Notes in 02 Digestion and Absorption

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Published 02/20/2024 {{c1::Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs)}} are effective at reducing both nocturnal and meal-stimulated secretion of acid and thus suppress H+ secretion to…
Published 02/20/2024 What is the first-line treatment for a patient with Zollinger-Ellison syndrome (gastrinoma)?{{c1::Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs)}}
Published 02/20/2024 {{c1::Lactose}} is converted into {{c2::galactose}} and {{c2::glucose}} by the enzyme {{c1::lactase}} (intestinal brush border)
Published 02/20/2024 {{c4::Gastrin}} is secreted from {{c1::G}} cells in the {{c2::antrum}} of the stomach and the {{c3::duodenum}}
Published 02/20/2024 One function of gastrin is to {{c1::increase}} gastric H+ secretion
Published 02/20/2024 Gastrin secretion is {{c2::stimulated}} by {{c1::high}} pH of gastric contents
Published 02/20/2024 Gastrin secretion is {{c2::inhibited}} by {{c1::low}} pH of gastric contents
Published 02/20/2024 Gastrin secretion is {{c1::inhibited}} by somatostatin
Published 02/20/2024 How does gastrin secretion change with chronic PPI use? {{c1::Increased}}
Published 02/20/2024 How does gastrin secretion change with Zollinger-Ellison syndrome? {{c1::Significantly increased}}
Published 02/20/2024 Zollinger-Ellison syndrome is characterized by acid hypersecretion, causing recurrent {{c1::ulcers}} in the {{c2::duodenum}} and {{c2::jejunum}}
Published 02/20/2024 One function of cholecystokinin is to increase secretion of {{c1::pancreatic}} enzymes
Published 02/20/2024 One function of cholecystokinin is to increase {{c1::contraction}} of the gallbladder
Published 02/20/2024 One function of cholecystokinin is to increase {{c1::relaxation}} of the sphincter of Oddi
Published 02/20/2024 One function of cholecystokinin is to {{c1::decrease}} gastric emptying
Published 02/20/2024 One function of cholecystokinin is to potentiate the effects of secretin on {{c1::HCO3-}} secretion
Published 02/20/2024 {{c3::Secretin}} is secreted from {{c1::S}} cells in the {{c2::duodenum}}
Published 02/20/2024 One function of secretin is to increase secretion of pancreatic {{c1::HCO3-}}
Published 02/20/2024 One function of secretin is to {{c1::increase}} bile secretion
Published 02/20/2024 One function of secretin is to {{c1::decrease}} gastric acid secretion and {{c1::increase}} pyloric sphincter contraction
Published 02/20/2024 Secretin is secreted in response to {{c1::H+}} and {{c1::fatty acids}} in the lumen of the duodenum
Published 02/20/2024 Motilin is secreted from the small intestine during {{c1::fasting::fed or fasting}} states
Published 02/20/2024 {{c2::Motilin}} is a hormone that initiates {{c1::migrating motor complexes (MMCs)}} at 90-minute intervals between meals
Published 02/20/2024 {{c2::Somatostatin}} is secreted from {{c1::D}} cells in the GI mucosa
Published 02/20/2024 Somatostatin secretion is stimulated by {{c1::low::high or low}} pH in the GI mucosa
Published 02/20/2024 What effect does somatostatin have on gastric acid secretion? {{c1::Decreased secretion}}
Published 02/20/2024 What effect does somatostatin have on pancreatic/small intestinal fluid secretion? {{c1::Decreased secretion}}
Published 02/20/2024 What effect does somatostatin have on gallbladder contraction? {{c1::Decreased contraction}}
Published 02/20/2024 What effect does somatostatin have on insulin and glucagon secretion? {{c1::Decreased secretion}}
Published 02/20/2024 Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) causes {{c1::increased}} intestinal H2O and electrolyte secretion
Published 02/20/2024 The H+ from H2CO3 is secreted from the parietal cell via the {{c1::H+-K+ ATPase}} pump
Published 02/20/2024 What type of signaling mechanism does gastrin use to reach parietal cells?{{c1::Endocrine (enters systemic circulation)::Endocrine or Paracrine}}
Published 02/20/2024 What type of signaling mechanism does histamine use to reach parietal cells?{{c1::Paracrine (locally diffuses)::Endocrine or Paracrine}}
Published 02/20/2024 Somatostatin decreases gastric acid secretion by decreasing levels of {{c1::cAMP::second messenger}}
Published 02/20/2024 What effect do prostaglandins have on gastric acid secretion? {{c1::Decreased secretion}}
Published 02/20/2024 Release of the aqueous (HCO3-) component of pancreatic secretion is primarily stimulated by {{c1::secretin}}
Published 02/20/2024 Which hormone provides the major stimulus for bile ejection? {{c1::Cholecystokinin (CCK)}}
Published 02/20/2024 Lactose intolerance is caused by decreased function of the {{c1::lactase}} enzyme found in brush border enterocytes
Published 02/20/2024 Lactose intolerance is typically characterized by {{c1::normal}}-appearing villi
Published 02/20/2024 {{c2::Celiac}} disease is immune-mediated damage of small bowel villi due to {{c1::gluten}} exposure
Published 02/20/2024 Celiac disease is characterized histologically by {{c1::flattening}} of {{c2::villi}}
Published 02/20/2024 What sphincter controls the release of digestive juices from the common bile and pancreatic ducts? {{c1::Sphincter of Oddi}}
Published 02/20/2024 Complex carbohydrates are broken down into {{c1::monosaccharides}} but only glucose, fructose, and galactose are absorbed
Published 03/12/2024 Lipids are broken down to fatty acids + cholesterol by lipases and {{c1::fatty acids}}, {{c1::monoacylglycerol}}, and {{c1::cholesterol}} are absorbed
Published 02/20/2024 Proteins are broken down to amino acids + dipeptides + tripeptides, and {{c1::amino acids}}, {{c1::dipeptides}}, and {{c1::tripeptides}…
Published 02/20/2024 Nucleic acids are broken down to nucleosides + phosphate by phosphodiesterases and phosphatases with {{c1::nucleosides}} and {{c1::phosphate…
Published 02/20/2024 e7db67d55493475697b22fcdc2006198-oa-1
Published 02/20/2024 e7db67d55493475697b22fcdc2006198-oa-2
Published 02/20/2024 e7db67d55493475697b22fcdc2006198-oa-3
Published 02/20/2024 e7db67d55493475697b22fcdc2006198-oa-4
Published 02/20/2024 If a patient has a liver disease, you should prescribe a {{c1::low protein}} diet because, then, the liver won't have to convert nitrogen into ur…
Published 02/20/2024 651840e965e14bc7a701260e0e3c51b0-oa-1
Published 02/20/2024 All the sphincters in the GI tract are under {{c1::autonomic}} control except for the {{c2::external anal sphincter}}
Published 02/20/2024 46ca8ff6e82b4cb28261338fa460ff3f-oa-1
Published 02/20/2024 46ca8ff6e82b4cb28261338fa460ff3f-oa-2
Published 02/20/2024 7cb17dc6e8ff45578b5498dfce59e11b-oa-1
Published 02/20/2024 7cb17dc6e8ff45578b5498dfce59e11b-oa-2
Published 02/20/2024 a027246c71bb4992b6f08756e3953f72-oa-1
Published 02/20/2024 a027246c71bb4992b6f08756e3953f72-oa-2
Published 02/20/2024 a027246c71bb4992b6f08756e3953f72-oa-3
Published 02/20/2024 If GERD is not corrected, the acid will damage the esopageal mucosa and convert it to a more resistant columnar epithelium like that of the …
Published 02/20/2024 A diet rich in {{c1::carbohydrates}} is least likely to cause GERD as it is easier to digest in the stomach
Published 02/20/2024 The parasympathetic nervous system {{c1::increases}} GI motility and secretionsThe sympathetic nervous system {{c1::decreases}} GI motility …
Published 02/20/2024 74150cacae5c49c584957569a3f6731e-oa-1
Published 02/20/2024 74150cacae5c49c584957569a3f6731e-oa-2
Published 02/20/2024 {{c1::Gastrin}} ia a peptide released by G cells in the antrum that stimulates the {{c2::parietal}} cells to secrete acid
Published 02/20/2024 {{c1::Zollinger-Ellison}} syndrome is due to a G cell tumor that secretes gastrin, resulting in more acid ulcers and GI cancers
Published 02/20/2024 91a44c5a36be46d184f7a86562bd1fb3-oa-1
Published 02/20/2024 91a44c5a36be46d184f7a86562bd1fb3-oa-3
Published 02/20/2024 91a44c5a36be46d184f7a86562bd1fb3-oa-4
Published 02/20/2024 91a44c5a36be46d184f7a86562bd1fb3-oa-5
Published 02/20/2024 CCK levels increase when we eat, causing {{c1::contraction}} of the gallbladder and {{c1::opening}} of the sphincter of Oddi 
Published 02/20/2024 d2cc0c4713ab4373b4767c583a48ffe1-oa-1
Published 02/20/2024 GLP-1 analogs {{c1::increase}} insulin release from the pancreas
Published 02/20/2024 Proximal to distal gut reflexes are {{c1::stimulatory}} (telling the distal part to empty)Distal to proximal gut reflexes are {{c1::inhibitory}} (slow…
Published 02/20/2024 {{c1::MMC}} is an interdigestive motility that sweeps all the way through the GI tract and propels bolus from the stomach through the ileum, clearing …
Published 02/20/2024 The main stimulator of HCO3- secretion into the duodenum is {{c1::secretin}}
Published 02/20/2024 All monosaccharides are transported to the blood via {{c1::GLUT2}}
Published 02/20/2024 Lactose intolerance causes {{c1::osmotic}} diarrhea because lactose doesn't get absorbed nor broken down, causing water to remain in the lumen
Published 02/20/2024 Vibrio cholerae causes {{c1::secretory}} diarrhea by stimulating Cl- secretion, followed by Na+ and H2O
Published 02/20/2024 {{c1::Loperamide}} is a drug that can treat vibrio cholerae as it works to decrease cAMP and Cl- secretions
Published 02/20/2024 Oral rehydration therapy has saved thousands of lives and it works by depending on {{c1::SGLT}} in the jejunum
Published 02/20/2024 {{c1::Celiac}} disease is an autoimmune insensitivity to gluten and causes inflammation in the gut which damages the small intestinal lining
Published 02/20/2024 We absorb lipids via the formation of {{c1::mixed micelles}} which consist of hydrophilic heads and hydrophobic tails 
Published 02/20/2024 Vitamin B12 is absorbed in the {{c1::ileum}} and requires {{c1::intrinsic factor}}
Published 02/20/2024 Gastrectomy results in the loss of parietal cells which means that you can develop {{c1::pernicious}} anemia
Published 02/20/2024 Illeuctomy results in loss of vitamin {{c1::B12}} absorption and thus requires injection of this
Published 02/20/2024 Calcium absorption in the intestine is dependent on vitamin {{c1::D}}
Published 02/20/2024 Iron is toxic to us, so it stays bound to {{c1::transferrin}} in the blood
Published 02/20/2024 Iron is absorbed as {{c1::heme}} iron initially
Published 02/20/2024 0efb84536e1c4e7789949c09874d1949-oa-1
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