Notes in 20 Fetal abdomen

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Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal AbdomenAnomalies of the {{c1::proximal::proximal or distal?}} fetal GI tract may cause {{c2::poly}}hydramnios due to impair…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal AbdomenAnomalies of the {{c1::mid-distal::proximal or distal?}} typically do not cause polyhydramnios
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal Abdomen{{c1::Esophageal atresia}} is a {{c1::blind}}-ending esophagus, due to incomplete division of the {{c2::foregut…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal AbdomenEsophageal atresia is usually associated with a {{c1::tracheoesophageal}} fistula
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal AbdomenThe classic ultrasound findings of esophageal atresia are {{c1::poly}}hydramnios and absent {{c2::stomach bubble}}
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal AbdomenDuodenal atresia causes duodenal obstruction from lack of {{c1::recanalization}} of the duodenal lumen
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal Abdomen{{c1::Duodenal atresia}} is the most common cause of fetal duodenal obstruction
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal AbdomenDuodenal atresia has a strong association with {{c1::Down syndrome::chromosomal anomaly}}
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal AbdomenIf a double bubble sign is seen on fetal ultrasound, a careful screen for additional findings of {{c1::Dow…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal AbdomenThe classic appearance of duodenal atresia is the {{c1::double bubble}} sign, representing a dilated {{c2:…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal AbdomenThe differential diagnosis of double bubble sign includes duodenal {{c1::web}}, {{c1::stenosis}} and {{c2:…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal AbdomenA distal fetal bowel obstruction may be {{c1::functional}} or {{c2::structural}}
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal AbdomenStructural causes of distal bowel obstruction include {{c1::jejunal}} atresia, {{c1::ileal}} atresia, and {{c2::anor…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal AbdomenCase: transverse ultrasound images through the fetal abdomenLeft image: {{c1::dilated}} stomach and duodenum, r…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal AbdomenAnorectal malformation is commonly associated with additional structural abnormalities including the VACTERL as…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal AbdomenFunctional causes of distal bowel obstruction include {{c1::Hirschsprung}} disease or {{c2::meconium}} ileus
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal Abdomen{{c1::Hirschsprung disease}} results in a functional obstruction due to absent enteric {{c2::ganglion}} cells
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal Abdomen{{c2::Meconium ileus}} causes functional obstruction from {{c1::impaction}} of meconium in the ileum 
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal AbdomenNearly all infants with meconium ileus have {{c1::cystic fibrosis}}
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal AbdomenMeconium ileus is rarely identified before the {{c1::third}} trimester
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal Abdomen{{c3::Meconium peritonitis}} is peritoneal inflammation secondary to {{c1::perforation}} (due to {{c2::atresia}} or …
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal AbdomenMeconium peritonitis causes {{c1::chemical}} peritonitis with associated {{c2::ascites}}, peritoneal {{c3::adhe…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal Abdomen{{c1::Meconium pseudocyst}} is a cystic abdominal structure, often with peripheral {{c2::calcification}}, representi…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal AbdomenHyperechoic or echogenic bowel is a nonspecific finding associated with -{{c1::Down syndrome::chromosomal}},&nb…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal AbdomenIf the bowel is only mildly echogenic (less echogenic than {{c2::bone}}) with no {{c3::mass}} effect present, this m…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal AbdomenThe most common anterior abdominal wall defect is {{c1::omphalocele}}
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal Abdomen{{c1::Omphalocele}} is a {{c2::midline::midline or paraumbilical?}} defect with herniation of intra-abdominal conten…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal AbdomenThe second most common anterior abdominal wall defect is {{c1::gastroschisis}}
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal Abdomen{{c1::Gastroschisis}} is a {{c2::paraumbilical::midline or paraumbilical?}} defect with herniation of intra-abdomina…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal AbdomenIn gastroschisis, bowel herniates paraumbilically, usually on the {{c1::right::right or left?}} side&…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal AbdomenThe key to differentiate omphalocele from gastroschisis is the {{c1::umbilical cord}} {{c2::insertion site}}
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal AbdomenIn {{c1::omphalocele::omphalocele or gastroschisis?}}, the umbilical cord inserts {{c2::centrally}} at the base…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal AbdomenSmall omphaloceles contain only bowel, but larger omphaloceles may also include the {{c1::liver}}
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal AbdomenLarger omphaloceles (that include the liver) have a {{c1::better::better or worse?}} prgonosis than smaller omphaloc…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal Abdomen{{c1::Omphalocele::omphalocele or gastroschisis?}} is associated with other anomalies 50-75% of the time 
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal AbdomenAnomalies associated with omphalocele:{{c1::Cardiac::organ}} anomalies{{c2::Trisomies::chromosomal}}{{c3::Beckwith-W…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal Abdomen{{c5::Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome}} is a congenital {{c6::over::over/under}}growth syndrome associated with:{{c2::om…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal AbdomenCase: transverse ultrasound through the fetal abdomenYellow arrow: {{c1::stomach}}Red arrow: {{c2::pe…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal AbdomenCase: transverse ultrasound through fetal abdomenYellow arrows: {{c1::bowel}} herniating outside of anteri…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal AbdomenUnlike omphalocele, gastroschisis is typically a{{c1::n isolated::isolated/associated}} anomaly
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal AbdomenGastroschisis is seen more commonly in very {{c1::young (teenage)::young or old?}} mothers and {{c2::smokers::h…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal AbdomenGastroshisis prognosis is dependent on the degree of {{c1::bowel}} injury
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal Abdomen{{c1::Pentalogy of Cantrell}} is a rare disorder consisting of:1) extra-thoracic {{c6::heart (ectopia cordis)}}2) {{…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal AbdomenOmphalocele is a result of disruption of the normal physiologic {{c4::first}} trimester bowel herniation proces…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Fetal Abdomen{{c1::Meconium pseudocyst}} is a sequela of {{c2::meconium peritonitis}}
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