Notes in WAEL Short quiz

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Published 02/12/2025 Which of the following statements is TRUE with regards to spleen? a. Emerges from the mesoderm b. It has a 4 cm × 6 cm × 8 cm dimension and weighs 10 …
Published 02/12/2025 As the surgeon explores the medial surface of the spleen, the following organs are in close relations with it, EXCEPT: a. Left kidney b. Left splenic …
Published 02/12/2025 A branch of splenic artery: a. Left renal artery b. Left gastro-omental artery c. Left phrenic artery d. Hepatic artery
Published 02/12/2025 Which of the following is a function of the liver: a. It stores protein which is used as a primary source of energy b. A major hematopoietic organ whi…
Published 02/12/2025 The pancreatic enzyme that courses through the main pancreatic duct empties to this segment of the duodenum: a. Ascending b. Descending c. Horizontal …
Published 02/12/2025 Which of the following structures is located posterior to the neck of the pancreas? a. Superior mesenteric artery b. Inferior mesenteric vein c. Commo…
Published 02/12/2025 Along the visceral surface of the liver, the two anatomical lobes are separated by: a. Ligamentum teres hepatis b. Fissure of ligamentum venosum c. Le…
Published 02/12/2025 The bare area of the liver demarcated by this ligament: a. Falciform b. Triangular c. Coronary d. Hepatoduodenal
Published 02/12/2025 A patient was stabbed in the abdomen injuring the edge of the liver lateral to the gallbladder, medial to the right portal fissure. What functional he…
Published 02/12/2025 The surgeon would like to clamp the portal triad. Which of the following ligaments encloses the said triad? a. Gastrosplenic b. Hepatoduodenal c. Roun…
Published 02/12/2025 This structure separates the caudate lobe from the quadrate lobe, and it is where the portal vein enters the liver: a. Porta hepatis b. Hepatogastric …
Published 02/12/2025 While dissecting the hepatic artery, a segment of it is between the celiac trunk and gastroduodenal artery. What is this segment? a. Common hepatic ar…
Published 02/12/2025 The cystic artery usually comes from the right hepatic artery and within the angle formed by the common hepatic duct and this structure: a. Portal vei…
Published 02/12/2025 This vessel drains directly to the inferior vena cava: a. Splenic vein b. Hepatic vein c. Portal vein d. Left suprarenal vein
Published 02/12/2025 Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about renal hilum? a. The renal pelvis is posterior to the renal artery. b. It leads to the renal sinus.…
Published 02/12/2025 The medulla of the suprarenal gland is: a. Derived from the mesoderm b. Related to the sympathetic nervous system c. Responsible for the kidney to ret…
Published 02/12/2025 The suprarenal gland has numerous blood supply, and its superior suprarenal arteries are branches from the: a. Inferior phrenic artery b. Renal artery…
Published 02/12/2025 In an event of herniation through the respiratory diaphragm, the following organs will likely herniate to the thoracic cavity, EXCEPT: a. Spleen b. Pa…
Published 02/12/2025 While dissecting the esophagus at the hiatus where it enters the respiratory diaphragm, this structure is UNLIKELY to be identified within the said hi…
Published 02/12/2025 The right phrenic nerve enters through the respiratory diaphragm with this structure: a. Inferior vena cava b. Thoracic duct c. Aorta d. Hepatic arter…
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