Notes in Orthodontics

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Published 01/24/2024 How is the increased width of permanent incisors accommodated in a developing dentition?
Published 01/24/2024 The {{c1::lower}} arch has a leeway space of {{c2::2.5 mm}} per quadrant
Published 01/24/2024 The {{c1::upper}} arch has a leeway space of {{c2::1.5 mm}} per quadrant
Published 01/24/2024 How does class II occlusion become class I occlusion during development?
Published 01/24/2024 Describe the class I molar relationship
Published 01/24/2024 Describe a functional occlusion
Published 01/24/2024 {{c1::Maxillary::maxillary or mandibular}} primate spacing is {{c2::mesial c::location}}
Published 01/24/2024 {{c1::Mandibular::maxillary or mandibular}} primate spacing is {{c2::distal c::location}}
Published 01/24/2024 What special investigations are used for tooth surface loss?
Published 01/24/2024 How is the anteroposterior skeletal relation examination performed?
Published 01/24/2024 How is angular measurement of the vertical skeletal relation performed?
Published 01/24/2024 How is linear measurement of the vertical skeletal relation performed?
Published 01/24/2024 How is transverse skeletal relation examination performed?
Published 01/24/2024 What is assessed during a lips examination?
Published 01/24/2024 What is the standard incisal display at rest?
Published 01/24/2024 What is assessed during a tongue examination?
Published 01/24/2024 What is assessed in an intra-arch assessment?
Published 01/24/2024 What is a gap between the maxillary central incisors named?
Published 01/24/2024 The normal {{c1::upper}} incisor inclination is {{c2::109 degrees +/- 5 degrees}}
Published 01/24/2024 The normal {{c1:: lower}} incisor inclination is {{c2::93 degrees +/- 6 degrees}}
Published 01/24/2024 A class {{c1::I}} incisor relationship describes {{c2::occlusion of the lower incisal edge on or below the cingulum plateau of the upper incisors}}
Published 01/24/2024 A class {{c1::II division 1}} incisor relationship describes {{c2::occlusion of the lower incisal edge posterior to the cingulum plateau AND the upper…
Published 01/24/2024 A class {{c1::III}} incisor relationship describes {{c2::occlusion anterior to the cingulum plateau}}
Published 01/24/2024 A class {{c1::II division 2}} incisor relationship describes {{c2::occlusion of the lower incisal edge posterior to the cingulum plateau of the upper …
Published 01/24/2024 {{c1::Overjet}} is {{c2::the horizontal distance between the incisal edges of upper incisors and labial face of lower incisors::description}}
Published 01/24/2024 {{c1::Overbite}} is {{c2::vertical overlap of lower incisors by upper incisors::description}}
Published 01/24/2024 What factors contribute to malocclusions?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the components an orthodontic diagnostic summary?
Published 01/24/2024 What Dental Health Components of IOTN suggest a high need for orthodontic treatment?
Published 01/24/2024 What is the genetic growth theory?
Published 01/24/2024 What is the functional matrix growth theory?
Published 01/24/2024 What is the updated functional matrix growth theory?
Published 01/24/2024 What type of ossification does the cranial vault undergo?
Published 01/24/2024 The {{c1::first}} branchial arch forms the {{c2::maxilla, mandible and muscles of mastication}}
Published 01/24/2024 What type of ossification does the nasomaxillary complex undergo?
Published 01/24/2024 What type of ossification does the cranial base undergo?
Published 01/24/2024 What type of ossification does the mandibular condyle undergo?
Published 01/24/2024 What soft tissue changes occur in adulthood?
Published 01/24/2024 What mandibular changes in females occur in adulthood?
Published 01/24/2024 Which orthodontic discepancies are usually treated after the patient is ≥18 years old?
Published 01/24/2024 How does extracting primary molars relieve crowding?
Published 01/24/2024 How can the loss of arch length following premature tooth loss affect a developing dentition?
Published 01/24/2024 What is a balancing extraction and why is it carried out?
Published 01/24/2024 What is a compensating extraction?
Published 01/24/2024 What is the orthodontic management of the early loss of a primary incisor?
Published 01/24/2024 What is the orthodontic management of the early loss of a 2nd primary molar?
Published 01/24/2024 What factors are considered when deciding whether to use a space maintainer?
Published 01/24/2024 What type of space maintainer is this?
Published 01/24/2024 What type of space maintainer is this?
Published 01/24/2024 What type of bilateral space maintainer is this?
Published 01/24/2024 What type of bilateral space maintainer is this?
Published 01/24/2024 What type of space maintainer is this?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the indications for a bilateral lingual space maintainer?
Published 01/24/2024 What are disadvantages of using a lingual arch space maintainer?
Published 01/24/2024 Which habit can a Nance palatal arch help break?
Published 01/24/2024 When is an upper removable bilateral space maintainer indicated over a Nance arch?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the basic principles of orthodontic treatment planning?
Published 01/24/2024 When is canine extraction considered for orthodontic space creation?
Published 01/24/2024 When is first premolar extraction considered for orthodontic space creation?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the methods of orthodontic space creation?
Published 01/24/2024 When does crown calcification of the first permanent molar complete?
Published 01/24/2024 What is the most common reason for first molar extraction?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the effects of the premature loss of permanent first molars?
Published 01/24/2024 When is the best time to extract lower first permanent molars?
Published 01/24/2024 When is a balancing extraction considered after a permanent first molar extraction?
Published 01/24/2024 When is the upper first permanent molar compensated after a lower first permanent molar extraction?
Published 01/24/2024 Which incisor relationship can crowding of the upper labial segment lead to?
Published 01/24/2024 What habit often leads to a class II division 1 incisor relationship?
Published 01/24/2024 What overjet is given an IOTN of 5a?
Published 01/24/2024 What is this appliance called?
Published 01/24/2024 What is this appliance called?
Published 01/24/2024 Why should functional appliances not be used on patients with a high angle and reduced overbite?
Published 01/24/2024 Why should functional appliances not be used on patients with mild skeletal discrepancy?
Published 01/24/2024 A functional appliance {{c1::retro}}clines upper incisors and {{c1::pro}}clines lower incisors
Published 01/24/2024 What is Hunt's Classification of functional orthodontic appliances?
Published 01/24/2024 What types of facial growth undergo intramembranous ossification?
Published 01/24/2024 What skeletal changes occur during functional appliance use?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the indications for orthognathic treatment to treat class II incisor relationships?
Published 01/24/2024 A class {{c1::II indefinite}} incisor relationship describes {{c2::occlusion of the mandibular incisal edge posterior to the cingulum plateau BUT one …
Published 01/24/2024 A class {{c1::II intermediate}} incisor relationship describes {{c2::occlusion of the mandibular incisal edge posterior to the cingulum plateau AND th…
Published 01/24/2024 What vertical skeletal pattern is normally associated with a class II division 2 incisor relationship?
Published 01/24/2024 What anterior-posterior skeletal pattern is normally associated with a class II division 2 incisor relationship?
Published 01/24/2024 How are the upper lateral incisors often misaligned in a class II divsion 2 incisor relationship?
Published 01/24/2024 How does the crown-root angle differ in a class II divsion 2 incisor relationship?
Published 01/24/2024 How are the dentoalveolar processes positioned differently in a class II divsion 2 incisor relationship?
Published 01/24/2024 Why can a lower face height lead to a class II division 2 incisor relationship?
Published 01/24/2024 What appliance is used to convert a class II division 2 into a class II divsion I incisor relationship?
Published 01/24/2024 What is an impacted tooth?
Published 01/24/2024 What is IOTN from an impacted tooth?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the uses of lateral cephalogram radiographs in orthodontics?
Published 01/24/2024 What local factors are associated with impacted teeth?
Published 01/24/2024 How are unerupted teeth localised?
Published 01/24/2024 What is the most likely cause of impacted second premolars?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the complications of impacted teeth?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the indications for the removal of an impacted canine?
Published 01/24/2024 What types of bone does alveolar bone consist of?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the most abundant cells in bone?
Published 01/24/2024 What is "early" orthodontic assessment or treatment?
Published 01/24/2024 What is the incidence of ectopic maxillary canines?
Published 01/24/2024 What is a supernumerary tooth?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the 4 types of supernumerary teeth?
Published 01/24/2024 Which type of supernumerary tooth is most likely to cause delayed eruption of a permanent central incisor, conical or tuberculate?
Published 01/24/2024 What malocclusions can conical supernumeraries cause?
Published 01/24/2024 What is the management of a digit sucking habit?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the complications of crossbites?
Published 01/24/2024 Which patients with class III malocclusions are suitable for "early" treatment with an upper removable appliance?
Published 01/24/2024 What are infraoccluded teeth?
Published 01/24/2024 What considerations should be made after the early extraction of a primary tooth?
Published 01/24/2024 What IOTN grade qualifies for NHS treatment?
Published 01/24/2024 How is overbite reduction achieved in adolescent/growing patients?
Published 01/24/2024 Why are extractions unfavourable for space creation in adults?
Published 01/24/2024 What is orthodontic stability?
Published 01/24/2024 What soft tissue feature can cause a midline diastema?
Published 01/24/2024 What soft tissue features commonly affect the incisor relationship?
Published 01/24/2024 How is a functional occlusion maintained following orthodontic treatment even though the skeletal pattern may change with growth?
Published 01/24/2024 How long does the supporting bone and periodontal ligament take to remodel following orthodontic treatment?
Published 01/24/2024 What is orthodontic retention?
Published 01/24/2024 What should be considered about retention when planning orthodontic treatment?
Published 01/24/2024 What is the use of passive removable orthodontic appliances?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the functions of orthodontic appliance baseplates?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the disadvantages of orthodontic removable appliances?
Published 01/24/2024 Why are upper removable appliances preferred to lower?
Published 01/24/2024 Why do adults have slow space closure and increased treatment time compared to children?
Published 01/24/2024 Why does periodontal disease cause teeth to drift?
Published 01/24/2024 Why might an adult not be able to get orthodontic treatment if they've had previous treatment as a child?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the three O's for treating malocclusions?
Published 01/24/2024 What is the most likely effect of supernumerary teeth?
Published 01/24/2024 What is the difference between the roots of conical and tuberculate supernumeraries?
Published 01/24/2024 In what circumstances is eruption of a permanent maxillary incisor considered delayed?
Published 01/24/2024 What are supplemental supernumerary teeth?
Published 01/24/2024 What is an ectopic tooth?
Published 01/24/2024 What is the eruption path of a maxillary canine?
Published 01/24/2024 Which incisor relationships have high heritability?
Published 01/24/2024 What is orthodontic anchorage?
Published 01/24/2024 What is the purpose of a trans-palatal arch?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the causes of centre-line shift?
Published 01/24/2024 Why do class II divison 2 patients typically not have moderate-severe skeletal II patterns?
Published 01/24/2024 What is Ricketts' E-line?
Published 01/24/2024 Why are maxillary extractions avoided for management of class II division 2 relationships?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the design principles of an orthodontic removable appliance?
Published 01/24/2024 What conditions can cause delayed eruption of primary teeth?
Published 01/24/2024 What do you do if an unbalanced extraction of a primary canine or 1st primary molar has already occurred but there is no centreline shift?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the complications of a traumatic overbite?
Published 01/24/2024 What is the management of a tuberculate supernumerary tooth?
Published 01/24/2024 What is hypodontia?
Published 01/24/2024 When is use of a space maintainer indicated following early loss of primary teeth?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the most common causes of maxillary incisor impaction?
Published 01/24/2024 In what circumstances can you give consideration to delaying the extraction of the upper first permanent molar until after the eruption of the second …
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