Notes in Lecture 03 - Perineum and Ischio-anal Fossa

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Published 02/02/2025 What is the perineum? What makes up its boundaries?
Published 02/02/2025 What structures make up the pelvic floor?
Published 02/02/2025 What are the two divisions of the perineum?
Published 02/02/2025 What are the contents of the urogenital triangle in males?
Published 02/02/2025 What are the contents of the urogenital triangle in females?
Published 02/02/2025 Where is the superficial perineal pouch located? What are its contents?
Published 02/02/2025 Where is the deep perineal pouch located?
Published 02/02/2025 What are the contents of the deep perineal pouch?
Published 02/02/2025 What are the layers of the perineum? 
Published 02/02/2025 How do the Camper's (Fatty) and Scarpa's (Membranous) fascia change as they cover the penis and scrotum?
Published 02/02/2025 Where do the superficial and deep perineal fasciae fuse?
Published 02/02/2025 What type of injury to the urethra and perineal structures would lead to urine leaking:Anteriorly into the loose connective tissue of the scrotum, pen…
Published 02/02/2025 What spinal nerve roots cover the dermatomes of the perineum?
Published 02/02/2025 Describe the branching of the pudendal nerve (S2-S4) to supply the perineum.
Published 02/02/2025 What is transvaginal pudendal block?
Published 02/02/2025 What is the perineal body?
Published 02/02/2025 What is meant by pelvic organ prolapse? What are the different types?
Published 02/02/2025 What is the iscioanal fossa and what are its contents?
Published 02/02/2025 What is an ischio-anal / peri-anal abscess and how can it form?
Published 02/02/2025 What is the lymphatic drainage of the anal canal?
Published 02/02/2025 What is the sensory innervation of the anal canal?
Published 02/02/2025 What is the arterial supply of the anal canal?
Published 02/02/2025 What is the venous drainage of the anal canal?
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