Notes in ETH CS::Discrete Math

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Published 11/12/2024 Set laws: What does idempotence mean? (def)
Published 11/12/2024 Set laws:How is this law called? \[A \cap A= A\]\[A \cup A = A\]
Published 11/12/2024 Set laws:How is this law called?\[A \cup B = B \cup A\]\[A \cap B = B \cap A\]
Published 11/12/2024 Set laws:  What does commutativity mean? (def)
Published 11/12/2024 Set laws:  What does associativity mean? (def)
Published 11/12/2024 Set laws:  How do we call this rule?\[A \cup (B \cup C) = (A \cup B) \cup C\]\[A \cap (B \cap C) = (A \cap B) \cap C\]
Published 11/12/2024 Set laws:  How do we call this rule?\[A \cup (B \cap C) = (A \cup B) \cap (A \cup C)\]\[A \cap (B \cup C) = (A \cap B) \cup (A \cap C)\]
Published 11/12/2024 Set laws: What does disributivity mean? (def)
Published 11/12/2024 Set laws: What does absorption mean? (def)
Published 11/12/2024 Set laws: What rule is this? \[A \cup (A \cap B) = A\]\[A \cap (A \cup B) = A\]
Published 10/28/2024 For an equivalence relation \(\theta\) on a set \(A\) and for \(a \in A\), the set of elements of \(A\) that are {{…
Published 10/28/2024 If {{c1::any two elements of a poset \((A; \preceq)\) are comparable}}, then \(A\) is called {{c2::totally ordered (or {{c3::linea…
Published 10/28/2024 Let \(\rho\) be a relation from \(A\) to \(B\) and let \(\sigma\) be a relation from \(B\) to \…
Published 11/12/2024 How is a semi-infinite set defined?
Published 11/12/2024 Why is Discrete Maths so important in Computer Science?
Published 11/12/2024 The 3 forms of proven statements
Published 11/12/2024 How are unproven statements called? (Truth value unknown)
Published 11/12/2024 What is a mathematical statement and how is it different from a formula?
Published 11/12/2024 The most important symbols for Statements and Logic/Formulas (important card)
Published 11/12/2024 What is logic equivalence?
Published 11/12/2024 What is a logical consequence?
Published 11/12/2024 What does it mean if 2 formulas F and G are both logical consequences of each other?
Published 11/12/2024 What does it mean for a formula to be a tautology? What does it mean for a formula to be satisfiable or unsatisfiable?
Published 11/12/2024 What are logical circuits in propositional logic?
Published 11/12/2024 The most important basic equivalences of propositional logic
Published 11/12/2024 What is predicate logic? How is it different from propositional logic (what does it add)?
Published 11/12/2024 Rephrase the statement "for every natural number there is a larger prime" in predicate logic
Published 11/12/2024 When can we interpret formulas as statements? 
Published 11/12/2024 What does the following statement mean: \(\models A \lor B \lor \lnot A\)
Published 11/12/2024 Useful rules for predicate logic
Published 11/12/2024 Proof pattern: Composition of Implications
Published 11/12/2024 Direct proof of an implication
Published 11/12/2024 Indirect proof of an implication
Published 11/12/2024 Modus Ponens (Proof)
Published 11/12/2024 Proof by case distinction
Published 11/12/2024 Proof by contradiction
Published 11/12/2024 Existence proofs
Published 11/12/2024 Russell's Paradox
Published 11/12/2024 Definition of equivalent sets
Published 11/12/2024 Definition of Subsets
Published 11/12/2024 If A is a subset of B and B a subset of C, then?
Published 11/12/2024 Definition of unions and intersections
Published 11/12/2024 Definition of the difference of sets
Published 11/12/2024 Existence proofs by Pigeonhole principle
Published 11/12/2024 What is the cardinality of a set and how is it denoted?
Published 11/12/2024 The symbols for intersection, union, exclusion in set theory
Published 11/12/2024 Definition of set equality
Published 11/12/2024 Formal definition of subsets
Published 11/12/2024 What to know about the empty set
Published 11/12/2024 The power set of a set and its properties
Published 11/12/2024 The cartesian product of sets and its properties
Published 11/12/2024 Relations on two sets (binary relations)
Published 11/12/2024 The important laws of Unions, Intersections and subsets (Hint: Similiar to Lemma 2.1 ;) )
Published 11/12/2024 Representations on relations
Published 11/12/2024 The set operations on relations
Published 11/12/2024 The special properties of relations
Published 11/12/2024 Transitive Closure of relations
Published 11/12/2024 What are equivalence relations and equivalence classse?
Published 11/12/2024 What are partial order relations?
Published 11/12/2024 Are symmetric and anti-symmetric relations opposites of each other?
Published 11/12/2024 What are partitions of equivalence relations?
Published 11/12/2024 Hasse Diagrams (cover, comparable, illustration)
Published 11/12/2024 Lexicographic order of posets
Published 11/12/2024 Special elements in posets (minimal, least, lower bound, greatest lower bound)
Published 11/12/2024 When is a poset well ordered?
Published 11/12/2024 Functions (looking at them from a perspective of relations, properties, partial functions, image, preimage)
Published 11/12/2024 Injections, Surjections, Bijections
Published 11/12/2024 Equinumerous, dominates, countability of sets
Published 11/12/2024 Countably infinite sets and finite sets
Published 11/12/2024 How to approach countability problems
Published 11/12/2024 Important countable and uncountable sets
Published 11/12/2024 Computable and uncomputable functions
Published 11/12/2024 How to prove uncountability (countability can be proved in a similarly adapted way)
Published 11/12/2024 What is the essence of number theory? What do we try to do?
Published 11/12/2024 What is a ring, what is it's relevance to number theory?
Published 11/12/2024 Definition of the divisors
Published 11/15/2024 Definition of division with remainders
Published 11/15/2024 Why do we want to abstract algebra?
Published 11/15/2024 What are operations on algebraic structures?
Published 11/15/2024 What is an algebra and what are some examples for an algebra?
Published 11/15/2024 The greatest common divisor (gcd). Definition, useful lemmas and how to find it
Published 11/15/2024 Least common multiples
Published 11/15/2024 Fundamental theorem of arithmetic
Published 11/15/2024 Representing the lcm and gcd using the fundamental theorem of arithmetic
Published 11/15/2024 Modular congruences (definition on single variables and congruences on arithmetic operations)
Published 11/15/2024 Modular arithmetic (high-level, key concepts, connection to remainders, tricks for mod 9 and mod 11)
Published 11/15/2024 Multiplicative inverses
Published 11/15/2024 The Chinese Remainder Theorem
Published 11/15/2024 How does the Diffie-Hellmann Key-Agreement work?
Published 11/15/2024 What are (left/right) neutral elements  in algebras?
Published 11/15/2024 Associativity of algebras
Published 11/15/2024 What are monoids?
Published 11/15/2024 What are inverse elements? 
Published 11/15/2024 Groups
Published 11/15/2024 Minimality of the group axioms
Published 11/15/2024 The direct product of groups
Published 11/15/2024 Group homormophisms (+ the difference to isomorphisms, examples)
Published 11/15/2024 Subgroups
Published 11/15/2024 Multiplicative notation for operations in group theory 
Published 11/15/2024 The order of groups
Published 11/15/2024 Cyclic groups
Published 11/15/2024 What is the order of subgroups (according to Lagrange)?
Published 11/15/2024 What is the order of every element in a group? 
Published 11/15/2024 Groups of prime order, features according to Lagrange's theorem
Published 11/15/2024 Definition of the set \(\mathbb{Z}_m^*\). Is it a group?
Published 11/15/2024 Euler function \(\varphi(m)\), result for any m (hint: prime factorization)
Published 11/15/2024 What is x in \(a^{\varphi(m)} \equiv_m x\)? 
Published 11/22/2024 When is the group \(\mathbb{Z}_m^*\) cyclic?
Published 11/26/2024 How does RSA work? 
Published 11/26/2024 What is a ring?
Published 11/26/2024 What is the charasterictic of a ring?
Published 11/26/2024 What are the units of a ring?
Published 11/26/2024 Divisors of Rings (also greatest common divisor)
Published 11/26/2024 Zerodivisors (Nullteiler) and integral domains (Integritätsbereich)
Published 11/26/2024 Polynomial rings (Definition)
Published 11/26/2024 Addition and multiplication in polynomial rings
Published 11/26/2024 For any commutative ring R, R[x] is a {{c1::commutative ring}}
Published 11/26/2024 Let D be an integral domain. Then: (i.) D[x] is {{c1:: an integral domain}}(ii.) The degree of the product of two polynomials is {{c1:: the sum o…
Published 11/26/2024 What is the definition of a field?
Published 11/26/2024 When is \(\mathbb{Z}_n\) a field and what is it called?
Published 11/26/2024 Why are fields so important?
Published 11/26/2024 Solve the following system of linear equations over \(\mathbb{Z}_{11}\): 
Published 11/26/2024 A field is an {{c1::integral}} domain
Published 11/26/2024 A polynomial \(a(x) \in F[x]\) is called monic if {{c1::the leading coefficient is 1}}
Published 11/26/2024 (polynomial fields) If b(x) divides a(x), then so does {{c1:: \(v \cdot b(x)\)}}
Published 11/26/2024 In the polynomial field GF(7)[x], factor the polynomial: \(x^3 + 2x^2 + 5x + 2\)
Published 11/26/2024 When is a polynomial (over a field) called irreducible and what does it mean for a polynomial to be irreducible? 
Published 11/26/2024 The greatest common divisor in polynomials over fields
Published 11/26/2024 Let  \(a(x) := x^4 + 2x^3 + 2x + 1\) and let \(b(x) := x^3 + 2x^2 + 1\). Find the \(gcd(a(x), b(x))\) using the euclidea…
Published 11/26/2024 Division with remainders in F[x]
Published 11/26/2024 Let \(a(x) := x^4 + x^3 + x^2 + 1\) and \(b(x) := x^2 + 1\)Calculate q(x) and r(x), s.t. \(a(x) = b(x) \cdot q(x) + r(x)\) an…
Published 11/26/2024 What is polynomial evaluation?
Published 11/26/2024 What are the roots of a polynomial a(x)? 
Published 11/26/2024 For a field F, \(\alpha \in F\)  is a root of a(x) if and only if {{c1::\((x - \alpha) \) divdes a(x).}}
Published 11/26/2024 A polynomial a(x) of degree 2 or 3 over a field F is irreducible if and only if {{c1::it has no root.}}
Published 11/26/2024 For a field F, a nonzero polynomial \(a(x) \in F[x]\) has at most {{c1::d}} roots where {{c1::d}} \(\leq\) {{c1::deg(a(x…
Published 11/26/2024 What is polynomial interpolation? How many values of a(x) must be known?
Published 11/29/2024 What is the ring \(F[x]_{m(x)}\)? Is it a ring and what is it's cardinality if F is a finite field?
Published 11/29/2024 "Easily check" that these equations are indeed congruent:  
Published 11/29/2024 When does \(a(x) \cdot b(x) \equiv_{m(x)} 1\) have a solution?
Published 11/29/2024 When is the ring \(F[x]_{m(x)}\) a field and why?
Published 11/29/2024 What is the importance of error correcting codes?
Published 11/29/2024 What is a (n,k)-encoding function?
Published 11/29/2024 An (n,k)-error correcting code over the alphabet A with \(|A| = q\) {{c1:: is a subset of \(\mathcal{A}^n\)}} of cardinality …
Published 11/29/2024 What is the hamming distance of two strings of equal length? 
Published 11/29/2024 What is the minimum distance of an error-correcting code?
Published 11/29/2024 What is a decoding function in error-correcting codes? How many errors \(t\) can this function at most correct in terms of the minimum dista…
Published 11/29/2024 Error correcting codes based on polynomial evaluation
Published 11/29/2024 What is the goal of logic?
Published 11/29/2024 What are syntatic objects in logic?  
Published 11/29/2024 What is the truth function in logic? What does it define? 
Published 11/29/2024 What is the verification function in logic?
Published 11/29/2024 What is a proof system in logic?
Published 11/29/2024 When is a proof system sound and when is a proof system complete? 
Published 11/29/2024 Develop a proof system to show that a given graph has a hamiltonian cycle
Published 11/29/2024 Is it possible to develop a proof system that shows that a given graph has no hamiltonian cycle?
Published 11/29/2024 Which of the following must be efficient in a valid proof system: Proof generation or proof verification?
Published 11/29/2024 Is a proof system limited to a certain type of mathematical statement or can it be easily generalized?
Published 11/29/2024 If there exists a proof system for some type of statement, must there also exist a proof system for the negation of this statement?
Published 11/29/2024 What is the general goal of logic?
Published 11/29/2024 What do the elements \(s \in S, p \in P\) consist of?
Published 11/29/2024 What is a derivation (or deduction) in logic?
Published 11/29/2024 What does a step in a proof consist of?
Published 11/29/2024 Which of the following is carefully defined in a proof system?1. The function \(\tau\)2. The function \(\phi\)
Published 11/29/2024 What in the syntax of a logic?
Published 11/29/2024 What are the semantics of a logic?
Published 11/29/2024 What is the meaning of \(\{ F_1, ..., F_k\} \vdash_R G\)? 
Published 11/29/2024 What is the difference between \(\vdash\) and \(\models\) ? 
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