Notes in Cognitive

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Published 04/01/2024 {{c1::Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy}} is a cerebrovascular pathology that occurs due to Aβ amyloid accumulation in the tunica media of small v…
Published 04/01/2024 {{c1::Donepezil}}, {{c1::Rivastigmine}} and {{c1::Galantamine}} are 3 cholinesterase inhibitors that are used to treat Alzheimer Disease.
Published 04/01/2024 {{c1::Modafinil}} is a drug used to treat Narcolepsy through inhibition of DA reuptake, GABA antagonism and Glutamate activation.
Published 04/01/2024 Comparison of Frontotemporal Dementia & Alzheimer Disease CriteriaFrontotemporal Dementia (Pick's Disease)Alzheimer Disease Macroscopic Exami…
Published 04/01/2024 Adults spend bw {{c1::20-25}}% of their sleep in REM.
Published 04/01/2024 Which antipsychotic medication is the most effective in dementia patients? {{c1::Aripiprazole (abilify)}}
Published 04/01/2024 HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder:Clinical features: {{c1::Impaired memory, executive dysfnc, motor symptoms (ataxia, bradykinesia)}}Spectrum of …
Published 04/01/2024 What is prosopagnosia? {{c1::The inability to recognize faces -- people fail to recognize close friends, relatives and even famous people. Associ…
Published 04/01/2024 What is apraxia? {{c2::Apraxia refers to disorder of learned movements that can't be explained by weakness, sensory loss or attention}}What are 2 prin…
Published 04/01/2024 How do you test for design fluency? {{c1::Person is asked to draw as many unique figures as possible}}
Published 04/01/2024 What drug can be used for treatment of dementia assoc w/ PD? {{c1::Rivastigmine - AChEI }}
Published 04/01/2024 What drugs are contraindicated in Lewy Body Dementia patients? {{c1::Antipsychotics/Neuroleptic drugs -- can cause NMS}}
Published 04/01/2024 Male presents. choreiform movement disorder (dyskinesia, fidgetiness), dementia, behavioral changes (moodiness, antisocial behavior). His father demon…
Published 04/01/2024 Lesions in the anterior portion of left (dominant) temporal lobe would cause what type of aphasia? {{c1::Semantic aphasia}}
Published 04/01/2024 What is the most specific in-vivo reflection of amyloid beta protein load? {{c1::PET using Pittsburgh Compound B}}
Published 04/01/2024 What are the treatments for Alzhiemer's disease? {{c1::Rivastigmine (for mild-moderate AD)}}What is their MOA?  {{c2::Blocks both acetylcholinest…
Published 04/01/2024 What histologic pattern do you seen in CJD tissue? {{c1::Spongiform change, intense gliosis, neuronal loss unassociated w/ monouclear cell inflammatio…
Published 04/01/2024 What gene is associated with FTD? {{c1::17q21-22 [MAPT and GRN]}}
Published 04/01/2024 65 yo male presents with parkinsonism, hand apraxia and cortical sensory loss. Does not respond to Sinamet after initial trial.  MRI demonstrates…
Published 04/01/2024 This mutation is known to cause migraine w/ aura, strokes w/ a prediliction for the anterior temporal lobes and subacute dementia in persons aged 35 t…
Published 04/01/2024 Wernicke's Syndrome is charachterized by:{{c2::confusionopthalmoplegiaataxia}}Korsakoff's is charachterized by (3 symptoms)?{{c1::ConfabulationAnterog…
Published 04/01/2024 Location of lesion in Balint's Syndrome? {{c1::Bi-parietal}}
Published 04/01/2024 {{c1::Kluver Bucy Syndrome::condition}}: Hyperorality, hypersexuality, and placidity are some common manifestations of this syndrome, seen following l…
Published 04/01/2024 These 2 gyri are associated w/ Gerstamnn's Syndrome: {{c1::The (dominant) angular and supramarginal gyri w/n the inferior parietal…
Published 04/01/2024 Tonsillar biopsy had been the gold standard for this eponymical and rapidly progressive dementing disease? {{c1::Variant Creutzfeldt Jakob Diseas…
Published 04/01/2024 RBD is a feature of the 3 following neurodegenerative disease, all sharing the same rudimentary proteinopathy:{{c1::The alpha synculeinopathies: …
Published 04/01/2024 MAPT mutations result in what condition? {{c1::Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration }}
Published 04/01/2024 While 50% of FTLD is associated w/ abnormal tau aggregates, tau-negative FTLD is most often associated w/ this protein: {{c1::TDP 43::protien name}}
Published 04/01/2024 Lopopenic variant PPA is most commonly associated w/ this underlying neurodegenerative disease: {{c1::Alzheimer's disease}}
Published 04/01/2024 Normal aging is associated w/ a mild elevation of CSF total tau. These CSF changes are associated with alzheimer's disease?{{c1::Decreased CSF beta am…
Published 04/01/2024 60 yo W with progressive dystonia, dyskinesia, and executive dysfunction? {{c1::Neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation (NBIA)}}
Published 04/01/2024 What is this condition? {{c1::Cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA)}}
Published 04/01/2024 What do these images show? {{c1::Subacute combined degeneration (B12 deficiency)}}
Published 04/01/2024 What condition are these imaging findings circled consistent with? {{c1::Wernicke's korsakoffs syndorme}}
Published 04/01/2024 Amnestic but not executive MCI is associated w/ this annual rate of progression to dementia? {{c1::10-15%}}
Published 04/01/2024 While ALL antipsychotics have been increase mortality in those w/ dementia...these 2 are the safest w/ DLB?{{c1::Quetiapine (sereoquel)Clozapine (Cloz…
Published 04/01/2024 {{c1::Alexia}} = inability to understand what is read
Published 04/01/2024 60 y/o man w/ lipodystrophy presenting for gradual decline and psychomotor retardation? {{c1::HIV associated dementia (HAD)}}
Published 04/01/2024 What is the most common presenting Sx of posterior cortical atrophy? {{c1::spatial disorientation }}
Published 04/01/2024 Where does copper accumulate in Wilson's disease?{{c1::LiverBasal gangliaCornea::3 sites}}
Published 04/01/2024 geriatric delirium can last how long? {{c1::6 months}}
Published 04/01/2024 domains of cognition (6):{{c1::**E** Executive Function**M** Memory**B** Behavior + Social**L** Language**E** (Visual-)spatial**M** Memory (Complex At…
Published 04/01/2024 To whom should you ask this question: "if you went away for a week, could they take care of themselves?" {{c1::good question to elicit dementia sympto…
Published 04/01/2024 Balint's syndrome:Symptoms/findings: {{c1::ocular apraxia / ataxia / simultagnosia::3 findings}}Imaging findings: {{c2::posterior cortical atrophy}}As…
Published 04/01/2024 standing on porch naked / taken by scammers think what condition? {{c1::FTD}}
Published 04/01/2024 conduction aphasia:inability to {{c1::repeat words}}intact {{c1::spontaneous speech production and comprehension}}due to injury to {{c1::arcuate fasci…
Published 04/01/2024 TBI where causes disinhibition, poor executive function? {{c1::orbitofrontal cortex}}
Published 04/01/2024 pain in posterior tongue and pharynx = {{c1::glossopharyngeal neuralgia::Dx}}
Published 04/01/2024 Describe AIDS-dementia complex or HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder (HAND):subacute inflammation from direct spread of HIV to the CNScognitive im…
Published 04/01/2024 FTD:presents with changes in behavior or language function{{c1::tauopathy::tauopathy or a-synucleinopathy}}age of onset 40-60lack of {{c3::inhibition}…
Published 04/01/2024 Alzheimer's genes:Presinilin 1 {{c3::chromosome 14}}Presinilin 2 {{c3::chromosome 1}}Both encode {{c1::gamma secretase}}{{c3::Amyloid precursor protei…
Published 04/01/2024 What chromosome is associated with FTD? {{c1::17, produces tau}}
Published 04/01/2024 Prosopagnosia:inability to {{c2::recognize faces}}localized to {{c1::fusiform}} gyrus, connects temporal to occipital lobesoccurs with bilateral occip…
Published 04/01/2024 Most common psych condition associated with catatonia? {{c1::bipolar}}
Published 04/01/2024 rate of MCI to Alzheimer's per year: {{c1::16%::%}}
Published 04/01/2024 what CSF markers correlate with severity of HIV dementia? {{c1::p24, beta2-microglobulin, TNF-alpha, anti-myelin basic protein::4 things}}
Published 04/01/2024 Clinical features of progressive supranuclear palsy (4)? {{c1::"SAD Ax":Supranuclear palsyAtaxiaDementiaAxial/postural instability}}
Published 04/01/2024 Vascular Dementia Diagnosis and Management Summary Presentation: • Abrupt focal sx, {{c3::stepwise}} progression • Depression common • Hx: CVA, HT…
Published 04/01/2024 Patient presents with hypersexuality, hyperphagia and hyperorality and does not have fear. What is the most likely diagnosis? {{c1::Kluver-Bucy S…
Published 04/01/2024 What stage of sleep is this showing?{{c1:: Stage 3 sleep, delta predominance}}
Published 04/01/2024 What stage of sleep is this showing? {{c1::Stage 1 sleep with central vertex wave, suppressed background. }}
Published 04/01/2024 Q: An 8-month-old male patient presents with hypotonia, growth retardation, and delayed psychomotor development. His history includes episodes of inco…
Published 04/01/2024 {{c2::mild neuro-cognitive disorder::new name for MCI}}symptomatic pre-dementia stage (within 1-2 standard deviations from normal) 1) subjective …
Published 04/01/2024 Tools for dementia diagnosis {{c1::$ MMSE$$ MOCAFree - SLUMS PSQ9 - geriatric depression score::4 items}}
Published 04/01/2024 What to do after diagnosis of MCI? (Mild neuro-cog disorder){{c5::Life style}} counseling{{c1::MIND diet::diet}}Screen for {{c2::psychiatric illnesses…
Published 04/01/2024 Tauopathies{{c1::Mnemonic: "A Proper Penguin Casually Chats Away"}}{{c2::A - Alzheimer's DiseaseP - Pick's Disease (Frontotemporal Dementia)…
Published 04/01/2024 Three most common monogenic causes of EARLY-onset Alzheimer's Disease?'{{c1::Presenilin 1 (PS1)Presenilin 2 (PS2)Amyloid Precursor Protein::3 things}}
Published 04/01/2024 Diagnostic approaches for all CJD now include:{{c1::RT quIC (prion specific)::prion specific}}{{c2::Tonsillar Bx (both sensitive and specific)::both s…
Published 04/01/2024 Domains of Cognition: "EMBLEM"{{c1::E Executive FunctionM MemoryB Behavior + Social::3 things}}{{c2::L LanguageE (Visual-)spatialM Memory (Complex Att…
Published 04/01/2024 {{c1::Naming}} is impaired in nearly all types of aphasia.
Published 04/01/2024 Global aphasias are typically due to {{c1::large perisylvian lesions.}}
Published 04/01/2024 Bipolar Referential Montage:In a bipolar referential montage, the EEG activity from one electrode (the active electrode) is compared to {{c1::the EEG …
Published 04/01/2024 Referential montages are only as good as their {{c1::reference}} electrode.
Published 04/01/2024 6ba19a5e51724f1eaa47904ce32a6069-oa-1
Published 04/01/2024 6ba19a5e51724f1eaa47904ce32a6069-oa-2
Published 04/01/2024 6ba19a5e51724f1eaa47904ce32a6069-oa-3
Published 04/01/2024 The {{c1::basal nucleus of Meynert}} is the source of most cortical cholinergic projections. Patients with Alzheimer disease have loss of neurons i…
Published 04/01/2024 Conversion of {{c1::tyrosine to l-dopa::___ to ___}} by tyrosine hydroxylase is the rate-limiting step in synthesis of dopamine. l-Dopa is then con…
Published 04/01/2024 Mutations in the nicotinic receptor have been found in patients with {{c1::autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy (ADNFLE)::condition}}…
Published 04/01/2024 An 82-year-old male who was recently diagnosed with Alzheimer disease is brought for re-evaluation by his family because of a change in his behavior. …
Published 04/01/2024 A 72-year-old female is brought in by her husband with increasing forgetfulness, decreased activity, and decreased appetite for 2 months. She has a hi…
Published 04/01/2024 Utilization and imitation behavior are neurobehavioral syndromes that can occur with {{c1::unilateral prefrontal}} infarcts. With utilization beha…
Published 04/01/2024 Lesions of the {{c1::orbitofrontal and medial prefrontal::2 sites}} cortices impair decision making and produce socially inappropriate behavior.&n…
Published 04/01/2024 Lesions of the {{c1::lateral prefrontal}} cortex impair attention and the planning, initiation, maintenance, monitoring, completion, and context-d…
Published 04/01/2024 Apraxia of speech is a {{c1::motor programming}} disorder that may occur in isolation or in combination with nonfluent forms of aphasia. 
Published 04/01/2024 Primary progressive aphasias are neurodegenerative disorders that manifest with predominant language impairment they include agrammatic (impaired …
Published 04/01/2024 Lesions of the {{c1::arcuate fasciculus}} that interrupt connections between the Wernicke and Broca areas selectively impair word repetition (cond…
Published 04/01/2024 {{c1::Agnosia}} is the specific inability to recognize (and therefore to name) an object by using somatosensory, visual, or auditory cues
Published 04/01/2024 Patients with agnosia for 1 sensory modality can often recognize (and thus name) the object by {{c1::using another sensory modality }}
Published 04/01/2024 {{c1::Prosopagnosia}} is the inability to recognize individual faces and is the result of lesions affecting the {{c1::fusiform}} gyrus. 
Published 04/01/2024 The left lateral temporal lobe, particularly the middle temporal gyrus and temporal pole, is critical for {{c1::semantic knowledge}} (multimodal i…
Published 04/01/2024 Limb apraxia is the inability to {{c1::perform learned skilled movements}}
Published 04/01/2024 Limb apraxia commonly results from lesions in the {{c1::posterior parietal or prefrontal cortex::2 sites}} in the dominant (usually left) hemisphe…
Published 04/01/2024 The {{c1::supplementary motor area}} is involved in motor learning, selection and preparation of movement, generation of motor sequences, bimanual…
Published 04/01/2024 Lesions of the {{c1::lateral temporal lobe}} interfere with the ability to recall remote events or previously learned facts. 
Published 04/01/2024 Bilateral damage to the {{c1::medial temporal cortex}}, including the hippocampus and parahippocampal cortex, or the diencephalic areas connected …
Published 04/01/2024 The {{c2::entorhinal cortex}} is the gateway for neocortical inputs to the {{c1::hippocampal}} formation. 
Published 04/01/2024 The {{c1::amygdala}} is a hub structure for processing of emotion and social recognition. 
Published 04/01/2024 The {{c1::amygdala}} is involved in acquisition and consolidation of conditioned fear responses, providing a motivational valence to environmental…
Published 04/01/2024 Lesions of the {{c1::amygdala}} result in the inability to recognize emotional facial expressions. 
Published 04/01/2024 Cortical sensory processing occurs through the {{c1::dorsal}} visual stream (“where”) and the {{c1::ventral}} visual stream (“what”).
Published 04/01/2024 The {{c1::dorsal visual stream}} includes areas of the posterior parietal cortex that encode location and movement of objects and, through their c…
Published 04/01/2024 The {{c1::ventral visual stream}} includes unimodal association areas of the insula (somatosensory), superior temporal cortex (auditory), and infe…
Published 04/01/2024 {{c1::Columns}} are the functional units of the cerebral cortex
Published 04/01/2024 {{c1::Lateral inhibitory}} interactions are critical for sensory discrimination and fine motor control. 
Published 04/01/2024 The {{c1::amygdala and hippocampus::2 structures}} constitute the limbic cortex. 
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