Notes in CBB 17 Function of Vitamins_I

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Published 09/14/2024 Water-soluble vitamins are {{c1::B-vitamins}} and {{c1::vitamin C}}. These vitamins are readily excreted in the {{c2::urine}} therefore toxicity is ra…
Published 09/14/2024 Fat-soluble include vitamins (4) {{c1::A, D, E, and K}}.  These vitamins are transported, absorbed, and released with dietary fats and not readil…
Published 09/14/2024 {{c1::Folic acid}} is a key role in one carbon metablism including {{c2::nucleotide}} and {{c2::amino acid}} synthesis. 
Published 09/14/2024 {{c2::Folic acid}} deficiency is the {{c1::most::how often}} common vitamin deficiency in the Unites states. 
Published 09/14/2024 Folate:{{c1::Methotrexate}} inhibits {{c2::dihydrogenfolate reductase}}, which inhibits the production of {{c3::tetrahydrofolate}} which is needed for…
Published 09/14/2024 {{c1::Folate}} deficiency can cause {{c2::macrocytic megaloblastic::red blood cell disorder}} anemia which is caused by large immature red blood cell …
Published 09/14/2024 Folate deficiency can cause {{c1::neural tube}} defects in the fetus including {{c2::spina bifida}} and {{c2::anencephaly}}. 
Published 09/14/2024 Women of child bearing age are recommended to take {{c1::0.4 mg or 400 ug}} of folate daily. 
Published 09/14/2024 Insufficient folate can cause elevated levels of {{c1::homocysteine}} and therefore cause {{c2::cardiovascular disease}}. Folate is needed to convert …
Published 09/14/2024 Conversion of homocysteine to {{c1::methionine}} also makes {{c2::tetrahydrofolate (THF)}}.
Published 09/14/2024 Two enzymes require {{c1::B12::Vitamin}} for the formation of methionine. These enzymes include {{c2::methionine synthase}} and {{c2::methylmalonyl Co…
Published 09/14/2024 {{c1::B12::vitamin}} deficiency can cause peripheral neuropathy due to unusual fatty acids accumulation that insert into membranes in the {{c2::periph…
Published 09/14/2024 {{c1::Cobalamin}} is also known as vitamin B12
Published 09/14/2024 Dividing cells need {{c1::N10}} and {{c1::N5-N10}} forms of THF to make nucleotides for DNA synthesis. {{c2::B12::vitamin}} deficiency leads…
Published 09/14/2024 Compared to other vitamins, B12 is stored in {{c1::significant}} amounts in the body. It can take several years to develop clinical symptoms from diet…
Published 09/14/2024 The level of {{c1::methylmalonic acid::chemical substance}} in the blood can be used to determine a B12 deficiency.In addition to a megaloblastic anem…
Published 09/14/2024 In addition to measuring serum methylmalonate, {{c1::ELISA::molecular test}} can test for both B12 and folate. Additionally, in a severe B12 defi…
Published 09/14/2024 Vitamin C deficiency can cause problems in the hydroxylation of {{c1::proline}} and {{c1::lysine}} residues of collagen
Published 09/14/2024 {{c2::Vitamin C}} deficiency is involved in several other reactions including synthesis of certain {{c1::hormones}}  including dopamine and norep…
Published 09/14/2024 {{c2::Vitamin C}} deficiency can cause scurvy. High doses of vitamin C can cause hemolysis in {{c1::glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase}} deficient pati…
Published 09/14/2024 {{c1::pyridoxine, pyridoxal, pyridoxamine::3}} can be converted to pyridoxal phosphate (PLP) in the active form. 
Published 09/14/2024 {{c1::Vitamin B6}} is used as a coenzyme in various amino acid metabolic pathways, heme synthesis, and others.
Published 09/14/2024 Vitamin B6 is also known as {{c1::pyridoxal phosphate (PLP)}}.
Published 09/14/2024 {{c1::Isoniazid}} therapy (to treat tuberculosis) can cause {{c2::B6 deficiency}}
Published 09/14/2024 {{c2::Vitamin B6}} is the only water soluble vitamin with significant {{c1::toxicity}}. This includes severe sensory neuropathy (can’t walk). &nb…
Published 09/14/2024 {{c1::Thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP)::enzyme}} is {{c3::thiamine (B1)::vitamin}} in active form. {{c1::Thiamine pyrophosphate::enzyme}} is required…
Published 09/14/2024 {{c2::Thiamine}} is vitamin {{c1::B1}}
Published 09/14/2024 Thiamine is used in (4) enzymes: 1. {{c1::Pyruvate dehydrogenase}} - used for energy2. {{c2::alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase}} - used for energ…
Published 09/14/2024 {{c2::Thiamine (B1)}} deficiency can cause two types of {{c1::beriberi::disease}}.  {{c2::wet}} and {{c2::dry}} {{c1::beriberi}}
Published 09/14/2024 {{c1::Dry}} beriberi = peripheral neuropathy {{c1::Wet}} beriberi = cardiac dysfunction with edema
Published 09/14/2024 {{c1::Alcoholism}} can also cause thiamine (b1) deficiancy due to poor diet and decreased absorption. This is known as {{c2::Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndro…
Published 09/14/2024 {{c1::Wernicke encephalopathy}} includes symptoms like nystagmus, ataxia, confusion
Published 09/14/2024 {{c1::Korsakoff dementia}} is progression from Wernicke encephalopathy to include (3) {{c2::memory loss, confabulation, and psychosis}} caused by thia…
Published 09/14/2024 Generally, regarding the Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, {{c1::Wernicke}} stage is reversible but the {{c2::Korsakoff}} stage includes permanent damage
Published 09/14/2024 {{c2::Niacin}} is also known as vitamin {{c1::B3}}
Published 09/14/2024 {{c2::Niacin}} is used to make active coenzymes {{c1::NAD+}} and {{c1::NADP+}}
Published 09/14/2024 Niacin deficiency causes {{c1::pellagra::disease}}, with the progression of the four symptoms:{{c2::1. Dermatitis 2. Diarrhea 3. Dementia 4. And if no…
Published 09/14/2024 {{c3::Iron, B6, and Riboflavin (B3)::3 compounds}} are required for the conversion of {{c1::tryptophan}} to {{c2::niacin}},{{c2::Hartnup}} disease is …
Published 09/14/2024 {{c1::Iron, B6, and riboflavin::3}} are required for conversion of tryptophan to {{c2::niacin}}; a deficiency of any of those can lead to a {{c2::niac…
Published 09/14/2024 {{c1::Niacin (B3)}} can cause {{c2::prostagladin-mediatied-flushing}} as a side effect, especially when taken in higher doses. This side effect causes…
Published 09/14/2024 High dose niacin is used to treat certain {{c1::hyperlipidemias}}
Published 09/14/2024 {{c2::Riboflavin}} is vitamin {{c1::B2}}
Published 09/14/2024 {{c2::Riboflavin}} is used to make active coenzyme {{c1::FAD}}
Published 09/14/2024 Riboflavin deficiency {{c1::not}} associated with major human disease. Symptoms are nonspecific and similar to other B vitamin deficiencies. 
Published 09/14/2024 {{c2::Biotin}} is a coenzyme in {{c1::carboxylation}} reactions; especially in the krebbs cycle
Published 09/14/2024 {{c2::Vitamin B5}} is a component of {{c1::Coenzyme A (CoA)}}
Published 09/14/2024 {{c1::Vitamin B5}} is also known as {{c2::pantothenic acid}}
Published 09/14/2024 {{c1::Vitamin B5}} contains a thiol group that carries acyl compounds as activated thiol esters (acetyl CoA, succinyl CoA, fatty acyl CoA)
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