Notes in Block 2 Suppliment

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Published 11/24/2024 Beta Subunit of Tubulin
Published 11/24/2024 Assembly of Microtubule and Microfilaments require
Published 11/24/2024 The plus and minus ends have the same {{c1::critical concentration}} but can exhibit different {{c1::rates}} of assembly/dissembly
Published 11/24/2024 GTP on alpha subunit
Published 11/24/2024 GTP hydrolysis is {{c1::NOT}} required for a MT to assemble
Published 11/24/2024 What does GTP act as in Microtubules?
Published 11/24/2024 ATP hydrolysis is {{c1::NOT}} required for a MF to assemble
Published 11/24/2024 What type of protein is actin
Published 11/24/2024 Tubulin assembles into MT in the presence of {{c1::Mg++}} and {{c1::GTP}}
Published 11/24/2024 Actin assembles into MF in the presence of {{c1::K+}}, {{c1::Mg++}}, and {{c1::ATP}}
Published 11/24/2024 ATP nor GTP hydrolysis is not specifically required. But why would it be required in the case of MT and MF
Published 11/24/2024 The rate of subunit addition is what order reaction, and what is it controlled by
Published 11/24/2024 Kon for MT and MF
Published 11/24/2024 Subunit Disassembly Reaction Order, what does it depend on
Published 11/24/2024 What happes in the lag phase
Published 11/24/2024 Is the Kon of the PLUS end Larger, Smaller, or Equal to the Minus end?
Published 11/24/2024 Is assembly.disassembly at minus end faster, slower, or equal to plus end
Published 11/24/2024 MTs aseembly is nucleated at {{c1::centrosomes}}
Published 11/24/2024 The NT nucleating structure is the {{c1::Gamma tubulin ring complex}}
Published 11/24/2024 What solves the rate limiting nucleation step observed during in vitro MT polymerization
Published 11/24/2024 Gamma tubulin ring complex contains how many seats for protofilmanets to bind to
Published 11/24/2024 What does the gamma tubulin ring complex remove
Published 11/24/2024 Noscapin
Published 11/24/2024 What overall changes the dynamic instabiltiy of MT once they are growing and shrinking
Published 11/24/2024 What is assemby and dissasmbly of MTs dictated by
Published 11/24/2024 Dynamic Instability is the race between
Published 11/24/2024 The Koff of GDP tubulin is {{c1::100X higher}} than the Koff of GTP Tubulin
Published 11/24/2024 What do motor proteins consist of {{c1::"heavy chain"}} and {{c1::"light chains"}}
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