Notes in PBL Type II DM

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Published 09/29/2023 The {{c1::sensitivity}} is the likelihood that a person with a disease will be diagnosed as having the disease (a “positive”). If a test has a hi…
Published 09/29/2023 The {{c1::specificity}} is the likelihood that a person who does not have the disease is correctly diagnosed.If a test has high {{c1::specificity…
Published 09/29/2023 {{c1::Screening tests}} are used to assess the disease status of a {{c2::large}} population of people with a {{c2::low}} probability of having th…
Published 09/29/2023 {{c1::Diagnostic tests}} are used to provide a {{c2::definitive}} diagnosis for patients with {{c2::higher}} probability of having a disease.{{c1::Dia…
Published 09/29/2023 {{c1::Glucokinase}} is the hexokinase enzyme in {{c1::liver}} and {{c1::pancreas}} cells.
Published 09/29/2023 The liver response to acute hyperglycemia:After {{c1::insulin-dependent}} uptake through {{c1::GLUT4}} is used {{c2::to make ATP via glycolysis}}…
Published 09/29/2023 Skeletal muscle response to hyperglycemia:After {{c2::insulin-dependent}} uptake through {{c2::GLUT4}}, glucose is used {{c3::to produce ATP through g…
Published 09/29/2023 Fasting blood glucose of {{c1::100-125 mg/dl}} indicates prediabetes; fasting blood glucose {{c1::over 125 mg/dl}} indicates frank diabetes.
Published 09/29/2023 Blood glucose of {{c1::>600 mg/dL}} and effective plasma osmolarity of {{c1::>320 mOsm/kg}} in the absence of {{c1::ketoacidosis}} define the {{…
Published 09/29/2023 Diabetic ketoacidosis is less common in type II DM because there is {{c1::residual insulin action}} that is sufficient to {{c1::prevent ketone sy…
Published 09/29/2023 When activated, the insulin receptor tyrosine kinase induces the {{c1::RAS/MAPK pro-growth pathway}} that results in {{c2::increased cell division and…
Published 09/29/2023 When activated, the insulin receptor tyrosine kinase induces the {{c1::PI3 kinase (PI3K) pathway}}.The activation of the {{c1::PI3K pathway}} modulate…
Published 09/29/2023 Metformin mainly mediates blood glucose levels through {{c1::inhibition of hepative (liver) gluconeogenesis}}.
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