Notes in Language And Man

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Published 11/20/2024 If you ask about the beginning of human language, I will tell you: Human language began with the beginning of the creation of man because he needed to…
Published 11/20/2024 (Allah) created man, and the first person we know is Adam - peace be upon him. Allah created him a speaker capable of speech and capable of producing …
Published 11/20/2024 Allah created organs in the human chest, neck, and head to produce the linguistic sounds that represent his speech. These organs are the organs of spe…
Published 11/20/2024 And (Allah) made in the human head organs for hearing or listening to linguistic sounds, and then translating or converting them from sounds into unde…
Published 11/20/2024 If you ask about the origins of human language, I will tell you: The theories formulated or raised by philologists on the topic of the genesis of the …
Published 11/20/2024 The ancient Arabic linguist (Ahmed ibn Fares) believes that Allah Almighty created Adam – peace be upon him – and taught him the language in which he …
Published 11/20/2024 However, the Arab linguist (Ibn Jinni) believes that when (Allah) created man, he made him capable of creating the language and speaking it.
Published 11/20/2024 Despite the difference between the two Arabic linguists (Ibn Fares) and (Ibn Jinni), Adam – peace be upon him – who was the first human being created …
Published 11/20/2024 Words are not the only tool used by language in speech and expression, but there are also: signs, symbols, and drawing.
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