Notes in Week 3

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Published 01/25/2025 The muscles of the anterior thigh: {{c1::Iliopsoas}}{{c1::Pectineus}} {{c1::Sartorius}} Quadriceps: {{c1::rectus femoris}}, {{c1::vastu…
Published 01/25/2025 Muscles of the plantar foot: {{c1::Abductor}}/{{c1::Adductor}} {{c1::Hallucis}}{{c1::Flexor digitorum brevis}}{{c1::Abductor digiti minimi}}&nbsp…
Published 01/26/2025 The anterior thigh is innervated by the {{c1::femoral}} nerve and receives blood supply from the {{c1::deep femoral}} artery 
Published 01/25/2025 The medial thigh is innervated by the {{c1::obturator}} nerve and receives blood supply from the {{c1::deep femoral}} and {{c1::obturator}} arteries&n…
Published 01/25/2025 The gluteal region is innervated by the {{c1::superior}}/{{c1::inferior}} {{c1::gluteal}} nerves and receives blood supply from the {{c1::superior}}/{…
Published 01/25/2025 The plantar foot is primarily innervated by the {{c1::lateral plantar}} nerve. The exceptions are abductor hallucis, flexor hallucis brevis, flexor di…
Published 01/30/2025 The muscles of the posterior leg control {{c1::inversion}} and {{c1::flexion}}/{{c1::plantarflexion}} of the knee, ankle, and toesInversion: {{c1::tib…
Published 01/26/2025 Coxa vera is a femoral neck angle less than {{c1::115o}}Coxa valga is a femoral neck angle greater than {{c1::140o}}
Published 01/25/2025 Trendelenburg sign is sagging of the {{c1::pelvis}} to the {{c1::contralateral}} side of a lesion,  this can be seen when the gluteus medius is w…
Published 01/25/2025 The ankle is weakest in the {{c1::plantarflexed}} position, and therefore most ankle sprains involve forcible {{c1::inversions}} when {{c1::plantarfle…
Published 01/25/2025 Forcible eversion of the foot typically results in an {{c1::avulsion fracture}} of the {{c1::medial malleolus}} 
Published 01/26/2025 Hallux {{c1::valgus}} is an increase in the angle of the 1st proximal phalanx, often caused by {{c1::bunion}} formation 
Published 01/30/2025 ACL tear diagnosis:+ {{c1::Lachman's}} testing—anterior {{c1::tibial}} translation when holding the distal femur stable at 30o
Published 01/27/2025 Most ankle sprains involve forcible {{c1::inversions}} of the foot when the ankle is {{c1::plantarflexed}}, damaging the {{c1::anterior talofibular}} …
Published 01/27/2025 Forcible eversion of the foot is likely to result in an {{c1::avulsion}} fracture of the {{c1::medial malleolus}} 
Published 01/27/2025 How to diagnose grade 2 MCL sprain:{{c1::medial}} joint line pain and + {{c1::valgus}} stress test
Published 01/27/2025 How to diagnose medial meniscus tear:{{c1::Medial}} joint line pain{{c1::McMurray’s}} twisting
Published 01/27/2025 What are the static stabilizers of the knee joint?{{c1::ACL}} - anterior translation of the tibia{{c1::MCL}} - valgus, plus secondary stabilizer of an…
Published 01/27/2025 What are the dynamic stabilizers of the knee joint{{c1::Hamstrings}} - anterior translation{{c1::Pes anserinus}} - valgus{{c1::IT band}} - varus
Published 01/27/2025 What are risks of tearing the ACL?{{c1::Female}} athleteSports that require {{c1::jumping}}, {{c1::stopping}}, and {{c1::cutting}}
Published 01/27/2025 What do ACL injury prevention programs emphasize?Strengthening of {{c1::hamstrings}} and {{c1::gluteals}}De-emphasizing use of {{c1::quads}}Better {{c…
Published 01/27/2025 What are symptoms of a labrum tear in the hip joint?{{c1::Locking}}/{{c1::clicking}}/{{c1::catching}} symptoms• Patients show the “{{c1::C}}” sign to …
Published 01/27/2025 What are common causes of femoral neck stress fracture (hip stress fracture)?Usually a {{c1::running}} or high {{c1::intensity}} exercise historyUsual…
Published 01/27/2025 Tendinitis of the {{c1::calcaneal}} tendon is common in runners
Published 01/27/2025 What ligaments get injured in a lateral ankle injury? {{c1::Anterior talofibular}} ligament is the most commonly injured w/ inversion{{c1::perone…
Published 01/27/2025 Gastrocnemius strain or {{c1::tennis leg}} is a partial tearing of the {{c1::medial}} head of the gastrocnemius near its insertion on the calcaneal te…
Published 01/27/2025 What ligament get injured in a medial ankle injury?{{c1::Deltoid}} ligament caused by {{c1::eversion}} → can lead to avulsion fracture of {{c1::medial…
Published 01/27/2025 What congenital malformation leaves the foot in a twisted position?{{c1::Clubfoot}}; depending on the type, the condition involves {{c1::shortening}} …
Published 01/27/2025 What tendons support the medial longitudinal arch of the foot?{{c1::Tibialis anterior}}{{c1::Tibialis posterior}}
Published 01/27/2025 What are the tendons medial to lateral of anterior ankle?{{c1::Tibialis anterior}}{{c1::Extensor hallucis longus}}{{c1::Extensor digitormum longus}}
Published 01/27/2025 If your suspicion is high for a big injury and if X-ray is negative, consider further imaging such as {{c1::MRI}}
Published 01/27/2025 Where does a Baker's cyst commonly occur? Why? Between the {{c1::semimembranosus}} and the {{c1::medial}} head of the gastrocnemius due to {{c1::…
Published 01/27/2025 {{c1::image-occlusion:rect:left=.6501:top=.1792:width=.1809:height=.0829:oi=1}}
Published 01/27/2025 {{c1::image-occlusion:rect:left=.0295:top=.0076:width=.3216:height=.0856:oi=1}}
Published 01/27/2025 {{c1::image-occlusion:rect:left=.0232:top=.0148:width=.2173:height=.0799:oi=1}}
Published 01/27/2025 Inflammation of the plantar aponeurosis is known as {{c1::plantar fasciitis}} Degredation of the plantar aponeurosis is known as {{c1::plant…
Published 01/27/2025 {{c1::image-occlusion:rect:left=.0497:top=.0265:width=.8821:height=.0684:oi=1}}
Published 01/27/2025 {{c1::image-occlusion:rect:left=.1363:top=.0311:width=.7588:height=.0789:oi=1}}
Published 01/27/2025 If the muscles and ligaments supporting the plantar surface of the foot are weakened {{c1::flat foot}} develops
Published 01/27/2025 In tarsal tunnel syndrome the {{c1::tibial}} nerve or its branches are compressed in the {{c1::tarsal}} tunnel, producing numbness/tingling to the cor…
Published 01/27/2025 The superficial fibular nerve extends inferiorly from the bifurcation of the common fibular to innervate the muscles of the {{c1::lateral}} leg. It co…
Published 01/27/2025 The deep fibular nerve continues {{c1::anteriorly}} to innervate the muscles of the {{c1::anterior}} leg
Published 01/27/2025 The {{c1::common}} fibular nerve wraps around the neck of the fibula and bifurcates into the {{c1::deep}} and {{c1::superficial}} fibular nerve
Published 01/30/2025 Meniscal tears typically occur when there is a sudden {{c1::extension}} or {{c1::rotation}} of then knee when the leg is fixed (weight-bearing)The {{c…
Published 01/30/2025 The unhappy triad is injury to which three structures? {{c1::MCL}}, {{c1::medial meniscus}}, {{c1::ACL}}
Published 01/30/2025 When the knee is hit from the lateral side while weight bearing what structure is likely to be damaged? {{c1::MCL}} resulting in excessive passiv…
Published 01/30/2025 Degeneration of the medial side of both knees produces a {{c1::genu varus}} deformity 
Published 01/30/2025 What disease common in puberty irritates the apophyseal plate of the tibial tuberosity causing knee pain? {{c1::Osgood-Schlatter disease}}
Published 01/30/2025 A {{c1::femoral hernia}} is a small portion of the GI tract that passes underneath the inguinal ligament through the femoral ring and enters the thigh…
Published 01/30/2025 Damage to the common fibular nerve as is passes over the neck of the fibula causes {{c1::foot drop}}, difficulty with {{c1::eversion}}, and loss of se…
Published 01/30/2025 “Ski boot compression syndrome” produces pain or paresthesia over the wedge between the {{c1::first}} and {{c1::second}} digits of the foot due to com…
Published 01/30/2025 Acute {{c1::anterior}} compartment syndrome presents as pain that worsens when the anterior leg muscles are {{c1::contracted}} (active {{c1::dorsiflex…
Published 01/31/2025 Gamekeeper's thumb or skier's thumb is an acute or chronic degeneration of the {{c1::ulnar collateral}} ligament of the 1st MCPAcute mechanism: forced…
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