Notes in Neuromuscular

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Published 04/01/2024 {{c1::Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) Disease}} is a peripheral neuropathy that involves peroneal muscular dystrophy and pes cavus (hollow foot).
Published 04/01/2024 Which agent secreted by small cell carcinoma of the lung can cause Lambert-Eaton syndrome as a paraneoplastic syndrome {{c1::Autoantibodies against P/…
Published 04/01/2024 What is the most common cause of injury to the Axillary Nerve (C5-C6)?{{c1::Fracture surgical neck of the humerus; Anterior dislocation of the humerus…
Published 04/01/2024 What is the most common cause of proximal injury to the Ulnar Nerve (C8-T1)?{{c1::Fracture of the medial epicondyle of the humerus (i.e. "funny bone")…
Published 04/01/2024 Which nerve injury causes Foot Drop?{{c1::Common peroneal nerve}}
Published 04/01/2024 Which nerve of the leg everts and dorsiflexes the foot?{{c1::Common peroneal nerve (L4-S2) aka fibular nerve}}
Published 04/01/2024 {{c1::Wallerian degeneration}} is a type of axonal degeneration that involves degeneration distal to the injury.
Published 04/01/2024 {{c1::Riluzole}} is a drug that can modestly prolong survival of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) by decreasing presynaptic glutamate release.
Published 04/01/2024 Which dermatome is at the nipple?{{c1::T4}}
Published 04/01/2024 Which dermatome is at the xiphoid process?{{c1::T7}}
Published 04/01/2024 The {{c1::common peroneal nerve}} is the most commonly injured leg nerve. Injury typically results from {{c2::trauma to the leg near the head of the f…
Published 04/01/2024 Progressively weakening diaphragmatic contractions during maximal voluntary ventilation with intact phrenic nerve stimulation indicate {{c1::neuromusc…
Published 04/01/2024 Common Drug Interactions Implicated in Serotonin Syndrome: Drug ClassDrugs Antidepressants{{c1::SSRIs, SNRIs, MAOIs, TCAs}}Analgesics{{c2::Tramad…
Published 04/01/2024 Myasthenia Gravis Exacerbation can occur for 2 reasons: {{c1::Myasthenic Crisis patient is undertreated; not enough acetylcholine available for c…
Published 04/01/2024 Diabetic neuropathy:Small fiber neuropathy has {{c1::pain, alledynia and paresthesias; +/normal DTRs & sensation}}Large fiber neuropathy&n…
Published 04/01/2024 Obturator nerve injury would result with {{c1::weakness & spasm of the adductor compartment muscles}}. 
Published 04/01/2024 Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease presents with {{c1::weakness of foot dorsiflexion::specific sx}} due to involvement of the {{c1::common peroneal}} nerve.&…
Published 04/01/2024 {{c1::Large::Large or Small}} fibers are myelinated fibers that conduct motor, vibration, and proprioception.
Published 04/01/2024 Neuropathic pain is described as {{c1::aching, shooting, throbbing, or burning::describe some common Sx patients may describe}}. 
Published 04/01/2024 Nerve damage is generally either {{c1::demyelinating}} or {{c1::axonal}}.
Published 04/01/2024 Symmetric proximal and distal weakness with sensory loss is seen in {{c1::Guillain-Barre and CIDP::what neuropathies?}}.
Published 04/01/2024 Symmetric distal weakness + sensory loss are seen in:I "HAD MeT" Someone with "Weak Sense"{{c1::HereditaryAmyloidosisDrug-induced::what does HAD …
Published 04/01/2024 Asymmetric distal weakness with sensory loss that involves multiple nerves can result from {{c1::; HNPP, Infections (leprosy, Lyme…
Published 04/01/2024 Asymmetric distal weakness without sensory loss can be seen in {{c1::motor neuron disease (ex: ALS) or multifocal motor neuropathy (MMN)::wh…
Published 04/01/2024 Asymmetric proximal & distal weakness with sensory loss can be seen in {{c1::Polyradiculopathy/ plexopathy, meningeal carcinomatosis/lym…
Published 04/01/2024 Symmetric sensory loss without weakness can result from{{c1:: Cryptogenic sensory polyneuropathy, metabolic/drug-induced/toxic neu…
Published 04/01/2024 {{c1::Guillain Barre syndrome::Condition}} is also know as Acute Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (AIDP).
Published 04/01/2024 {{c1::Absent reflexes}} in Guillain-Barre help differentiate it from a spinal cord problem.
Published 04/01/2024 Guillain Barre causes damage through {{c1::IgG directed against PNS myelin}}. 
Published 04/01/2024 Management of Guillain Barre includes hospitalization with frequent measurement of {{c1::FVC}}, as death can quickly follow respiratory weakness
Published 04/01/2024 Treatment of Guillain Barre is with {{c1::IVIG or plasma exchange (not steroids)}}.
Published 04/01/2024 {{c1::Leprosy}} is the most common cause of neuropathy worldwide. 
Published 04/01/2024 Leprosy neuropathy is usually characterized as a {{c1::mononeuropathy multiplex concentrated distally}}. 
Published 04/01/2024 Exam of myasthenia gravis should focus on {{c1::ocular movements (especially sustained gaze) and repetitive testing of same muscle (ex: deltoid) over …
Published 04/01/2024 Treatment of Duchenne muscular dystrophy includes {{c1::steroids::med}} which slows the deterioration
Published 04/01/2024 Periodic Paralyses are inherited in an {{c1::autosomal dominant}} pattern. 
Published 04/01/2024 {{c1::CK}} is elevated in >90% of patients with an inflammatory myopathy.
Published 04/01/2024 Histological hallmarks of myasthenia gravis include:decreased #'s of {{c3::acetylcholine receptors}}{{c2::Simplification}} of postsynaptic clefts{{c1:…
Published 04/01/2024 Ulnar nerve syndrome presents with {{c1::decreased sensation over the 4th & 5th fingers and weak grip due to involvement of the interosseous muscl…
Published 04/01/2024 Steppage gait is caused by {{c1::L5 radiculopathy or compression peroneal neuropathy::2 things}}.
Published 04/01/2024 CK is normal in metabolic myopathies, except in {{c1::hypothyroidism}}. 
Published 04/01/2024 {{c1::Proximal muscle weakness::What myopathy}} is frequent in patients with either hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, or excessive steroids (endogenous…
Published 04/01/2024 Although usually diagnosed on clinical grounds, the diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome can be confirmed with what test? {{c1::Nerve conduction s…
Published 04/01/2024 Loss of pinprick sensation over the web space between the first and second toes is associated with injury to which spinal nerve root? {{c1::L5}}
Published 04/01/2024 Which genetically inherited diffuse demyelinating disease also presents with pes cavus and hammer toe?{{c1::Charcot Marie Tooth}}
Published 04/01/2024 Which nerve is responsible for supplying the sensation to the webbing between the first and second toes? {{c1::Deep peroneal nerve AKA deep fibular ne…
Published 04/01/2024 Which myopathic disorder has normal ESR and CK and presents with proximal muscle weakness and atrophy without pain or tenderness? {{c1::Glucocorticoid…
Published 04/01/2024 What diagnostic test is most sensitive for myasthenia gravis? {{c1::Single fiber EMG}}
Published 04/01/2024 Besides causing weakness and paralysis, what other group of symptoms can be used to distinguish botulism from myasthenia gravis or Lambert Eaton? {{c1…
Published 04/01/2024 Myotonic dystophy:Inheritance pattern: {{c1::Autosomal dominant}}{{c1::CTG trinucleotide}} repeat expansion in the {{c1::DMPK}} gene leading to abnorm…
Published 04/01/2024 What type of muscular dystrophy would make it difficult for a person to relax their hand and let go of a handshake? {{c1::Myotonic dystrophy}}
Published 04/01/2024 Polymyositis is associated with other autoimmune diseases, especially {{c1::Raynaud phenomenon}}.
Published 04/01/2024 What type of myopathies commonly present with myopathy and concurrent peripheral neuropathy? {{c1::Mitochondrial myopathies}}
Published 04/01/2024 "Steppage" gait with unilateral foot drop is due to either L5 radiculopathy or neuropathy of {{c1::common peroneal nerve}}.
Published 04/01/2024 Unilateral foot drop with walking is commonly due to L5 radiculopathy or compression of which nerve? {{c1::common peroneal nerve}}.
Published 04/01/2024 Sjogren disease is associated with sensory ganglionopathy. Serologies show positive {{c2::ANA, SS-A, SS-B}} in {{c1::10-55%}} of patients.&n…
Published 04/01/2024 EMG findings in sensory ganglionopathies include {{c1::reduced amplitudes of (SNAPs) with relative sparing of sensory latencies and conduction ve…
Published 04/01/2024 Pseudoathetoid posturing is a hallmark of: {{c1::sensory ganglionopathies, representing a search for position in space}}
Published 04/01/2024 What is posterior interosseus nerve syndrome?Characterized by weakness of the extensor muscles of the forearm, except for the brachioradialis, extenso…
Published 04/01/2024 Efficacy of corticosteroids in myasthenia gravis (% who go into remission & % with significant improvement)?{{c1::30}}% -> remission{{c2::50}}%…
Published 04/01/2024 MUSK antibody, when to test: {{c1::test in Achr-antibody negative patients w/ suspected MG}}
Published 04/01/2024 Describe Klumpke Palsy:{{c1::C8-T1::__ to __}} rootsInfants—{{c2::upward force on arm during delivery::cause}}Adults—{{c3::trauma (eg, grabbing a tree…
Published 04/01/2024 "myasthenic sneer": {{c1::“Myasthenic sneer” refers to bilateral facial muscle weakness where corners of the mouth fail to move upward during a horizo…
Published 04/01/2024 Heavy metals causing peripheral neuropathy?{{c1::"GLAM"GoldLeadAresenicMercury::4 metals}}
Published 04/01/2024 FeatureL5 RadiculopathyS1 RadiculopathyTypical causeHerniated disc at {{c1::L4-L5 level compressing L5 nerve root }}Herniated disc at {{c2::L5-S1…
Published 04/01/2024 Copper deficiency:{{c1::sensory}} ataxia from dorsal column involvementalso causes myelopathic symptoms (hyperreflexia)can have similar presentation t…
Published 04/01/2024 extramuscular symptoms with FSHD?1. high-freq hearing loss2. retinal {{c1::telangiactasia}}3. atrial arrhythmia4. MR5. {{c2::restrictive}} respiratory…
Published 04/01/2024 Enterovirus motor neuron disease:child with previous GI illness p/w weaknessEMG with {{c1::normal sensory responses}}resolves on its own
Published 04/01/2024 Fukuyama muscular dystrophy:{{c1::AR::inheritance}} muscular dystrophymuscles, brain, eyesbaby with ptosis and open mouth+ seizuresassociated with {{c…
Published 04/01/2024 location of nerve injury for Saturday night palsy? {{c1::radial nerve as it traverses spiral groove}}
Published 04/01/2024 Clinical features of adult adrenomyeloneuropathy:{{c1::Spinal cord path UMNAdrenal failureCerebellar path"SAC"}}
Published 04/01/2024 What is this EMG consistent with? {{c1::Hereditary neuropathy with susceptibility to pressure palsies}}
Published 04/01/2024 Clinical description of ALS:{{c3::Progressive atrophy}}May start {{c2::asymmetrically::symmetrically or asymmetrically}}{{c1::50s-60s::age}}
Published 04/01/2024 Clinical symptoms of spinal muscular atrophy (SMA):Weakness{{c6::Hypereflexia::hyper or hyporeflexia}}Sparing {{c2::extraocular}} muscles and {{c1::in…
Published 04/01/2024 Spinal muscular atrophy treatment: {{c1::Nusinersen::Medication}} is an antisense oligonucleotide that inhibits {{c2::slicing of exon 7 on SMN 2 gene}…
Published 04/01/2024 Kennedy's disease, clinical symptoms (3):{{c3::Spinobulbar}} muscular atrophy{{c2::Lower motor neuron::lower or upper motor neuron}} primarily affecti…
Published 04/01/2024 Kennedy's diseaseGenetic:{{c1::X-linked:: method of inheritance}}{{c3::CAG}} repeat diseaseInvolvement of {{c2::androgen}} receptor
Published 04/01/2024 ALS genetics:{{c2::Superoxide dismutase (SOD)}} gene{{c1::C9ORF72}} is more common
Published 04/01/2024 ALS symptomatic management{{c2::Opioids and benzos::2 meds}} okay, {{c1::Botox::medication}} is not
Published 04/01/2024 Muscles innervated by L5:Gluteus medius and TFL ({{c4::hip abduction/inversion::function}}){{c1::Tibialis Anterior/Posterior}} (dorsiflexion, inversio…
Published 04/01/2024 Significance of paraspinal denervation an EMG?{{c1::Lesion is at the level of the ventral root or anterior horn cell. Not seen in plexopathy or neurop…
Published 04/01/2024 C8-T1 radiculopathy – clinical:Weakness of {{c3::all intrinsic hand muscles}} (Abductor pollicis brevis, interossei, etc) and flexor carpi ulnaris.&n…
Published 04/01/2024 C8-T1 EMG and nerve conduction findingsDenervation of:       a. {{c1::abductor pollicis brevis }}(median)    …
Published 04/01/2024 {{c1::Spinal Stenosis::Diagnosis}}Neurogenic claudication, worse with leaning backwards, better with rest or leaning forwards (i.e. biking)
Published 04/01/2024 Diaphragm innervation? {{c1::Phrenic nerve from C3-5}}
Published 04/01/2024 What nerves/roots supply the brachioradialis? {{c1::Radial, C5-C6}}
Published 04/01/2024 Muscles involved in C5 radiculopathy?{{c1::RIDS:RhomboidInfraspinatusDeltoidSupraspinatusand to a lesser degree biceps, brachioradialis, brachialis}}
Published 04/01/2024 {{c4::C6}} radiculopathy – weak actions{{c1::Shoulder abduction}}, elbow flexion, wrist {{c2::flexion}}, forearm {{c3::pronation}}.
Published 04/01/2024 S1 Radiculopathy clinicalWeakness of {{c1::gastrocnemius plantar flexion}}, reduced ankle jerk, sensory disturbance along the {{c2::posterior}} aspec…
Published 04/01/2024 Cauda equina syndrome Clinical features:{{c1::Saddle anesthesia}}{{c2::sphincter loss}}{{c3::loss of ankle reflexes.}}
Published 04/01/2024  Chronic reinnervation changes (i.e. ALS, or 6 months after Bell’s Palsy) on EMG{{c1::Long}} duration, {{c2::high}} amplitude, {{c3::polyphasic}}…
Published 04/01/2024 What is right below the fourth cervical dermatome on the trunk?{{c1::The second thoracic dermatome}}
Published 04/01/2024 Varicella Zoster. Where does it live, how does it get to the skin to cause symptoms, and what can it cause besides radiculopathy. Lives in {{c1::…
Published 04/01/2024 Indications for surgery and epidural steroids in cervical radiculopathy?Radicular weakness, {{c3::cervical myelopathy}}, or intractable {{c1::radicula…
Published 04/01/2024 Radiation plexopathy – Clinical, EMG, and treatment?{{c2::Myokymia}}Skin twitching and rhythmic doublets or multiplets on EMG Treat with {{c…
Published 04/01/2024 Posterior cord supplies which nerves?{{c1::Radial, axillary, thoracodorsal, and subscapular (Not median and ulnar)::4 nerves}} nerves. 
Published 04/01/2024 Features that suggest brachial plexopathy is due to neoplasm rather than radiation plexopathy. Pain, {{c3::lower trunk}} involvement, {{c2::Horne…
Published 04/01/2024 How do you distinguish a lower trunk plexopathy from a C8-T1 radiculopathy on EMG?Lower trunk plexopathy: a. No {{c1::paraspinal}} involvement b. Abs…
Published 04/01/2024 Muscles involved in an upper trunk plexopathy. {{c1::Deltoid, biceps, brachioradialis, supraspinatus, infraspinatus. ::5 muscles}}
Published 04/01/2024 Describe neuralgic amyotrophy (aka brachial neuritis or Parsonage-Turner Syndrome)?Young adults {{c5::M>F::male or female predominance?}}{{c3:…
Published 04/01/2024 Branches of lateral cord{{c1::Musculocutaneous nerve and part of median nerve}} 
Published 04/01/2024 Spontaneous femoral neuropathy or lumbosacral plexopathy with flank pain. What is the diagnosis and treatment?{{c1:: Retroperitoneal hemorrhage::…
Published 04/01/2024 What sensory nerve would be affected in thoracic outlet syndrome but not ulnar mononeuropathy at the elbow?The {{c1::medial antebrachial cutaneou…
Published 04/01/2024 Diabetic radiculoplexus neuropathy, describe:{{c1::Acute back/leg pain and leg weakness::pain where? and weakness where?}} . Weakness i…
Published 04/01/2024 What do the AAN practice parameters recommend for treating Bell Palsy?{{c1::Steroids. Antivirals maybe if used early.::Tx}}
Published 04/01/2024 What is the innervation of: The platysma: {{c5::Facial nerve (CN7)}}The masseter: {{c4::Trigeminal nerve (CN V)}}The levator palpebrae: {{c3::Oculomot…
Published 04/01/2024 What is the suboccipital nerve? {{c1::A pure motor nerve that comes from C1 and supplies the posterior muscles of the head (rectus capitis and obliquu…
Published 04/01/2024 Carpal tunnel syndrome – clinical description:Numb digits 1-3sparing {{c1::thenar eminence}}. Often {{c2::bilateral::Unilateral or b/l}} and worse in …
Published 04/01/2024 Radial neuropathy at the axilla Finger drop, wrist drop, weakness of elbow flexion (from brachioradialis). The extensor pollicis longus and brevis, su…
Published 04/01/2024 Anterior interosseus neuropathy Weakness of {{c1::thumb and finger flexion (digits 2-3) and pronation}}. No numbness. Can’t make {{c2::“OK”}…
Published 04/01/2024  Long thoracic neuropathy Sx:{{c2::Scapular winging::atrophy finding}}{{c3::inability to abduct shoulder > 90º::inability to abduct shoulder &…
Published 04/01/2024 be973959d2bc4cf7bbf1eaba89015967-oa-1
Published 04/01/2024 be973959d2bc4cf7bbf1eaba89015967-oa-2
Published 04/01/2024 be973959d2bc4cf7bbf1eaba89015967-oa-3
Published 04/01/2024 be973959d2bc4cf7bbf1eaba89015967-oa-5
Published 04/01/2024 be973959d2bc4cf7bbf1eaba89015967-oa-7
Published 04/01/2024 be973959d2bc4cf7bbf1eaba89015967-oa-9
Published 04/01/2024 What is a Martin-Gruber anastomosis?{{c1::The median nerve sends a branch across to the ulnar in the forearm and supplies the ulnar-innervated hand mu…
Published 04/01/2024 What nerve supplies the teres major? {{c1::Subscapular, from the upper trunk}}
Published 04/01/2024 What nerve supplies the supinator? {{c1::Radial}}
Published 04/01/2024 Weakness of deltoid and teres minor and numbness over the shoulder is most likely due to…{{c1::Axillary neuropathy}}
Published 04/01/2024 Suprascapular neuropathyWeakness of {{c1::supraspinatus and infraspinatus}}. No numbness.
Published 04/01/2024 All muscles involved in shoulder abduction{{c1::Supraspinatus::muscle}} first 15 degrees {{c2::Deltoid::muscle}} – up to 90 degrees {{c3::Trapezius an…
Published 04/01/2024 If a patient has posterior interosseus mononeuropathy, what happens when the wrist is extended?{{c1::Extensor carpi radialis}} is spared, but&nbs…
Published 04/01/2024  What is the classic clinical picture in a posterior interosseus mononeuropathy?{{c1::Finger drop without wrist drop, normal sensation.}}
Published 04/01/2024 What nerve adducts the thumb?{{c1:: Ulnar.}} Test this by {{c2::having the patient hold a piece of paper between the thumb and index finger. As y…
Published 04/01/2024  What nerve innervates the latissimus dorsi?{{c1::Thoracodorsal (branch of the posterior cord)}}
Published 04/01/2024 What nerve supplies the adductor pollicis, third lumbrical, and palmar interosseous muscles? {{c1::Ulnar N.}}
Published 04/01/2024 Dorsal scapular neuropathy?{{c1::Weak rhomboids::What muscle is weak?}}
Published 04/01/2024 Pronator teres nerve supply? {{c1::Median nerve}}
Published 04/01/2024 The sciatic nerves supplies which distal nerves? {{c1::Peroneal, tibial, sural sensory::3 nerves}}
Published 04/01/2024 What is the only muscle supplied by the common peroneal branch above the fibular head?{{c1::The short head of the biceps femoris}}
Published 04/01/2024 50 yo male presents w/ back and paresthesias in LE along lateral and medial aspect beloow the knee. Diagnosis? {{c1::L4-5 disc herniation}}
Published 04/01/2024 What would you see on EMG/NCV of MG?Latency: {{c1::Normal}}F wave latency: {{c1::Normal}}Conduction velocity: {{c1::Normal}}NCV: {{c1::Decrement on NC…
Published 04/01/2024 Mnemonic for radial nerve muscles supplied is the {{c1::BEST -Brachioradialis, Biceps, Supinator, Triceps::Mnemonic}}
Published 04/01/2024 Intraspinal canal lesions that are typically proximal to the {{c1::dorsal root ganglion::location in PNS}} will manifest clinically with sensory loss,…
Published 04/01/2024 The characteristics of a demyelinating polyneuropathy (acquired type) include {{c3::segmental conduction velocity}} slowing, {{c2::conduction block}},…
Published 04/01/2024 In a patient with bilateral facial nerve palsies, consider {{c1::Lyme disease, sarcoidosis, or Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS).::3 conditions}}
Published 04/01/2024 In CMT type 1A, there is duplication of the {{c1::PMP 22}} genein hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies (HNPP), there is deletion o…
Published 04/01/2024 The {{c1::H-reflex}} is the most sensitive test for early GBS. Absent H response, abnormal F wave, and abnormal upper extremity SNAP combined with a n…
Published 04/01/2024 Cleavage of one of the SNARE proteins by {{c2::botulinum neurotoxin}} inhibits {{c1::the exocytosis of ACh from the synaptic terminal.}}
Published 04/01/2024 {{c1::Malignant hyperthermia}} occurs in association with central core disease.
Published 04/01/2024 {{c1::Riluzole::med}}: {{c2::Glutamate}} release inhibitor. Class A evidence for prolonging life in ALS. {{c3::8::#}}% benefit of survival at 12 month…
Published 04/01/2024 {{c1::Spinal Muscular Atrophy (Clinical Symptoms)::Dx}}: Weakness, hyporeflexia, sparing {{c2::extraocular muscles and intrinsic hand::2 muscle groups…
Published 04/01/2024 Spinal Muscular Atrophy treatment: {{c2::Nusinersen::Med}} is an antisense oligonucleotide that inhibits slicing of exon 7 on {{c3::SMN2::Gene Name}} …
Published 04/01/2024 Kennedy’s disease clinical findings: {{c1::Spinobulbar muscular}} atrophy, {{c2::LMN::LMN or UMN}} only primarily affecting {{c3::cranial}} muscu…
Published 04/01/2024 ALS – symptomatic management: {{c1::Opioids and benzos::2 meds}} okay, {{c2::botulinum::Med}} is not. {{c3::Non-invasive ventilation}} should be offer…
Published 04/01/2024 Infectious acute motor neuron disease: {{c1::West nileEnterovirusPolio}}
Published 04/01/2024 Muscles innervated by L5: {{c1::Gluteus medius and TFL}} (hip abduction/inversion){{c1::Tibialis anterior}} (dorsiflexion){{c1::Tibialis posterio…
Published 04/01/2024 Significance of paraspinal denervation on EMG: {{c1::Lesion is at the level of the ventral root or anterior horn cell. Not seen in plexopathy or neuro…
Published 04/01/2024 {{c4::C8-T1::Nerve Roots}} radiculopathy – clinical:Weakness of all {{c2::intrinsic hand}} muscles (Abductor pollicis brevis, interossei, etc) and {{c…
Published 04/01/2024 C8-T1 EMG and nerve conduction findings: Denervation of:a. {{c1::abductor pollicis brevis}} (median)b. {{c2::Interossei, adductor digiti minimi}}…
Published 04/01/2024 {{c2::Diaphragm::muscle}} innervation: {{c1::Phrenic nerve from C3-5}}
Published 04/01/2024 What nerve and roots supply brachioradialis?  {{c1::Radial, C5-C6}}
Published 04/01/2024 Muscles involved in C5 radiculopathy:{{c1::"RIDS"RhomboidInfraspinatusDeltoidSupraspinatus::4 muscles}}To a lesser degree biceps, brachioradialis, bra…
Published 04/01/2024 {{c1::Neuromyotonia}}: fire at frequencies of 10 to 300 Hz; may decrease in amplitude because of the inability of muscle fibers to maintain discharges…
Published 04/01/2024 ReinnervationMay begin as early as {{c1::1 to 2::#}} weeks after injuryReinnervation progresses at {{c2::1::#}} mm per day
Published 04/01/2024 MUP pathologic findings:Long duration: seen in {{c2::lower motor neuron}} disorders and chronic myositisShort duration: seen in all {{c3::myopathies::…
Published 04/01/2024 Myokymia: Spontaneous potentials associated with {{c1::fine, worm-like motoric::describe muscle movements}} Appears as normal MUPs that fire with…
Published 04/01/2024 {{c4::Spasmodic dysphonia::Diagnosis}}:Clinical features: {{c3::diff speaking with normal voice}} (e.g. prefer shouting or speaking softly) with break…
Published 04/01/2024 In contrast to neonatal myasthenia, congenital myasthenia is not an {{c1::autoimmune}} disorder.
Published 04/01/2024 Diabetic polyneuropathy presentations (4){{c1::distal, symmetric}}, slowly progressive sensory loss in legs (stocking distrubution, begining…
Published 04/01/2024 Diabetic polyneuropathy treatment (4):{{c1::glucose control}} (best treatment){{c2::Gabapentin, pregabalin}}TCAsDuloxetine
Published 04/01/2024 A patient with HIV may develop distal sensory polyneuropathy because of what (3)?{{c1::Direct HIV infection and inflammation of peripheral nerves}}{{c…
Published 04/01/2024 {{c1::Serum creatine kinase}} is the best initial diagnostic test when suspecting a dystrophinopathy. {{c1::Creatine kinase}} is 5 to 10 times the upp…
Published 04/01/2024 {{c1::Genetic testing}} should be performed to confirm a suspected diagnosis of Duchenne or Becker muscular dystrophy. Rarely, when genetic testing is…
Published 04/01/2024 The histopathologic features of muscle in the dystrophinopathies include evidence of active and chronic myopathy, increased endomysial connective tiss…
Published 04/01/2024 Cardiac surveillance in patients with dystrophinopathies should start at diagnosis or early childhood. Initiation of {{c1::angiotensin-converting enzy…
Published 04/01/2024 {{c1::Autosomal recessive::Inheritance pattern}} limb-girdle muscular dystrophies affect muscle structural, maintenance, or repair proteins.
Published 04/01/2024 Autosomal dominant limb-girdle muscular dystrophies are {{c1::less::more or less}} prevalent than autosomal recessive LGMDs, tend to affect individual…
Published 04/01/2024 {{c1::Autosomal recessive::Inheritance pattern}} limb-girdle muscular dystrophies often have {{c2::younger::younger or older}} age of onset, more rapi…
Published 04/01/2024 Limb-girdle muscular dystrophies are characterized by (3):Weakness of {{c1::limb-girdle}} musclesSparing of {{c2::facial, extraocular, and pharyngeal}…
Published 04/01/2024 What are the clinical features of Emery-Dreifuss dystrophy? (3)Early onset of {{c1::joint contractures}} in elbows, ankles, and cervical spine (neck)S…
Published 04/01/2024 Diagnosis of myasthenia gravis?Mostly clinical{{c2::Edrophonium (Tensilon)::type of med}} is a cholinesterase inhibitor that causes {{c4::rapid improv…
Published 04/01/2024 What is facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy?{{c1::Asymmetric::symmetric or asymmetric}} weakness of the face, arm, and shoulder. Classic sign …
Published 04/01/2024 What neuropathies involve autonomic symptoms/signs?Auto "DAG VIP Hi"{{c2::D for Diabetes mellitusA for AmyloidosisG for GBS (Guillain-B…
Published 04/01/2024 Glucocorticoid-induced myopathy is characterized by:{{c1::proximal::proximal or distal}} muscle weakness (more prominent in {{c1::lower::upper or lowe…
Published 04/01/2024 What is hypokalemic periodic paralysis?Sudden-onset generalized weakness often in adolescence following {{c1::awakening::awakening or going to sleep}}…
Published 04/01/2024 What is the neuronal cell body response to axonal injury?{{c1::Chromatolysis}} (increased protein synthesis) with round cellular swellingDisplacement …
Published 04/01/2024 The most common peripheral nerve disorder in HIV is {{c1::painful, distal symmetric polyneuropathy. }}
Published 04/01/2024 Immune status in HIV correlates with the type of peripheral nerve disorder. For patients with HIV, {{c2::inflammatory neuropathies}} occur at higher C…
Published 04/01/2024 {{c1::Diffuse infiltrative lymphocytosis syndrome (DILS)::condition}} is a hyperimmune response to HIV infection characterized by the expansion of {{c…
Published 04/01/2024 {{c2::Mixed cryoglobulinemia::condition}} is present in up to 50% of patients with hepatitis C and increases the risk of {{c1::peripheral neuropathy.:…
Published 04/01/2024 {{c1::Vasculitis}} appears to be the underlying pathology in both cryoglobulin-positive and cryoglobulin-negative hepatitis C patients with peripheral…
Published 04/01/2024 HIV seroconversion can be associated with {{c1::cranial}} neuropathies (especially affecting the {{c1::facial nerve}}) and GBS. Mild lymphocytic pleoc…
Published 04/01/2024 {{c1::CMV}} infection in immunocompromised individuals can lead to several peripheral nerve syndromes including myelitis, radiculitis, brachial plexop…
Published 04/01/2024 {{c1::Cytomegalovirus (CMV)}} is the second most common infectious antecedent for Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) syndrome after {{c2::Campylobacter jej…
Published 04/01/2024 The presence of {{c1::anti-GM2}} antibodies is highly specific for post-CMV GBS.
Published 04/01/2024 {{c1::Herpes zoster ophthalmicus::Infectious condition}} is an ophthalmic emergency and can cause permanent visual loss. Urgent ophthalmologic evaluat…
Published 04/01/2024 {{c1::Postherpetic neuralgia}} is the most common complication of herpes zoster. Risk factors include {{c2::older age}}, the intensity of {{c3::pain}}…
Published 04/01/2024 Risk factors for the reactivation of the varicella-zoster virus and the development of zoster include age (>{{c1::60::#}} years), underlying HIV or…
Published 04/01/2024 Classic symptoms of leprous neuropathy include anesthesia, inability to {{c1::sweat}}, and patchy {{c2::motor weakness::motor weakness or sensory loss…
Published 04/01/2024 {{c1::Leprosy}} remains a common cause of infectious neuropathy in the tropics and subtropics, with the highest incidence occurring in India, Brazil, …
Published 04/01/2024 What does this show and what condition does it suggest? {{c1::Great auricular nerve enlargement in leprosy}}. 
Published 04/01/2024 Early serologic testing for Lyme disease may return a {{c1::false-negative}} result. When early testing is negative and clinical symptoms are suggesti…
Published 04/01/2024 Although {{c1::facial}} neuropathy is the most frequent cranial neuropathy in early disseminated Lyme disease, patients can present with {{c2::multipl…
Published 04/01/2024 {{c1::Diabetic sensory}} polyneuropathy is an acquired, chronic, slowly progressive, length-dependent, {{c2::sensory::sensory or motor}} predominant, …
Published 04/01/2024 {{c1::Conus medullaris syndrome::condition}} usually comes from displaced L1 or L2 vertebra. Because the compression will be on both the {{c2::periphe…
Published 04/01/2024 {{c1::Collier’s}} Sign: The loss of cortical inhibition to the nucleus of CN III and the levator palpebrae can also lead to retraction of the upper ey…
Published 04/01/2024 Abs and associated conditions:Anti-Hu: {{c1::Sensory neuronopathy}} GM1: {{c1::Multifocal Motor Neuropathy}} Anti-Yo: {{c1::Cerebellar Degeneration}} …
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