection?{{c1::Ceftriaxone and azithromycin/doxy (for chlamydia)}}
Published 03/16/2024 What are the three drugs that consist of outpatient therapy for PID?{{c1::Ceftriaxone (or other ceph.)DoxycyclineMetronidazole}}
Published 03/16/2024 What microscopy finding is characteristic of bacterial vaginosis (Gardnerella infection)?{{c1::Clue cells (epithelial cells coated with bacteria)}}
Published 03/16/2024 {{c1::Secondary syphilis}} is a stage of syphilis that involves generalized lymphadenopathy, diffuse maculopapular rash that includes the palms and so…
Published 03/16/2024 Darkfield microscopy = {{c1::treponema pallidum::bacteria}}, most useful during {{c1::early primary}} syphilis
Published 03/16/2024 Herpes simplex virus is definitively diagnosed with {{c1::cultures::gold standard}} or {{c1::PCR}}
Published 03/16/2024 The pathophysiology of bacterial vaginosis involves decreased colonization of the vagina with {{c1::lactobacilli}}, leading to increased pH and overgr…
Published 03/16/2024 What is the recommended treatment for bacterial vaginosis (Gardnerella infection)?{{c1::Metronidazole or clindamycin}}
Published 03/16/2024 What cause of vaginitis is characterized by a positive amine whiff test? {{c1::Bacterial vaginosis}}
Published 03/16/2024 What cause of vaginitis is characterized by a green, malodorous, frothy discharge and vaginal inflammation?{{c1::Trichomoniasis (Trichomonas vaginalis…
Published 03/16/2024 Candida, gardnerella, and trichomonas cause infections of the {{c1::vagina::vagina/cervix}}
Published 03/16/2024 (+) Chlamydia and (-) gonorrhea with PCR testing is managed with {{c1::treat chlamydia only::next step}}
Published 03/16/2024 What are the two different inpatient PID regimens?{{c1::Cefoxitin/CefotetanDoxycycline}}OR{{c2::ClindamycinGentamicin}}
Published 03/16/2024 Primary herpes infections are usually preceded by {{c1::viral}}-like symptoms preceding genital lesions
Published 03/16/2024 Treatment of gonorrhea and chlamydia is {{c1::ceftriaxone::cephalosporin}} and {{c1::azithromycin/doxycycline}}
Published 03/16/2024 Diagnosis of {{c1::bacterial vaginosis}} with Amsel's criteria (3/4):thin-white dischargevaginal pH > 4.5positive whiff-amine testclue cells on whi…
Published 03/16/2024 Dysuria, watery urethral discharge and sterile pyuria = {{c1::urethritis}} due to {{c2::Chlamydia trachomatis}}
Published 03/16/2024 Who should be screened for syphilis infections?{{c1::Persons at increased riskPregnant women::2}}
Published 03/16/2024 Frequent vaginal douching to cleanse the inside of the vagina = risk factor for {{c1::bacterial vaginosis}}
Published 03/16/2024 {{c1::Curettage}}, laser surgery, or electrocoagulation are all treatment options for condylomata acuminata
Published 03/16/2024 Is acyclovir given at >36 weeks in pregnant patients with a history of genital herpes?{{c1::Yes}}
Published 03/16/2024 What is the mode of transmission of herpes from mother to fetus?{{c1::Genital tract lesions}}
Published 03/16/2024 What is the treatment for a pregnant mother with primary/secondary syphilis?{{c1::A single dose of penicillin G IM}}
Published 03/16/2024 What is the treatment for a pregnant mother with tertiary syphilis? {{c1::Three doses of penicillin G IM}}
Published 03/16/2024 A pregnant woman is treated for chlamydia & neisseria. When is the test of cure done?{{c1::Two weeks after treatment}}
Published 03/16/2024 Patients with severe features of PID should be evaluated with a(n) {{c2::TVUS::diagnostic test}} to exclude {{c1::tubo-ovarian abscess}}
Published 03/16/2024 Gonorrhea and Chlamydia are both {{c1::asymptomatic::a/symptomatic}} in the majority of patients
Published 03/16/2024 Will the NAAT test for Gonorrhea and Chlamydia tell you about antibiotic resistance?{{c1::No}}
Published 03/16/2024 Depending on sexual practices, you should also swab the {{c1::pharynx}} and {{c1::rectum}} for gonorrhea and chlamydia
Published 03/16/2024 Women > 25 y/o should be screened for gonorrhea and chlamydia if:h/o {{c1::any STI}}more than one {{c1::sexual partner}}does not use {{c1::condoms}…
Published 03/16/2024 Due to rising resistance, the 2020 CDC guidelines for treatment of gonorrhea increased the dose of ceftriaxone to {{c1::500 mg}} for pts < 150…
Published 03/16/2024 According to current guidelines, when do you need to treat pt with gonorrhea urethritis or cervicitis for chlamydia co-infection?{{c1::If Ch…
Published 03/16/2024 Incidence of syphilis has been {{c1::increasing::Δ}} in the US over the last 10 years
Published 03/16/2024 Neurosyphilis can develop during {{c1::any stage of::what stage}} syphilis
Published 03/16/2024 To prevent re-infection of STI's, you should treat the {{c1::partner}}
Published 03/16/2024 Latent syphilis will have {{c1::positive}} FTA-ABS and {{c1::positive}} RPR
Published 03/16/2024 The genital lesions seen in HSV-2 are {{c1::painful::painful or painless}}
Published 03/16/2024 The wet mount below shows {{c1::pseudohyphae}}, which is suggestive of {{c1::vaginal candidiasis}}
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