Notes in Ionotropic Neurotransmitters 1& 2

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Published 09/07/2023 Name the two classes of neurotransmitters.
Published 09/07/2023 Ionotropic receptors are found on _____.
Published 09/07/2023 Metabotropic receptors activate _____.
Published 09/07/2023 Ionotropic Neurotransmitters mediate the most rapid effects on postsynaptic currents. (T/F)
Published 09/07/2023 Ionotropic receptors are gated by _____ not by voltage.
Published 09/07/2023 Post synaptic current is _____ to tproduct of ligand gated conductance and the driving force.
Published 09/07/2023 When is the conductance of the ionotropic channel greater than 0? 
Published 09/07/2023 Extreme hyperpolarization leads to a ____.
Published 09/07/2023 Depolarization leads to an _____.
Published 09/07/2023 When there is no driving force (0 mV) we would have no______.
Published 09/07/2023 What is the EPC when acetylcholine binds and the muscle fiber is clamped at -­100 mV? 
Published 09/07/2023 What is the EPC when acetylcholine binds and the muscle fiber is clamped at -­20 mV?
Published 09/07/2023 What is the EPC when acetylcholine binds and the muscle fiber is clamped at 0 mV?
Published 09/07/2023 What is the EPC when acetylcholine binds and the muscle fiber is clamped at +20 mV?
Published 09/07/2023 What is the EPC when acetylcholine binds and the muscle fiber is clamped at +70 mV?
Published 09/07/2023 What explains the value of Erev​ at the motor endplate?
Published 09/07/2023 At 0mV the ____ of Na+ is counterbalanced by the ____ of K+.
Published 09/07/2023 ____ is a co transporter that binds with glutamate to _____.
Published 09/07/2023 _____ is found within the pore of glutamate and blocks the flow of current through the channel.
Published 09/07/2023 Mg+2 can be removed from pore via ______  of the membrane.
Published 09/07/2023 ____of NMDA is controlled by magnesium.
Published 09/07/2023 _____ is critical for mediating synaptic plasticity.
Published 09/07/2023 For metabotropic receptors the receptor and ion channel are _____ molecules in the membrane.
Published 09/07/2023 Metabotropic receptors _____ interact with ion channels via _____.
Published 09/07/2023 G proteins activate effector enzymes which produe _____.
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