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Published 09/13/2023 The endocrine system is composed of {{c1::endocrine glands}} that release hormones into the bloodstream
Published 09/13/2023 The endocrine system helps maintain {{c1::homeostasis}} even when the external environment changes
Published 09/13/2023 Steroid hormones are derived from {{c1::cholesterol}} and are produced by the {{c2::adrenal glands}} and {{c2::gonads}}.
Published 09/13/2023 Steroid hormones are hydro{{c1::phobic}} and travel in the blood bound to {{c2::transport proteins}}
Published 09/13/2023 Steroid hormones can diffuse across cell membranes and bind to {{c1::intracellular}} receptors
Published 09/13/2023 Non-steroid hormones are either {{c1::peptides}} or {{c2::proteins}}, such as insulin and glucagon
Published 09/13/2023 Non-steroid hormones are {{c1::hydrophilic}} and cannot cross cell membranes, so they bind to {{c2::cell surface}} receptors
Published 09/13/2023 Binding of non-steroid hormones to receptors activates {{c1::proteins and enzymes}} that modify {{c2::gene expression}} within the cell.
Published 09/13/2023 Amino-acid hormones like {{c1::thyroid}} hormones, {{c1::adrenaline}}, and {{c1::noradrenaline}} can behave either like steroids or peptides
Published 09/13/2023 The {{c1::hypothalamus}} and pituitary gland in the brain are connected and regulate other endocrine glands
Published 09/13/2023 The hypothalamus secretes hormones that affect the {{c1::anterior pituitary}} and hormones that diffuse into the blood at the {{c1::posterior pituitar…
Published 09/13/2023 {{c1::Stimulatory hormones}} from the hypothalamus prompt the anterior pituitary to synthesize hormones like {{c2::TSH}}, {{c2::ACTH}}, {{c2::FSH}}, {…
Published 09/13/2023 Thyroid hormones behave like {{c1::steroid}} hormones and affect {{c1::gene expression}} by binding to intracellular receptors
Published 09/13/2023 Adrenaline and noradrenaline act like {{c1::peptide}} hormones, binding to {{c1::cell surface}} receptors and causing intracellular changes.
Published 09/13/2023 The {{c1::hypothalamo-hypophyseal-portal system}} rapidly transports hypothalamic hormones to the {{c2::anterior}} pituitary
Published 09/13/2023 Inhibitory hormones from the hypothalamus include {{c1::somatostatin}} and {{c1::dopamine}}, which reduce hormone production in the anterior pituitary
Published 09/14/2023 During breastfeeding, {{c1::prolactin inhibiting}} factor production in the Hypothalamus stops, allowing the anterior pituitary to secrete prolactin
Published 09/13/2023 The {{c1::posterior pituitary}} releases {{c2::ADH}} and {{c2::oxytocin}}, which affect water retention, blood vessel constriction, and uterine contra…
Published 09/13/2023 The {{c1::pineal}} gland in the brain produces {{c2::melatonin}} to regulate circadian rhythms
Published 09/13/2023 The {{c1::thyroid}} gland in the neck produces {{c2::T3}}, {{c2::T4}}, and {{c2::calcitonin}}, which impact metabolism and calcium regulation.
Published 09/13/2023 The {{c1::parathyroid}} glands, located on the thyroid, release {{c2::parathyroid}} hormone to control calcium and phosphate levels.
Published 09/13/2023 {{c1::Adrenal}} glands above the kidneys produce {{c2::aldosterone}}, {{c2::cortisol}}, and {{c2::sex hormones}}, affecting blood pressure and st…
Published 09/13/2023 The pancreas has an exocrine part for digestion and an endocrine part that secretes {{c2::insulin}} and {{c2::glucagon}} to regulate blood sugar level…
Published 09/13/2023 Amino Acid Hormones derive from the amino acid {{c1::Tyrosine}}
Published 09/13/2023 c253c43fe7a64af0887911cec43585c0-oa-1
Published 09/13/2023 TRH from the hypothalamus stimulates the release of {{c1::TSH}} from the anterior pituitary
Published 09/13/2023 CRH from the hypothalamus stimulates the release of {{c1::ACTH}} from the anterior pituitary, which increases cortisol release from the adrenal glands
Published 09/13/2023 GnRH from the hypothalamus stimulates the release of {{c1::FSH & LH}} from the anterior pituitary, which stimulates production…
Published 09/13/2023 GHRH from the hypothalamus stimulates the release of {{c1::Growth Hormone}} from the anterior pituitary, which causes bones t…
Published 09/13/2023 5bbf26c807a847aeb9e6288c301aba26-oa-1
Published 09/13/2023 {{c1::Herring Bodies}} are small dilations in the hypothalamic neurons that store hormones
Published 08/30/2024 An increased blood osmolarity or low blood volume causes the release of {{c1::ADH}} from the hypothalamus, which leads to the retention of water from …
Published 09/13/2023 Alpha Cells of the Pancreas secrete {{c1::glucagon}}
Published 09/17/2023 The pancreas is located behind the {{c1::stomach}} in the upper left part of the abdomen
Published 09/13/2023 Insulin is encoded by the {{c1::INS}} gene on chromosome {{c1::11}}
Published 09/13/2023 {{c1::Proinsulin}} is the precursor of insulin, consisting of three peptide chains: B, C, and A
Published 09/13/2023 {{c1::C-peptide}} is released when proinsulin is cleaved to form insulin
Published 09/13/2023 Insulin is stored within {{c1::granules}} in beta cells until it's released into the blood
Published 09/17/2023 Other factors that stimulate insulin secretion include {{c1::glucagon}}, {{c2::cortisol}} increased {{c2::fatty acid levels}}, and {{c2::acetylcholine…
Published 09/13/2023 Insulin secretion is inhibited by {{c1::norepinephrine}} from the sympathetic nervous system and {{c1::somatostatin}}
Published 09/13/2023 The insulin receptor consists of two {{c2::alpha}} and two {{c2::beta}} subunits
Published 09/13/2023 Insulin is an {{c1::anabolic hormone}} that promotes the conversion of glucose, fatty acids, and amino acids into storage molecules.
Published 09/13/2023 If glycogen storage is full, insulin promotes the conversion of glucose into {{c1::fatty acids}}.
Published 09/13/2023 In skeletal muscles, insulin enhances amino acid and glucose uptake, aiding in {{c1::protein}} production and muscle {{c1::growth}}
Published 09/13/2023 {{c1::Delta}} Pancreatic cells secrete somatostatin
Published 09/13/2023 {{c1::Gamma}} Pancreatic cells secrete pancreatic polypeptide
Published 09/13/2023 {{c1::Epsilon}} Pancreatic cells secrete Ghrelin
Published 09/13/2023 Alpha Islet cells produce glucagon, which is encoded by the {{c2::GCG}} gene on chromosome {{c2::2::#}}
Published 09/13/2023 Glucagon is first synthesized as {{c1::preproglucagon}}, which is cleaved to form {{c2::proglucagon}} and further processed into glucagon
Published 09/13/2023 Mature glucagon is stored in {{c1::granules}} within alpha cells until it's released into the blood.
Published 09/17/2023 Glucagon secretion is also stimulated by {{c1::adrenaline}} produced by the {{c1::sympathetic}} nervous system during stress and fasting
Published 09/13/2023 Somatostatin and growth hormone {{c1::inhibit::how do they impact it?}} glucagon production
Published 09/13/2023 Glucagon binds to the glucagon receptor located in the membrane of target cells, primarily in the {{c1::liver}} and {{c1::adipose}} tissue
Published 09/13/2023 The glucagon receptor is a {{c1::seven-pass transmembrane}} receptor that activates intracellular proteins
Published 09/13/2023 Glucagon is a {{c1::catabolic}} hormone that promotes the breakdown of storage molecules like glycogen and fat into small energy molecules in the bloo…
Published 09/13/2023 Glucagon also stimulates {{c1::lipolysis}} in the liver and adipose tissue, releasing fatty acids into the bloodstream.
Published 09/13/2023 What is the embryonic origin of the alveoli, epithelium of trachea / bronchi? {{c1::Endoderm}}
Published 09/13/2023 What is the embryonic origin of the adrenal cortex?{{c1::Mesoderm}}
Published 09/13/2023 The embryonic signals that cause the ventral side of the spinal cord to differentiate into motor neurons come from the {{c1::notochord}}
Published 09/13/2023 After gastrulation, the {{c1::paraxial}} mesoderm organizes into segments called {{c2::somites}}
Published 09/13/2023 Somite formation begins at the {{c1::cranial}} end and proceeds toward the {{c1::caudal}} end
Published 09/13/2023 The embryonic sclerotome eventually forms {{c1::bones and tendons::organs}}
Published 09/13/2023 The embryonic myotome eventually forms {{c1::muscles::organs}}
Published 09/13/2023 The {{c2::intermediate}} mesoderm gives rise to the {{c1::urogenital}} structures such as the {{c1::kidneys, reproductive tisssue, and adren…
Published 09/13/2023 During folding, the lateral plate mesoderm splits into {{c1::(intra-embryonic) somatic::layer next to ectoderm}} mesoderm and {{c1::(intra-e…
Published 09/13/2023 The {{c1::somatic lateral plate}} mesoderm will develop into the parietal layer of the body cavities
Published 09/13/2023 The {{c1::splanchnic lateral plate}} mesoderm will develop into the visceral layer of the body cavities
Published 09/13/2023 The epithelial lining of the GI tract derives from the {{c1::endoderm::germ layer}}
Published 09/13/2023 The ectoderm-endoderm fusion at the cephalic end of the gut tube is the {{c1::oropharyngeal membrane}}
Published 09/13/2023 The ectoderm-endoderm fusion at the caudal end of the gut tube is the {{c1::cloacal membrane}}
Published 09/13/2023 The epithelial lining of the respiratory tract arises from {{c1::endoderm::germ layer}}, but the cartilage, muscle, and connective tissue of the …
Published 09/13/2023 Hypothalamic hormones stimulate or inhibit the release of {{c1::anterior pituitary}} hormones
Published 09/13/2023 The {{c2::posterior}} pituitary is a collection of nerve axons whose cell bodies are located in {{c1::hypothalamic nuclei}}
Published 09/13/2023 The zona {{c2::reticularis}} secretes {{c1::androgens}}, such as dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and androstenedione
Published 09/13/2023 The zona {{c1::fasciculata}} secretes {{c2::glucocorticoids}}, such as {{c2::cortisol}}
Published 09/13/2023 The zona {{c2::glomerulosa}} secretes {{c1::mineralocorticoids}}, such as {{c1::aldosterone}}
Published 09/13/2023 The six major hormones that are secreted by the anterior lobe of the pituitary can be remembered with the mnemonic “FLATPiG”: {{c1::FSH::F}}{{c1::LH::…
Published 09/13/2023 Inadequate production of aldosterone, cortisol, and progesterone may be caused by inability to transport {{c1::cholesterol}}
Published 09/13/2023 {{c1::Thyroid hormone::Tyrosine-derived hormone}} binds to intracellular receptors to affect transcription but requires a transport protein in circula…
Published 09/13/2023 {{c1::Epinephrine::Tyrosine-derived hormone}} binds membrane receptors to exert its effect on cells
Published 09/13/2023 The 2 cell types in the thyroid gland are:{{c1::follicular cells}} that make {{c2::T3/T4}}{{c1::parafollicular/C cells}} that make {{c2::calcitonin}}
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