Notes in E)Cell Signaling Basics

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Published 08/12/2024 Autocrine: receptors and signaling on same cell (self), e.g. cytokines by TH cells → TH cell upregulation 
Published 08/12/2024 Juxtacrine
Published 08/12/2024 {{c1::Juxtacrine}}: ligand (signaling cell) -receptor (target cell) direct binding, e.g. T cell binding antigen presenting cells 
Published 08/12/2024 {{c1::Paracrine}}: adjacent cells, distant effects, e.g. cytokines by TH cells → upregulation of other immune cells 
Published 08/12/2024 {{c1::Endocrine}}: distant cells using endocrine system, e.g. hormone secretion into blood like cortisol → inhibition of T cells in thymus → immuno…
Published 08/12/2024 {{c1::Ligand-gated ion channels}}: transmembrane ligand binding changes conformation of channel in membrane to open and allow ions to enter/leave …
Published 08/12/2024 {{c1::G-protein coupled receptors}}: transmembrane inactive G proteins activated by ligand binding → dissociated G protein activates effector e…
Published 08/12/2024 {{c1::Kinase-linked receptors}}: ligand binding causes transmembrane receptor proteins phosphorylated by cytoplasmic kinase → kinase phosphory…
Published 08/12/2024 {{c1::Intracellular receptors}}: lipid-soluble (lipophilic) signaling molecules across membrane into cell bind cytoplasmic or nuclear receptor…
Published 08/12/2024 Define the following terms in the context of cell signaling, and diagram their interrelationships: ligand, receptor, kinase, phosphatase, amplif…
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