Notes in Exam I

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Published 02/12/2025 {{c2::image-occlusion:rect:left=.0669:top=.1169:width=.091:height=.0275:oi=1}}{{c2::image-occlusion:polygon:left=.2823:top=.0877:points=.2944,.0911 .3…
Published 01/09/2025 List the equine vertebral formula
Published 01/09/2025 List the bovine vertebral formula
Published 01/09/2025 What are the two parts of the nuchal ligament in large animals?
Published 01/09/2025 What are the 3 bursa of the nuchal ligament in large animal?
Published 01/09/2025 Define the borders of the jugular groove
Published 01/09/2025 For IM injection in the neck of the horse, what are the borders to stay within?
Published 01/09/2025 Placeholder for anki collab. {{c1::Please ignore/suspend}}
Published 01/19/2025 What is missing on the equine scapula compared to that of bovine and carnivores?
Published 01/19/2025 What is the primary difference between the equine humerus and the other species we study in lab?
Published 01/19/2025 Why can't our large animals pronate and supinate?
Published 01/19/2025 In the carpus, large animals have numerous differences compared to our carnivores. Firstly, the {{c1::intermediate}} and {{c1::radial}}&nbsp…
Published 01/19/2025 How do the metacarpals differ between equine and bovine?
Published 01/19/2025 List the joints of the carpus in large animals, and which is completely isolated?
Published 01/19/2025 What is the functional digit(s) in equine and bovine?
Published 01/19/2025 What are the common names for the joints of the horse phalanges?
Published 01/19/2025 What are the common names for the phalanges of a horse digit?
Published 01/19/2025 What is the common name for the distal sesamoid in an equine digit?
Published 01/19/2025 How does the triceps differ between equine and bovine/caprine?
Published 01/19/2025 How is the coracobrachialis different in large animals compared to carnivores?
Published 01/19/2025 What is the structure surrounding/holding the bulk of the dorsomedial aspect of the carpus in large animals? The palmolateral aspect?
Published 01/24/2025 What are the three parts of the suspensory apparatus of the fetlock joint?
Published 01/24/2025 What is the purpose of the stay apparatus?
Published 01/24/2025 What structures keep the shoulder extended in the stay apparatus?
Published 01/24/2025 What structures keeps the elbow extended in the stay apparatus?
Published 01/30/2025 What structures keep the carpus extended in the stay apparatus?
Published 01/24/2025 What structures keep the fetlock from hyperextending in the stay apparatus?
Published 02/19/2025 What structures keep the pastern joint from hyperextending in the forelimb stay apparatus?
Published 01/24/2025 {{c1::image-occlusion:rect:left=.6504:top=.4076:width=.3354:height=.0399:oi=1}}{{c2::image-occlusion:rect:left=.1409:top=.1357:width=.1813:height=.039…
Published 01/30/2025 {{c2::image-occlusion:rect:left=.2117:top=.7625:width=.1703:height=.0396:oi=1}}{{c2::image-occlusion:rect:left=.6253:top=.7625:width=.1703:height=.039…
Published 01/24/2025 {{c1::image-occlusion:rect:left=.5049:top=.0222:width=.0885:height=.0602:oi=1}}{{c2::image-occlusion:rect:left=.8331:top=.236:width=.1427:height=.0634…
Published 01/24/2025 What is the small animal equivalent to the frog in equine?
Published 01/24/2025 What is the transition structure of the epithelial dermis to the dermis of the hoof?
Published 01/24/2025 The {{c1::periople}} is the most proximal section of hoof wall, before it hardens distally and becomes the {{c1::stratum externum}} layer of…
Published 01/24/2025 What are the three layers of the hoof capsule?
Published 01/24/2025 What are the three regions of hoof dermis, proximally to distally?
Published 01/24/2025 What is the "white line" of the hoof?
Published 01/30/2025 {{c1::Laminitis}} is inflammation and damage to the lamina between the {{c2::hoof wall}} and {{c2::coffin bone}}. If it progresses, there ca…
Published 01/30/2025 Transection of {{c1::SDF tendon}} results in {{c2::hyperextended fetlock when loaded}}. Transection of {{c1::DDF tendon}} results in&nb…
Published 01/30/2025 {{c2::image-occlusion:rect:left=.0849:top=.5775:width=.2645:height=.0425:oi=1}}{{c3::image-occlusion:rect:left=.0734:top=.7049:width=.2471:height=.036…
Published 01/30/2025 {{c1::Sweeny shoulder}} is caused by damage to the {{c2::suprascapular nerve}}, and affects shoulder {{c3::stabilization}} and {{c3::ab…
Published 01/30/2025 Contraction of the {{c1::SDF tendon}} causes {{c2::flexion of the fetlock}}. Contraction of the {{c1::DDF tendon}} causes {{c…
Published 01/30/2025 {{c1::image-occlusion:rect:left=.0569:top=.2799:width=.4204:height=.063}}{{c1::image-occlusion:rect:left=.0583:top=.3666:width=.4183:height=.134}}{{c1…
Published 01/31/2025 What structures keep the elbow from buckling medially or laterally when the stay apparatus is active?
Published 02/03/2025 Adduction v. Abduction
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