Notes in (1) Toxicology Introduction

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Published 02/22/2024 Substances that are produced naturally
Published 02/22/2024 Toxins are substances that are produced {{c1::naturally}}
Published 02/22/2024 Clinical toxicity secondary to accidental exposure
Published 02/22/2024 Any foreign substance (not normally found in the body)
Published 02/22/2024 The toxicity associated with any chemical substance
Published 02/22/2024 An intentional exposure with the intent of causing self-injury or death
Published 02/22/2024 Frequency of occurrence of adverse reactions upon exposure to the poison
Published 02/22/2024 The likelihood that injury will occur in a given situation or setting
Published 02/22/2024 Ability of a substance to cause biological change, leading to adverse effects
Published 02/22/2024 The probability that harm will not occur under specified conditions
Published 02/22/2024 A collection of signs and symptoms which characterizes a specific toxicant
Published 02/22/2024 Experimental toxicology deals with {{c1::investigation of the toxic effect}} of the substance on the {{c1::biological}} system
Published 02/22/2024 {{c1::Experimental toxicology}} deals with investigation of the {{c1::toxic effect}} of the substance on the biological system
Published 02/22/2024 Smallest dose that kills 50% of the population
Published 02/22/2024 Median Lethal Dose abbreviation?
Published 02/22/2024 Smallest concentration that kills 50% of the population
Published 02/22/2024 Median lethal concentration is the smallest {{c1::concentration}} that kills {{c1::50% of the population}}
Published 02/22/2024 TLV is the {{c1::maximum amount}} of drug considered {{c1::safe}}
Published 02/22/2024 Maximum amount of drug considered safe
Published 02/22/2024 Dose which produces the desired effect in 50% subjects
Published 02/22/2024 Therapeutic index is a {{c1::measure of safety}}
Published 02/22/2024 What is the formula of Therapeutic Index?
Published 02/22/2024 {{c1::Clinical/Medical Toxicology}} involves the diagnosis and treatment (antidote) of {{c2::poisoning cases}}
Published 02/22/2024 This involves the diagnosis and treatment (antidote) of poisoning cases
Published 02/22/2024 Organophosphates and Carbamates are under what clas of drugs?
Published 02/22/2024 Amphetamine and Cocaine are under what class of drugs?
Published 02/22/2024 Morphine and Heroin are under what class of drugs?
Published 02/22/2024 The toxidrome of cholinergics are:{{c1::DiarrheaUrinationMicturitionBradycardiaBronchoconstrictionEmesisLacrimationSalivationSweating}}
Published 02/22/2024 The toxidrome of cholinergics are:Diarrhea{{c2::Urination}}MicturitionBradycardiaBronchoconstrictionEmesis{{c1::Lacrimation}}SalivationSweating
Published 02/22/2024 The toxidrome of cholinergics are:{{c1::Diarrhea}}UrinationMicturitionBradycardiaBronchoconstrictionEmesisLacrimationSalivation{{c1::Sweating}}
Published 02/22/2024 The toxidrome of anticholinergics are:{{c1::Dry as a bone (dry mucosa)  }}Hot as a hare (hyperthermia) {{c1::Blind as a bat (mydriasis)…
Published 02/22/2024 The toxidrome of anticholinergics are:Dry as a bone (dry mucosa)  {{c1::Hot as a hare (hyperthermia) }}Blind as a bat (mydriasis) …
Published 02/22/2024 The toxidrome of {{c1::anticholinergics}} are:Dry as a bone (dry mucosa)  Hot as a hare (hyperthermia) Blind as a bat (mydriasis) …
Published 02/22/2024 The toxidrome of sympathomimetics are:{{c1::MydriasisTachycardiaHypertensionHyperthermiaSeizures}}
Published 02/22/2024 The toxidrome of sympathomimetics are:{{c1::Mydriasis}}TachycardiaHypertensionHyperthermia{{c1::Seizures}}
Published 02/22/2024 The toxidrome of sympathomimetics are:Mydriasis{{c1::Tachycardia}}{{c2::Hypertension}}Hyperthermia{{c2::Seizures}}
Published 02/22/2024 The toxidrome of sympathomimetics are:Mydriasis{{c1::Tachycardia}}Hypertension{{c1::Hyperthermia}}Seizures
Published 02/22/2024 The toxidrome of {{c1::sympathomimetics}} are:MydriasisTachycardiaHypertensionHyperthermiaSeizures
Published 02/22/2024 The toxidrome of {{c1::Opiates}} are:Miosis HypotensionComa HyperventilationBradycardia
Published 02/22/2024 The toxidrome of Opiates are:{{c1::Miosis HypotensionComa HyperventilationBradycardia}}
Published 02/22/2024 The toxidrome of Opiates are:{{c4::Miosis }}{{c1::Hypotension}}{{c3::Coma }}{{c2::Hyperventilation}}{{c5::Bradycardia}}
Published 02/22/2024 The toxidrome of Opiates are:{{c1::Miosis }}Hypotension{{c1::Coma }}HyperventilationBradycardia
Published 02/22/2024 The toxidrome of Opiates are:{{c2::Miosis }}{{c1::Hypotension}}Coma {{c1::Hyperventilation}}Bradycardia
Published 02/22/2024 Deals with deleterious effects and impact of chemicals present as pollutants of the environment, to the living organism
Published 02/22/2024 Specialized area within environment toxicology that focuses more specifically on the impacts of toxic substances on population dynamics in an ecosyste…
Published 02/22/2024 Deals with the medical and legal aspects of poisoning
Published 02/22/2024 Mechanistic toxicology deals with {{c1::kinetics, receptors}}, and its effect pathway of {{c1::toxicity biomarkers}} and possible repair
Published 02/22/2024 {{c1::Mechanistic toxicology}} deals with kinetics, receptors, and its effect pathway of toxicity biomarkers and {{c1::possible repair}}
Published 02/22/2024 Empirical toxicology deals with the {{c1::animal, man,}} and similar pathology
Published 02/22/2024 The lower the TLV, the {{c1::more dangerous}} the substance
Published 02/22/2024 The {{c1::lower the TLV}}, the more dangerous the substance
Published 02/22/2024 LD50 is administed at any route except {{c1::inhalation}}
Published 02/22/2024 LC50 can be administered through {{c1::inhalation, aquatic exposure}}
Published 02/22/2024 An exposure to a toxin can be {{c1::acute or repeated oral, inhalation, skin}}
Published 02/22/2024 An exposure to a toxin can be {{c1::acute}} or repeated oral, inhalation, skin
Published 02/22/2024 The next step after the exposure of a toxin is {{c1::pharmacokinetics}}
Published 02/22/2024 Deals with the chemicals found in the workplace
Published 02/22/2024 Occupational Toxicology
Published 02/22/2024 A type of toxicology that is concerned directly with toxicity testing
Published 02/22/2024 Is the chance, high or low, that any hazard could cause somebody harm.
Published 02/22/2024 Are anything that can cause harm, damage or adverse health effects to people in the workplace.
Published 02/22/2024 A type of hazard that includes both health and physical hazards
Published 02/22/2024 A type of hazard that are a result of physical factors that canlead to musculoskeletal injuries
Published 02/22/2024 A type of hazard that are a result of environmental factors
Published 02/22/2024 A type of hazard that can have an adverse effect on an individual's mental health or wellbeing
Published 02/22/2024 A type of hazard that create unsafe working conditions
Published 02/22/2024 Is defined as exposure to a chemical for less than 24 hours
Published 02/22/2024 Repeated exposure to a chemical for 1month or less
Published 02/22/2024 Repeated exposure to a chemical for 1 to 3 months
Published 02/22/2024 Repeated exposure to a chemical for more than 3 months
Published 02/22/2024 The impression made by the poison which is confined in the area of administration
Published 02/22/2024 The effect is produced in an area other than the site of application
Published 02/22/2024 {{c1::image-occlusion:rect:left=.0607:top=.0945:width=.1416:height=.0368:oi=1}}{{c2::image-occlusion:rect:left=.6704:top=.0889:width=.28:height=.0482:…
Published 02/22/2024 {{c1::image-occlusion:rect:left=.2784:top=.0563:width=.3142:height=.1076}}{{c2::image-occlusion:rect:left=.294:top=.3353:width=.2862:height=.1416}}{{c…
Published 02/22/2024 {{c1::image-occlusion:rect:left=.2484:top=.113:width=.0981:height=.0538:oi=1}}{{c2::image-occlusion:rect:left=.2903:top=.2064:width=.4627:height=.0637…
Published 02/22/2024 Descriptive toxicology has broad spectrum of responses:{{c1::Functional Effects such as immunological responses  Growth inhibition Repr…
Published 02/22/2024 Descriptive toxicology has broad spectrum of responses:Functional Effects such as immunological responses  {{c1::Growth inhibition }}Re…
Published 02/22/2024 Descriptive toxicology has broad spectrum of responses:Functional Effects such as {{c1::immunological responses}}  Growth inhibition {{…
Published 02/22/2024 The following factors that can influence risk:{{c1::The frequency of exposure.Route of exposureSeverity of injury}}
Published 02/22/2024 The following factors that can influence risk:{{c1::The frequency of exposure.}}{{c2::Route of exposure}}{{c3::Severity of injury}}
Published 02/22/2024 The following factors that can influence risk:{{c1::The frequency of exposure.}}{{c1::Route of exposure}}Severity of injury
Published 02/22/2024 The following factors that can influence risk:{{c1::The frequency of exposure.}}Route of exposure{{c1::Severity of injury}}
Published 02/22/2024 Acute exposure by inhalation
Published 02/22/2024 Remote effect of Atropine when taken PO
Published 02/22/2024 {{c1::Corrosive}} → coagulative (solidification) necrosis{{c2::Caustics}} → liquefactive (perforation) necrosis
Published 02/22/2024 Corrosive → {{c1::coagulative (solidification) necrosis}}Caustics → {{c2::liquefactive (perforation) necrosis}}
Published 02/22/2024 These can exhibit both remote and local poisoning effects:
Published 02/22/2024 Local effect of Phosphorous
Published 02/22/2024 Systemic effect of Phosphorous
Published 02/22/2024 Local effect of Cantharidin
Published 02/22/2024 Systemic effect of Cantharidin
Published 02/22/2024 {{c1::Individual dose response}} describes the response of the organism to {{c2::varying doses of a chemical}} (refered to as {{c2::"graded response"}…
Published 02/22/2024 Individual or graded dose response's measured effect is {{c1::continuous}} over a {{c1::range}} of doses
Published 02/22/2024 {{c2::Quantal Dose response}} is determined in {{c1::a population}}
Published 02/22/2024 At a given dose, an individual in the population is classified either as a "responder" or a "non-responder"
Published 02/22/2024 In Quantal Dose Response, at a given dose, an individual in the population is classified either as a {{c1::"responder" or a "non-responder"}}
Published 02/22/2024 This type of quantal dose response shows the relationship of dose and effect.
Published 02/22/2024 This type of quantal dose response will give a sigmoidal curve
Published 02/22/2024 In a normal distributed Sigmoidal curve, 0% response as the dose is {{c1::decreased}} while {{c2::100% response}} as the dose is {{c3::increased}}.
Published 02/22/2024 A chemical produces injury to one kind of living matter without harming another form of life even though the two may exist in intimate contact.
Published 02/22/2024 One toxic substance may be toxic to one, but it may not show any toxicity to another person is attributed to?
Published 02/22/2024 genetic polymorphism plays a part in this typr of variation of toxic response
Published 02/22/2024 This contributes to the idiosyncratic reaction to chemicals and for interindividual differences in toxic response
Published 02/22/2024 The dose in relation to the response
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