Notes in 05_RBC

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Published 12/28/2023 What are the 4 iron measurements? 
Published 12/28/2023 Hookworms can cause what? What are the 3 we should know? 
Published 12/28/2023 With a gastrectomy, what happens to iron absorption? Why? 
Published 12/28/2023 The initial phase of Iron Deficiency Anemia presents as _______. 
Published 12/28/2023 Free Erthyrocyte Protoporphyrin (FEP) in IDA and ACD?
Published 12/28/2023 Dysphagia, IDA, and esophageal webs are the triad characteristic of which syndrome? 
Published 12/28/2023 Anemia of Chronic Disease initially presents as a __________ anemia. 
Published 12/28/2023 What are these cells called? What material is staining blue, and why has it accumulated?
Published 12/28/2023 Most common form of congenital sideroblastic anemia is due to? 
Published 12/28/2023 Lead can denature which two enzymes? 
Published 12/28/2023 Lab Findings in Sideroblastic Anemia (4)?
Published 12/28/2023 How would you characterize the differences in globin chain synthesis that cause thalassemias and sickle cell anemia?
Published 12/28/2023 Alpha Thalassemia and Beta Thalassemia are distinguished in one way by the types of mutations which cause them. Describe: 
Published 12/28/2023 What is HbH? What condition might it be seen in? 
Published 12/28/2023 What will you see on electrophoresis in someone who has alpha thalassemia 4 deletion? 
Published 12/28/2023 What results would one expect on β-thalassemia minor hemoglobin electrophoresis? 
Published 12/28/2023 Describe the pathophysiology, characteristic imaging, and clinical findings of β-Thalassemia Major
Published 12/28/2023 What is the difference between Megaloblastic Anemia and Macrocytic Anemia? 
Published 12/28/2023 Causes of Vitamin B12 deficiency (4)?
Published 12/28/2023 How does B12 deficiency cause neurotoxicity? What 3 tracts are affected?
Published 12/28/2023 What does the reticulocyte count tell you about a normocytic anemia? 
Published 12/28/2023 How do you identify reticulocytes on bone marrow biopsy or blood smear? 
Published 12/28/2023 Why is the reticulocyte count falsely elevated in an anemic patient? How do we adjust it?  
Published 12/28/2023 In a normocytic anemia, how can you tell if it is a result of underproduction or destruction? 
Published 12/28/2023 Where does extravascular hemolysis occur? 
Published 12/28/2023 What happens to haptoglobin levels in the early stages of an intravascular hemolytic anemia? 
Published 12/28/2023 What is an early change in intravascular hemolysis? 
Published 12/28/2023 Blood and urine findings in normocytic anemia due to intravascular hemolysis (3):
Published 12/28/2023 What disease demonstrates an increased mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) and red cell distribution width (RDW)? 
Published 12/28/2023 What cells does Parvovirus B19 infect? 
Published 12/28/2023 How is hereditary spherocytosis diagnosed? 
Published 12/28/2023 What is this?
Published 12/28/2023 Why are sickled cells sickled? 
Published 12/28/2023 What is the common vaso-occlusive manifestation of sickle-cell disease that one classically sees in infants? 
Published 12/28/2023 Howell Jolly Bodies are seen in which diseases? 
Published 12/28/2023 What is Acute Chest Syndrome? 
Published 12/28/2023 What is the most common cause of death of adults with sickle cell disease? 
Published 12/28/2023 Vasoocclusive crises in the kidneys leads to what pathology? 
Published 12/28/2023 Why do people with sickle cell trait have few symptoms? What causes the symptoms they have?
Published 12/28/2023 What is a metabisulfite screen? 
Published 12/28/2023 Difference between Hb Electrophoresis in HbS and HbSS? 
Published 12/28/2023 What is hemoglobin C? 
Published 12/28/2023 What disease is this histological finding associated with? What is the pathogenesis? 
Published 12/28/2023 Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemaglobinuria - describe the pathogenesis: 
Published 12/28/2023 Two blood findings and two urine findings in paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria? 
Published 12/28/2023 How do you screen for paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria? 
Published 12/28/2023 Main cause of death in patients with paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria 
Published 12/28/2023 2 complications that can develop over time from paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria? 
Published 12/28/2023 What are the 2 variants of G6PD deficiency? 
Published 12/28/2023 How can we screen for and then confirm a diagnosis of G6PD deficiency? 
Published 12/28/2023 Besides hereditary spherocytosis, what other disease is associated with spherocytes? 
Published 12/28/2023 IgG autoimmune hemolytic anemia is associated with what disorders? What causes it, and what is the treatment?
Published 12/28/2023 IgM Mediated Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia - pathogenesis and inducing conditions? 
Published 12/28/2023 Direct Coombs test vs. Indirect: describe what each detects
Published 12/28/2023 What is a myelophthisic process? 
Published 12/28/2023 Is malarial anemia a result of extravascular or intravascular hemolysis? 
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