Notes in Cholesterol Metabolism

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Published 08/28/2024 Free fatty acids (from triglycerides) can be used for energy by the {{c1::heart}} and {{c1::skeletal}} muscle
Published 08/28/2024 Hepatocytes synthesize {{c2::cholesterol}} using the rate-limiting enzyme {{c1::HMG CoA reductase}}
Published 08/28/2024 The main component of VLDL is {{c1::triglycerides}} (60%)
Published 08/28/2024 While all cells can make cholesterol, which organ makes the most?{{c1::Liver}}
Published 08/28/2024 Overview Cholesterol Synthesis:1) 3 acetates (2C) --> 1 {{c1::mavalonate (6C)::M}}2) {{c2::Mavalonate::M}} --> {{c2::activated isoprene (5C…
Published 08/28/2024 What is the committed step of cholesterol synthesis?The First Step:{{c1::Acetoacetyl-CoA}} + Acetyl-CoA --> {{c1::Mevalonate}} via {{c1::HMG-CoA Re…
Published 08/28/2024 Step 2 of Cholesterol Synthesis: TAKES ^^ {{c1::ATP}}Mevalonate --> {{c1::Activated Isoprene}}Both geometric isomers of activated isopren…
Published 08/28/2024 Third Step of Cholesterol Synthesis:To make squalene, 5C intermediates do {{c1::head-to-tail condensation}}, 15C intermediates do {{c1::head-to-h…
Published 08/28/2024 Fourth Step of Cholesterol Synthesis:Squalene chain activated --> an epoxide via {{c1::squalene epoxidase}} and made into 30C ring via&nb…
Published 08/28/2024 Which step of cholesterol synthesis is the most regulated?{{c1::1st, HMG-CoA Reductase}}^ synth. w/ {{c2::insulin}}v synth. w/ {{c2::glucagon, an…
Published 08/28/2024 How does a decrease in [intracellular cholesterol] lead --> an increase HMG-CoA Reductase transcription?In the {{c1::ER}} membrane, when …
Published 08/28/2024 How does increasing [intracellular cholesterol] break down HMG-CoA Reducatase?Near the HMG-CoA reductase protein in the ER membrane, the {{c1::In…
Published 08/28/2024 HMG-CoA Reductase is inactivated by {{c1::phosphorylation::phosphorylation or dephosphorylation}} when {{c1::AMP}} levels are high.
Published 08/28/2024 In cellular uptake of LDL, 1. the protein {{c1::Apo-B100}} is recognized by LDL receptors in the cell membrane. 2. The bound receptors are then e…
Published 08/28/2024 Statin drugs primarily function by inhibiting the activity of the {{c1::HMG-CoA Reductase}} enzyme. 
Published 08/28/2024 Statin drugs primarily function by: 1. decreasing {{c1::cholesterol synthesis}} 2. increasing {{c1::LDL receptor-mediated removal of LDL}}. 
Published 08/28/2024 Cholesteryl esterification for chylomicrons is catalyzed by {{c1::acyl-CoA cholesterol acyl transferase (ACAT). }}
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