Notes in 03 Gallbladder, Appendix, and Peritoneum

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Published 02/27/2024 Which organ is responsible for synthesis of bile? {{c1::Liver}}
Published 02/27/2024 Which organ is responsible for the storage and concentration of bile? {{c1::Gallbladder}}
Published 02/27/2024 {{c1::Appendicitis}} is defined as acute inflammation of the appendix
Published 02/27/2024 {{c1::Adhesions}} are fibrous bands of scar tissue that commonly form after GI {{c2::surgery}}
Published 02/27/2024 {{c1::Cholelithiasis (gallstones)}} are solid, round stones in the gallbladder
Published 02/27/2024 There are two types of gallstones: {{c1::cholesterol}} and {{c2::pigmented}}
Published 02/27/2024 Which type of gallstone is the most common, especially in the West? {{c1::Cholesterol stone (80%)}}
Published 02/27/2024 {{c1::Black::color}} pigment gallstones are radio-{{c2::opaque}} and composed of {{c3::calcium bilirubinate}}
Published 02/27/2024 The most common gallstone complication is {{c1::cholecystitis}}
Published 02/27/2024 What imaging technique is used to diagnose gallstones? {{c1::Ultrasound}}
Published 02/27/2024 Biliary {{c2::colic}} is a waxing and waning {{c1::right upper}} quadrant pain associated with gallstones; may also have nausea and vomiting
Published 02/27/2024 Biliary {{c1::colic}} occurs due to gallbladder contraction against a stone lodged in the {{c2::cystic}} duct
Published 02/27/2024 {{c1::Cholecystitis}} is an acute or chronic inflammation of the gallbladder with gallbladder wall thickening
Published 02/27/2024 Acute {{c2::cholecystitis}} presents with RUQ pain that often radiates to the {{c1::right scapula}}
Published 02/27/2024 {{c2::Cholecystitis}} is associated with a positive {{c1::Murphy's}} sign, which is inspiratory arrest on RUQ palpation due to pain
Published 02/27/2024 {{c1::Ascending cholangitis}} is a bacterial infection of the {{c2::bile ducts}}
Published 02/27/2024 {{c4::Ascending cholangitis}} classically presents with the Charcot triad of {{c1::jaundice}}, {{c2::fever}}, and {{c3::RUQ pain}}
Published 02/27/2024 In addition to the Charcot triad, Ascending cholangitis may also present with {{c1::altered mental status}} and {{c2::shock}} (Reynolds pentad)
Published 02/27/2024 There is an increased incidence of ascending cholangitis with {{c1::choledocholithiasis}} (stones in the biliary ducts)
Published 02/27/2024 {{c1::Choledocholithiasis}} is the presence of gallstones is the {{c2::common bile}} duct, often leading to elevated ALP…
Published 02/27/2024 What type of cancer (e.g. SCC, adenocarcinoma, etc.) is gallbladder carcinoma? {{c1::Adenocarcinoma}}
Published 02/27/2024 The retroperitoneal structures of the GI tract may be remembered with the mnemonic "SAID PUCKER": S: {{c1::Suprarenal (adrenal) glands}}AI: {{c2::Aort…
Published 02/27/2024 What is the embryonic origin of the peritoneum (serous lining of cavities)? {{c1::Mesoderm}}
Published 02/27/2024 What is the likely diagnosis in a patient with severe RUQ/shoulder pain that occurs after fatty meals and resolves within 6 hours?{{c1::Biliary colic}…
Published 02/27/2024 Which carcinoma has a tendency to seed body cavities (e.g. the peritoneum)?{{c1::Ovarian carcinoma}}
Published 02/27/2024 How is choledocholithiasis treated?{{c1::ERCP to retrieve stone; eventual cholecystectomy}}
Published 02/27/2024 The most common body cavity seeded by a tumor is the {{c1::peritoneal cavity}}
Published 02/27/2024 {{c1::Appendiceal carcinoid}} tumors typically have a benign course but may cause obstruction and appendicitis
Published 02/27/2024 What is the long-term treatment for hydrocephalus? {{c1::Ventriculoperitoneal shunting}}
Published 02/27/2024 Causes of Appendicitis:Adults = {{c1::fecalith}} obstructionChildren = {{c1::lymphoid hyperplasia}} obstruction
Published 02/27/2024 A triad of sudden RUQ pain, fever and leukocytosis is suggestive of {{c1::acute cholecystitis}}
Published 02/27/2024 When should patients with acute cholecystitis have a cholecystectomy?{{c1::Within 72 hours}}
Published 02/27/2024 6ade326543f64419bcb0b3cd257e911d-ao-1
Published 02/27/2024 6ade326543f64419bcb0b3cd257e911d-ao-2
Published 02/27/2024 6ade326543f64419bcb0b3cd257e911d-ao-3
Published 02/27/2024 6ade326543f64419bcb0b3cd257e911d-ao-4
Published 02/27/2024 6ade326543f64419bcb0b3cd257e911d-ao-5
Published 02/27/2024 6ade326543f64419bcb0b3cd257e911d-ao-6
Published 02/27/2024 6ade326543f64419bcb0b3cd257e911d-ao-7
Published 02/27/2024 6ade326543f64419bcb0b3cd257e911d-ao-8
Published 02/27/2024 Signs of pancreatitis (epigastric pain radiating to back, elevated lipase) but patient does not drink alcohol and has gallstones on imaging{{c1::Bilia…
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