Notes in Basic Cancer Bio Final

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Published 11/19/2024 pediatric cancers are {{c1::random::trend}} with {{c1::undescribed::type of}} causations
Published 11/19/2024 causes of pediatric cancer are {{c1::germline}}, {{c1::positive}}, or {{c1::unlucky}}
Published 11/19/2024 cancer with highest number of pediatric cases = {{c1::leukemia}}
Published 11/19/2024 top 3 most common pediatric cancers 1. {{c1::leukemia (from bone marrow)}}2. {{c1::CNS (either really early or mid/late in life)}}2. {{c1::bone}}
Published 11/19/2024 lymphoma pediatric cancer is in the {{c1::B and T}} cells
Published 11/19/2024 what are secondary malignancy pediatric cancers? {{c1::secondary cancer that arises due to treatment from first cancer}}
Published 11/19/2024 {{c1::cells}} that make up our blood are most common for peds cancers
Published 11/19/2024 why are blood cells most common for peds cancers? {{c1::divide very fast --> propagate mutation quickly}} and {{c1::kids are building up immun…
Published 11/19/2024 age vs proportion of cancer 0-4 age: {{c1::high incidence of leukemia}}5-9: {{c1::CNS tumor}}10-14: {{c1::lymphoma?}}15-19: {{c1::melanoma due to…
Published 11/19/2024 incidence of peds cancer: {{c1::pretty consistent over the years}}mortality of peds cancer: {{c1::decreased slightly over the years}}
Published 11/19/2024 most common leukemia {{c1::acute lymphoblastic leukemia ALL}}
Published 11/19/2024 what does survival mean?{{c1::survival after 5 years}}
Published 11/19/2024 what are the 2 pathways for leukemia cancer?{{c1::myeloid}} and {{c1::lymphoid}}
Published 11/19/2024 tumor of leukemia: {{c1::myeloblast}} and {{c1::lymphoblast}}
Published 11/19/2024 why is leukemia so susceptible? {{c1::it comes from a stem cell so divides and replenishes faster}}
Published 11/19/2024 ALL stats {{c1::2500}} cases per year {{c1::3-5}} years at diagnosis {{c1::90%}} cure rate {{c1::boys::more common in boy or girl?…
Published 11/19/2024 what cancer is this?{{c1::ALL}}
Published 11/19/2024 histology of ALL normal lymphoblast is {{c1::translucent}} to light tumor cell = {{c1::dark lymphoblast with dense nucleus}}
Published 11/19/2024 ALL treatment {{c1::chemotherapy until remission}} OR {{c1::bone marrow transplant following severe relapse}}
Published 11/19/2024 cause of ALL loss of {{c1::INK4a}} and {{c1::ARF}}gain in {{c1::any number of oncogenes}}
Published 11/19/2024 AML stats{{c1::500}} cases per year {{c1::all}} ages{{c1::60-70% long term::length of}} remission (?)
Published 11/19/2024 what cancer is this{{c1::AML}}
Published 11/19/2024 AML treatment{{c1::chemo until remission}} or {{c1::stem cell transplant}}
Published 11/19/2024 cause of AML{{c1::unknown}}
Published 11/19/2024 what do you do if symptoms persist (you have AML but u don't know yet) {{c1::blood test then marrow test}}
Published 11/19/2024 testing
Published 11/19/2024 testing pt.2
Published 11/19/2024 timeline of induction chemo{{c1::1 month high dose, on and off schedule}}
Published 11/19/2024 goal of induction chemo {{c1::kill 99.9% of tumor cells and achieve remission}}
Published 11/19/2024 timeline of consolidation chemo {{c1::several months of intense chemo, cycles}}
Published 11/19/2024 explain how consolidation chemotherapy works{{c1::several months of intense chemotherapy done in cycles start with baseline WBC --> dose --&gt…
Published 11/19/2024 goal of consolidation chemo{{c1::prevent resistance}}
Published 11/19/2024 maintenance chemotherapyonly use to treat {{c1::ALL::type of cancer}}{{c1::much lower treatment}}{{c1::2 years in girls, 3 in boys::years in boys and …
Published 11/19/2024 side effects of chemohair loss due to {{c1::hair follicle death}}const: {{c1::decreased appetite}}GU: {{c1::diarrhea, difficult to retain nutrients}} …
Published 11/19/2024 symptoms of leukemia Constitutional: {{c1::fatigue}} {{c1::fever}}, {{c1::infections}}, {{c1::easy bleeding/bruising}}Abdomen: {{c1::swelling}}EN…
Published 11/19/2024 what do u want kaplan meier curve to look like if pt is improving?{{c1::flat}}
Published 11/19/2024 medulloblastoma stats {{c1::20%::%}} of childhood brain tumors in {{c1::cerebellum}}{{c1::350}} cases/year{{c1::within first 10 years}}{{c1::boys…
Published 11/19/2024 symptoms of medulloblastomaNeuro: {{c1::headaches, clumsiness}}GI: {{c1::vomiting}}GU: {{c1::loss of bladder control}}{{c1::decline in school performa…
Published 11/19/2024 treatment for medulloblastoma {{c1::surgery}} --> {{c1::radiation}} --> {{c1::chemo}}
Published 11/19/2024 why do we do radiation before chemo for medulloblastoma? {{c1::chemo goes wherever and kills whatever}}
Published 11/19/2024 hodgkin lymphoma stats{{c1::800}} cases{{c1::boys::boys or girls}}{{c1::no racial difference::race?}}{{c1::98% if early, 90% if spread::survival rate}…
Published 11/19/2024 hodgkin lymphoma treatment{{c1::chemo}} --> {{c1::radiation}}need {{c1::biopsy}} to validate use {{c1::PET}} to label visualize tumor growth&n…
Published 11/19/2024 hodgkin lymphoma symptomsconstitutional: {{c1::extreme fatigue}}, {{c1::decreased appetite/weight loss}}, {{c1::night sweats/fever}}Skin: {{c1::itchyy…
Published 11/19/2024 {{c1::hodgkin lymphoma}}
Published 11/19/2024 cell only found in hodgkin pts{{c1::reed-sternberg, 2 owl eyes, 2 nuclei + 2 nucleoli}}
Published 11/19/2024 cause of hodgkins in african nations{{c1::EBV}}
Published 11/19/2024 non-hodgkin lymphoma stats{{c1::1050}} cases{{c1::boys::boy vs girl}}{{c1::white::race?}}{{c1::91% if early, 80% if spread::survival rate}}
Published 11/19/2024 NHL treatment {{c1:: same as regular hodgkin}}
Published 11/19/2024 NHL symptoms Constitutional: {{c1::weight loss}}, {{c1::night sweats}}Pulm: {{c1::cough}} and {[c1::wheeze}}ENT: {{c1::trouble swallowing}}
Published 11/26/2024 types of lymphoma in children vs adults children: {{c1::T cells, B cells, or large cells from either}}adults: {{c1::B cells and large cells}}
Published 11/26/2024 {{c1::Burkitt's lymphoma::peds cancer}} involves unique translocations
Published 11/26/2024 most common translocation in Burkitt's Lymphoma {{c1::Ig-Myc}}
Published 11/26/2024 function of Ig-H promoter {{c1::turned on in B cell to make antibodies}}
Published 11/26/2024 {{c1::MOPP protocol}} is 4 chemo cocktail
Published 11/26/2024 {{c1::osteosarcoma::ped cancer}} is bone osteoblastic, soft tissue cells 
Published 11/26/2024 {{c1::rhabdomyosarcoma::peds cancer}} occurs in soft tissue/muscle myoblasts
Published 11/26/2024 {{c1::ATRT}} is the most aggressive form of rhabdomyosarcoma and is likely a {{c1::p53}} mutation
Published 11/26/2024 {{c1::melanoma::type of skin cancer}} is least common but most lethal. 2 colors. Kills by metastasizing BBLL
Published 11/26/2024 {{c1::basal cell carcinoma::type of skin cancer}} is most common and presents as a small shiny bump. 
Published 11/26/2024 {{c1::squamos carcinoma::type of skin cancer}} is scaly and red. A scab that won't heal 
Published 11/26/2024 epidermis and dermis are separated by {{c1::basement membrane}}
Published 11/26/2024 most of epidermis made of multi-shaped {{c1::squamos}} cells
Published 11/26/2024 most common place for skin cancer {{c1::basal cells in the basement membrane}}
Published 11/26/2024 secondary treatment for basal cells {{c1::topical treatment}}
Published 11/26/2024 ABCDE rule is for {{c1::melanoma::type of cancer}}
Published 11/26/2024 ABCDE rule {{c1::Asymmetry}}{{c1::Border (hard to tell where it begins and ends, so more complicated to remove)}}{{c1::Color (melanomas are multi…
Published 11/26/2024 types of lymphoma in children vs adults children: {{c1::T cells, B cells, or large cells from either}}adults: {{c1::B cells and large cells}}
Published 11/26/2024 In Burkitt's lymphoma, {{c1::ARF}} or {{c1::p53}} are inhibited and {{c1::MDM2}} is amplified
Published 11/26/2024 In Burkitt's lymphoma, Myc attaches itself downstream to {{c1::Ig-H promoter}}
Published 11/26/2024 osteosarcoma stats age: {{c1::>10}}race: {{c1::black>white}}most are metastatic to the {{c1::lung::which BBLL}}{{c1::83%}} survival {{…
Published 11/26/2024 osteosarcoma occurs in {{c1::soft cell tissue}}
Published 11/26/2024 hallmark of osteosarcoma {{c1::bone growth formation with nearby bone loss}}
Published 11/26/2024 treatment for osteosarcoma {{c1::surgery (amputation)}} --> {{c1::chemo}} --> {{c1::radiaton}}
Published 11/26/2024 osteosarcoma symptoms {{c1::pain, swelling, decreased ROM, fracture::4 sx}}
Published 11/26/2024 Rhabdomyosarcoma stats age: {{c1::<10}}sex: {{c1::boys>girls}}race: {{c1::white>black}}
Published 11/26/2024 rhabdomyosarcoma treatment {{c1::surgery}} --> {{c1::chemo}} --> {{c1::radiaton}}
Published 11/26/2024 rhabdomyosarcoma symptoms neck: {{c1::lump that doesn't go away}}GU: {{c1::constipation}}eyes: {{c1::bulging eyes}}neuro: {{c1::headaches}}
Published 11/26/2024 {{c1::ulceration}} is when fast growing cells on surface die off fast and form bloody surfaces
Published 11/26/2024 melanoma can grow {{c1::anywhere}}
Published 11/26/2024 melanoma treatment {{c1::surgery}} --> {{c1::chemo}} --> {{c1::immunotherapy}}
Published 11/26/2024 what allows for vascular mimicry? {{c1::loose packaging bc allows for fluids to move}}
Published 11/26/2024 melanoma stage 1 {{c1::no lymph node involvement. contained}}survival rate: {{c1::95%}}
Published 11/26/2024 melanoma stage 340% survival: {{c1::really big but no lymph node yet}}20-25% survival: {{c1::any size, 1-2 lymph nodes involved}}
Published 11/26/2024 melanoma stage 4 {{c1::any size, any number of lymph nodes}}{{c1::BBLL}}these cells don't respond to {{c1::chemo}} but get better at responding t…
Published 12/03/2024 what cancer? 
Published 12/03/2024 Ovarian Cancer Stats (cases? deaths? lifetime risk? age?)
Published 12/03/2024 Ovarian cancer risks?
Published 12/03/2024 ovarian cancer symptoms?
Published 12/03/2024 ovarian cancer testing methods?
Published 12/03/2024 ovarian cancer staging?
Published 12/03/2024 ovarian cancer treatments?
Published 12/03/2024 Endometrial cancer stats (cases? deaths? age? race?)
Published 12/03/2024 endometrial cancer risks?
Published 12/03/2024 endometrial cancer symptoms?
Published 12/03/2024 endometrial cancer testing methods?
Published 12/03/2024 endometrial cancer staging?
Published 12/03/2024 what cancer?
Published 12/03/2024 what cancer?
Published 12/03/2024 non-hodgkin lymphoma outcomesStage 1: {{c1::91%}}Stage 4: {{c1::80%}}
Published 12/03/2024 Hodgkin lymphoma outcomesStage 1: {{c1::98%}}Stage 4: {{c1::90%}}
Published 12/03/2024 melanoma outcomesStage 1: {{c1::95%}}Stage 4: {{c1::10-15%}}
Published 12/03/2024 ovarian cancer outcomesStage 1: {{c1::90%}}Stage 4: {{c1::15%}}
Published 12/03/2024 endometrial cancer outcomesStage 1: {{c1::90%}}Stage 4: {{c1::15%}}
Published 12/03/2024 cervical cancer outcomesStage 1: {{c1::80-90%}}Stage 4: {{c1::0-15%}}
Published 12/03/2024 testicular cancer outcomes Stage 1: {{c1::>99%}}Stage 3 (idk where stage 4 went): {{c1::74%}}
Published 12/03/2024 prostate cancer outcomes Early stages: {{c1::10-15 years}}Middle stages: {{c1::50%}}
Published 12/03/2024 colon cancer outcomes stage 1: {{c1::90%}}stage 4: {{c1::10%}}
Published 12/03/2024 small lung cell cancer outcomestage 1: {{c1::30%}}stage 4: {{c1::2%}}
Published 12/03/2024 non-small lung cell cancer outcomestage 1: {{c1::45%}}stage 4: {{c1::1%}}
Published 12/03/2024 stomach cancer outcomestage 1: {{c1::65%}}stage 4: {{c1::5%}}
Published 12/03/2024 bladder cancer outcomestage 1: {{c1::88%}}stage 4: {{c1::15%}}
Published 12/03/2024 pancreatic cancer outcomestage 1: {{c1::14%}}stage 4: {{c1::1%}}
Published 12/03/2024 urothelial cancer outcome stage 1: {{c1::88%}}stage 4: {{c1::15%}}
Published 12/03/2024 head and neck cancer outcome stage 1: {{c1::78%}}stage 4: {{c1::34%}}
Published 12/03/2024 breast cancer outcome stage 1: {{c1::80%}}stage 4: {{c1::20%}}
Published 12/03/2024 {{c1::testicular}} cancer is young man's cancer {{c1::prostate}} is old man's cancer
Published 12/03/2024 testicular cancer risks {{c1::Purely random!No known hereditary/viral causesNo specific risks}}
Published 12/03/2024 what cancer is this?A lump, irregularity, enlargement in either testicle, typically only unilateralA pulling sensation/feeling of unusual heaviness in…
Published 12/03/2024 testicular cancer testing {{c1::Often self-detectedManual checkNo blood test/lab}}
Published 12/03/2024 testicular cancer treatment {{c1::Surgery → Chemo → RadiationSurgery: remove affected testicleChemo: stage II sometimes, stage III alwaysRadiatio…
Published 12/03/2024 cancer?{{c1::testicular}}
Published 12/03/2024 what is mentor {{c1::saline-filled testicular implant}}
Published 12/03/2024 prostate cancer stats life time risk {{c1::1/7}}age: {{c1::old >65}}race: {{c1::black>white}}
Published 12/03/2024 prostate cancer risks {{c1::Age, race, family historyTranscription factor TMPRSS2 fusions translocationsAR (androgen receptor) growth factor (sim…
Published 12/03/2024 what cancer is this?Usually no symptoms early (“wait and see”){{c1::prostate}}
Published 12/03/2024 prostate cancer testing (3){{c1::PSA blood testDigital rectal examBiopsy}}
Published 12/03/2024 prostate cancer staging {{c1::Gleason}}
Published 12/03/2024 prostate cancer treatment {{c1::Early stage: “wait and see”, radiation to lower PSAMiddle stages: surgery and radiation}}
Published 12/03/2024 cancer? {{c1::prostate}}
Published 12/03/2024 colon cancer stats lifetime risk {{c1::1 in 24}}race: {{c1::black>white}}
Published 12/03/2024 colon cancer risks {{c1::Diet, activity, obesitySmoking, alcohol, IBD, race}}
Published 12/03/2024 what cancer is this? Change in bowel habitsRectal bleeding/blood in stoolCrampingWeakness & fatigueWeight loss{{c1::colon}}
Published 12/03/2024 colon cancer testing {{c1::stool test + colonoscopy}}
Published 12/03/2024 {{c1::colon}}
Published 12/03/2024 colon cell environment setup {{c1::Hills and valleys in the lining of the colonStem cell zone at the bottom of colon crypt (valley), grow and pus…
Published 12/03/2024 lung cancer stats{{c1::127,000 deaths (high # of deaths)Can be bilateralCan be multifocal (rarely just one lobe)}}
Published 12/03/2024 lung cancer risks {{c1::Smoking!!Smoker: higher mutation rateNon-smoker: bad random mutations, typically worse clinical outcomeMain mutations: RA…
Published 12/03/2024 small cell lung cancer characteristics {{c1::Smaller size cells that grow and spread rapidly2 subtypesMore closely linked to smoking2 main stages…
Published 12/03/2024 non-small cell lung cancer characteristics {{c1::Larger size cells that grow more slowly3 subtypesMost common type of lung cancerStages range fro…
Published 12/03/2024 3 types of non-small lung cancer cells {{c1::Squamous (25%): near middle of lungs, bronchus}}{{c1::Adenocarcinoma (40%): mucus secreting cells}}{…
Published 12/03/2024 lung cancer treatments {{c1::Taxanes, pyrimidine analogs, etc…}}
Published 12/03/2024 cancer?{{c1::lung}}
Published 12/03/2024 stomach cancer stats {{c1::male>female: male vs female}}life time risk {{c1::1 in 111}}age: {{c1::60% cases over age 65}}race: {{c1::Hispanic …
Published 12/03/2024 stomach cancer risks (3){{c1::Exposure!! To pesticides and herbicidesSmoking, diet, obesityH.pylori: can lead to ulcers in pylori region, replace vill…
Published 12/03/2024 what cancer is this? Poor appetiteAbdominal painWeight lossSense of fullnessVomiting with/without bloodSwelling{{c1::stomach}}
Published 12/03/2024 stomach cancer testing {{c1::detect through upper endoscopy}}
Published 12/03/2024 {{c1::stomach}}
Published 12/03/2024 bladder cancer risks {{c1::male>female::male vs female}}life time risk: {{c1::1 in 26/28 lifetime risk (men), 1 in 89 lifetime risk (female)}}…
Published 12/03/2024 bladder cancer risks {{c1::Exposure!! To pesticides and herbicides (mostly farmers)Smoking}}
Published 12/03/2024 what cancer is this Blood in urinePain urinatingFull bladder feeling{{c1::bladder}}
Published 12/03/2024 bladder cacner testing {{c1::cystoscopy (through urethra)}}
Published 12/03/2024 {{c1::bladder}}
Published 12/03/2024 pancreatic cancer stats # deaths {{c1::very high bc only detected at late stages}}lifetime risk: {{c1::1 in 56}}race: {{c1::black>white}}
Published 12/03/2024 pancreatic cancer risks {{c1::Smoking, exposure, obesityRAS mutation (in 90% of cases)}}
Published 12/03/2024 what cancer is this?JaundiceAbdominal/back painPale/greasy stoolsNot very many nerves in the area ⇒ no pain until too late{{c1::pancreatic}}
Published 12/03/2024 pancreatic cancer testing {{c1::CT/MRI}}
Published 12/03/2024 pancreatic cancer treatment {{c1::whipple procedure (surgery}}
Published 12/03/2024 {{c1::pancreatic cancer}}
Published 12/03/2024 head and neck stats (cases, deaths, sex, age){{c1::67,000 cases15,300 deathsMale > Female (4:1, likely bc of alcohol and tobacco use)20% younger th…
Published 12/03/2024 head and neck cancer locations {{c1::1. Laryngeal (voice box) & hypopharyngeal (lower throat)2. Nasopharyngeal (upper throat)3. Salivary glan…
Published 12/03/2024 head and neck cancer risks {{c1::HPV and EBV}}{{c1::tobacco, alcohol}}
Published 12/03/2024 head neck cancer treatments {{c1::Surgery → Radiation → ChemoBad surgical option due to locationMay have pre-surgery radiation to shrink}}
Published 12/03/2024 {{c1::head neck cancer}}
Published 12/03/2024 head neck cancer genetic progression {{c1::Well-defined mutations between stepsINK4a deletion → p53 mutation → cyclin D amplification → PTEN depl…
Published 12/03/2024 adult ALL stats{{c1::40%}} occur in adults mostly {{c1::B}} cell (70%)treatment: {{c1::chemo then stem cell transplant. chemo isn't as aggressive…
Published 12/03/2024 adult ALL risks {{c1::exposure to radiation, chemical, viral (HTLV, EBV)}}
Published 12/03/2024 adult ALL genetics {{c1::DNA translocations ---> tons of unique translocations}}
Published 12/03/2024 what cancer is this?Tired, weak, dizzy Fever, infectionsBruising, bleedingEnlarged spleen/thymus{{c1::adult ALL}}
Published 12/03/2024 adult ALL prognosis (which one is better to get)age: {{c1::younger}}cell: {{c1::T cell}}
Published 12/03/2024 adult ALL treatment {{c1::2 years of chemo with risk for treatment-induced AML (highly lethal)}}{{c1::Full body radiationSCT (allogeneic vs autol…
Published 12/03/2024 adult ALL best case to worst case {{c1::remission > MRD (minimal residual disease > active disease}}
Published 12/03/2024 adult AML stats {{c1::more deaths than AML::death comparison to ALL}}types: {{c1::myeoloid progenitorsn (8 types)}}treatment: {{c1:: same as ALL}…
Published 12/03/2024 adult CLL stats {{c1::slower::rate of }} progressionage: {{c1::old}}main treatment + survival : {{c1::Leukapheresis 80%}}other treatments: {{c1::…
Published 12/03/2024 how does leukapheresis work {{c1::filter blood to remove excess leukocytes}}
Published 12/03/2024 CML stats {{c1::slow::rate of::}} progression main treatment + survival: {{c1::Gleevec 90%}}problem with the main treatment: {{c1::can lead …
Published 12/03/2024 adult hodgkins {{c1::REED-STERNBERG::cells}}{{c1::15-50::age}}survival {{c1::85%}}exam: {{c1::lymph node biopsy}}treatment: {{c1::chemo, radiatio…
Published 12/03/2024 adult NHL {{c1::B cell 85% or T cell}}death compared to regular hodgkin {{c1::more deaths}}age: {{c1::old}}survival {{c1::30-75%}}treatment: {{c1…
Published 12/03/2024 subtypes of NHL {{c1::anaplastic large cell (worst outcome)}}{{c1::follicular in lymph nodes}}{{c1::hairy cell}}
Published 12/03/2024 {{c1::anaplastic large cell lymphoma (adult NHL)}}
Published 12/03/2024 {{c1::follicular adult NHL}}
Published 12/03/2024 {{c1::hairy cell adult NHL}}
Published 12/03/2024 {{c1::mustard gas}} is a neurotoxin. at low doses, side effects = develop tumors
Published 12/03/2024 {{c1::aklylating}} agent in mustard gas {{c2::cyclophosphamide}}
Published 12/03/2024 how does cyclophosphamide work (mustard gas aklylating agent){{c1::makes mlx big so it can't cross BBB, so no longer a neurotoxin}}only damages {{c1::…
Published 12/03/2024 methotrexate and 5-FU are {{c1::anti-folates}}
Published 12/03/2024 cisplatin discovery {{c1::Dr.Barnett Rosenberg, experiment to test ability of electricity to stop cell cycle of bacteria and yeastBath with NaCl …
Published 12/03/2024 cisplatin is widely used as a {{c1::chemotherapeutic}}
Published 12/03/2024 {{c1::taxanes}} prevent microtubule disassembly 
Published 12/03/2024 common treatment for breast cancer {{c1::taxanes}}
Published 12/03/2024 irinotecan and topotecan (all end in -tecan) are {{c1::topo-1 inhibitors}}
Published 12/03/2024 etoposide and doxorubicin are {{c1::topo-2 inhibitors}}
Published 12/03/2024 u target topo-1 and topo-2 with {{c1::doxorubicin}}
Published 12/03/2024 monoclonal Ab target... (what and location){{c1::antibodies (inhibit receptors) OUTside of cell}}{{c1::small mlx inhibitors INside of cell}}
Published 12/03/2024 naming antibodies {{c1::murine}} = -momab (not used anymore bc mouse version not always compatible {{c1::chimeric}} = -ximab (can still be i…
Published 12/03/2024 how does CAR-T cell therapy work {{c1::find tumor --> find unique antigen on tumor --> manufacture T cell --> make receptors on T cell i…
Published 12/03/2024 new method instead of CART and how it works {{c1::OTS (off the shelf)}}{{c1::Look for groups of similar antigensMake premade receptors compatible…
Published 12/03/2024 phases of clinical trials (and # of ppl){{c1::pre-clinical trial: need target, drug, and who (patients)}}{{c1::phase 1: do no harm, test dose and…
Published 12/03/2024 cells associated with each kiind of brain tumor astrocytoma and GBM from {{c1::astrocytes}}medulloblastoma {{c1::cerebellum}}meningioma {{c1::meninges…
Published 12/03/2024 brain tumor stats: primary cases {{c1::2nd leading cause of cancer death in men ages 20-40}}secondary cases {{c1::same as primary::# ca…
Published 12/03/2024 what cancer is this? Headaches more increased intracranial pressureSeizuresNausea, vomitingFatigueLoss of function (walking, weakness, vision)Cha…
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