Notes in 05 Diabetes Insipidus

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Published 02/13/2024 The cell bodies of {{c1::ADH}}-secreting neurons originate primarily in the {{c2::supraoptic}} nuclei of the hypothalamus
Published 02/13/2024 What receptors sense an increase in plasma osmolarity, providing stimuli to increase ADH secretion?{{c1::Osmoreceptors in the anterior hypothalamus::W…
Published 02/20/2024 Syndrome of inappropriate ADH (SIADH) may be treated with {{c1::water::first line treatment}} restriction, with {{c3::conivaptan/tolvaptan}}, or …
Published 02/13/2024 Diagnosis of diabetes insipidus is aided by the {{c1::water deprivation}} test
Published 02/13/2024 In diabetes insipidus, the water deprivation test fails to {{c1::increase}} urine osmolality
Published 02/13/2024 What is the effect of ghrelin on appetite? {{c1::Increased}}
Published 02/13/2024 What is the effect of leptin on appetite? {{c1::Decreased}}
Published 02/13/2024 ADH-activated V2 receptors cause translocation of {{c1::aquaporin 2}} channels to the renal apical membrane, causing increased reabsorption of free wa…
Published 02/13/2024 The {{c1::ventromedial}} area of the hypothalamus is responsible for {{c2::satiety}}
Published 02/13/2024 Lesion of the {{c2::ventromedial}} area of the hypothalamus results in {{c1::hyperphagia}}
Published 02/13/2024 The ventromedial area of the hypothalamus is stimulated by {{c1::leptin}}
Published 02/13/2024 The {{c1::lateral}} area of the hypothalamus is responsible for {{c2::hunger}}
Published 02/13/2024 Lesion of the {{c1::lateral}} area of the hypothalamus results in anorexia and failure to thrive (infants)
Published 02/13/2024 The lateral area of the hypothalamus is stimulated by {{c1::ghrelin}}
Published 02/13/2024 Stimulation of the lateral area of the hypothalamus is inhibited by {{c1::leptin}}
Published 02/13/2024 What is the initial treatment of choice in asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic patients with SIADH?{{c1::Fluid restriction ± salt tablets}}
Published 02/14/2024 The cell bodies of {{c1::oxytocin}}-secreting neurons (from the posterior pituitary) originate primarily in the {{c2::paraventricular}} nuclei of the …
Published 02/14/2024 Which ADH disorder is characterized by high levels of circulating ADH and thus inappropriately concentrated urine?{{c1::Syndrome of inappropriate…
Published 02/14/2024 Both central and nephrogenic diabetes insipidus are characterized by {{c1::low}} urine osmolality
Published 02/14/2024 Both central and nephrogenic diabetes insipidus are characterized by serum osmolality {{c1::>}} 290 mOsm/kg
Published 02/14/2024 Treatment for central diabetes insipidus includes hydration and {{c1::desmopressin}}, which is an ADH analog
Published 02/14/2024 SIADH is characterized by {{c1::urine}} osmolality > {{c1::serum}} osmolality
Published 02/14/2024 Atrial baroreceptors respond to {{c2::decreased}} blood volume by increasing release of {{c1::vasopressin (ADH)}} from the posterior pituitary
Published 02/14/2024 What is the likely diagnosis in a euvolemic patient with low serum osmolality and high urine osmolality? {{c1::SIADH}}
Published 02/14/2024 What is the likely diagnosis in a patient with low urine osmolality that improves to > 600 mOsm/kg after 2-3 hours of water deprivation?{{c1::Prima…
Published 02/14/2024 What is the likely diagnosis in a patient with low urine osmolality that does not improve significantly following water deprivation and administration…
Published 02/14/2024 Primary polygenic polydipsia can be treated with {{c1::water restriction}}
Published 02/14/2024 What is the likely diagnosis in a euvolemic patient with high serum osmolality and low urine osmolality? {{c1::Diabetes insipidus (central or nephroge…
Published 02/14/2024 What is the likely diagnosis in a patient with increasing polyuria/polydipsia with hypernatremia, high serum osmolality, and low urine osmolality?{{c1…
Published 02/20/2024 {{c2::Anorexigenic}} neurons release {{c3::POMC}} to {{c1::inhibit::increase/inhibit}} appetite, while {{c2::orexigenic}} neurons release {{c3::N…
Published 02/20/2024 The orexigenic and anorexigenic neurons are located in the {{c1::arcuate nucleus::nucleus}} of the hypothalamus, where the BBB is {{c2::rela…
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