Notes in 4 ECG Basics

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Published 10/07/2024 Which is not component of a normal ECG?A. P waveB. QRS complexC. T waveD. U wave
Published 10/07/2024 What happens if the PR interval is prolonged beyond 0.20 seconds?A. First-degree AV blockB. Normal conduction
Published 10/07/2024 What is the normal duration of the QRS complex in a healthy individual?A. 0.04 to 0.06 secondsB. 0.06 to 0.10 secondsC. 0.10 to 0.14 secondsD. 0.14 to…
Published 10/07/2024 T/FThe QT interval represents the total time of ventricular depolarization and repolarization.A prolonged QT interval can lead to life-threatening arr…
Published 10/07/2024 What could happen if the ST segment is elevated?A. Myocardial infarctionB. Atrial fibrillation
Published 10/07/2024 What is the role of the AV node in the cardiac conduction system?I. Delay electrical impulses to allow atria to contractII. Transmit impulses to the P…
Published 10/07/2024 What is the normal range for the PR interval?A. 0.08 to 0.12 secondsB. 0.12 to 0.20 secondsC. 0.20 to 0.30 secondsD. 0.30 to 0.40 seconds
Published 10/07/2024 What would you expect if the QRS complex is abnormally wide?A. Ventricular conduction delayB. Normal conduction
Published 10/07/2024 Which phases of the cardiac cycle correspond to the QT interval?I. Ventricular depolarizationII. Ventricular repolarizationIII. Atrial depolarizationI…
Published 10/07/2024 The following are factors that can cause the QT interval to lengthen EXCEPT:A. Electrolyte imbalanceB. Certain medicationsC. TachycardiaD. Hypothermia
Published 10/07/2024 What could cause a reduction in the height of the R wave in the QRS complex?A. Pericardial effusionB. Myocardial hypertrophy
Published 10/07/2024 What clinical conditions can be identified by examining the ST segment?A. Myocardial infarctionB. IschemiaC. Atrial fibrillationD. Ventricul…
Published 10/07/2024 What is the average duration of the QT interval?A. 0.12 to 0.20 secondsB. 0.30 to 0.35 secondsC. 0.40 to 0.43 secondsD. 0.50 to 0.55 seconds
Published 10/07/2024 T/FA prolonged PR interval can indicate AV node conduction problems.The normal range of the PR interval is 0.20 to 0.30 seconds.
Published 10/07/2024 What happens if the Q wave is abnormally large?A. Previous myocardial infarctionB. Heart block
Published 10/07/2024 What does a wide QRS complex suggest?A. Normal ventricular depolarizationB. Delayed ventricular conductionC. Rapid ventricular repolarizationD. Premat…
Published 10/07/2024 T/FA tall, peaked T wave may suggest hyperkalemia (high potassium levels).Flattened T waves may indicate hypercalcemia.
Published 10/07/2024 What happens if the P-R interval is shorter than 0.12 seconds?A. First-degree heart blockB. Pre-excitation syndrome
Published 10/07/2024 T/FShortened QT intervals are usually a sign of electrolyte imbalances such as hypocalcemia.A prolonged Q-T interval can lead to Torsades de Pointes, …
Published 10/07/2024 Which phase of the cardiac cycle follows immediately after the beginning of the QRS wave? Isovolumic relaxationVentricular ejectionAtrial systole…
Published 10/07/2024 Which of the following is correct about ECG? A. The P-wave represents atrial depolarization and repolarization. B. The Q-T interval approxim…
Published 10/07/2024 What is the normal QT interval? 0.35 second0.20 second0.16 second0.13 second
Published 10/07/2024 When the recording lead II on an ECG, the negative electrode is the Left legRight armRight leg Left arm 
Published 10/07/2024 Which event is almost often associated with deviation of electrical axis to the left Pulmonary stenosisRight bundle branch blockAortic stenosisLe…
Published 10/07/2024 During the T-P interval in an ECG of a patient with a damaged cardiac muscle, which of the following is true? A. The entire ventricle is depolari…
Published 10/07/2024 A 60-year-old woman tires easily. Her ECG shows a QRS complex that is positive in the aVF lead and negative in standard limb lead I. What is the likel…
Published 10/07/2024 When recording aVL on an ECG, which is the positive electrode? Left armLeft legRight legRight arm
Published 10/07/2024 A 30-year-old man had an ECG at his physician’s office, but his records were lost. The ECG technician remembered that the QRS deflection was large and…
Published 10/07/2024 The following ECG tracing was obtained for a 60-year-old man who weighs 99.8 kg. Standard lead II is shown below. What is his diagnosis?First-degree b…
Published 10/07/2024 Which of the following normally has a slowly depolarizing “prepotential”?Sinoatrial nodeAtrial muscle cellsBundle of HisPurkinje Fibers
Published 10/07/2024 In second-degree AV block_____The ventricular rate is lower than the atrial rate.The ventricular ECG complexes are distorted.Stroke volume is decrease…
Published 10/07/2024 Currents caused by opening of which of the following ion channels contribute to the repolarization phase of the ventricular muscle fibers?Na+ channels…
Published 10/07/2024 In complete heart block_______Fainting may occur because the atria are unable to pump blood into the ventricles.Ventricular fibrillation is common.The…
Published 10/07/2024 The ECG finding below suggests that the patient may have__________PericarditisDigoxin toxicityHyperkalemiaHypokalemia
Published 10/07/2024 Which lead is the QT interval best measured? IIIIIIaVF
Published 10/07/2024 A patient’s ECG findings revealed visible U-waves, depressed ST segments, flattened T-waves, and prolonged QT intervals. What ion/electrolyte derangem…
Published 10/07/2024 What is the axis of the following ECG findings?Normal axisLeft axis deviationRight axis deviationExtreme axis deviation
Published 10/07/2024 A patient’s ECG findings revealed a pathologic Q-wave, as shown below. What could the patient have?HyperkalemiaHyponatremiaPrevious myocardial infarct…
Published 10/07/2024 What does this ECG finding reveal?Supraventricular tachycardia Ventricular fibrillationSinus tachycardiaAtrial fibrillation
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