Notes in L12 Notable Poisonings

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Published 06/22/2023 What is Saxotoxin? A {{c1::sodium channel}} blocker that may cause tingling, ascending weakness of extremities and decreased vital capacity
Published 06/22/2023 What toxin was associated with this case?{{c1::Saxotoxin}}
Published 06/22/2023 WHat is saxitoxin produced by and how did this get into the Pufferfish?Saxitoxin is produced by {{c1::dinoflagellates}} so the pufferfish were eating …
Published 06/22/2023 WHat was the SIndoor contaminated with in the case with South Asian family of three? It was {{c1::lead}} and the mother was accidentally cooking with …
Published 06/22/2023 What was the treatment for the child that had Sindoor toxicology? They {{c1::chelated the child with succimer}} an oral chelator 
Published 06/22/2023 What is Botulinum Syndrome? What occurred in the case in which the wife is poisoned with Botox? Wife was {{c1::paralyzed and poisined with botox}} (At…
Published 06/22/2023  What happened to the boy who was poisoned by lead at the gun range? Fan for Lead dust was falling on floor and blowing towards shooter. The boy …
Published 06/22/2023  Who was Charles Cullen? Man who was killing patients by overdosing them with {{c1::digoxin}}
Published 06/22/2023  Mother foraged mushrooms and was cooking with them. What is associated with this case? What mushroom causes liver toxicity? {{c1::Amanita bispor…
Published 06/22/2023 What is Amanita Bisporigera? A mushroom that causes {{c1::liver toxicity}} and other symptoms such as severe nausea, vomiting and diarhea
Published 06/22/2023  What poisoning is associated with the 19 year old smoking the hookah pipe? {{c2::Carbon Monoxide}} WHat was his Carboxy HgB? {{c1::~25%}}
Published 06/22/2023 What toxic effects were seen which the 39 year old male abusing loperamide (imodium)? What is its structure? It has an {{c1::opioid like structure}}. …
Published 06/22/2023 What caused seizure in the 21yo that was brought into the ED in the AM due to lethargy/CNS depression? {{c1::Overdose of bruproprion}} (Wellbutrin XL)
Published 06/22/2023 In the case with the girl who was experiencing seizures from overdosing on bup, what could have been done to save her?- Gastric {{c1::Lavage }}- …
Published 06/22/2023 16. In the antiques case there was a mention of Carbon tetrachloride, what is Carbon Tetrachloride and what is this associated with?Carbon Tetrachlori…
Published 06/22/2023 Carbon tetrachloride reacts with cellular molecules causing {{c1::oxidative stress, cell damage/death}}
Published 06/22/2023 Carbon Tetrachloride is a {{c2::Trichloromethyl metabolite}} and can cause {{c1::hepatotoxicity}} in patients
Published 06/22/2023 The husband who came to the hospital violently ill and experiencing seizures was poisined with what?{{c1::thalium}}
Published 06/22/2023  What is K2? A {{c1::synthetic cannabinoid}} that causes agitation, hallucinations and bleeding
Published 06/22/2023 What was occurring in the case with the Unexplained bleeding in which the 24 yo who was abusing K2 was presented to the ED with bleeding and bruising?…
Published 06/22/2023 How do we treat individuals who have marijuana/cannabinoid overdose?We treat them with {{c1::Capsaicin}}
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