Notes in 01a Skin Infections

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Published 01/09/2024 What are the most common types of low-risk HPV?{{c1::HPV6; HPV11::2}}
Published 01/09/2024 {{c1::Verruca (Warts)}} are soft, flesh-coloured, cauliflower-like papules that appear on the skin due to HPV infection of keratinocytes
Published 01/09/2024 HPV causes warts by inducing pathologic {{c1::hyperplasia::cellular adaptation}}
Published 01/09/2024 Impetigo is caused by infection of the {{c1::epidermis::layer of skin}}; erysipelas is caused by infection of the {{c1::upper dermis::l…
Published 01/09/2024 What is the likely diagnosis?{{c1::Scabies}}
Published 01/09/2024 Furuncles and carbuncles are infections of hair follicles; therefore, they cannot present on {{c1::palms and soles}}
Published 01/09/2024 An abscess around a single hair follicle is called {{c1::furuncle}}, while an abscess involving multiple follicles is called {{c1::carbuncle…
Published 01/09/2024 What is the likely diagnosis?{{c1::Furuncle}}
Published 01/09/2024 What is the likely diagnosis?{{c1::Carbuncle}}
Published 01/09/2024 What is the most important treatment for furuncles and carbuncles?{{c1::I&D}}
Published 01/09/2024 What is the likely diagnosis?{{c1::Cellulitis}}
Published 01/09/2024 The entry point for cellulitis is commonly a(n) {{c1::bite (bug, animal, or human)}} or tinea pedis
Published 01/09/2024 Early treatment of cellulitis is important to prevent {{c1::sepsis}}
Published 01/09/2024 Cephalexin, amoxicillin, dicloxacillin, and clindamycin can be used to treat cellulitis due to suspected {{c1::Group A Strep}}
Published 01/11/2024 The cause of cellulitis is most likely S. pyogenes, unless there is {{c1::purulence}}, {{c2::IV drug use}}, or {{c3::visible breaks}} i…
Published 01/09/2024 What is the likely diagnosis?{{c1::Erysipelas}}
Published 01/09/2024 What is the likely diagnosis?{{c1::Erythrasma}}
Published 01/09/2024 Folliculitis is usually caused by {{c1::S. aureus}} infection
Published 01/09/2024 Erythrasma is usually caused by {{c1::Corynebacterium minutissimum}} infection
Published 01/09/2024 What is the likely diagnosis in a patient with a well-demarcated rash that exhibits coral-red fluorescence under Wood's lamp?{{c1::Erythrasm…
Published 01/09/2024 What is the recommended treatment for erythrasma?{{c1::Topical antibiotics::general}}
Published 01/09/2024 Erythrasma primarily affects the {{c1::skin folds (intertrigo)}}
Published 01/09/2024 What layer(s) of the skin are affected in erythrasma?{{c1::Stratum corneum only}}
Published 01/09/2024 What is the likely diagnosis?{{c1::Necrotizing fasciitis}}
Published 01/09/2024 Necrotizing fasciitis is most associated with severe pain out of proportion with exam findings, but it can also present with {{c1::anes…
Published 01/09/2024 Exophytic, hyperkeratotic papules and plaques = {{c1::warts::skin condition}}
Published 01/09/2024 What is the likely diagnosis?{{c1::Verruca vulgaris}}
Published 01/09/2024 What is the likely diagnosis?{{c1::Verruca plantaris}}
Published 01/09/2024 What is the likely diagnosis?{{c1::Condyloma accuminatum}}
Published 01/09/2024 What is the likely pathogen?{{c1::HSV-1 (orolabial herpes)}}
Published 01/09/2024 What is the likely diagnosis?{{c1::Ulcerative-type tinea pedis}}
Published 01/09/2024 What is the likely diagnosis?{{c1::Tinea unguium (onychomycosis)}}
Published 01/09/2024 What is the first-line treatment for tinea corporis?{{c1::Topical allylamines (terbinafine)}}
Published 01/09/2024 What is the second-line treatment for tinea corporis?{{c1::Topical azoles (clotrimazole)}}
Published 01/09/2024 "{{c2::Spaghetti and meatballs}}" due to {{c1::Malassezia}} are seen with KOH prep of skin scrapings
Published 01/09/2024 Topical {{c1::allylamines}} work for dermatophytes but not Candida
Published 01/09/2024 Topical {{c1::nystatin}} works for Candida but not dermatophytes
Published 01/09/2024 Topical {{c1::azole}} works for both dermatophytes and Candida
Published 01/09/2024 Scabies is generally contagious, but {{c1::crusted}} scabies is highly contagious
Published 01/09/2024 Is impetigo contagious?{{c1::Yes, highly}}
Published 01/09/2024 Superficial infection of a hair follicle is called {{c1::folliculitis}}, while deep infection of a hair follicle is called {{c1::furuncle}}
Published 01/09/2024 What is the recommended treatment for folliculitis?{{c1::Topical antibiotics}}
Published 01/09/2024 What is the recommended treatment for erysipelas?{{c1::Oral antibiotics::general}}
Published 01/09/2024 What is the recommended treatment for cellulitis?{{c1::Oral antibiotics::general}}
Published 01/09/2024 What is the recommended treatment for necrotizing fasciitis?{{c1::emergent surgical debridement + systemic abx}}
Published 01/09/2024 Scabies can be seen with {{c1::mineral oil}} prep of {{c1::skin}} scrapings
Published 01/09/2024 Scabies is treated with topical {{c1::permethrin}} or oral {{c1::ivermectin}}
Published 01/10/2024 What is the likely diagnosis?{{c1::Lice}}
Published 01/09/2024 Lice are treated chemically with an insecticide and physically by {{c1::combing the hair}}
Published 01/09/2024 Most lice are resistant to {{c1::permethrin}}
Published 01/09/2024 Painless crusting lesion around lips = {{c1::impetigo}}Painful crusting lesion around lips = {{c1::HSV-1}}
Published 01/09/2024 Cellulitis and erysipelas are more likely to be due to {{c1::Streptococcus pyogenes}} if there are no visible breaks in the skin
Published 01/09/2024 Cellulitis and erysipelas are more likely to be due to {{c1::Staphylococcus aureus}} if there is a visible break in the skin
Published 01/09/2024 When should you use I&D for a skin or soft-tissue infection?{{c1::Whenever there is pus}}
Published 01/09/2024 What is the recommended treatment for mild furuncles and carbuncles?{{c1::Warm compresses}}
Published 01/09/2024 What oral antibiotics should be used to treat mild erysipelas?{{c1::Penicillin V}}
Published 01/09/2024 Will cellulitis typically present with systemic symptoms such as fever and malaise?{{c1::Yes}}
Published 01/09/2024 Will cellulitis typically present with positive blood cultures?{{c1::No}}
Published 01/09/2024 Will necrotizing infection typically present with systemic symptoms such as fever and malaise?{{c1::Yes}}
Published 01/09/2024 Type I necrotizing fasciitis is {{c1::poly::mono- or poly-}}microbial, and type II necrotizing fasciitis is {{c1::mono::mono- or poly-}}micr…
Published 01/09/2024 Will necrotizing fasciitis typically present with positive blood cultures?{{c1::Maybe (25%)}}
Published 01/09/2024 Empiric antibiotics for necrotizing fasciitis will often include {{c1::clindamycin}} to suppress toxin production
Published 01/09/2024 Itchy groin rash with well-demarcated border, no satellite lesions, and no scrotal involvement = {{c1::tinea cruris}}
Published 01/09/2024 {{c1::Oral herpes}} ("cold sores") is characterized by painful, shallow, red ulcers involving the oral mucosa
Published 01/09/2024 Oral herpes is usually due to {{c1::HSV-1}} infection
Published 01/09/2024 Dormant HSV-1 virus may be reactivated by stress and {{c1::sunlight}}, leading to an episode of oral herpes
Published 01/09/2024 HPV 1-4 causes {{c1::verruca vulgaris (cutaneous common wart)::what symptom}}
Published 01/09/2024 {{c1::Necrotizing fasciitis}} is caused by GAS and enters through trauma openings causing infection and ultimately necrotic skin with large bullae
Published 01/09/2024 Which bug is the most common cause of skin abscesses?{{c1::Staphylococcus aureus}}
Published 01/09/2024 Furuncles and carbuncles are most commonly associated with what organism?{{c1::Staph aureus}}
Published 01/09/2024 Which infectious skin disorder is a superficial bacterial skin infection characterized by painful, non-itchy pustules and honey-colored…
Published 01/09/2024 Impetigo is most often due to {{c1::S. aureus}} or {{c2::S. pyogenes}} infection
Published 01/09/2024 Tinea pedis most often starts in the {{c1::3rd or 4th interdigital spaces}} because there are no apocrine sweat glands there to produce fungicida…
Published 01/09/2024 The dx for this rash is {{c1::tinea corporis}}
Published 01/09/2024 Bullous impetigo has bullae and is usually caused by {{c1::S. aureus}} infection
Published 01/09/2024 Which infectious skin disorder is an infection involving the upper dermis and superficial lymphatics? {{c1::Erysipelas}}
Published 01/09/2024 {{c1::Erysipelas}} is an infectious skin disorder characterized by well-defined border
Published 01/09/2024 Erysipelas is usually caused by {{c1::S. pyogenes}} infection
Published 01/09/2024 Necrotizing fasciitis presents with {{c1::crepitus}} due to production of methane and CO2
Published 01/09/2024 {{c2::Necrotizing fasciitis::condition}} causes bullae formation, {{c1::purple::color}} skin discoloration, and pain out of proportion to exam finding…
Published 01/09/2024 Which infectious skin disorder presents as flesh-colored papules with a rough surface?{{c1::Verruca (wart)}}
Published 01/09/2024 Which infectious skin disorder presents as firm, pink, umbilicated papules? {{c1::Molluscum contagiosum}}
Published 01/09/2024 What infection is associated with molluscum contagiosum?{{c1::Poxvirus}}
Published 01/09/2024 Molluscum contagiosum is typically seen in children but can be {{c1::sexually}} transmitted in adults
Published 01/09/2024 Molluscum contagiosum is characterized histologically by {{c1::cytoplasmic}} inclusions (molluscum bodies)
Published 01/09/2024 Dermatophytes cause Tinea lesions that are often {{c1::pruritic (itchy)::what symptom}}
Published 01/09/2024 {{c2::Onychomycosis}} describes {{c1::dermatophyte}} infection of the {{c1::nails}}
Published 01/09/2024 The oral antifungal drug {{c1::Terbinafine}} is used to treat {{c2::onychomycosis (dermatophyte infection of nails)::what dermatophyte infection}}
Published 01/09/2024 {{c1::HSV-2}} commonly causes herpes genitalis
Published 01/09/2024 What drugs are used to prevent breakouts of Herpes Simplex Virus?{{c1::Acyclovir; Valacyclovir::2}}
Published 01/09/2024 {{c1::PCR}} is the gold standard used in the diagnosis of Herpes Simplex Virus
Published 01/09/2024 What patient population is likely to have a prolonged course of molluscum contagiosum, with widespread papules? {{c1::Immunocompromised patients (e.g.…
Published 01/09/2024 What is the likely diagnosis in a patient that develops numerous pruritic, erythematous papules with scattered vesicles/pustules on the finger webs, p…
Published 01/09/2024 What is the likely diagnosis in a patient that noticed hypopigmented skin lesions on her trunk after returning from a summer vacation in Florida (pict…
Published 01/09/2024 Which gram-negative bacteria is associated with hot tub folliculitis?{{c1::Pseudomonas aeruginosa}}
Published 01/09/2024 What is the cause of Chickenpox?{{c1::VZV (Varicella-Zoster)}}
Published 01/09/2024 Which two viruses are said to have a "dew drops on a rose" appearance?{{c1::VZV, HSV}}
Published 01/09/2024 Lesions of Chickenpox (VZV) will be in {{c1::different::the same or different}} stage(s) of healing
Published 01/09/2024 What viruses can be diagnosed with a Tzanck smear?{{c1::VZV and HSV::2}}
Published 01/09/2024 A(n) {{c2::Tzanck}} smear showing {{c3::multinucleated giant}} cells is characteristic of Varicella Zoster Virus infections
Published 01/09/2024 What is the drug of choice for chickenpox?{{c1::Acyclovir}}
Published 01/09/2024 Which two demographics are commonly affected by Herpes Zoster (shingles)?{{c1::Elderly and Immunocompromised}}
Published 01/09/2024 Reactivation of VZV results in {{c1::herpes zoster (shingles)}}
Published 01/09/2024 Is the Herpes Zoster (shingles) rash painful?{{c1::Extremely!}}
Published 01/09/2024 Pain after the rash of Herpes Zoster (shingles) has cleared is known as {{c1::post-herpetic neuralgia}}
Published 01/09/2024 What drugs can be used to treat Shingles (Herpes zoster)?{{c1::Famciclovir}}, {{c1::Valacyclovir}}
Published 01/09/2024 Reactivated infection with HSV will present as {{c1::herpes labialis}}
Published 01/09/2024 Scabies is common in {{c1::children::demographic}} and crowded populations
Published 01/09/2024 The pruritis of Scabies is worse at night due to a(n) {{c1::delayed, type IV}} HSR
Published 01/09/2024 Which anti-scabies/louse therapy causes neuronal membrane depolarization?{{c1::Permethrin}}
Published 01/09/2024 Disinfestation of Scabies is achieved by laundering clothing and bedding in {{c1::hot}} water
Published 01/09/2024 Mupirocin is a topical antibiotic that works by inhibiting {{c1::isoleucine t-RNA synthetase}}
Published 01/09/2024 What is the likely diagnosis in an obese woman with an erythematous rash involving the skin folds underneath her breasts?{{c1::Intertrigo (most common…
Published 01/09/2024 Immunocompromised adult (>60)Prodromal painDermatomal vesicular rashNever crosses midline{{c1::Herpes zoster (shingles)::Diagnosis?}}
Published 01/09/2024 Which parasite commonly affects the webspace of the fingers and feet?{{c1::Scabies}}
Published 01/09/2024 Which azole is used to treat localized Tinea infections (except tinea capitis)?{{c1::Topical -azoles (clotrimazole and miconazole)}}
Published 01/09/2024 Oral antifungals are generally required for:{{c1::Tinea capitis::cutaneous mycosis}}{{c2::Onychomycosis::cutaneous mycosis}}
Published 01/09/2024 What is the likely diagnosis in a child that notices multiple, pruritic hypopigmented skin lesions on the face and trunk after beginning summer camp?{…
Published 01/09/2024 Diagnosis of Tinea versicolor is confirmed with {{c1::KOH preparation}}, which demonstrates a classic "spaghetti and meatballs" appearance
Published 01/09/2024 Multiple small pustules localized to hair follicles on any body surface?{{c1::Folliculitis}}
Published 01/09/2024 Pruritic, erythematous, scaly plaques with central clearing = {{c1::tinea corporis (dermatophytes)::infection}}
Published 01/09/2024 What is the likely diagnosis in a young adult patient that presents with the foot rash below? The lesions are painful with walking and standing.{{c1::…
Published 01/09/2024 What is the general term for this? {{c1::An abscess is a localized collection of pus}}
Published 01/09/2024 What is the likely diagnosis in a young sexually active woman that presents with multiple papular lesions around the vagina? Some lesions bleed with m…
Published 01/09/2024 Condylomata acuminata (genital warts) is associated with HPV strains {{c1::6}} and {{c1::11}}
Published 01/09/2024 Treatment of small genital warts includes topical medications, such as {{c1::trichloroacetic acid}} or {{c1::podophyllin resin}}
Published 01/09/2024 {{c1::Ramsay Hunt}} syndrome is a combination of herpes zoster (shingles) and facial/vestibulocochlear nerve palsy
Published 01/09/2024 What is the likely reason for recurrence of tinea cruris or tinea pedis?{{c1::Autoinfection (from nails)}}
Published 01/09/2024 {{c1::Erysipelas::Erysieplas/Cellulitis}} = raised, sharp edges with good demarcation{{c1::Cellulitis::Erysieplas/Cellulitis}} = flat e…
Published 01/09/2024 What is the recommended treatment for widespread impetigo?{{c1::Oral antibiotics (e.g. cephalexin, clindamycin)}}
Published 01/09/2024 Erysipelas may be accompanied by {{c1::lymphangitis}}, presenting as red streaks radiating along the course of lymphatic vessels
Published 01/09/2024 How are dermatophytes visualized?{{c1::Branching septate hyphae on KOH}}
Published 01/09/2024 Below is a patient with {{c1::impetigo}}
Published 01/09/2024 Below is a patient with {{c1::tinea versicolor}}
Published 01/09/2024 {{c1::Imiquimod}} can be used to treat urogenital warts by activating {{c2::TLR-7}}, leading to unregulated pro-inflammatory transcription factor…
Published 01/11/2024 Severe furuncles and carbuncles can be treated with {{c1::systemic::topical vs systemic}} antibiotics
Published 01/09/2024 HSV can be treated with observation, {{c1::acylcovir (PO)}}, or, in immunocompromised patients with resistance, {{c1::foscarnet (PO)}}
Published 01/09/2024 This unilateral, dermatomal rash is suggestive of {{c1::herpes zoster (shingles)}}
Published 01/09/2024 The most virulent dermatophyte infections are those that are transmitted by {{c1::animals (zoophilic)}}
Published 01/09/2024 Tinea {{c1::manum}} affects the hands
Published 01/09/2024 Tinea {{c1::unguium}} affects the nails
Published 01/09/2024 What is the likely diagnosis?{{c1::Tinea capitis}}
Published 01/09/2024 Annular plaque with raised border and scattered central granulomas = {{c1::Majocchi granuloma}}
Published 01/09/2024 What is the likely diagnosis?{{c1::Moccasin-type tinea pedis}}
Published 01/09/2024 What is the likely diagnosis?{{c1::Interdigital-type tinea pedis}}
Published 01/09/2024 What is the likely diagnosis?{{c1::Vesicular-type tinea pedis}}
Published 01/09/2024 Which cell wall synthesis inhibitors are used in the treatment of S. aureus folliculitis, abscesses?{{c1::Anti-staph penicillins (nafcillin, oxacillin…
Published 01/09/2024 Treatment for Cutaneous Warts?{{c1::Salicylic acid/Liquid Nitrogen}}
Published 01/09/2024 The fungus {{c1::Malassezia furfur}} causes {{c2::Tinea Versicolor}}
Published 01/09/2024 {{c1::Dermatophytes::What cutaneous fungi}} are responsible for rashes known as {{c2::Tinea}}
Published 01/09/2024 Tinea is commonly referred to as "{{c1::ringworm}}"
Published 01/09/2024 Tinea capitis affects the {{c1::head}} and {{c1::scalp}}
Published 01/09/2024 Tinea corporis affects the {{c1::body}}
Published 01/09/2024 Tinea cruris affects the {{c1::groin}}
Published 01/09/2024 Tinea pedis affects the {{c1::foot}}
Published 01/09/2024 What demographic of people are at risk for Tinea (ringworm) infections?{{c1::Athletes}}
Published 01/09/2024 What demographic is most commonly affected by Tinea capitis? {{c1::African American children}}
Published 01/09/2024 What is the recommended treatment for tinea capitis?{{c1::Oral griseofulvin or terbinafine}}
Published 01/09/2024 What is the likely diagnosis in an athlete that presents with a scaly, erythematous, pruritic plaque with a raised border and central clearing on thei…
Published 01/09/2024 What is the likely diagnosis in an infant with an erythematous rash in the diaper region with satellite lesions and involvement of skin folds?{{c1::Ca…
Published 01/09/2024 What is the recommended treatment for localized impetigo?{{c1::Topical antibiotics (e.g. mupirocin)}}
Published 01/09/2024 Congenital varicella syndrome can result in {{c1::dermatomal scarring::cutaneous pathology}}
Published 01/09/2024 Acyclovir is converted to acyclovir monophosphate by {{c1::thymidine kinase}} in {{c2::virus-infected}} cells
Published 01/09/2024 During active Shingles infection (herpes zoster), valacyclovir and famciclovir are most effective if given within {{c1::3 days}} of symptom onset
Published 01/09/2024 What class of drugs results in an accumulation of squalene intracellularly?{{c1::Allylamines (e.g. terbinafine)}}
Published 01/09/2024 The antifungal class allylamines can be recognized via the suffix {{c1::-fine (e.g. terbinafine)}}
Published 01/09/2024 What is the likely diagnosis in a child that presents with pruritic, erythematous plaque on the scalp that resulted in patchy hair loss with resi…
Published 01/09/2024 Condyloma Acuminata is an STD caused by HPV6 or HPV11 that presents with {{c2::anogenital warts}} and {{c3::koilocytes::what cellular pathology}}
Published 01/09/2024 Acyclovir, famciclovir, and valacyclovir are used to treat active or latent {{c2::VZV}} and {{c2::HSV}} infections
Published 01/09/2024 {{c2::Hutchinson's sign}} is when shingles vesicles present on the tip of the nose. If seen, you should consult not just derm but also {{c1::opht…
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