Notes in 01 Skin

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Published 11/02/2024 What is a symptom?
Published 11/02/2024 What is a sign?
Published 11/02/2024 Explain the difference b/w a symptom and a sign:
Published 11/02/2024 Can something be both a sign and a symptom?
Published 11/02/2024 What are the components of a SOAP note?
Published 11/02/2024 History goes into what part of the SOAP note?
Published 11/02/2024 a skin lesion is...?
Published 11/02/2024 Primary v.s. Secondary skin lesion
Published 11/02/2024 What does HPI stand for?
Published 11/02/2024 What acronym helps you remember what to include in the HPI?
Published 11/02/2024 OLDCARTS 
Published 11/02/2024 What three paragraphs are included in the 5-minute presentation of patient information?
Published 11/02/2024 What's an example of a patient's F.I.F.E. (Feelings, Ideas, Function, Expectations)?
Published 11/02/2024 What is the Review of Systems (ROS)?
Published 11/02/2024 What two components are included in paragraph 3 of the 5-minute patient presentation?
Published 11/02/2024 What are the signs and symptoms of an allergic reaction?
Published 11/02/2024 What is Anaphylaxis?
Published 11/02/2024 Etiology
Published 11/02/2024 What is the etiology of an allergic reaction?
Published 11/02/2024 What are the two other names for Herpes Zoster?
Published 11/02/2024 What is the progression of signs and symptoms of Herpes Zoster?
Published 11/02/2024 What skin condition is described as looking like "dewdrops on a rose petal"?
Published 11/02/2024 What is the etiology of Herpes Zoster?
Published 11/02/2024 How is Herpes Zoster transmitted?
Published 11/02/2024 What are the signs and symptoms of Tinea Corporis?
Published 11/02/2024 What is the etiology of Tinea Corporis?
Published 11/02/2024 How is Tinea Corporis transmitted?
Published 11/02/2024 What are the signs and symptoms of Eczema?
Published 11/02/2024 What is the etiology of Eczema?
Published 11/02/2024 How is eczema transmitted?
Published 11/02/2024 What are the signs and symptoms of a Kaposi Sarcoma?
Published 11/02/2024 What is the etiology of a Kaposi Sarcoma?
Published 11/02/2024 How are Kaposi Sarcomas transmitted?
Published 11/02/2024 What are the 4 C's that can be applied to every patient encounter?
Published 11/02/2024 What is the S.O.S. mnemonic that can be applied to every symptom?
Published 11/02/2024 Major function of the skin is to keep body in {{c1::homeostasis}}
Published 11/02/2024 What vitamin does the skin synthesize?
Published 11/02/2024 What is the heaviest organ in the body?
Published 11/02/2024 Primary v.s. Secondary Skin Lesions
Published 11/02/2024 Primary Skin Lesions: Macule v.s. Patch
Published 11/02/2024 Primary Skin Lesions: Papule v.s. Plaque
Published 11/02/2024 Tinea corporis infections are caused by {{c1::dermatophytes}}
Published 11/02/2024 Tinea infection of beard
Published 11/02/2024 Tinea infection of scalp
Published 11/02/2024 Tinea infection of nails
Published 11/02/2024 Tinea infection of groin
Published 11/02/2024 Tinea infection of hand
Published 11/02/2024 Tinea infection of feet
Published 11/02/2024 Tinea infection of skin
Published 11/02/2024 What are the most common tinea infections in prepubertal children?
Published 11/02/2024 What are the most common Tinea infections in adolescents and adults?
Published 11/02/2024 How does tinea corporis typically present?
Published 11/02/2024
Published 11/02/2024 Primary Skin Lesions: Vesicle v.s. Bulla
Published 11/02/2024
Published 11/02/2024
Published 11/02/2024 Primary Skin Lesion: Nodule
Published 11/02/2024 Primary Skin Lesion: Pustule
Published 11/02/2024 Primary Skin Lesion: Cyst
Published 11/02/2024 Primary Skin Lesion: Wheal
Published 11/02/2024
Published 11/02/2024 Which forms of lesions can Kaposi Sarcomas present as?
Published 11/02/2024 What are the most commonly affected areas for a Kaposi Sarcoma?
Published 11/02/2024 People infected with {{c1::human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)}} have the highest risk of Kaposi's sarcoma.
Published 11/02/2024
Published 11/02/2024 Secondary Skin Lesion: Scale
Published 11/02/2024 Secondary Skin Lesion: Crusting
Published 11/02/2024 Secondary Skin Lesion: Lichenification
Published 11/02/2024
Published 11/02/2024
Published 11/02/2024 Herpes Zoster is caused by {{c1::reactivation of the varicella zoster virus}} with increasing age and weakened immune system
Published 11/02/2024 The rash from Herpes Zoster is usually {{c1::unilateral}} and confined to a {{c1::single dermatome}}
Published 11/02/2024 Dermatome
Published 11/02/2024 Describe the beginning of a Herpes Zoster infection:
Published 11/02/2024 Secondary Skin Lesion: Erosion
Published 11/02/2024 Secondary Skin Lesion: Ulcer
Published 11/02/2024 Secondary Skin Lesion: Excoriation
Published 11/02/2024 Secondary Skin Lesion: Scar
Published 11/02/2024 Secondary Skin Lesion: Keloids
Published 11/02/2024 Secondary Skin Lesion: Fissure
Published 11/02/2024
Published 11/02/2024
Published 11/02/2024 Eczema
Published 11/02/2024 Where is eczema often localized to?
Published 11/02/2024 What are the two types of hyperpigmented lesions?
Published 11/02/2024 Hyperpigmented Lesions: Benign v.s. Dysplastic Nevus
Published 11/02/2024
Published 11/02/2024
Published 11/02/2024 What do squamous and basal cell carcinomas result from?
Published 11/02/2024 {{c1::Melanoma}} is the most fatal form of skin malignancy
Published 11/02/2024 Often a first sign of melanoma is {{c1::a change in an existing mole}}
Published 11/02/2024 What is the ABCDE criteria for evaluation of hyperpigmented lesions? (this is what we're hoping NOT to see)
Published 11/02/2024 Pressure Ulcer
Published 11/02/2024 What 2 steps lead to a pressure ulcer?
Published 11/02/2024 What are the most common sites for pressure ulcers?
Published 11/02/2024 What are the intrinsic (5) v.s. extrinsic (3) risk factors for pressure ulcers?
Published 11/02/2024 Describe a Stage 1 pressure ulcer:
Published 11/02/2024 Describe a Stage 2 pressure ulcer:
Published 11/02/2024 Describe a Stage 3 pressure ulcer:
Published 11/02/2024 Describe a Stage 4 pressure ulcer:
Published 11/02/2024 {{c1::urticaria::lesion}}
Published 11/02/2024 {{c1::herpes zoster}}
Published 11/02/2024 When describing a skin lesion, what is important to note?
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