Notes in Case 2: COVID Related Pneumonia

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Published 09/06/2023 The {{c1::tropism}} of a virus refers to the range of cells, tissues and organs it can affect
Published 09/06/2023 COVID-19: rapid antigen testing (RAT) has a {{c2::lower}} {{c1::sensitivity}} than PCR testing, which means a {{c2::higher}} rate of false {{c1::negat…
Published 09/06/2023 COVID-19: rapid antigen testing has a comparable {{c1::specificity}} to PCR testing, which means a comparable rate of false {{c1::positives}}
Published 09/08/2023 SARS-CoV-2 has {{c1::spike (S)}} proteins that bind to {{c2::ACE2}} receptors on the cell surface, allowing it to infect cells
Published 09/08/2023 SARS-CoV-2 triggers inflammation via the {{c3::TLRs::receptor}} on macrophages that signal the {{c1::NFkB}} pathway, leading to release of {{c2::pro-i…
Published 09/06/2023 COVID-19: In addition to the effects of the virus itself, many symptoms can be triggered by {{c1::an excessive immune inflammatory response}}
Published 09/06/2023 SARS-CoV-2 infection reduces MHC I expression, which are expressed on {{c1::all (nucleated) cells::cell type}} and normally {{c2::present antigen::per…
Published 09/06/2023 Long-term complications of COVID-19 are often due to {{c1::chronic inflammation}}
Published 09/06/2023 SARS-CoV-2 is a positive-sense ssRNA virus, which means that its genome {{c1::can directly act as mRNA to be translated into protein}}
Published 08/30/2024 Inflammation causes nearby blood vessels to undergo {{c1::vasoconstriction::vasoconstriction OR vasodilation}}.
Published 09/06/2023 RNA viruses like SARS-CoV-2 require {{c1::RNA-dependent RNA-polymerase}} to replicate their genomes
Published 08/30/2024 Remdesivir works by {{c1::inhibiting::activating OR inhibiting}} {{c2::RNA replicase}}. The drug is metabolized into a {{c1::ribonucleotide::nucleotid…
Published 09/06/2023 Glucocorticoids reduce inflammation by:modifying histone binding, to {{c1::alter inflammatory gene expression}}inhibiting the {{c3::NFkB pathway}}, to…
Published 09/13/2023 Monoclonal antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 target its {{c1::spike (S)}} protein
Published 09/08/2023 Monoclonal antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 lose efficacy due to mutations/variants on the {{c1::S protein}}
Published 09/06/2023 Three main COVID-19 diagnostic tests, from most to least preferable:{{c1::PCR}}{{c1::Viral culture}}{{c1::Rapid antigen}}
Published 09/06/2023 Some common ways bacteria can develop antibiotic resistance:{{c1::efflux pumps to remove drug}}{{c2::compounds/enzymes to deactivate drug}}{{c3::modif…
Published 09/06/2023 Among bacteria, adaptive antimicrobial resistance is often conferred on {{c1::plasmids}} which are transferred via {{c1::conjugation}} 
Published 09/08/2023 Antimicrobial drug resistance can be minimized by {{c2::following prescribed medication regimens}} and {{c1::reducing unnecessary/overprescription}}
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