Notes in N351 Exam 1::Final Exam

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Published 11/29/2024 {{c2::ACE inhibitors}}: {{c1::-pril}}MOA: {{c1::reduces vasoconstriction and aldosterone secretion}}Admin: {{c1::PO}}TU: {{c2::HTN, HF}}BBW: {{c3::can…
New Card 11/29/2024 Nursing Considerations of ACE inhibitors
New Card 11/29/2024 {{c2::Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers (ARBs)}}: {{c1::-sartan}}MOA: {{c1::blocks vasoconstriction and aldosterone secretion effects of Angiotens…
New Card 11/29/2024 Interactions of ARBs
New Card 11/29/2024 Calcium channel blockers: {{c1::-dipine, verapamil, diltiazem}}MOA: {{c1::inhibits calcium ion influz across cardiac and smooth muscle for muscle rela…
New Card 11/29/2024 Which calcium channel blocker is more adaptable for emergent situations (i.e. hypertensive crisis)?
New Card 11/29/2024 Which calcium channel blockers can be given for dysrhythmias?
New Card 11/29/2024 {{c3::Beta blockers}}: {{c1::-olol}}MOA: {{c1::inhibits vasoconstrictor responses to catecholamines by exerting effects on beta 1 ONLY}}Admin: {{c2::P…
New Card 11/29/2024 Alpha 2 agonists: {{c1::clonidine}}MOA: {{c2::stimulates alpha 2 for decreased SVR, renal vascular resistance, HR, and BP}}Admin: {{c2::PO/IV/TD}}TU: …
New Card 11/29/2024 Nursing Considerations of clonidine
New Card 11/29/2024 {{c2::alpha/beta blockers (antagonists)}}: {{c1::carvedilol, labetalol}}MOA: {{c2::nonselective beta 1, 2, and alpha 1 blocker}}TU: {{c1::HF, HTN…
New Card 11/29/2024 Nursing considerations of alpha/beta blockers
New Card 11/29/2024 {{c2::Direct acting vasodilators:}} {{c1::hydralazine}}, {{c1::minoxidil}}MOA: {{c2::direct vasodilation of arterioles which lowers SVR}}TU: {{c1::HTN…
Published 12/02/2024 BBW of minoxidil
New Card 12/02/2024 accumulation of artherosclerotic plaque in the coronary arteries
New Card 12/02/2024 heart failure
New Card 12/02/2024 Left HF manifestations
New Card 12/02/2024 Right HF manifestations
New Card 12/02/2024 preload
New Card 12/02/2024 afterload
New Card 12/02/2024 stroke volume
New Card 12/02/2024 ejection fraction
New Card 12/02/2024 mean arterial pressure
New Card 12/02/2024 What is the stimulus for renin release?
New Card 12/02/2024 normal value of total cholesterol
New Card 12/02/2024 normal value of LDL
New Card 12/02/2024 What happens to natriuretic peptides in HF?
New Card 12/02/2024 TI of digoxin
New Card 12/02/2024 normal value of HDL
New Card 12/02/2024 normal triglyceride level
New Card 12/02/2024 What is the purpose of a chest x-ray for HF?
New Card 12/02/2024 hypertensive crisis
New Card 12/02/2024 {{c4::K+ sparing diuretic}}: {{c3::spironolactone}}MOA: {{c3::competes with aldosterone to increase NaCl and water excretion, conserves K+}}Admin: {{c…
New Card 12/02/2024 {{c3::Cardiac glycoside}}: {{c2::digoxin}}MOA: {{c3::increases contractility, supresses AV node conduction}}Admin: {{c2::PO/IV}}TU: {{c2::HF, antiarrh…
New Card 12/02/2024 {{c2::ARB/neprilysin inhibitor:}} {{c3::sacubitril & valsartan}}MOA: {{c3::inhibits neprilsyn for vasodilation and excretion of Na+ in urine, vals…
New Card 12/02/2024 Positive Ionotrope: {{c3::milrinone}}MOA: {{c3::increases force of contracion of ventricles and EF, decreases preload and afterload by systemic and pu…
New Card 12/02/2024 HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor: {{c1::statins}}MOA: {{c2::inhibit HMG-CoA reductase in liver to reduce cholesterol synthesis, increases LDL breakdown}}TU…
New Card 12/02/2024 Bile acid sequestrants: {{c2::cholestyramine, colesevelam}}MOA: {{c2::promotes secretion of bile acids which promotes increased hepatic synthesis of c…
New Card 12/02/2024 fibric acid derivatives: {{c1::fenofibrate, gemfibrozil}}MOA: {{c1::increases oxidation of fatty acids in liver and muscle tissues, increases VLDL bre…
New Card 12/02/2024 {{c2::Antilipemic}}: {{c1::ezetimibe}}MOA: {{c1::inhibits cholesterol absorption in SI, decreases cholesterol delivery to liver}}TU: {{c2::dyslipidemi…
New Card 12/02/2024 Omega-3-acid-eythl esters: {{c1::fish oil containing EPA and DHA}}MOA: {{c1::reduces hepatic production of VLDLs}}AE: {{c2::dyspepsia, fishy burping, …
New Card 12/04/2024 retinoidsMOA: {{c2::suppression of sebum production & inhibition of inflammation}}Admin: {{c2::PO}}TU: {{c2::acne vulgaris}}BBW: {{c1::category X …
New Card 12/04/2024 Nursing Considerations of statins
New Card 12/04/2024 S/Sx of digoxin toxicity
New Card 12/04/2024 Nursing considerations of loop diuretics
New Card 12/04/2024 Which diuretic is the most effective?
New Card 12/04/2024 What are the names of the retinoids?
New Card 12/04/2024 Ginkgo Biloba AE and nursing considerations
New Card 12/04/2024 nursing considerations of garlic
New Card 12/04/2024 What is the most important AE of garlic?
New Card 12/04/2024 Which supplement treats mild depression and has many interactions?
New Card 12/04/2024 Which supplement can result in hepatic injury?
New Card 12/04/2024 AE of Ma Huang
New Card 12/04/2024 {{c2::CoQ-10}}MOA: {{c1::antioxidant that helps produce ATP}}TU: {{c2::mitochondrial encephalomyopathies, CHF, myopathies d/t statins}}AE: {{c1::GI ef…
New Card 12/04/2024 Cranberry juiceMOA: {{c1::interferes with bacterial adhesion to urinary tract}}TU: {{c1::UTI prevention}}NC: daily intake helps prevent for teens and …
New Card 12/04/2024 MelatoninMOA: mimics melatoninTU: {{c1::insomnia, shift work disorder, winter depression, tardive dyskinesia}}AE: {{c2::HA, daytime drowsiness, dizzin…
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