Notes in 04 ABG II

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Published 10/26/2023 What is the typical normal value for anatomic dead space (mL)?{{c1::150 mL}}
Published 10/26/2023 The volume of the {{c2::anatomic}} dead space plus the {{c2::alveolar}} dead space comprises the "{{c1::physiologic}} dead space"
Published 10/26/2023 The {{c1::apex}} of a healthy lung is the largest contributor of alveolar dead space
Published 10/26/2023 In healthy lungs, the physiologic dead space is approximately equal to the {{c1::anatomic dead space}}
Published 10/26/2023 In certain pathologic situations, the physiologic dead space may become greater than the anatomic dead space, suggesting a(n) {{c1::ventilation/p…
Published 10/26/2023 What equation may be used to determine the physiologic dead space (VD)?{{c1::}}
Published 10/26/2023 {{c1::Minute}} ventilation is the total volume of gas that enters the lungs per unit time
Published 10/26/2023 {{c1::Alveolar}} ventilation is the volume of gas per unit time that reaches the alveoli (accounts for physiologic dead space)
Published 10/26/2023 What equation may be used to calculate minute ventilation? Minute Ventilation (VE) = {{c1::VT * Respiratory Rate}}
Published 10/26/2023 What equation may be used to calculate alveolar ventilation? Alveolar Ventilation (VA) = {{c1::(VT - VD) * Respiratory Rate}}
Published 10/26/2023 What is the normal range of respiratory rates for a healthy adult (breaths/min)? {{c1::12-20 breaths/min}}
Published 10/26/2023 If CO2 production is constant, then the arterial and alveolar {{c2::Pco2}} is determined by {{c1::alveolar ventilation}}
Published 10/26/2023 What is the effect of increased alveolar ventilation on arteriolar (and alveolar) Pco2?{{c1::Decreased Pco2}}
Published 10/26/2023 What is the effect of decreased alveolar ventilation on arteriolar (and alveolar) Pco2?{{c1::Increased Pco2}}
Published 10/26/2023 The alveolar gas equation states that the alveolar Po2 (PAo2) equals:{{c1::}}
Published 10/26/2023 When using the alveolar gas equation, the respiratory quotient (R) is equal to the ratio of {{c1::CO2 produced}} / {{c1::O2 consumed}}
Published 10/26/2023 In the steady state, the respiratory quotient, R, is normally equal to {{c1::0.8}}
Published 10/26/2023 The approximate Po2 in inspired, humidified air (PIO2) at sea level is {{c1::150}} mmHg
Published 10/26/2023 The gradient between PAo2 - Pao2 is known as the {{c1::A-a gradient}} and is normally {{c2::10}} - {{c2::15}} mmHg
Published 10/26/2023 The Po2 in dry inspired air is normally approximately {{c1::160}} mmHg
Published 10/26/2023 The Po2 in humidified tracheal air is normally approximately {{c1::150}} mmHg
Published 10/26/2023 The partial pressure of oxygen in the alveolar air (PAO2) and arterial blood (PaO2) is normally approximately {{c1::100}} mmHg
Published 10/26/2023 The partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the alveolar air (PACO2) and arterial blood (PaCO2) is normally approximately {{c1::40}} mmHg
Published 10/26/2023 The partial pressure of oxygen in the venous blood (PvO2) is normally approximately {{c1::40}} mmHg
Published 10/26/2023 The partial pressure of carbon dioxide in mixed venous blood (PvCO2) is normally approximately {{c1::46}} mmHg
Published 10/26/2023 At {{c1::high}} altitude the partial pressure gradient of O2 is {{c2::lower}} and thus equilibration takes {{c2::longer}}
Published 10/26/2023 O2 is carried in blood in two forms: {{c2::dissolved}} (2%) or {{c1::bound to hemoglobin}} (98%)
Published 10/26/2023 Each subunit of hemoglobin contains a(n) {{c1::heme}} moiety, which is a(n) {{c2::iron}}-binding porphyrin, and a polypeptide chain
Published 10/26/2023 Iron in hemoglobin is normally in the {{c1::ferrous (Fe2+)}} state
Published 10/26/2023 If the iron in hemoglobin is in the {{c1::ferric (Fe3+)}} state, it is called {{c2::methemoglobin}}
Published 10/26/2023 Methemoglobin (Fe3+) binds O2 much {{c1::less::more/less}} readily than hemoglobin (Fe2+)
Published 10/26/2023 Methemoglobin has a(n) {{c1::increased}} affinity for {{c2::cyanide}} relative to hemoglobin
Published 10/26/2023 {{c1::Methemoglobinemia}} may present with {{c3::cyanosis}} and {{c2::chocolate}}-colored blood
Published 10/26/2023 Induced-{{c1::methemoglobinemia}} (i.e. {{c3::nitrites}} followed by {{c3::thiosulfate}}) may be used to treat {{c2::cyanide}} poisoning
Published 10/26/2023 Methemoglobinemia can be treated with {{c1::methylene blue}} or {{c2::vitamin C}}
Published 10/26/2023 What two drug classes are associated with methemoglobinemia? {{c1::Nitrates (and nitrites) & Sulfa drugs}}
Published 10/26/2023 Polluted/high altitude H2O may contain {{c1::nitrites}}, which can cause methemoglobinemia
Published 10/26/2023 Methemoglobinemia is associated with {{c1::decreased}} SaO2, {{c1::decreased}} O2 content, and {{c1::normal}} PaO2
Published 10/26/2023 Most adult hemoglobin is composed of 2 {{c1::α}} and 2 {{c1::β}} subunits; known as {{c2::HbA}}
Published 10/26/2023 Fetal hemoglobin, known as {{c2::HbF}}, is composed of 2 {{c1::alpha}} and 2 {{c1::gamma}} subunits
Published 10/26/2023 Fetal hemoglobin (HbF) has a much {{c1::higher}} binding affinity for O2 than adult hemoglobin (HbA)
Published 10/26/2023 Why must fetal hemoglobin have a much higher O2 binding affinity than HbA? {{c1::Drives O2 diffusion across placenta from mother to fetus}}
Published 10/26/2023 The increased O2 binding affinity of fetal hemoglobin results from {{c1::decreased}} affinity of HbF for {{c2::2,3-BPG}}
Published 10/26/2023 Hemoglobin exists in two forms: {{c1::taut}} (deoxygenated) and {{c1::relaxed}} (oxygenated)
Published 10/26/2023 The {{c2::taut}} form of hemoglobin has a(n) {{c1::low}} affinity for O2
Published 10/26/2023 The {{c2::relaxed}} form of hemoglobin has a(n) {{c1::high}} affinity for O2
Published 10/26/2023 The {{c1::taut}} form of hemoglobin is found in most tissues
Published 10/26/2023 The {{c1::relaxed}} form of hemoglobin is found in the respiratory tract
Published 10/26/2023 Normally 1g of hemoglobin can bind {{c1::1.34}} mL of O2
Published 10/26/2023 Normally there is ~{{c1::15}} g/dL of hemoglobin in blood
Published 10/26/2023 The O2-binding capacity of blood is {{c1::20.1}} mL O2/ 100 mL blood
Published 10/26/2023 What equation may be used to calculate the O2 content of blood?O2 content = {{c1::(1.34 * Hb * SaO2) + (0.003 * PaO2)}}
Published 10/26/2023 Decreased hemoglobin (e.g. anemia) is associated with {{c1::normal}} SaO2, {{c1::decreased}} O2 content, and {{c1::normal}} PaO2
Published 10/26/2023 What equation may be used to calculate O2 delivery to tissues? O2 delivery = {{c1::cardiac output * O2 content of blood}}
Published 10/26/2023 The {{c2::sigmoidal}} shape of the oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve is due to {{c1::positive cooperativity}} (increased affinity for each sucessiv…
Published 10/26/2023 The {{c1::P50}} of the oxygen-Hb dissociation curve is the Po2 at which hemoglobin is 50% saturated
Published 10/26/2023 The oxygen-Hb dissociation curve is roughly flat when the Po2 is between {{c1::60}} and {{c1::100}} mmHg
Published 10/26/2023 Does the oxygen-myoglobin dissociation curve have a sigmoidal shape? Why?{{c1::No, myoglobin is monomeric (no positive cooperativity)}}
Published 10/26/2023 Shifts of the O2-Hb dissociation curve to the {{c1::right}} occur when there is {{c2::decreased}} affinity of hemoglobin for O2
Published 10/26/2023 Shifts of the O2-Hb dissociation curve to the {{c1::right}} cause {{c2::increased}} unloading of O2 at tissues
Published 10/26/2023 Increased pCO2 and resulting decrease of pH enhancing the release of O2 from hemoglobin is called the {{c1::Bohr}} effect
Published 10/26/2023 {{c1::Increases}} in temperature cause the O2-hemoglobin dissociation curve to shift to the {{c2::right}}
Published 10/26/2023 {{c1::Increases}} in 2,3-BPG cause the O2-hemoglobin dissociation curve to shift to the {{c2::right}}
Published 10/26/2023 How do levels of 2,3-BPG change at high altitudes? {{c1::Increased}}
Published 10/26/2023 2,3-BPG increases under {{c1::hypoxic}} conditions (e.g. high altitude)
Published 10/26/2023 High altitudes indirectly cause the O2-hemoglobin dissociation curve to shift to the {{c2::right}}
Published 10/26/2023 {{c1::Increases}} in pH cause the O2-hemoglobin dissociation curve to shift to the {{c2::left}}
Published 10/26/2023 Decreases in temperature cause the O2-hemoglobin dissociation curve to shift to the {{c2::left}}
Published 10/26/2023 {{c1::Increases}} in hemoglobin F cause the O2-hemoglobin dissociation curve to shift to the {{c2::left}}
Published 10/26/2023 {{c1::Carboxyhemoglobin}} is a form of hemoglobin bound to {{c2::CO}} in place of O2
Published 10/26/2023 Carbon monoxide binds competitively to Hb and with 200-250x {{c1::greater}} affinity than O2
Published 10/26/2023 Carboxyhemoglobin causes the O2-hemoglobin dissociation curve to shift to the {{c2::left}}
Published 10/26/2023 Carboxyhemoglobin heme groups not bound by CO have a(n) {{c1::increased}} affinity for O2
Published 10/26/2023 Carboxyhemoglobin causes {{c2::decreased}} unloading of O2 at tissues
Published 10/26/2023 Carboxyhemoglobin causes {{c1::decreased}} O2-binding capacity
Published 10/26/2023 Carboxyhemoglobinemia (CO poisoning) may be treated with {{c1::100% O2}} and {{c2::hyperbaric O2}}
Published 10/26/2023 Carboxyhemoglobinemia is associated with {{c1::decreased*}} SaO2, {{c1::decreased}} O2 content, and {{c1::normal}} PaO2
Published 10/26/2023 What is the hemoglobin concentration in carboxyhemoglobinemia?{{c1::Normal}}
Published 10/26/2023 Decreased Po2 (hypoxia) causes vaso-{{c1::constriction}} in the pulmonary circulation
Published 10/26/2023 Increased Pco2 (hypercapnia) causes vaso-{{c1::constriction}} in the pulmonary circulation
Published 10/26/2023 Decreased Po2 (hypoxia) causes vaso-{{c1::dilation}} in the systemic circulation
Published 10/26/2023 Increased Pco2 (hypercapnia) causes vaso-{{c1::dilation}} in the systemic circulation
Published 10/26/2023 In zone {{c2::1 (apex)}} of the lung, blood flow (Q) is {{c1::lowest}}
Published 10/26/2023 In zone {{c2::3 (base)}} of the lung, blood flow (Q) is {{c1::highest}}
Published 10/26/2023 Rank the following variables for zone 1 of the lung: PA, Pa, and Pv {{c1::PA > Pa > Pv}}
Published 10/26/2023 Rank the following variables for zone 2 of the lung: PA, Pa, and Pv {{c1::Pa > PA > Pv}}
Published 10/26/2023 Rank the following variables for zone 3 of the lung: PA, Pa, and Pv {{c1::Pa > Pv > PA}}
Published 10/26/2023 In zone {{c1::1}} of the lung, high alveolar pressure may compress the capillaries and reduce blood flow in this zone
Published 10/26/2023 In zone 2 of the lung, blood flow is driven by the difference between {{c1::arteriolar}} and {{c1::alveolar}} pressure
Published 10/26/2023 In zone 3 of the lung, blood flow is driven by the difference between {{c1::arteriolar}} and {{c1::venous}} pressure
Published 10/26/2023 A consequence of pulmonary hypertension is right ventricular hypertrophy with eventual {{c1::cor pulmonale}}
Published 10/26/2023 In zone {{c2::1 (apex)}} of the lung, alveolar ventilation (V) is {{c1::lowest}}
Published 10/26/2023 In zone {{c2::3 (base)}} of the lung, alveolar ventilation (V) is {{c1::highest}}
Published 10/26/2023 The V/Q ratio is {{c1::highest}} in zone {{c2::1 (apex)}} of the lung
Published 10/26/2023 The V/Q ratio is {{c1::lowest}} in zone {{c2::3 (base)}} of the lung
Published 10/26/2023 The V/Q ratio at the apex of the lung is normally {{c1::3}}, indicating wasted {{c2::ventilation}}
Published 10/26/2023 The V/Q ratio at the base of the lung is normally {{c1::0.6}}, indicating wasted {{c2::perfusion}}
Published 10/26/2023 If there is a(n) {{c1::blood flow}} obstruction, the V/Q ratio = {{c2::∞ (dead space)*}}
Published 10/26/2023 {{c1::Dead space}} is ventilation of lung regions that are not perfused (V/Q = ∞)
Published 10/26/2023 If there is a(n) {{c1::airway}} obstruction, the V/Q ratio = {{c2::0 (shunt)}}
Published 10/26/2023 {{c1::Shunt}} is perfusion of lung regions that are not ventilated (V/Q = 0)
Published 10/26/2023 What type of V/Q mismatch occurs due to pulmonary embolus?{{c1::Dead space*}}
Published 10/26/2023 What type of V/Q mismatch occurs due to airway obstruction? {{c1::Shunt (perfusion but no ventilation)}}
Published 10/26/2023 Does 100% O2 improve PaO2 in V/Q mismatch due to physiologic dead space? {{c1::Yes, assuming < 100% dead space}}
Published 10/26/2023 Does 100% O2 improve PaO2 in V/Q mismatch due to shunt? {{c1::No}}
Published 10/26/2023 Certain organisms that thrive in high O2 (e.g. TB) flourish in the {{c1::apex}} of the lung
Published 10/26/2023 With exercise (increased cardiac output), there is vasodilation of {{c2::apical}} capillaries in the lung, which causes the V/Q ratio to approach a va…
Published 10/26/2023 In response to exercise, there is {{c1::increased}} O2 consumption
Published 10/26/2023 In response to exercise, there is {{c1::increased}} ventilation rate to meet O2 demand
Published 10/26/2023 In response to exercise, the V/Q ratio from apex to base becomes more {{c1::even}} (even or uneven)
Published 10/26/2023 In response to exercise, there is {{c1::increased}} pulmonary blood flow, due to increased {{c2::cardiac output}}
Published 10/26/2023 How does Paco2 change in response to exercise?{{c1::No change}}
Published 10/26/2023 How does Pao2 change in response to exercise?{{c1::No change}}
Published 10/26/2023 In response to exercise, there is {{c1::increased}} venous CO2 content
Published 10/26/2023 In response to exercise, there is {{c1::decreased}} venous O2 content
Published 10/26/2023 In response to decreased atmospheric oxygen (e.g. high altitude), there is a(n) {{c1::decreased}} Pao2
Published 10/26/2023 In response to decreased Pao2 (e.g. high altitude), there is {{c1::increased}} ventilation
Published 10/26/2023 Increased ventilation (e.g. high altitude) causes {{c1::decreased}} Paco2
Published 10/26/2023 High altitude initially causes {{c3::respiratory}} {{c2::alkalosis}} and hypoxia, which may cause acute {{c1::altitude}} sickness
Published 10/26/2023 In response to high altitude, there is a chronic {{c1::increase}} in ventilation
Published 10/26/2023 Living at high altitude chronically causes hypoxia which increases the synthesis of {{c1::erythropoietin}}, causing polycythemia
Published 10/26/2023 In response to high altitude, there is a(n) {{c1::increase}} in 2,3-BPG
Published 10/26/2023 In response to respiratory alkalosis (e.g. due to high altitude), there is increased renal excretion of {{c1::HCO3-}}
Published 10/26/2023 Is the A - a gradient normal, increased, or decreased, in response to hypoventilation (e.g. opioid use, obesity hypoventilation syndrome) or high alti…
Published 10/26/2023 Hypoxia may be caused by {{c1::carbon monoxide}} poisoning, which decreases the O2 content of blood
Published 10/26/2023 Which zone of the lung has the highest Pao2? {{c1::Zone 1}}
Published 10/26/2023 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate may be converted to {{c1::2,3-BPG}} via the enzyme bisphosphoglycerate mutase in red blood cells
Published 10/26/2023 In red blood cells, lack of NADH impairs the ability to reduce Fe3+ to Fe2+, predisposing to {{c1::methemoglobinemia}}
Published 10/26/2023 Interstitial restrictive lung diseases are characterized by {{c1::increased}} A-a gradients
Published 10/26/2023 Extrapulmonary restrictive lung diseases are characterized by {{c1::normal}} A-a gradients
Published 10/26/2023 Increased PCO2 (respiratory acidosis) results in {{c1::increased}} HCO3- reabsorption
Published 10/26/2023 Decreased PCO2 (respiratory alkalosis) results in {{c1::decreased}} HCO3- reabsorption
Published 10/26/2023 Decreased arterial pH (metabolic acidosis) causes compensatory {{c1::hyper}}-ventilation with consequent {{c1::decreased}} PCO2
Published 10/26/2023 Increased arterial pH (metabolic alkalosis) causes compensatory {{c1::hypo}}-ventilation with consequent {{c1::increased}} PCO2
Published 10/26/2023 The primary disturbance in respiratory acidosis is {{c1::hypo}}-ventilation, which results in {{c1::increased}} CO2
Published 10/26/2023 Increased CO2 causes a(n) {{c1::decrease}} in arterial pH
Published 10/26/2023 Increased CO2 (respiratory acidosis) causes a(n) {{c1::increase}} in HCO3- by mass action
Published 10/26/2023 Renal correction of respiratory acidosis includes increased excretion of excess fixed H+ as {{c1::titratable acid}} and {{c1::NH4+}}
Published 10/26/2023 Renal correction of respiratory acidosis includes increased reabsorption of "new" {{c1::HCO3-}}
Published 10/26/2023 Metabolic compensation in response to respiratory acidosis or alkalosis is {{c1::delayed::timing}} 
Published 10/26/2023 The primary disturbance in respiratory alkalosis is {{c1::hyper}}-ventilation, which results in {{c1::decreased}} CO2
Published 10/26/2023 Decreased CO2, secondary to hyperventilation, causes a(n) {{c1::increase}} in arterial pH
Published 10/26/2023 The arterial blood profile seen in compensated respiratory alkalosis is: pH: {{c1::increased}}[HCO3-]: {{c1::decreased}}PCO2: {{c1::decreased}}
Published 10/26/2023 Renal compensation of respiratory alkalosis includes {{c1::decreased}} excretion of fixed H+ as titratable acid and NH4+
Published 10/26/2023 Renal compensation of respiratory alkalosis includes {{c1::decreased}} reabsorption of "new" HCO3-
Published 10/26/2023 Vitamin {{c1::C}} is used as an ancillary treatment for {{c2::methemoglobinemia}}
Published 10/26/2023 One normal type of hemoglobin is {{c2::HbF}} which is composed of two {{c1::α}} and two {{c1::γ}} chains
Published 10/26/2023 One normal type of hemoglobin is {{c2::HbA}} which is composed of two {{c1::α}} and two {{c1::β}} chains
Published 10/26/2023 One normal type of hemoglobin is {{c2::HbA2}} which is composed of two {{c1::α}} and two {{c1::δ}} chains
Published 10/26/2023 {{c2::Benzocaine}} is a local anesthetic that is associated with {{c1::methemoglobinemia}} as an adverse effect
Published 10/26/2023 What skin appearance is classically seen in carbon monoxide poisoning? {{c1::Cherry-red appearance}}
Published 10/26/2023 Methylene Blue works for the treatment of methemoglobinemia by {{c1::reducing Fe3+ to Fe2+}}
Published 10/26/2023 How does normal aging change the A-a gradient?{{c1::Increased A-a gradient}}
Published 10/26/2023 In exercise, blood is flowing faster through the pulmonary capillaries, resulting in it taking a(n) {{c1::longer::shorter or longer}} time for capilla…
Published 10/26/2023 In a healthy patient, can exercise alone make patients hypoxemic?{{c1::No}}
Published 10/26/2023 COPD may cause {{c1::respiratory acidosis::what acid-base disorder?}} 
Published 10/26/2023 Obstructive Sleep Apnea may cause {{c1::respiratory acidosis::what acid-base disorder?}}
Published 10/26/2023 Opioids and other sedatives may cause {{c1::respiratory acidosis::what acid-base disorder?}}
Published 10/26/2023 Restrictive lung disease may present with {{c1::respiratory acidosis::what acid-base disorder?}} 
Published 10/26/2023 Neurological disorders (e.g. ALS, Guillain-Barré, polio, MG, botulism) may cause {{c1::respiratory acidosis::what acid-base disorder?}}
Published 10/26/2023 Muscle disorders may present with {{c1::respiratory acidosis::what acid-base disorder?}} 
Published 10/26/2023 Pulmonary embolism may present with {{c1::respiratory alkalosis::what acid-base disorder?}}
Published 10/26/2023 Panic attacks may present with {{c1::respiratory alkalosis::what acid-base disorder?}}
Published 10/26/2023 Asthma may cause {{c1::respiratory alkalosis::what acid-base disorder?}}
Published 10/26/2023 Is the A - a gradient normal, increased, or decreased, in response to a pulmonary embolus?{{c1::Increased}}
Published 10/26/2023 An ABG is most commonly obtained from the {{c1::radial}} artery.
Published 10/26/2023 {{c1::Allen's}} test is a test done to determine that collateral circulation is present from the ulnar artery in case thormbosis occurs in the radial …
Published 10/26/2023 c4992eab6990480fb77a5b14056f5e3d-ao-1
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