Notes in L05 The Periodic Table of Poisons: Metals, Metalloids and Non-Metals

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Published 06/22/2023 Terms that are important: {{c1::Elemental Metal}}: HG0 (mercury){{c1::Metal Salt}}: HGCL2  (mercury (II) chloride){{c1::Organometal}}: CH3HG…
Published 06/22/2023 When we refer to Acute poisining we are referring to Multisystem toxins that variably effect: {{c1::CNS, PNS and ANS}}{{c1::Skin, hair and nails&…
Published 06/22/2023 When we refer to Chronic poisining we are referring to Indolent toxins that variably effect: {{c1::CNS, PNS and ANS}}{{c1::Skin, hair and nails&n…
Published 06/22/2023 What are the sources of Arsenic? Sources: {{c1::elemental}} (insoluble in water/bodily fluids, nonpoisonous){{c1::inorganic}} (trivalent, pentavale…
Published 06/22/2023 What is the decreasing order of toxicity for arsenic?arsine, inorganic trivalent, organic trivalent, inorganic pentavalent, organic pentavalent, elem…
Published 06/22/2023 What is the mechanism of action for Arsenic and the net result of it?Mechanism of Action:Binds {{c1::Thiol}} groupsInhibits {{c1::Krebs Cycle}} Enzyme…
Published 06/22/2023 ACUTE Arsenic Poisining signs:{{c1::GI}}: Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea {{c1::CV}}: Shock, Pulmonary Edema, Dysrhythmias{{c1::Renal}}: Hematuria, pr…
Published 06/22/2023 ACUTE Chronic Poisining Signs: {{c1::Skin}}: Dermatitis and Carcinoma {{c1::Nervous}} System: Peripheral Neuropathy {{c1::Liver}}: Hepa…
Published 06/22/2023 How do we evaluate Arsenic Poisining?Evaluation:Abdominal {{c1::Radiography }}{{c1::Electrocardiogram}}{{c1::Standard}} Blood work 24 hour u…
Published 06/22/2023 Arsenic Poisining Treatment:{{c1::GI Decontamination}} which includes WBI and AC Volume {{c1::Resuscitation }}Fluid and electrolyte {{c1::re…
Published 06/22/2023 What are Arsenic Chelators?{{c1::BAL - British Anti-Lewisite}} : Dose: 3-5 MG/KGComplications: Hypertension, Headache, Pain, Allergy, Hemolysis {…
Published 06/22/2023 What are these examples of?Positive examples of utilizing {{c1::arsenic }}
Published 06/22/2023 What are sources of Mercury? Sources: {{c1::elemental}} (thermometers, dental amalgam),{{c1::inorganic}} (industrial, skin whitening cream…
Published 06/22/2023 What is the route of exposure for mercury (Hg) ? Toxic by {{c1::inhalation, Aspiration, and injection }}Ingestion is usually Nontoxic
Published 06/22/2023 What is this an example of ? Patient who put {{c1::mercury}} from blood pressure measurer into his IV and it spread through his lungs 
Published 06/22/2023 What were these Minors in Indonesia poisined by? {{c1::Mercury}}
Published 06/22/2023 What is Elemental Mercury's Mechanism of Action?Direct {{c1::Pulmonary Toxicity}} when inhaled Highly lipid {{c1::soluble }}Once absorbed, H…
Published 06/22/2023 What are signs and symptoms of Elemental mercury Poisining?{{c1::MAD HATTERs}} SyNDROMEIntention TremorNystagmus Gingivitis, StomatitisNephrotic …
Published 06/22/2023 What is this image of? A suicide attempt in which a 16 year old male ingested a bottle of {{c1::mercuric oxide (HGO)}} that he obtained from his high …
Published 06/22/2023 What is the mechanism of action for Inorganic Mercury?Less {{c1::Lipid Soluble}} than elemental mercury Binds to {{c1::Sulfhydryl containing}} en…
Published 06/22/2023 What are signs and symptoms of Inorganic Mercury Poisining?{{c1::ACUTE}}:Nausea, Vomiting and Diarrhea Often bloody with ulcerations, perforation…
Published 06/22/2023 It was due to {{c1::Inorganic Mercury Poisining}}
Published 06/22/2023 What is this image referencing? An explosion of {{c1::Mercury}} in water in Minamata, Japan
Published 06/22/2023 What is the mechanism of Action for Organic Mercury?Mechanism of action:Binds to {{c1::Sulfhydryl}} enzyme systems Effects Vary by {{c1::chemical…
Published 06/22/2023 The Story of Desiree jennins is associated with:{{c1::Organic Mercury }}
Published 06/22/2023 How do we treat Mercury Poisining?Inorganic{{c1::Chelation}} (BAL, DMSA, D-PENICILLAMINE)Organic {{c1::Chelation}} (DMSA, DMPS) Elemental{{c…
Published 06/22/2023 What was the toxin in this case?{{c1::Thallium}}
Published 06/22/2023 What are the sources of Thallium and their Route of Exposure?Sources:{{c1::Pesticides}} and InsecticidesChemical {{c1::Reagents}}{{c1::Semiconductor}}…
Published 06/22/2023 What is the mechanism of Action for THallium?Enters cell through {{c1::potassium}} channels {{c1::Binds}} to Sulfhydryl groups {{c1::Inhibit…
Published 06/22/2023 What are the signs and symptoms of Thallium Poisining?Signs and Symptoms:Immediate (3-4 hours) {{c1::Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea, Constipation&nbs…
Published 06/22/2023 What are other signs of Thallium Poisining?Signs and Symptoms:Late (1-4 weeks) {{c1::AlopeciaMees LinesSkin Changes }}Residual (Weeks - mont…
Published 06/22/2023 What is this used for?{{c1::Thallium}} poisining
Published 06/22/2023 What are sources of Lead? Lead-based {{c1::paints}} were banned from residential use in 1978 but paint dust from older homes is still common so…
Published 06/22/2023 What does LEad do?It Inhibits {{c1::multiple enzymes}} involved in metabolism, especially affecting hematologic and neurologic systems 
Published 06/22/2023 There is no level of exposure to lead that is known to be without {{c1::harmful effects. }}
Published 06/22/2023 {{c1::Hypertension}}: Sensitive marker of lead toxicity 
Published 06/22/2023 Exposure to lead causes different things in children Vs Adults. Children: {{c1::Neurologic}} effects, colic Adults: Fanconi syndrome, saturnin…
Published 06/22/2023 Iron   Iron used to be a major cause of {{c1::poisoning}} in children until 1997 FDA rule mandating warning label, blister packaging, an…
Published 06/22/2023 Free iron is toxic. Iron is utilized in body bound to proteins. Absorption: {{c1::Ferritin}} Transported: {{c1::Transferrin}} Used: {{c1::Ferritin,…
Published 06/22/2023 What are the mechanisms of  toxicity of iron: {{c1::Fenton reaction, free radicals and lipid perioxidation }}
Published 06/22/2023 {{c1::Deferoxamine}} derived from Strep pilusus also has its own toxicities (pulmonary, hypotension, AKI, infectious) 
Published 06/22/2023 How do we get rust colored Urine?{{c1::Ferrioxamine}} causes Rust colored Urine
Published 06/22/2023 {{c1::BAL (British Antilewisite) aka Dimercaprol}}, initially invented as antidote to chemical agent Lewisite. It was named after Captain Lewis, …
Published 06/22/2023 5de4fee74e844c15bde5256770086223-oa-1
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Published 06/22/2023 5de4fee74e844c15bde5256770086223-oa-6
Published 06/22/2023 What is Silver? Similar to gold’s connection to the sun, silver consumed for its association with the mind and moon. Argyria and “Blue-bloods”…
Published 06/22/2023 694d1c002ebe4ba1a9fd544f43cd108f-oa-1
Published 06/22/2023 b183eb66ceb24950bb61718046bad0e8-oa-1
Published 06/22/2023 86337cb6053c462ca0e49c2e6608d3cf-oa-1
Published 06/22/2023 10d754a6fbda47e280d100a64133e0c4-oa-1
Published 06/22/2023 What role does manganese play in methcathinone users?Manganese in {{c1::methicathinone}} causes a persistent neurological disorder {{c1::neu…
Published 06/22/2023 Which 2 type of testings can be done to confirm neurological disorder caused by manganese in methcathinone users?{{c1::MRI:}} signal in the basal…
Published 06/22/2023 Damage to the basal ganglia cells may cause which problems?Problems controlling speech, movement, and posture. This combination of symptoms is called&…
Published 06/22/2023 What is the common cause of Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis Gadolinium?Gadolinium contrast used in MRI for patients with {{c1::renal insuffiency.&n…
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