Notes in Pharmacodynamics

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Published 08/12/2024 Pharmacodynamics
Published 08/12/2024 Receptors:
Published 08/12/2024 Effectors
Published 08/12/2024 Low Kd = {{c1::High Affinity}}
Published 08/12/2024 Receptors The majority of all Receptors are {{c1::proteins }}Receptors bind with drugs and bring about a change in cell {{c1::function}}
Published 08/12/2024 Evidence for Receptors
Published 08/12/2024 {{c1::Agonist}} can “turn on” an intracellular amplification system (efficacy)
Published 08/12/2024 {{c1::Partial Agonist}} binds with reduced amplification (decreased efficacy) in comparison to a full agonist
Published 08/12/2024 {{c1::Antagonist}} binds the receptor without “turning on” the intracellular system. Blocks agonist from binding to receptor 
Published 08/12/2024  Gs stimulates {{c1::adenylate cyclase}} → {{c1::increases}} cAMP and PKA → change {{c1::gene transcription}} → ind…
Published 08/12/2024 Gi inhibits {{c1::adenylate cyclase }}→ {{c1::decrease}} cAMP and PKA → change {{c1::gene transcription}} → indirectly alter&…
Published 08/12/2024 Gq → increase {{c1::phospholipase C (PLC)}} activity → breaks down {{c1::PIP2}} into {{c1::IP3 and DAG}} → {{c1::IP…
Published 08/12/2024 G-protein coupled to {{c1::phospholipase A2 (PLA2)}} pathway → arachidonic acid release
Published 08/12/2024 Affinity is the ability for binding, due to s{{c1::hape, size, charge, atomic composition }}
Published 08/12/2024 Give evidence for the existence of receptors. 
Published 08/12/2024 Ligand gated ion channel
Published 08/12/2024 G-Protein Coupled Receptors 
Published 08/12/2024 Kinase Receptors 
Published 08/12/2024 Nuclear Receptors 
Published 08/12/2024 {{c1::Potency}}: dosage/concentration required to induce/block a response
Published 08/12/2024 {{c1::Efficacy}}: measure of drug’s ability to induce a response 
Published 08/12/2024 {{c1::Competitive antagonist}}: reversible binding so agonist can compete for the receptor → increased agonist concentration can push off competitive …
Published 08/12/2024 {{c1::Noncompetitive antagonist}}: irreversible (covalent) binding so agonist cannot push off antagonist → causes loss of efficacy 
Published 08/12/2024 If there are spare receptors, EC50 {{c1::<}} Kd 
Published 08/12/2024 Define signal transduction
Published 08/12/2024  Describe how a G-protein can influence gene transcription
Published 08/12/2024 Describe how a G-protein can alter ion channel activity. 
Published 08/12/2024 Tyrosine kinase: binding → {{c1::dimerize}} (conformational change) → {{c1::phosphorylation}} → {{c1::activation of kinase cascade…
Published 08/12/2024 Corticosteroid receptors (nuclear receptors): Bind in {{c1::cytoplasm or nucleus}} → enters nucleus → {{c1::alter gene transcription }}…
Published 08/12/2024 Dose-Response Curves 
Published 08/12/2024
Published 08/12/2024 {{c1::ED50}} - median effective dose = dose at 50% response {{c1::LD50}}- median lethal dose {{c1::TD50}}- median toxic dose for a part…
Published 08/12/2024
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