Notes in Osmosis

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Published 10/11/2024 The glands in the external acoustic meatus secrete {{c1::cerumen}}, which traps foreign bodies.
Published 10/11/2024 The ossicles of the middle ear transmit the vibration of the tympanic membrane to the {{c1::oval}} window.
Published 10/11/2024 The floor of the cochlear duct consists of the fibrous {{c1::basilar membrane}}, which supports the organ of Corti.
Published 10/11/2024 The scala media is part of the membranous labyrinth which is filled with {{c1::endolymph}}.
Published 10/11/2024 The sound waves that vibrate the tympanic membrane are converted to {{c1::mechanical}} energy in the ossicles of the middle ear.
Published 10/11/2024 The pressure measured by the force per unit area is {{c1::greater::greater/lesser}} at the oval window than at the tympanic membrane in order to overc…
Published 10/11/2024 The first part of the external acoustic meatus is elastic cartilage while the rest is carved out of the {{c1::temporal}} bone.
Published 10/11/2024 The tensor tympani of the middle ear originates from the pharyngotympanic tube and inserts on the {{c1::malleus}}.
Published 10/11/2024 The external portion of the cochlear duct is lined by the stria {{c1::vascularis}}, a vascular mucosa that secretes endolymph.
Published 10/11/2024 The movement of the {{c1::oval}} window creates fluid waves that excite the hearing receptors.
Published 10/11/2024 The middle ear is {{c1::air::air/fluid}} filled.
Published 10/11/2024 The boundary between the external and middle ear is the {{c1::tympanic}} membrane.
Published 10/11/2024 The two skeletal muscles attached to the ossicles that help dampen loud sounds are the {{c1::tensor tympani}} and {{c2::stapedius}}.
Published 10/11/2024 The anterior wall of the middle ear has an opening for the{{c1:: Eustachian (pharyngotympanic)}} tube that connects to the nasopharynx.
Published 10/11/2024 The {{c1::mastoid antrum}} is the canal that allows the middle ear to communicate with the mastoid air cells in the mastoid process.
Published 10/11/2024 The scala tympani is {{c1::inferior::superior/inferior}} to the cochlear duct, making it adjacent to the round window.
Published 10/11/2024 The {{c1::external::internal/external}} ear captures sound waves from the environment.
Published 10/11/2024 The auricle of the ear is composed of {{c1::elastic}} cartilage covered by thin skin.
Published 10/11/2024 The basilar membrane is {{c1::most::most/least}} stiff at the base to detect high frequency sounds.
Published 10/11/2024 The scala vestibuli lies {{c1::superior::superior/inferior}} to the cochlear duct so is adjacent the oval window.
Published 10/11/2024 The mucosa that lines the middle ear is {{c1::continuous::continuous/discontinuous}} with the mucosa of the nasopharynx.
Published 10/11/2024 The three smallest bones in the human body are the {{c1::malleus}}, {{c2::incus}}, and {{c3::stapes}}.
Published 10/11/2024 The middle ear is located in the {{c1::petrous}} portion of the {{c2::temporal}} bone.
Published 10/11/2024 The basilar membrane is {{c1::least::most/least}} stiff at the apex to detect low frequency sounds.
Published 10/11/2024 The {{c1::stapedius skeletal}} muscle in the middle ear attaches to the {{c2::stapes}}.
Published 10/11/2024 The {{c1::lobule}} of the ear lacks supporting cartilage.
Published 10/11/2024 The organ of Corti is housed in the membranous {{c1::cochlear duct}}.
Published 10/11/2024 The roof of the cochlear duct is the {{c1::vestibular}} membrane, which separates the scala media from the scala vestibuli.
Published 10/11/2024 The bony labyrinth of the inner ear is continuous, coming to an apex at the {{c1::helicotrema}}.
Published 10/11/2024 The inner ear is {{c1::fluid::air/fluid}} filled.
Published 10/11/2024 Swallowing or yawning briefly {{c1::opens::opens/closes}} the pharyngotympanic tube to equalize pressures between the middle ear and nasopharynx.
Published 10/11/2024 The membranous labyrinth of the inner ear contains the potassium rich fluid {{c1::endolymph::endolymph/perilymph}}.
Published 10/11/2024 The bony labyrinth of the inner ear contains {{c1::perilymph::endolymph/perilymph}}, which is similar in composition to {{c2::cerebrospinal fluid}}.
Published 10/11/2024 {{c5::image-occlusion:rect:left=.6402:top=.8591:width=.0992:height=.0624}}{{c8::image-occlusion:rect:left=.5804:top=.3071:width=.0753:height=.043}}{{c…
Published 10/11/2024 {{c4::image-occlusion:rect:left=.383:top=.8621:width=.2145:height=.0517}}{{c7::image-occlusion:rect:left=.7376:top=.5241:width=.2181:height=.1517}}{{c…
Published 10/11/2024 {{c7::image-occlusion:rect:left=.572:top=.301:width=.1183:height=.0701}}{{c6::image-occlusion:rect:left=.7963:top=.7839:width=.1094:height=.1278}}{{c2…
Published 10/11/2024 {{c14::image-occlusion:rect:left=.0476:top=.1689:width=.2144:height=.0793}}{{c6::image-occlusion:rect:left=.8589:top=.4446:width=.1087:height=.0236}}{…
Published 10/11/2024 {{c1::image-occlusion:rect:left=.4975:top=.8465:width=.164:height=.0688}}{{c2::image-occlusion:rect:left=.5183:top=.5562:width=.1176:height=.052}}{{c3…
Published 10/11/2024 {{c1::MRSA}} can cause nosocomial pneumonia and is resistant to common antibiotics.
Published 10/11/2024 Macrolides, doxycycline, or fluoroquinolones are used to treat {{c1::atypical}} pneumonia.
Published 10/11/2024 {{c1::Atypical}} pneumonia refers to pneumonia caused by Mycoplasma, Chlamydia or Legionella.
Published 10/11/2024 Most common cause of viral pneumonia is {{c1::influenza}}.
Published 10/11/2024 {{c1::Chlamydia psittaci}} has an avian reservoir, namely parrots, and causes atypical pneumonia.
Published 10/11/2024 Mucopurulent sputum production is most frequently associated with {{c1::bacterial}} pneumonia, while scant or watery sputum production is more suggest…
Published 10/11/2024 Nosocomial pneumonia is acquired in the {{c1::hospital}}.
Published 10/11/2024 The classic presentation of community-acquired pneumonia includes fever, productive cough {{c1::with::with/without}} purulent sputum, dyspnea, and ple…
Published 10/11/2024 The presence of {{c1::patchy infiltrate}} on plain chest radiograph is considered the gold standard for diagnosing pneumonia when clinical and microbi…
Published 10/11/2024 {{c1::Macrolides, doxycycline, or fluoroquinolones::3 things}} are used to treat atypical pneumonia.
Published 10/11/2024 Pneumonia has three patterns classically seen on {{c1::chest x-ray}}: lobar pneumonia, bronchopneumonia, and interstitial pneumonia.
Published 10/11/2024 {{c1::Atypical}} pneumonia typically causes a dry cough with minimal sputum production.
Published 10/11/2024 Viral respiratory tract infection, especially influenza, can cause viral pneumonia and predispose patients to {{c1::bacterial}} pneumonia.
Published 10/11/2024 Complications of {{c1::bacterial::microbe type}} pneumonia include pleural effusion, empyema, pneumatoceles, necrotizing pneumonia, and lung abscesses…
Published 10/11/2024 Mycoplasma pneumoniae is the classic cause of {{c1::atypical “walking” pneumonia}}.
Published 10/11/2024 Two species of Chlamydiae,{{c1:: Chlamydia pneumoniae}} and {{c2::Chlamydia psittaci}}, cause atypical pneumonia; transmitted by a…
Published 10/11/2024 Common causes of pneumonia in neonates (less than 4 weeks old) are {{c1::group B streptococci}} and {{c2::Escherichia coli}}.
Published 10/11/2024 Community-acquired pneumonia is defined as an acute infection of the pulmonary {{c1::parenchyma}} in a patient who has acquired the infection in the c…
Published 10/11/2024 Patients on ventilators are at risk for nosocomial pneumonia because they can't {{c1::cough}}.
Published 10/11/2024 Due to its diffuse patchy inflammation localized to interstitial areas at alveolar walls, {{c1::atypical pneumonia}} is also known as interstitial pne…
Published 10/11/2024 The CURB-65 score mnemonic, used patients with community-acquired pneumonia, consists of {{c1::confusion, uremia, elevated respiratory rate, low blood…
Published 10/11/2024 {{c1::Nosocomial}} pneumonia is most commonly caused by Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas, and other enteric gram-negative rods.
Published 10/11/2024 {{c1::Chlamydia pneumoniae}} is the second most common cause of atypical pneumonia in young adults.
Published 10/11/2024 {{c1::Streptococcus pneumoniae}} is the most frequent cause of "typical" bacterial pneumonia in children of all ages.
Published 10/11/2024 Atypical pneumonia is also known as {{c1::"walking" pneumonia}} because it generally follows a more indolent course.
Published 10/11/2024 Viruses that cause atypical pneumonia include {{c1::respiratory syncytial virus, cytomegalovirus, influenza, and adenovirus::4 trucs}}.
Published 10/11/2024 {{c1::Streptococcus pneumoniae::pathogen}} is the most common cause of community-acquired pneumonia; usually seen in middle-aged adults and elderly.
Published 10/11/2024 CURB-65 is an acronym used for community-acquired pneumonia that stands for confusion, uremia, elevated respiratory rate, low blood pressure, and age …
Published 10/11/2024 {{c1::Influenza virus}} is the most common cause of atypical pneumonia in the elderly/immunocompromised.
Published 10/11/2024 Empiric antibiotic therapy for presumed bacterial pneumonia in hospitalized children should include coverage for {{c1::Streptococcus pneumoniae}}…
Published 10/11/2024 {{c1::Mycoplasma}}, {{c2::Legionella}} and {{c3::Chlamydia}} are bacteria associated with atypical pneumonia.
Published 10/11/2024 Two species of Chlamydiae, {{c1::Chlamydia pneumoniae}} and {{c2::Chlamydia psittaci}}, cause atypical pneumonia; transmitted by aeroso…
Published 10/11/2024 Chlamydia psittaci has an avian reservoir, namely parrots, and causes {{c1::atypical}} pneumonia.
Published 10/11/2024 Patients who are severely ill with influenza pneumonia should be evaluated for secondary {{c1::bacterial pneumonia}}, which is most likely to be cause…
Published 10/11/2024 Due to its diffuse patchy inflammation localized to interstitial areas at alveolar walls, atypical pneumonia is also known as {{c1::interstitial pneum…
Published 10/11/2024 Toxic appearance is more common in {{c1::bacterial}} pneumonia and may suggest a more severe course.
Published 10/11/2024 {{c1::Mycoplasma pneumoniae}}; typically in younger adults is the most common cause of atypical pneumonia.
Published 10/11/2024 {{c2::image-occlusion:rect:left=.5603:top=.5318:width=.2234:height=.0896}}{{c3::image-occlusion:rect:left=.5603:top=.7023:width=.2429:height=.078}}{{c…
Published 10/11/2024 {{c1::image-occlusion:rect:left=.0056:top=.25:width=.2017:height=.0906:oi=1}}{{c2::image-occlusion:rect:left=.1954:top=.0208:width=.353:height=.1072:o…
Published 10/11/2024 {{c5::image-occlusion:rect:left=.4075:top=.867:width=.2042:height=.1026}}{{c2::image-occlusion:rect:left=.7092:top=.3446:width=.1313:height=.0705}}{{c…
Published 10/11/2024 {{c1::Kartagener syndrome}} is primary ciliary dyskinesia due to dynein arm defect, and can cause bronchiectasis, recurrent sinusitis, chronic ear inf…
Published 10/11/2024 Chronic sinusitis can lead to {{c1::nasal polyps}}, which are noncancerous outgrowths in the nose or sinuses that could lead to more obstruction.
Published 10/11/2024 The Infectious Diseases Society of America recommends {{c1::amoxicillin/clavulanic}} acid for acute bacterial rhinosinusitis treatment.
Published 10/11/2024 Acute rhinosinusitis is most commonly caused by {{c1::viral infection}} of the upper respiratory tract.
Published 10/11/2024 Sinusitis or dental infections can lead to brain abscess formation in the {{c1::frontal lobe::brain region}}.
Published 10/11/2024 {{c1::Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Wegener granulomatosis)}} is a small-vessel vasculitis which can present with upper respiratory symptoms …
Published 10/11/2024 {{c1::Rhinosinusitis}} is an upper respiratory tract condition which occurs due to obstruction of sinus drainage into the nasal cavity, and hence pres…
Published 10/11/2024 {{c1::Chronic}} sinusitis is commonly caused by secondary bacterial infections.
Published 10/11/2024 Dust, pollution, and Aspergillus can cause {{c1::chronic::acute/chronic}} sinusitis.
Published 10/11/2024 {{c1::Churg-Strauss granulomatosis}} is an eosinophilic small-vessel vasculitis which often presents with asthma, sinusitis, purpura, and peripheral n…
Published 10/11/2024 {{c1::Haemophilus influenzae}} and {{c2::Moraxella catarrhalis}} are two gram-negative bacteria that can cause superinfection following acut…
Published 10/11/2024 {{c1::Streptococcus pneumoniae}} is the most frequent cause of "typical" bacterial pneumonia in children of all ages.
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