Notes in PBL1: Breast Cancer

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Published 09/03/2024 Describe the epidemiology of breast cancer
Published 09/03/2024 What are the roles of breast cancer 1 (BRCA1) and breast cancer 2 (BRCA2) proteins in DNA repair?
Published 09/03/2024 oncogenes normal function is to {{c1:stimulate cell growth, division, and survival}}. when they undergo a {{c3::gain-of-function}} muta…
Published 09/03/2024 tumor supressor genes normal function is to {{c1::unrestrained cellular growth and promote DNA repair and cell cycle checkpoints}}. a {…
Published 09/03/2024 the mode of inheritance for BRCA2-mediated familial breast cancer is {{c1::autosomal dominant}}
Published 09/03/2024 the two-hit hypothesis for breast cancer from BRCA1/BRCA2 postulates that {{c1:: individuals carrying a germ-line mutation in one copy of ei…
Published 09/03/2024 {{c1::Positive Predictive Value}} can be improved by limiting the testing population to patients with {{c1::higher::higher/lower}} pre-…
Published 09/03/2024 define positive predictive value: {{c1::the chance that a positive tester will actually have the disease- takes prevalence into account}}
Published 09/03/2024 define pre-test probability: {{c1::Probability that a patient has a disease before the diagnostic test is ordered }}
Published 09/03/2024 how does pre-test probability impact diagnosis: {{c1::Higher pre-test probability increases the likelihood that a positive test result is a true …
Published 09/03/2024 what issues/risk factors would affect the pre-test probability specifically in Breast cancer? : {{c1::age}}{{c1::BRCA status}}
Published 09/03/2024 estrogen and progesterone receptors are types of {{c1::ligand dependent}} nuclear receptors. they become activated once {{c2::estrogen}} or&…
Published 09/03/2024 HER2 is an example of {{c1::receptor tyrosine kinase}}
Published 09/03/2024 explain the mechanism by which HER2 signals for increased cell growth: RTKS exist as {{c1::monomers}} but when the ligand binds, a&nbsp…
Published 09/03/2024 explain the mechanism of action of trastuzumab: {{c1::binds to HER2 and inihibits homerdimerization, specifically inhibits signal transduction of…
Published 09/03/2024 what type of drugs are trastuzamab and pertuzamab?{{c1::monoclonal antibodies}}
Published 09/03/2024 what are common side effects of monoclonal antibody infusion?{{c1::pain, swelling, rash}}
Published 09/03/2024 why are trastuzamab and pertuzamab used together now?{{c1::they both target the same pathway, but different parts of it resistance to clones freq…
Published 09/03/2024 define incidence: {{c1:rate of new cases added to population}}
Published 09/03/2024 define prevelance: {{c1:: proportion of the population with the disease at any given moment}}
Published 09/03/2024 How does faulty DNA repair affect the progression of cancer?{{c1::Normally, DNA repair genes repair mistakes in DNA. When these do not work prope…
Published 09/03/2024 what are the 8 hallmarks of cancer?{{c1::Pro-growth signal}}{{c2::Evasion of anti-growth signals}}{{c3::Evasion of apoptosis}}{{c4::Molding of the env…
Published 09/03/2024 chemotherapy: describe the general mechanism: {{c1::Most chemo drugs work by inhibiting mitotic function, targeting fast-replicating cells e…
Published 09/03/2024 immunotherapy:describe the general mechanism of action:{{c1:: train the body's immune system to detect and attack antigens (in this case, cancer) .rec…
Published 09/03/2024 signal transduction inhibitorsdescribe the general mechanism of action: {{c1::blocks cell signaling needed for cancer growth and proliferation, e…
Published 09/03/2024 the 3 categories of cancer treatment drugs are : {{c1::immunotherapy}}, {{c2::signal transduction inhibitors}}, and {{c3::traditional c…
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