Notes in Lecture 04

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Published 03/09/2024 Define inflammation and explain how inflammation helps incombating infection.
Published 03/09/2024 Describe cardinal signs of inflammation.
Published 03/09/2024 Describe stages of neutrophil adhesion and emigration fromblood vessels and explain roles of different adhesionmolecules in this process.
Published 03/09/2024 List different types of proinflammatory mediators.
Published 03/09/2024 Describe clinical signs and effects of proinflammatorycytokines
Published 03/09/2024 What is acute inflammatory Response?
Published 03/09/2024 Inflammation at the site of infection is initiated by the response of _________ to _________.
Published 03/09/2024 What is BLAD or Bovine Leukocyte Adhesion Defiency? what animal does this affect? What are the signs/symptoms, and indications?
Published 03/09/2024 Inflammatory response are operationally characterized by; _____, _____,_____, and _____ at the site of infection. 
Published 03/09/2024 What is a pyrogen?
Published 03/09/2024 During inflammation there is redness, swelling, heat, & pain, Why is this? 
Published 03/09/2024 •    When exposed to infectious agents or their PAMPs, sentinel cells (dendritic cells, macrophages, mast cells) synthesize and secrete…
Published 03/09/2024 What are chemokines, what are SPECIFIC ones? what are they secreted by and what is their function?
Published 03/09/2024 How is the coagulation system become activated and how does it create a physical barrier?
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