Notes in 22 Anesthesia for Cardiovascular Surgery

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Published 12/13/2023 Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) diverts venous blood away from the heart usually via cannulas placed in the {{c1::right atrium}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 Initiation of cardiopulmonary bypass is associated with a variable increase in stress hormones leading to {{c1::systemic inflammation}}…
Published 12/13/2023 Cardiopulmonary bypass provides non-physiologic conditions because MAP is usually {{c1::de}}creased and the blood flow is {{c1::non-pul…
Published 12/13/2023 {{c1::Systemic hypothermia}} is used to reduce organ damage in CPB.
Published 12/13/2023 What component of the CPB machine regulates the patient's temperature?{{c1::Heat exchanger}}
Published 12/13/2023 Prior to use, a CPB circuit must be primed with fluid which is typically {{c1::1200}}-{{c1::1800}} mL for adults that is devoid of bubbles.
Published 12/13/2023 When using a crystalloid priming solution for cardiopulmonary bypass, the hematocrit will decrease due to {{c1::hemodilution}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 What type of CPB pumps carry a risk for air embolism?{{c1::Roller pumps}}
Published 12/13/2023 Some CPB machines use {{c1::roller}} pumps to produce flow by compressing large-bore tubing.
Published 12/13/2023 Some CPB machines use {{c1::centrifugal}} pumps that produce flow by a series of spinning cones.
Published 12/13/2023 What type of CPB pumps are sensitive to increased afterload?{{c1::Centrifugal}}
Published 12/13/2023 Pulsatile blood flow can only be achieved in CPB by using {{c1::roller}} pumps.
Published 12/13/2023 A {{c1::potassium}}-rich crystalloid is used as a cardioplegia solution to arrest the heart in {{c2::diastole}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 Cardiopulmonary bypass alters pharmacokinetics by {{c1::increasing}} the volume of distribution. 
Published 12/13/2023 The activated clotting time (ACT) is a measurement of {{c1::heparin anticoagulation}}.
Published 12/13/2023 The {{c2::short-axis}} view at the level of the {{c1::midpapillary}} muscle is the best TEE view for diagnosing myocardial ischemia.
Published 12/13/2023 On EEG, {{c1::hypo}}thermia is associated with slowing, burst suppression, and an isoelectric recording.
Published 12/13/2023 Whehn heparinizing a patient for cardiopulmonary bypass, the goal ACT is > {{c1::400}} seconds.
Published 12/13/2023 {{c1::Antithrombin III}} is a serine protease that irreversibly binds and inactivates thrombin.
Published 12/13/2023 What blood product can be used in the setting of suspected antithrombin III deficiency?{{c1::FFP}}
Published 12/13/2023 For cardiopulmonary bypass, patients with a history of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia can be anticoagulated with {{c1::bivalirudin}} or {{…
Published 12/13/2023 The primary risk associated with inflow cannula placement for CPB is {{c1::aortic dissection}}.
Published 12/13/2023 ABGs during hypothermic CPB can be temperature corrected (aka {{c1::pH stat}}) or uncorrected (aka {{c1::α-stat}}).
Published 12/13/2023 For ABGs during hypothermic CPB, {{c1::α-stat (temperature uncorrected)}} management is the preferred modality in adults.
Published 12/13/2023 The balloon pump (IABP) should {{c2::inflate}} during {{c1::diastole}} to increase {{c3::coronary perfusion}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 The balloon pump (IABP) should {{c2::deflate}} during {{c1::systole}} to decrease {{c3::afterload}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 Protamine is a highly {{c1::postively}} charged protein 
Published 12/13/2023 When reversing heparin, protamine is given in a dose of {{c1::1 mg}} per 100 U of heparin.
Published 12/13/2023 Protamine should be administered slowly to prevent {{c1::hypotension}} from {{c2::histamine}} release. 
Published 12/13/2023 Protamine overdose is characterized by a {{c1::prolonged ACT}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 Hypofibrinogenemia (< {{c2::100}} mg/dL) in the presence of microvascular bleeding should be treated with {{c1::cryoprecipitate}}.
Published 12/13/2023 What drugs is used to open the ductus arteriosus?{{c1::Prostaglandin E1 (PGE1)}}
Published 12/13/2023 How does hypoxia affect the pulmonary vascular resistance?{{c1::Increased}}
Published 12/13/2023 Patients with heart failure who do not qualify for transplantation are treated with {{c1::left-ventricular assist devices}} as destination therapy.&nb…
Published 12/13/2023 LVADs pump blood from the ventricles to the aorta via {{c1::nonpulsatile}} flow. 
Published 12/13/2023 LVADs are highly {{c1::volume}} dependent. 
Published 12/13/2023 {{c1::Cardiac tamponade}} occurs when increased {{c2::pericardial}} pressure impairs the {{c3::diastolic}} filling of the heart. 
Published 12/13/2023 Slow accumulation of pericardial fluid {{c1::does not::does/does not}} increase the pericardial pressure. 
Published 12/13/2023 The three cardinal signs of acute {{c2::cardiac tamponade}} are described in Beck's triad: 1. {{c3::hypotension / narrow pulse pressure…
Published 12/13/2023 Constrictive pericarditis impairs {{c1::diastolic filling}} of the heart, which can manifest as jugular venous distension, hepatomegaly, and ascites.&…
Published 12/13/2023 What valvular defects are associated with Ehler-Danlos syndrome and Marfan syndrome?{{c1::Chronic aortic regurgitation}}
Published 12/13/2023 What type of coarctation of the aorta is seen in adults?{{c1::Postductal coarctation}}
Published 12/13/2023 In surgeries of the descending thoracic aorta, {{c1::one-lung ventilation}} anesthesia techniques can facilitate surgical exposure. 
Published 12/13/2023 Release of the aortic cross-clamp can be followed by severe {{c1::hypotension}} due to {{c2::acidic}} metabolites.
Published 12/13/2023 Manipulation of the carotid baroreceptors during an endarterectomy can cause {{c1::severe bradycardia}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 Hypoventilation can cause {{c1::intracerebral steal}}, worsening ischemia in some parts of the brain. 
Published 12/13/2023 Surgical denervation of the carotid baroreceptor (e.g. carotid endarterectomy) most commonly causes postoperative {{c1::hypertension}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 Denervation of the carotid bodies (e.g. carotid endartectomy) blunts the ventilatory response to {{c1::hypoxemia}}.
Published 12/13/2023 The {{c2::carotid stump}} pressure monitors the {{c1::cerebral perfusion}} pressure on the operative side. 
Published 12/13/2023 Protamine can cause {{c1::pulmonary hypertension}} due to release of TxA2 and serotonin. 
Published 12/13/2023 Cardiopulmonary bypass alters pharmacokinetics by {{c1::decreasing}} protein binding.
Published 12/13/2023 {{c1::Increased}} CO2 will increase the pulmonary vascular resistance. 
Published 12/13/2023 What type of CPB pumps are NOT sensitive to increased afterload?{{c1::Roller}}
Published 12/13/2023 What component of the CPB machine allows for gas exchange?{{c1::Oxygenator}}
Published 12/13/2023 What strategy can be used to reduce the risk of aortic dissection from inflow cannula placement (for CPB)?{{c1::SBP 90-100 mmHg}}
Published 12/13/2023 Antegrade cardioplegia is achieved by infusing cardioplegic solution into the {{c1::coronary arteries}} via the aortic root. 
Published 12/13/2023 Antegrade cardioplegia is contraindicated in patients with {{c1::aortic regurgitation}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 Retrograde cardioplegia is administered by a cannula in the {{c1::coronary sinus}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 For ABGs during hypothermic CPB, {{c1::pH-stat (temperature corrected)}} management is the preferred modality in pediatrics.
Published 12/13/2023 α-stat management keeps an {{c1::intracellular electroneutrality}} across all temperatures. 
Published 12/13/2023 pH-stat management keeps a {{c1::constant pH}} across all temperatures. 
Published 12/13/2023 A carotid stump pressure < {{c1::50}} mmHg places a patient at risk for cerebral hypoperfusion.
Published 12/13/2023 If the carotid stump pressure is < 50 mmHg, a {{c1::shunt}} is placed to increase cerebral perfusion. 
Published 12/13/2023 Placement of a shunt in a carotid endarterectomy increases the risk for {{c1::embolic stroke}}. 
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