Notes in Protein Folding and Post-translational Disorders (Green)

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Published 08/06/2024 The {{c1::3°::1°, 2°, 3°, or 4°}} structure of proteins is the 3-D shape of a single polypeptide chain
Published 08/06/2024 The 2° structure of proteins is stabilized by {{c1::hydrogen bonds}}
Published 08/06/2024 The 3° structure of proteins is stabilized primarily by {{c1::hydrophobic interactions}}
Published 08/06/2024 {{c1::chaperone}} proteins stabilize and prevent unfolded proteins from {{c2::aggregating}}; they also {{c3::refold}} misfolded or unfolded proteins&n…
Published 08/06/2024 chaperone proteins are referred to as {{c1::heat shock proteins}} because they are highly expressed in high heat to fix denatured proteins
Published 08/06/2024 Possible states of a newly synthesized protein: {{c1::folding, degradation, aggregation}}
Published 08/06/2024 what is the pathway for protein folding{{c1::primary sequencesecondary structurestructural motifdomainstertiary structure}}
Published 08/06/2024 How do chaperones work: {{c1::use ATP binding, ATP → ADP hydrolysis, and exchange of ATP for ADP to induce series of conformational changes&nbsp…
Published 08/06/2024 Mechanism for HSP 70 protein folding:{{c1::hydrophobic}} binding pocket in Hsp70 binds to exposed {{c1::hydrophobic}} regions in target proteins …
Published 08/06/2024 Mechanism of HSP 90: Majority of substrates proteins involved in {{c1::cell signaling}} Recognize {{c2::partially folded}} proteins Med…
Published 08/06/2024 {{c2::Hsp60}} is also called {{c1::Chaperonins}}
Published 08/06/2024 {{c1::Chaperones}} and {{c1::chaperonins}} work together to prevent misfolding of proteins
Published 08/06/2024 {{c2::Group 1}} chaperonins are found in {{c1::prokaryotes, chloroplasts, and mitochondria}}
Published 08/06/2024 {{c1::Group 2}} chaperonins are found in {{c2::eukaryotic cytosol}}, called {{c3::TriC}} in mammals, and can bind {{c4::cotranslational…
Published 08/06/2024 {{c1::protein disulfide isomerases (PDI)}} - {{c3::catalyze disulfide bonds between cysteines}} and {{c2::rearrange disulfide bonds between cysteines}…
Published 08/06/2024 cystic fibrosis  a. majority disease cases due to deletion of {{c1::phenylalanine}} at {{c1::position 508}} in {{c1::CFTR (cystic fibrosis trans…
Published 08/06/2024 diabetes, cataracts, alzheimers, parkinson's, spongiform encephalopathies are examples of {{c1::protein aggregation diseases}}
Published 08/06/2024 When proteins misfold and aggregate, they {{c1::form fibrous aggregates called amyloids}}
Published 08/06/2024 transthyretin amyloidosisaggregation disease ({{c1::misfolding}})leads to {{c2::fibrillar deposits in peripheral nerves, heart, kidney, skin, and…
Published 08/06/2024 a misfolded protein due to an infectious prion is designated as {{c1::PrPSc}}
Published 08/06/2024 a prion is a protein that is not {{c1::coded for by nucleic acids}}
Published 08/06/2024 {{c1::prions}} are infectious proteins that misfold other proteins and create {{c2::amyloid plaques of proteins}}
Published 08/06/2024 the three {{c1::transmissible spongiform encephalopathies}} caused by {{c2::prions}}: {{c3::mad cow diseaseCreutzfeldt-Jakob diseasekuru}}
Published 08/06/2024 Prion Mechanism: when infectious, forms {{c1::misfolded amyloid structure PrPSc}} PrPSc propagates by {{c2::inducing misfolding of PrPC to P…
Published 08/06/2024 Some proteins undergo proteolytic processing such as {{c1:: 1. albumin 2. insulin}}
Published 08/06/2024 {{c3::ubiquitin}} proteins are {{c1::76}} amino acid polypeptides that always ends in {{c2::glycine}}; used to mark proteins for degradation. cov…
Published 08/06/2024 Proteasomes are: Multisubunit complex, {{c1::26S}} and 2 multisubunit subcomplexes {{c1::20S and 19S}}20S is {{c1::core, 2 outer, 2 inner rings}}…
Published 08/06/2024 Ubiquitin Pathway: three enzymes: {{c1::E1 = ubiquitin-activating enzyme E2 = ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E3 = ubiquitin ligase }}ubiquitin…
Published 08/06/2024 multiple myeloma cancer of {{c1::immune system}} abnormal proliferation of {{c1::antibody-producing cells}} cells produce high levels of tox…
Published 08/06/2024 Other roles for ubiquitin tagging {{c1::transport to lysosomes, signaling, regulation of protein function, cell division, repair of damaged DNA, trans…
Published 08/06/2024 {{c1::deubiquitinase (DUBs)}} is used to remove or edit ubiquitin chains
Published 08/06/2024 p53 protein regulated by the ubiquitin system:{{c1::Mdm2}} ubiquinates p53 for degradation DUBs (deubiquintases) remove {{c2::ubiquinate}} molecu…
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