Notes in Shock and fluid therapy

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Published 11/10/2024 When should you use isotonic fluids?
Published 11/10/2024 What are three common examples of isotonic fluid solutions?
Published 11/10/2024 What are the pros and cons of isotonic fluids?
Published 11/10/2024 When shouldnt you use Hartmann's solution?
Published 11/10/2024 When should you use hypertonic solutions?
Published 11/10/2024 Give an example of a hypertonic solution
Published 11/10/2024 Why must care be given when admisistering hypertonic saline?
Published 11/10/2024 When should you use hypotonic solutions?
Published 11/10/2024 Give an example of a hypotonic solution
Published 11/10/2024 Why must care be given when administering hypotonic solutions
Published 11/10/2024 What do whole blood products contain and what patients should they be used in?
Published 11/10/2024 What do packed RBC products conatin and what patients shoudl you use them in?
Published 11/10/2024 What do fresh frozen plasma products contain and what patients do you use them in?
Published 11/10/2024 What do frozen plasma products contain and what patients do you use them in?
Published 11/10/2024 What do platelet concentrate products contain and what patients do you use them in?
Published 11/10/2024 When should you use colloid solutions?
Published 11/10/2024 How can you differentiate between dehydration and hypovolaemia?
Published 11/10/2024 What is a quick CRT with a slow bounding pulse a sign of?
Published 11/10/2024 How do we administer fluid therapy to hypovolaemic patients?
Published 11/10/2024 Aside from a fluid bolus, what drugs can be given to hypovolaemic patients?
Published 11/10/2024 How can we tell if fluid therapy is working?
Published 11/10/2024 How do we administer fluids to a dehydrated patient?
Published 11/10/2024 What is the formula for caclulating fluid rate?
Published 11/10/2024 What is the formula for maintenance fluids?
Published 11/10/2024 How do we calculate the ongoing losses of fluids in a patient?
Published 11/10/2024 What is the main complication of fluid therapy?
Published 11/10/2024 Define shock
Published 11/10/2024 What are the different types of shock?
Published 11/10/2024 Describe hypovolaemic shock
Published 11/10/2024 What are the 3 main causes of hypovolaemic shock?
Published 11/10/2024 What are the clinical signs of hypovolaemic shock?
Published 11/10/2024 In the case of hypovolaemia due to blood loss, what should be given as treatment?
Published 11/10/2024 Describe Distributive shock
Published 11/10/2024 What are the main causes of distributive shock
Published 11/10/2024 What are the clinical signs of distributive shock?
Published 11/10/2024 How can you differentiate between distributive shock and pain boudning pulses?
Published 11/10/2024 How do we treat distributive shock?
Published 11/10/2024 How may a patient with both hypovolaemic and distributive shock present?
Published 11/10/2024 How would you treat a patient with both hypovolaemic and distributive shock?
Published 11/10/2024 Define cardiogenic shock
Published 11/10/2024 What are the main causes of cardiogenic shock?
Published 11/10/2024 What are the clinical signs of cardiogenic shock?
Published 11/10/2024 How do you treat cardiogenic shock?
Published 11/10/2024 Discuss the difference between dobutmaine and pimobendan as positive inotropes
Published 11/10/2024 Define obstructive shock
Published 11/10/2024 What are the main causes of obstructive shock?
Published 11/10/2024 What are the clinical signs of obstructiuve shock
Published 11/10/2024 How do you treat obstructive shock?
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