Notes in Cranial Cavity and Its Contents (Hough)

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Published 11/04/2024 {{c1::Epidural hematoma(EDH)::condition}} can arise between the {{c2::potential space between the dura and the skull::location}}. {{c3::Skull fracture…
Published 11/04/2024 In head {{c2::CT scan::Imaging}} of a patient with an epidural hematoma(EDH), a {{c1::lens-shaped or biconvex(lenticular) pattern::pattern}} would be …
Published 11/04/2024 The {{c1::cranial menginges::Brain structure}} are {{c2::connective tissue dura mater that folds upon itself::characteristic}} and {{c2::pro…
Published 11/04/2024 3be87cc87de6432b91a7239d8fdedab4-ao-1
Published 11/04/2024 3be87cc87de6432b91a7239d8fdedab4-ao-2
Published 11/04/2024 3be87cc87de6432b91a7239d8fdedab4-ao-3
Published 11/04/2024 3be87cc87de6432b91a7239d8fdedab4-ao-4
Published 11/04/2024 The {{c2::cranial menginges::structure}} are innervated by {{c1::branches of the trigeminal nerve(V1, V2, V3)}} which provide {{c2::general sensation(…
Published 11/04/2024 247f465e77ee417f8b8d8529efd2e52d-ao-1
Published 11/04/2024 247f465e77ee417f8b8d8529efd2e52d-ao-2
Published 11/04/2024 0e9f748d6d1c48fc844f66b7c3f2ab55-ao-1
Published 11/04/2024 The {{c1::dural venous sinuses::structure}} {{c2::recieve blood from large veins::function}} on the brain and drains them into the {{c2::internal jugu…
Published 11/04/2024 The {{c1::superior sagittal sinus::sinus}} recieves {{c2::archanoid granulations::structure}} and {{c2::circulates old CSF::function}}.
Published 11/04/2024 4e4f25b3ebb6467ba6ddddb299f54fa5-ao-1
Published 11/04/2024 4e4f25b3ebb6467ba6ddddb299f54fa5-ao-2
Published 11/04/2024 4e4f25b3ebb6467ba6ddddb299f54fa5-ao-3
Published 11/04/2024 4e4f25b3ebb6467ba6ddddb299f54fa5-ao-4
Published 11/04/2024 4e4f25b3ebb6467ba6ddddb299f54fa5-ao-5
Published 11/04/2024 5efda1fa182646908480b56cc7bcb7dd-ao-1
Published 11/04/2024 5efda1fa182646908480b56cc7bcb7dd-ao-2
Published 11/04/2024 5efda1fa182646908480b56cc7bcb7dd-ao-3
Published 11/04/2024 5efda1fa182646908480b56cc7bcb7dd-ao-4
Published 11/04/2024 5efda1fa182646908480b56cc7bcb7dd-ao-5
Published 11/04/2024 The {{c1::dural venous sinuses::sinus}} of the {{c1::superior sagittal sinus::sinus}} are the {{c2::emissary veins, bridging veins, and arachnoid gran…
Published 11/04/2024 The {{c1::cavernous sinus::sinus}} receives venous blood from {{c2::cerebral veins::vein}} and {{c2::opthalamic veins/pterygoid plexus::vein}}. This s…
Published 11/04/2024 {{c1::Cavernous sinus thrombosis::condition}} can occur through {{c3::infection or trauma near triangle of face::situation}}. Symptoms include {{c2::p…
Published 11/04/2024 {{c1::Subdural hematomas::Condition}} occur due to {{c2::tearing of bridging veins found in the potential space::structure}} between the {{c2::dura::c…
Published 11/04/2024 In the CT head scan with a patient with {{c2::subdural hematoma(SDH)::condition}}, a {{c1::crescent shaped::shape}} hemorrhage would be found.
Published 11/04/2024 {{c1::Epidural::Type}} hematomas are under {{c2::arterial::arterial/venous}} pressure and are {{c2::convexed shaped::shape}}.
Published 11/04/2024 {{c1::Subdural::Type}} hematomas are under {{c2::venous::arterial/venous}} pressure and {{c2::crescent moon shaped::shape}}.
Published 11/04/2024 The {{c1::subarachnoid space::structure}} is an actual space that contains {{c2::CSF::structures}}, {{c2::trabeculae::structure}}, and {{c2::cerebral …
Published 11/04/2024 {{c1::Subarachnoid hemorrhage::condition}} occurs in the space between {{c2::arachnoid mater::structure}} and {{c2::pia mater::structure}}. Occurs due…
Published 11/04/2024 In a CT head scan of someone with a {{c1::subarachnoid hemorrhage::Condition}}, {{c2::acute blood is hyperdense(bright)::characteristic}} and {{c2::se…
Published 11/04/2024 What is this an image of? {{c1::Subarachnoid hemorrhage}}
Published 11/04/2024 What is this an image of? {{c1::Epidural hematoma}}
Published 11/04/2024 What is this an image of? {{c1::Subdural hematoma}}
Published 11/04/2024 Cerebral spinal fluid(CSF) is found in the {{c1::subarachnoid space::location}} and is involved in {{c2::nutrient supply, waste management, shock abso…
Published 11/04/2024 Cerebral spinal fluid(CSF) is produced in the {{c1::choroid plexus::structure}} found in {{c1::ventricles::structure}} at a rate of {{c2::500 ml a day…
Published 11/04/2024 {{c1::Cerebral aqueduct::Structure}} connects the {{c2::3rd ventricles::ventricle}} and the {{c2::4th ventricles::ventricle}}.
Published 11/04/2024 {{c1::Inter-ventricular foramen::Structure}} connects the {{c2::lateral ventricles::ventricle}} and the {{c2::3rd ventricles::ventricle}}.
Published 11/04/2024 The {{c1::4th ventricle::ventricle}} drains into the {{c2::subarachnoid space::location}} through the {{c2::median aperture::structure}}.
Published 11/04/2024 Order of CSF circulation:1. {{c1::Lateral ventricles}}2. {{c1::Inter-ventricular foramen}}3. {{c1::3rd Ventricle}}4. {{c1::Cerebral aqueduct}}5. {{c1:…
Published 11/04/2024 {{c1::Hydrocephalous::Condition}} is caused by {{c2::obstruction of CSF flow::sitution}}. The two types are {{c2::communicating::type}} and {{c2::nonc…
Published 11/04/2024 In {{c1::communicating::communicating/noncommunicating}} hydrocephalous, there is {{c2::impaired CSF absorption::characteristic}}.
Published 11/04/2024 In {{c1::noncommunicating::communicating/noncommunicating}} hydrocephalous, there is {{c2::obstruction of CSF flow::characteristic}} usually asso…
Published 11/04/2024 A {{c1::ventriculoperitoneal(VP) shunt::treatment}} can be used to relieve pressure in patients with {{c2::hydrocephalous::conditions}}.
Published 11/04/2024 {{c1::CSF leaks::Condition}} can occur due to {{c2::craniofacial trauma::situation}} causing {{c2::leakage of CSF into nose or ear(clear rhinorrhea or…
Published 11/04/2024 The {{c1::frontal lobe::brain lobe}} contains the {{c2::motor cortex::structure}} and is involved in {{c2::personality, complex thoughts, and decision…
Published 11/04/2024 The {{c1::parietal lobe::brain lobe}} contains the {{c2::somatosensory cortex::structure}} and is involved in {{c2::sensory processing::function}}.
Published 11/04/2024 The {{c1::occipital lobe::brain lobe}} contains the {{c2::primary visual cortex::structure}} and is involved in {{c2::vision processing::function}}.
Published 11/04/2024 The {{c1::temporal lobe::brain lobe}} contains the {{c2::primary auditory cortex::structure}} and is involved in {{c2::auditory processing::function}}…
Published 11/04/2024 A {{c1::broca's aphasia::Type of aphasia}} leads to {{c2::broken(motor) speaking but can understand languages::symptoms}}.
Published 11/04/2024 A {{c1::wernicke's aphasia::Type of aphasia}} leads to {{c2::defective sensory function leading to poor understanding and word salad::symptoms}}.
Published 11/04/2024 A {{c1::global aphasia::type of aphasia}} leads to {{c2::difficulty understanding AND speaking::symptoms}}.
Published 11/04/2024 The {{c1::diencephalon::brain group}} contains the {{c2::thalamus::structure}} and {{c2::hypothalamus::structure}}.
Published 11/04/2024 The {{c1::thalamus::brain structure}} is an {{c2::important relay structure::function}} for the brain.
Published 11/04/2024 The {{c1::hypothalamus::brain structure}} is an {{c2::important homeostasis and endocrine center::function}} for the brain.
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