Notes in 03 Benign and Malignant Skin Tumors

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Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::Angiosarcomas}} are highly aggressive malignant proliferations of endothelial cells
Published 01/10/2024 One sign of hyperlipidemia is {{c1::xanthomas}}, which are plaques or nodules composed of {{c3::lipid-laden histiocytes}} in {{c2::skin}}
Published 01/10/2024 When a xanthoma affects the eyelids, it is known as {{c1::xanthelasma}}
Published 01/10/2024 One sign of hyperlipidemia is {{c1::tendinous xanthomas}}, which are plaques or nodules composed of lipid-laden histiocytes in {{c2::tendon (especiall…
Published 01/10/2024 Type {{c2::I}} hyperlipoproteinemia commonly presents with red-orange {{c1::eruptive/pruritic xanthomas}}
Published 01/10/2024 Type {{c2::II}} familial dyslipidemia commonly presents with tendinous {{c1::xanthomas}}, especially on the {{c3::Achilles}} tendon
Published 09/03/2024 Mycosis fungoides is a neoplastic proliferation of mature {{c1::CD4+ T::specific}} cells
Published 01/10/2024 The aggregates of neoplastic cells in the epidermis seen with mycosis fungoides are called {{c1::Pautrier microabscesses}}
Published 09/03/2024 Mycosis fungoides may spread to involve the blood, producing {{c1::Sézary}} syndrome (T-cell leukemia)
Published 09/03/2024 {{c2::Sézary}} syndrome is characterized by atypical CD4+ cells with {{c1::cerebriform}} nuclei seen on blood smear
Published 01/10/2024 Hepatic {{c1::angiosarcoma}} is a malignant tumor associated with exposure to arsenic and vinyl chloride
Published 01/10/2024 What type of scar extends beyond the borders of the original wound? {{c1::Keloid scar}}
Published 01/10/2024 What type of scar is characterized by disorganized collagen organization?{{c1::Keloid scar}}
Published 01/10/2024 Do keloid scars have a genetic predisposition? If so, who?{{c1::Yes (more common in African Americans and Asians)}}
Published 01/10/2024 Do keloid scars typically recur? {{c1::Yes}}
Published 01/10/2024 Keloid scars typically affect the {{c1::earlobes}}, {{c2::face}}, and {{c3::upper extremities}}
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::Lipoma}} is a benign tumor of adipose tissue contained within a fibrous capsule
Published 01/10/2024 What is the most common benign soft tissue tumor in adults?{{c1::Lipoma}}
Published 01/10/2024 Seborrheic keratosis is characterized histologically by {{c1::keratin pseudocysts (horn cysts)}}
Published 01/10/2024 Which skin cancer typically presents as an elevated nodule with telangiectasias, rolled borders, central crusting, and/or ulcerations? {{c1::Basal cel…
Published 01/10/2024 Superficial {{c1::basal}} cell carcinoma may present as a scaling plaque
Published 01/10/2024 Basal cell carcinoma is characterized histologically by nodules of basal cells with peripheral {{c1::palisading}}
Published 01/10/2024 Does basal cell carcinoma typically metastasize?{{c1::No (rare)}}
Published 01/10/2024 Squamous cell carcinoma of the skin is characterized histologically by formation of {{c1::keratin pearls}}
Published 01/10/2024 Risk factors for squamous cell carcinoma of skin include {{c1::immunosuppressive}} therapy, {{c2::arsenic}} poisoning, and chronic inflammation (…
Published 01/10/2024 Which skin cancer presents as an ulcerative red lesion with frequent scale?{{c1::Squamous cell carcinoma}}
Published 01/10/2024 Does squamous cell carcinoma typically metastasize?{{c1::No (rare)}}
Published 01/10/2024 Which skin disorder presents as rough, "gritty", hyperkeratotic, scaly plaques? {{c1::Actinic keratosis}}
Published 01/10/2024 Congenital nevi are present at birth and often associated with {{c1::hair}}
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::Junctional}} nevi are flat macules, most commonly seen in children
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::Intradermal}} nevi are somewhat dark, raised papules, most commonly seen in adults
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::Melanoma}} is a malignant neoplasm of melanocytes
Published 01/10/2024 What is the most common cause of death from skin cancer? {{c1::Melanoma}}
Published 01/10/2024 Melanoma is associated with sunlight exposure and {{c1::dysplastic}} nevi
Published 01/10/2024 The ABCDEs of melanoma are:A: {{c1::Asymmetry}}B: {{c2::Border irregularity}}C: {{c3::Color variation}}D: {{c4::Diameter > 6 mm::>#}}E: {{c5::Ev…
Published 01/10/2024 The initial growth phase of melanoma is characterized by {{c1::radial}} growth horizontally along the epidermis and superficial dermis
Published 01/10/2024 Melanoma progresses to {{c1::vertical}} growth into the deep dermis
Published 01/10/2024 What is the most important prognostic factor in predicting melanoma metastasis? {{c1::Depth of invasion (Breslow thickness)}}
Published 01/10/2024 What is the most common variant of melanoma?{{c1::Superficial spreading}}
Published 01/10/2024 What is the prognosis of the superficial spreading subtype of melanoma? {{c1::Good (early radial growth)}}
Published 01/10/2024 What is the prognosis of the lentigo maligna subtype of melanoma? {{c1::Good (radial growth, insidious)}}
Published 01/10/2024 What is the prognosis of the nodular subtype of melanoma? {{c1::Poor (early vertical growth)}}
Published 01/10/2024 What area of the body does the acral lentiginous subtype of melanoma typically arise?{{c1::Palms or soles}}
Published 01/10/2024 The highest prevalence of the acral lentiginous subtype of melanoma is more common in which two races?{{c1::African-Americans and Asians}}
Published 01/10/2024 What tumor marker may be used to identify melanoma?{{c1::S100}}
Published 01/10/2024 Melanoma is often driven by activating mutations in {{c1::BRAF}} kinase
Published 01/10/2024 Which type of UV light increases risk of skin cancer?{{c1::Both UVA and UVB :)}}
Published 01/10/2024 What vascular tumor is associated with HHV-8 and HIV? {{c1::Kaposi sarcoma}}
Published 01/10/2024 What vascular tumor is a benign capillary hemangioma seen in elderly individuals? {{c1::Cherry hemangioma}}
Published 01/10/2024 Do cherry hemangiomas regress?{{c1::No}}
Published 01/10/2024 What vascular tumor is a benign, painful, red-blue tumor, formed from AV shunts under fingernails? {{c1::Glomus tumor}}
Published 01/10/2024 Glomus tumors arise from modified {{c1::smooth muscle}} cells of the thermoregulatory glomus body
Published 01/10/2024 As a topical cream, 5FU can be used to treat {{c1::basal cell}} carcinoma
Published 01/10/2024 What is the likely diagnosis in a patient with poorly controlled HIV that develops multiple violaceous papules in the groin region?{{c1::Kaposi sarcom…
Published 01/10/2024 What is the likely diagnosis in a patient with a lesion on the foot (pictured below)? The lesion is non-tender, firm, hyperpigmented, and has a centra…
Published 01/10/2024 What is the likely diagnosis in a patient that presents with a 2 x 1 cm pigmented lesion on the abdomen (pictured below)? The lesion has increased in …
Published 01/10/2024 Blood vessels can give rise to a(n) {{c1::hemangioma}} (benign) and {{c2::angiosarcoma}} (malignant)
Published 01/10/2024 5-fluorouracil is a(n) {{c1::pyrimidine}} analog
Published 01/10/2024 What enzyme is inhibited by 5-fluorouracil?{{c1::thymidylate synthase}}
Published 01/10/2024 5-fluorouracil is a prodrug that is converted to its active form {{c1::5-fdUMP}}
Published 01/10/2024 5-fluorouracil can be used topically to treat {{c1::basal cell carcinoma}}
Published 01/10/2024 Which kinase inhibitor can be used to treat malignant melanoma due to V600E BRAF kinase overexpression?{{c1::Vemurafenib}}
Published 01/10/2024 Type {{c3::III}} familial dyslipidemia presents with {{c2::tuberoeruptive}} xanthomas and {{c1::palmar}} xanthomas
Published 01/10/2024 What is the likely diagnosis in an infant with an isolated, hyperpigmented patch with numerous dark, coarse hairs? {{c1::Congenital melanocytic nevus}…
Published 01/10/2024 What is the initial presentation of Kaposi sarcoma?{{c1::Cutaneous disease}}
Published 01/10/2024 Tumors of {{c2::Melanocytes}} are known as a(n) {{c1::Nevus (Mole)}} when benign and a(n) {{c1::Melanoma}} when malignant
Published 01/10/2024 Regarding the incidence of the three main types of skin cancer in the United States, {{c1::Basal}} > {{c1::Squamous}} >> {{c1::Melanoma}}
Published 01/10/2024 Microscopic evaluation of Kaposi Sarcoma will reveal highly {{c1::vascular}} tissue with elongated spindle cells
Published 01/10/2024 Cutaneous {{c1::angiosarcoma}} is a malignant tumor associated with chronic lymphedema
Published 01/10/2024 Cutaneous angiosarcomas are described as firm, {{c1::violaceous::color}} nodules
Published 01/10/2024 Actinic keratosis is caused by {{c2::sun exposure}} and is a precursor lesion of {{c1::squamous}} cell carcinoma
Published 01/10/2024 Erythematous papule with sandpaper-like yellow to brown scale in sun-exposed areas is suggestive of {{c1::actinic keratosis::diagnosis}}
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::Keratoacanthoma}} is a well-differentiated {{c2::squamous}} cell carcinoma that develops rapidly and regresses spontaneously
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::Lentigo maligna melanoma::Melanoma subtype}} = found on chronically sun damaged skin in old people (60-70)
Published 01/10/2024 Pruritic cutaneous plaques and patches appear that develop brownish nodules = {{c1::mycosis fungoides::diagnosis, it's a lymp…
Published 01/10/2024 Pearly papule with overlying telangiectasia = {{c1::basal cell carcinoma::neoplasm}}
Published 01/10/2024 Basal cell / squamous cell carcinoma is managed with {{c1::mohs surgery::treatment, esp. for face}} or resection with margin
Published 01/10/2024 What is the likely diagnosis in a patient that presents with the lesion below?{{c1::Squamous cell carcinoma}}
Published 01/10/2024 What is the next step in management for a patient with a new mole suspicious for melanoma?{{c1::Excisional biopsy (with initial margins of 1-3 cm)}}
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::Basal}} cell carcinoma is more common on upper lip
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::Squamous}} cell carcinoma is more common on the lower lip
Published 01/10/2024 How can actinic keratoses be treated?{{c1::Destruction in situ with cryotherapyTopical fluorouracil::2}}
Published 01/10/2024 Squamous cell carcinoma usually presents in women age >60{{c1::T::T/F}}
Published 01/10/2024 What is the prognosis of Acral Lentiginous melanomas?{{c1::Poor}}
Published 01/10/2024 What is the treatment for an ugly duckling pigmented skin lesion?{{c1::Excisional biopsy}}
Published 01/10/2024 Although angiosarcomas may rupture and cause life-threatening {{c1::hemorrhage}}, the best next step is {{c1::lesion biopsy}}*bonus: ultimat…
Published 01/10/2024 Nivolumab is an anti-checkpoint monoclonal antibody that binds to {{c1::PD-1}} on T cells
Published 01/10/2024 Ipilimumab is a checkpoint inhibitor that binds to {{c1::CTLA-4}} on T cells
Published 01/10/2024 {{c2::Squamous carcinoma in situ}} is also called {{c1::Bowen's disease}}
Published 01/10/2024 Well-defined, erythematous, scaly/crusting plaque is most likely {{c1::SCC in situ (Bowen's)}} or {{c1::superficial BCC}…
Published 01/10/2024 Histologically, actinic keratosis displays hyperplastic keratinocytes with cytologic {{c1::atypia}} in the stratum {{c1::basale}} layer 
Published 01/10/2024 Does seborrheic keratosis require treatment? Can it be treated permanently?{{c1::No}}; {{c1::Yes}}
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::Lipomas}} are characterized as soft, round, {{c2::movable::movable/fixed}}, and {{c3::painless::painful/painless}} subcutaneous n…
Published 01/10/2024 What is the treatment for keloids?{{c1::surgery + intralesional steroid/radiation}}
Published 01/10/2024 These small, red-to-purple blanching papules are most likely {{c1::cherry hemangiomas::diagnosis}}
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::Epidermal inclusion cyst::cyst subtype}} is a {{c2::keratin}}-producing cyst with skin-colored firm nodule with central {{c3::punctum}}rupturing…
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::Solar lentigines}} are bigger and more irregular freckles found in older individuals and due to prolonged, chronic sun exposure
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::Compound}} nevi are very dark, raised papules, most commonly seen in adults
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::Dysplastic}} nevus presents with irregular pigmentation and/or borders ~ multiple of these nevi correlate to increased risk for {{c2::melanoma}}
Published 01/10/2024 Should all dysplastic nevi be excised?{{c1::No}}
Published 01/10/2024 Basal Cell Carcinoma Subtypes{{c1::pigmented}} BCC is nodular BCC with extra pigments - presents as shiny, blue-black with speckles
Published 01/10/2024 Basal Cell Carcinoma Subtypes{{c1::morpheaform/sclerosing}} BCC is hypopigmented firm plaque with ill-defined borders (looks like a scar)
Published 01/10/2024 Squamous cell carcinoma arises from {{c1::keratinocytes::cell type}}
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::squamous cell carcinoma}} has the key descriptor: hyperkeratotic papules or nodules often with ulcers and non-healing sores
Published 01/10/2024 Treatment of BCC and SCCfor superficial BCCs and SSCIS, you can use {{c1::anti-cancer creams (5-FU, imiquimod)}} to destroy local cells
Published 01/10/2024 Treatment of BCC and SCCfor non-aggressive BCCs and small SCCs, destructive options are:curettage and electrodessication ("{{c1::scrape and burn}}")in…
Published 01/10/2024 Treatment of BCC and SCCany BCC/SCC can be treated with {{c1::surgical excision}} as the most effective option
Published 01/10/2024 Which subtype of melanoma presents as a blue-black volumetric mass 1-2 cm in diameter?{{c1::Nodular}}
Published 01/10/2024 Malignant Melanoma Treatment{{c1::surgical excision}} with increasing margins for increasing thickness
Published 01/11/2024 Malignant Melanoma Treatmentfor ulcerated melanomas thicker than 0.8 mm, consider {{c1::sentinel lymph node}} biopsy
Published 01/10/2024 Malignant Melanoma Treatment{{c1::metastatic}} melanoma treated with chemo, radiations, immunotherapy, targeted therapiesnewer treatments have improve…
Published 01/10/2024 Merkel cell carcinoma arises from {{c1::B cells::cell type}}
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::seborrheic keratosis::dx}} - waxy, stuck-on papules and plaques
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::seborrheic keratosis::dx}} - waxy, stuck-on papules and plaques
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::seborrheic keratosis::dx}} - waxy, stuck-on papules and plaques
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::dermatofibroma (DF)::dx}} - dimple sign (pinching lesion gives central depression)
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::glomus tumor::dx}} - painful in response to change in temp or pressure
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::lipoma::dx}} - soft, round, mobile, subQ nodule
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::keloid::dx}}
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::keloid::dx}}
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::Solar lentigines::dx}}
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::junctional nevus::nevus subtype}}
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::compound nevus::nevus subtype}}
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::dermal nevus::nevus subtype}}
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::dysplastic/atypical nevus::nevus subtype}}
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::dysplastic/atypical nevus::nevus subtype}}
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::nodular BCC::BCC subtype}} - pearly (semitranslucent papule or nodule) or big ulcerated lesion ("rodent ulcer")
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::nodular BCC::BCC subtype}} - pearly (semitranslucent papule or nodule) or big ulcerated lesion ("rodent ulcer")
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::pigmented BCC::BCC subtype}} - shiny, blue-black color
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::pigmented BCC::BCC subtype}} - shiny, blue-black color
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::superficial BCC::BCC subtype}}
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::superficial BCC::BCC subtype}}
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::morpheaform/sclerosing BCC::BCC subtype}}
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::pigmented BCC::BCC subtype}}
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::squamous cell carcinoma (SCC)::cancer}} - hyperkeratotic papule or nodules with ulcers or non-healing sores
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::squamous cell carcinoma (SCC)::cancer}} - hyperkeratotic papule or nodules with ulcers or non-healing sores
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::squamous cell carcinoma (SCC)::cancer}} - hyperkeratotic papule or nodules with ulcers or non-healing sores
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::keratoacanthoma::SCC subtype}} - crateriform (crater with solid keratin core)
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::actinic keratosis}} - pre-cancerous that can give rise to SCC
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::actinic keratosis}} - pre-cancerous that can give rise to SCC
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::actinic keratosis}} - pre-cancerous that can give rise to SCC
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::squamous cell carcinoma in situ (SCCIS)::cancerousish}} 
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::malignant melanoma::cancer}}
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::malignant melanoma::cancer}}
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::malignant melanoma::cancer}}
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::superficial spreading melanoma::malignant melanoma subtype}}
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::superficial spreading melanoma::malignant melanoma subtype}}
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::nodular melanoma::malignant melanoma subtype}}
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::nodular melanoma::malignant melanoma subtype}}
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::lentigo maligna melanoma::malignant melanoma subtype}}
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::lentigo maligna melanoma::malignant melanoma subtype}}
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::acral lentiginous melanoma::malignant melanoma subtype}}
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::Kaposi's sarcoma::dx}}
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::angiosarcoma::dx}}
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::angiosarcoma::dx}}
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::Merkel cell carcinoma::cancer}}
Published 01/10/2024 The epithelial pearls and invasion of dermis in this image are c/w {{c1::SCC}}
Published 01/10/2024 The buckshot pattern in the image below is c/w {{c1::melanoma::condition}}
Published 01/10/2024 The dx for this skin sample is {{c1::compound nevus}}
Published 01/10/2024 In {{c1::Russian and Mediterranean men::what demographic}}, Kaposi sarcoma associated with HHV-8 progresses very slowly (over years to decades)
Published 01/10/2024 In {{c1::AIDS patients::what demographic}}, Kaposi sarcoma associated with HHV-8 progresses very quickly (over weeks to months)
Published 01/10/2024 Should ART be initiated immediately in HIV patient who presents with Kaposi sarcoma?{{c1::Yes}}
Published 01/10/2024 Merkel cell carcinoma is associated with a virus in the {{c1::polyomavirus}} family
Published 01/10/2024 What is the likely diagnosis in an elderly Caucasian patient who is taking immunosuppressants and reports a rapidly expanding, red spot…
Published 01/10/2024 Very early stages of mycosis fungoides are treated with {{c1::topical steroids}}; later stages are treated with {{c1::systemic chemo}}
Published 01/10/2024 Sezary syndrome presents with {{c1::erythrodermic}} skin
Published 01/10/2024 What is the likely diagnosis?{{c1::Congenital melanocytic nevi}}img {max-height: 100vh;}
Published 01/10/2024 Does lipoma require treatment? Can it be treated permanently?{{c1::No}}; {{c1::Yes}}
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::A::Answer the question}}
Published 01/10/2024 The most common subtype of BCC is {{c1::nodular}}, and the most aggressive subtype of BCC is {{c1::morpheaform/sclerosing}}
Published 01/10/2024 Basal cell carcinoma arises from {{c1::keratinocytes::cell type}}
Published 01/10/2024 Which subtype of melanoma has the best prognosis?{{c1::Melanoma in situ}}
Published 01/10/2024 Halo nevus in adult is {{c1::concerning for melanoma or vitiligo::normal or concerning?}}
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::Dermatofibroma}} is due to a benign proliferation of fibrohistiocytic cells
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